Er… Oookay. THIS is a first to me, not the smutty part but… better read to find out. So. That being said.
Sorry for the capslock, but it was necessary. Anyhoo, a bit more info before you go along, this is an au post Goblet of Fire, so as far as canon it follows it up `til the end to book 4, after that it's all me. Not that there's gonna be much about the other year or the war against Voldemort, but I mention some things so, yeah.
Title: "voyage of a voyeur"
Rating: NC-17
Words: 5,438
Characters/Pairings: Terry/Padma, Harry/Hermione
Theme/Prompt: #098 - bathroom
Warnings/AN: post-gof seventh year au. In which Ayumi decides she doesn't want Sirius to die, and does not need horrorcruxes. Now, guess who's the voyeur.
Summary: In which an unlikely pair discovers an even more unlikely tendency.
Disclaimer: The Usual.
Padma gasped, gripping the top of the low wall separating the changing area from the bath in the Prefects' Bathroom. She let out a loud moan as Terry managed to push his shaft between her legs, rubbing it against her pulsing sex through the soft fabric of her robes. Every few seconds, when the angle of his hips was just right, he would rub against her clit and, Merlin, it felt wonderful.
Her eyelids dropped close.
Terry's thrusts became erratic as well as his groans became louder, but it didn't matter much; she made sure, with a few well-placed charms, that the two of them were unheard and completely invisible to all who ventured into the Prefects' Bathroom. She took in a shuddering breath, feeling herself get close to coming undone, and vaguely listened to Terry's half-hearted pleas to let him fuck her while he fondled her breasts.
Padma shook her head and felt him bit down on her shoulder to suppress a moan. One of his hands wandered down past her navel and homed on her clit, rubbing and pinching and-Merlin, she was so close.
"Oh… HARRY!"
Her eyes snapped open in time to see the Boy Who Lived, the Chosen One, thrusting one last time into the welcoming sex of his best friend, the Brightest Witch of Hogwarts, with enough force to lift her bum off the marble surrounding the pool-sized tub; and maybe that wasn't enough because the Brightest Witch of Hogwarts had her legs wrapped around the Chosen One rather tightly while her hands squeezed those perfectly shaped buttocks.
"God… Hermione…"
Harry's arms trembled and a second later finally gave into the weight of his upper body; he collapsed into Hermione with a thud, earning a soft groan from the brown-haired girl lying under him. Harry moved his hands to caress her tights, prompting her to untangle her legs, and Hermione loosened her hold on his arse but didn't let go.
The sight of them, clearly enjoying their post-coital bliss, made Padma remember exactly how she ended up in this situation. And she came.
Being a Seventh Year Ravenclaw, Padma Patil had an image to uphold.
NEWTs were nearly six months away, but being a proud member of the House of the Bright prompted her to begin preparing for those exams from the very moment she set foot on the Hogwarts' Express. But the main motivation to drive herself up the wall studying, and the motivation of all her housemates, was the hope to surpass the grades of Hermione Granger. Knowing, of course, that that feat was not attainable was a source of endless frustration and stress among her housemates.
Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor Seventh Years didn't care, nor did they try, to score higher than Hermione Granger. But for them, Ravenclaws, it was a limitless source of shame that a Gryffindor, a reckless and impulsive Gryffindor, would surpass them with so much ease.
Now, Padma had nothing against Hermione; the girl was a delight, if a little bossy, and always seemed eager to help anyone in need. She would be eternally grateful of her and Harry for creating the Defence Association, or how the Weasley Twins had so eloquently dubbed it, Potter's Army. It was because of them that the students of Hogwarts managed to survive the War when Voldemort brought it upon them at the end of Sixth Year.
Padma knew she and Parvati survived only applying what Harry taught them during the DA (or was it PA?) sessions; and those lectures were obviously designed by Hermione.
See? She had nothing against Hermione Granger.
But it frustrated her to no end to see Hermione breeze by this term with seemingly no effort what-so-ever! One would think that with no War, no mortal danger chasing her, and no death sentence hanging above Harry's head the Head Girl would spend all her free time in the Library revising for NEWTs, but no… she barely spent an hour a day after class, an hour! And not only that, no. As if falling behind Hermione's perfect scores wasn't bad enough for them, Ravenclaws, now they had to stand back and watch as Harry Potter finally decided to apply himself, following Hermione's scores as a close second; the only class were he surpassed her being, of course, Defence Against the Dark Arts.
No matter, that was neither here nor there.
What Padma needed right now was a long soak in the magnificent tub of the Prefect's Bathroom, some time to relax and forget all about her academics failures. Granted, Parvati thought she was mental, having the third place of highest score in the whole freaking school was nothing to be ashamed of, but her dear sister didn't know what it felt like to work your arse off studying only to fall third after two students that were rarely seen studying nowadays, or rarely seen at all, period.
Ah, but again, that was neither here nor there.
Finally reaching the door of the Prefects' Bathroom, Padma casted a quick glance at the parchment attached to the door and frowned. The parchment had a simple purpose: record the name of the last person to enter the bath and alert the students that the bathroom was currently in use. She kept frowning at the name displayed in bold letter while considering her choices; on the one hand, Padma didn't want to wait for the bathroom to be free as the wait could be really long, but on the other hand, she didn't want to confront a most likely naked Terry Boot and ask him to leave.
After a short debate within the realm of her mind, she decided not to wait around for the bath to be free, besides, as Padma saw it, she was stressed enough to warrant such action and she could always harass Terry into leaving. With a firm nod to herself, she gave the password and made her entry as silent as possible, there was no need to alert her fellow housemate of her presence just yet.
The lights surrounding the tub, which resembled a large marble pool, were dancing merrily in their place and thus casting a dark shadow into the dressing area, where she was currently in, while giving a soft glow to the bathing area. The steam rising from the tub made the place look very ethereal.
There were soft, peculiar sounds coming from the bath that Padma ignored in lieu of reaching the stacks of towels as quickly as possible, she was starting to get nervous about what she was going to do, when the sight of a silhouette made her stop. Drawing out her wand (she rarely went anywhere without it after the War), Padma approached the figure cautiously and relaxed once she saw it was only Terry.
Her fellow Seventh Year classmate didn't seem to hear her or notice her in any way, he remained standing next to the low wall separating the dressing and bathing areas, silent among the shadows, as if he were entranced by the tub or something. He was facing away from her, directly facing the tub, so Padma surmised she needed to make her presence known in the obvious way and then proceed to harass him into going back to Ravenclaw Tower.
But as she raised her hand to tap his shoulder, Padma looked past him and further into the bath, and was rendered speechless.
Because right there, sitting near the shallow end of the pool-sized tub with her eyes closed and moaning softly and facing them, was a very naked Hermione Granger.
Terry's infatuation with the appointed Head Girl was a well-known rumour among Hogwarts' population. Really, it was no secret he practically worshiped the floor Hermione walked on, as it was no secret that, other than being friendly acquaintances, Hermione didn't even give him the time of the day.
So, to catch Terry doing… this, being a peeping-tom, was, in Padma's (and certainly in every girl's) opinion, outrageous!
Quickly, Padma casted a Silencing Charm, covering a ten feet radius, around them, following with a powerful Privacy Charm and a Notice-Me-Not and a Cloaking Charm to make them invisible for good measure before rounding on Terry, placing a well-aimed slap across his face. That seemed to snap him out of his voyeuristic tendencies rather effectively, as he blinked a few time before his eyes widened in shock.
"P-Padma!" he exclaimed, hastening to pull his robes closed.
However, Terry wasn't fast enough and Padma saw how truly despicable his actions were, as his state of arousal was still very obvious through his closed robes. She really didn't need to be a genius to know what had transpired before she slapped him. Aiming another hit, Padma was stopped rather forcefully by a panicking Terry, who kept stealing glances at the naked girl in the tub.
"Padma, I-I can explain! Just, keep quiet-" said Terry in hushed tones, but she was having nothing of it.
"How could you?! How CAN you!? Spying on Hermione like this and-and… Have you ANY idea what will happen to you once Harry and Ron find out about this!?! Because they will! He will! Harry is going to beat you into a bloody pulp if not outright KILL you!!"
Terry looked truly scared after she finished screaming, casting a quick glance at Hermione and frowning briefly in confusion, he turned his pleading eyes to her. "Padma, please, I… Please don't tell Harry! I-this isn't what it looks like! I didn't come here to spy on her, truly! I didn't know she was in here until I was making my way to the tub, and then… I…"
Padma snarled at him, not caring to hear his excuses, what he'd done was inexcusable! "Then what? You just couldn't resist the free show?" Padma snorted in disgust at his guilty expression, feeling slightly sorry for him, but not really that much to actually have an impact on her. "Harry's reaction aside, what do you think Hermione would've done to you if she saw you? She isn't going to stay in that tub forever, you know. And before I came here, there was nothing stopping her from noticing you voyeurism."
"I'm not-"
Whatever Terry was going to say, was interrupted by a gasp followed by a loud moan coming from the tub, making both, she and Terry, look in Hermione's direction.
It was a sight to behold.
Padma, she could assure you, was completely straight. Her only appreciation of the female body was in a pure objective way, where she could look at another girl and say if she was attractive or not, if this hypothetical girl could be desirable, and so on. It was what every girl, and woman, did when asked about their opinion on the matter; and because it was perfectly normal for a straight girl to appreciate the body of another girl without sexual desires.
Thus, the jolt of desire she felt running down her spine, along with the blush settling on her cheeks, came as an unexpected and a little bit unsettling surprise. But, really, she couldn't help it.
Hermione had arched her back, displaying her breasts in all their glory, while throwing her head back as another moan tore past her parted lips. The tops of her knees could be seen surfacing the water and there was no mistaking where her hands were (and what they were doing, Merlin, one only needed to follow their path until it was lost under the water and between her spread legs). Her left hand surfaced, making a beeline for the opposite breast, kneading and squeezing it once she made contact. Her nipples were painfully erect and she pulled and pinched at the right one as if she were angry with it.
Out of the corner of her eye, Padma could see Terry trembling with desire and clenching his fists, probably in a feeble attempt to not… stroke himself at the sight of the brunette currently squirming from pleasure in the tub. She wanted to berate -probably slap- him again, but she found herself sharing and enjoying his voyeuristic tendency at the moment, if her tight nipples and the moisture between her legs said anything.
Terry breathed in, trembling slightly before addressing her. "Padma… do you… do you think Hermione would let me… help her?"
"He-help her?"
"Yeah, you know… get off… I just-I don't think I could keep watching and… not do something to…"
Padma swallowed and took in a shuddering breath; her mind already leaping ahead and picturing both she and Terry helping Hermione… relax a little. "You… you want to go in there and take advantage of her? She'd kill you… Harry will kill you."
"No, I… I don't mean that, but maybe if I ask her nicely she'll… want to? You can join too."
She wanted to be insulted that he thought she would want to partake in such activities-a threesome! Right! As if-ah, but she never even got the chance to deny it in her mind, for Padma (and Terry) was utterly distracted by the Head Girl. Again.
Hermione let out another orgasmic moan and shuddered briefly, she tensed for a few seconds and a single name escaped her trembling lips before her body went limp, sinking into the water until only her head was afloat.
Her lips twisted into a wry smile, realizing she should've known Hermione would masturbate to whatever image of the Boy Who Lived she had stored in her brilliant mind. Padma shook her head, thinking somewhat sadly that such revelation shouldn't come as a surprise, only she didn't know if the disappointment she felt was due to seeing her unreachable dream of getting Harry Potter crumble (because, really, when it came to Harry's affections, who would-could compete with Hermione Granger?), or knowing for sure that there would be no threesome in her immediate future that featured the lovely Head Girl.
Merlin, I'm not gay, thought Padma, almost with desperation, but still mentally urging Hermione to bare her body to her eyes and, maybe-perhaps, let her touch it as well.
"Oh, bloody buggering shite."
Ah, it seemed Terry wasn't taking this revelation any better than she; he probably was taking it worse, what with him fancying Hermione and all.
"I guess that answers your question of whether she'll want you to… you know," said Padma, remarking the `you' and ignoring the fact that he had invited her to join as well.
His erection, Padma noted, was not as prominent as it had been seconds ago. Understandable, really, after all who'd be aroused after hearing the person one fancied moaning the name of another? Certainly not her; especially not her.
"You never know… It might have been a mistake," but even as he said that, it was obvious he didn't believe it.
Padma sent him a pitying look before closing her eyes; she needed to regain some semblance of control or who knows what she might do… and with whom. Thinking back on what Terry said, Padma realized that Harry and Hermione weren't the only ones blindsided by their own delusions, because the level of obliviousness her fellow housemate was displaying equalled only that of the couple in question. This was the proof the whole school had been waiting for, or at least part of it. Now they only needed to catch Harry wanking off and see who his dream-girl was.
Turning to face the boy next to her, she prepared to deliver her best comforting words, while still berating him for being a peeping-tom, when his sharp intake of breath and narrowed eyes and painful expression stopped her.
"Oh, no fucking way."
Spinning around, Padma could only agree on his choice of words, because… what she saw now, that… was a sight to behold.
A black, messy haired man emerged from the steaming water until he was waist-deep in the tub; Hermione's legs were still placed on his shoulders but not for long; grabbing hold of her knees, he slid them down to his elbows and let them hang there. The man was facing away from them, but there was no mistaking that unruly, raven hair: Harry Potter in all his muscled and naked glory (and what a glory it'd be if she could see his front). From the angle of the tub Padma could still see Hermione quite clearly as the brown-haired girl smiled lazily at the responsible for such an orgasm (now, how he accomplished that, was a mystery).
Just then, Harry spoke. "Are you relaxed yet?"
"Told you that Gillyweed would come in handy."
Ah, well, that explained everything.
Drops of water travelled down a well-toned back, following the hard planes that were Harry's muscles now, and Padma yearned to let her tongue pick them up. Walking ahead, she gripped the low wall in her hands as the longing to be there in the water, with them, tried to claw its way out of her chest. No, no, no, thought Padma, I'm stronger than this.
Hermione sighed in content, and freeing her legs from Harry's grasp, she sat up straight on the steps of the pool, the water reaching bellow her breasts. She reached out to him, placing her hands gently on his waist and urging him to move closer. Harry chuckled, but relented nonetheless; he moved onto one of the steps and his hips were levelled with Hermione's face and if Padma tilted her head just so, she'd be able to see the tip of his cock brushing against the Head Girl's chin.
"Your turn, Harry."
"Are you sure…? Do you want me to sit on the edge of the tub?"
Shaking her head, Hermione gave him a seductive smile as her hands slid down to grab his bum. "You're just where I want you."
Squeezing his arse, the Gryffindor Head Girl moved onto her prize. Harry breathed in sharply, failing to stifle a groan, and grabbed her shoulders. At first, it was obvious he was doing his utmost best to not thrust his hips forward, but eventually lost the battle of wills raging inside him as, snaking his right hand into her curly hair, Harry began swaying his hips in time with Hermione's movements.
The bath was soon filled with muffled moans and groans, and Padma leaned forward in the wall, wanting to see how much of Harry's cock Hermione could take into her mouth. Suddenly, someone pushed her until she was bending over the wall and started fumbling with her robes.
Alarmed, Padma turned to look over her shoulder and shrieked. "What are you doing!?!"
But Terry wasn't listening, his eyes were focused on the couple in the bath, all the while his hands were busy fighting with the knot of her robes. Padma wanted to fight him, she really, really wanted to, but the situation was so arousing and… naughty. And a part of her was enjoying it (the tart in her as Parvati liked to say), because as Terry tore open her robes and pushed the back up over her arse, rubbing his straining shaft against her buttocks, she was getting progressively wetter.
But her protests were feeble at best, because Terry, his eyes still focused up ahead, pushed her knees apart enough to slip his throbbing member between her legs. She did, however, pushed him away when he tried to slip into her wet core.
Stumbling a few steps backward, Terry looked at her bewildered. He opened his mouth to object, maybe, or plead, but noises coming from the bath stopped him, and the both of them turned to look.
Harry shuddered violently, thrusting his hips forward and keeping his strong hold on Hermione's head, a deep moan tearing past his parted lips. When he stopped trembling, Harry pulled his hips back tentatively, and seconds later there was a soft popping sound and Hermione's face came into view. There was a pearly drop trailing down her chin as she gave Harry a wicked grin and then she swallowed, making a yum-ing sound that made the Boy Who Lived tremble again.
With a menacing growl, Harry pulled Hermione to her feet, making sure to rub their bodies together, and slammed his lips against hers, engaging her into a searing kiss. When they broke apart, gasping for air, he groaned again. "You… teasing wench."
"You bring out the best in me, Potter."
"May I impale you with the best of me then?"
Hermione grinned mischievously and stepped backwards, sitting comfortably on the edge of the pool once she reached it; there was a wicked glint in her eyes. And then, oh so slowly, she spread her legs, baring herself completely to Harry's (and her and Terry's) utmost delight. "Come and catch your Snitch, Mr Seeker."
Ooh, she looks delicious-no, no, no, stop it, Padma!
Harry growled again (and Merlin, how utterly sexy he sounded), advancing on her. He used his hands to pull her legs further apart and when he dimmed it enough, grasped his cock with his right hand (and there, Padma got a wonderful view of that perfect appendage, so big and hard and-ooh) and positioned himself. One searing kiss later, and the Boy Who Lived was buried to the hilt into the welcoming body of the Brightest Witch of Hogwarts.
"It seems I caught you again, my lovely Golden Snitch."
And the dance began.
Padma felt her body burning with desire and knew that if she didn't find some sort of release, soon, she might end up succumbing to Terry, and while she didn't find him repulsing, actually thought he was rather attractive if a little boring, she didn't want her first time to be… like this. And seeing them, Harry and Hermione, engage in what looked like a well-practiced act of lovemaking wasn't making things easy for her.
Chancing a glance at the young man behind her, she saw him as expected: his eyes glued to the displayed scene inside the bath, his hands rubbing his cock furiously and very close to the point of no return. Making a swift decision, Padma grabbed his wrist, pulled his hand away from his jutting member and wrapped her hand around it. The look on Terry's face was priceless.
"I… Let's make a deal. We… can do stuff. You can touch me and you can rub this against me. I'll let you do whatever you want as long as this stays out, understand?" After Terry nodded his head vigorously, she began rubbing his shaft, mentally comparing it with Harry's. "If you let me watch them, I'll suck… I'll suck you some other time, okay?"
Terry's eyed widened, casted a brief glance behind her back, to which his shaft twitched in response to whatever he saw, and then nodded again. "O-okay!"
Nodding herself, Padma turned around, pulling down the back of her robes, "Just to be safe," and set her feet apart to give his housemate enough room to… do his thing. Focusing her gaze on the couple, Padma couldn't help but moan at the sight of Harry's shaft moving in and out of Hermione's pliant sex, the girl already had a firm hold of his arse.
Seconds later, Terry was upon her.
After she'd ridden out her orgasm, and Terry had shot his load into her robes, Padma didn't have strength to remain standing, so she let gravity run its course and slid down the wall, pushing Terry to the side so he wasn't crushing her.
There were small gasps coming from the bath, but no other sound.
"Are… Are you relaxed… now, Harry?"
"Thoroughly… Enough to fall asleep… right now."
Padma heard Hermione giggle softly and then the sounds of someone moving reached her as well, Harry groaned deeply as Hermione let out a small gasp. Then she spoke again.
"Well, as tempting as that sounds, we have to go back to the Tower."
"Are you wishing you'd had accepted the Head Suit now?"
There was a soft splash, some giggling again and a faucet was opened somewhere.
"Not really, Harry. I would have had to share it with Ernie. And he's nice and all, but he's also the biggest gossip in Hogwarts second only to Lavender and Parvati."
"Ahh, and our relationship would've made it to the Prophet's front page in no time at all."
"Exactly. At least Lavender and Parvati gave me their word as Gryffindors that they would remain quiet until we decided to make it public. Now, hurry up, it's already past curfew."
"So? I have my Cloak."
"Harry! I'm Head Girl; I'm supposed to set a good example!"
"You have. I'm pretty sure every girl in school would love to be in your shoes."
"I give detentions for this kind of behaviour, you know."
"And how many times have you caught students doing what we just did."
"Not once, but last week was a close call when I stumbled upon Draco and Daphne."
"Yuck… So how many points are you going to take from me, Head Girl? Or are you going to punish me?"
"Ooh, I don't know, Mr Potter. Your Outstanding performance might sway me to give you some points, but then I would have to add the details to the report I do for the Deputy Headmistress."
"Ah, and we can't have that, now can we?"
"So, tell me then, as my performance was deserving of an Outstanding by your standards, and we both know how high those are, what will be my reward? Do I get to choose it?"
Padma couldn't see him, but she was almost certain Harry was giving Hermione a suggestive look. And apparently she was right, because right then Hermione made a huffing noise and the sound of light feet hitting the tiled floor followed soon after that. There was another splashing sound, and Harry was following his girlfriend back to the dressing area. Padma held her breath, hoping and pleading to the higher beings that her charms were still functioning, because just then the couple strode past her, heading for a set of benches across from where she and Terry were.
The charms were still working, because neither Harry nor Hermione seemed to notice them.
Hermione towelled her hair as dry as she could before pulling it up into a messy bun, and then proceeded to dry her body quickly. She put on her knickers, then her skirt, and sat down on the bench to slip on her thigh-high socks. "Pass me my shirt, love."
What…? Padma thought, vaguely noticing Terry panting next to her, his cock twitching lightly.
"No bra?"
"No, I… learnt a charm that works like a bra. Pretty-Harry!"
Harry, who hadn't even bothered to dry himself, and instead sat watching Hermione dress, had reached over to grope one of her naked breasts. Hermione gave him a reproving look, but it didn't last and she smiled at him affectionately.
She didn't pull his hand away. "Harry, my shirt. And get dressed." To make her point, Hermione grabbed the towel resting across his lap and placed it on his head, rubbing it once before retrieving her shirt from the hand that wasn't groping her chest. "Now."
Harry gave her a smirk and then did as told. Minutes later, they were both dressed and ready to go.
As soon as the door was opened, Padma expected them to leave, but Hermione stopped instead, looking at the piece of carved wood as if it were going to attack her.
"Yeah, love?"
"Did you close the door when you came in?"
Harry looked at her as if she'd gone crazy, a tender smile playing on his lips, but answered nonetheless. "Of course, it made a clicking sound and everything."
He chuckled as Hermione hit his arms, clearly exasperated. "Prat. Let me rephrase that. Did you lock the door?"
Hermione gave a despairing groan and hit his arm again. "Harry! Anyone could've come in, and they would have gotten a free show!"
Harry laughed good-naturedly and slipped his arms around her waist. Hermione tried to resist, but eventually relented to his unspoken apology. "Relax, my love," he said and motioned to the parchment stuck to the open door. "This paper alerts of anyone coming that the bathroom's occupied, right? They would've seen your name on it."
Hermione simply arched an eyebrow.
He laughed again, holding up a silvery cloak. "My Cloak, remember?"
"Oh, so you spent half an hour watching me soak in the water?"
"Hey, I like to see you relaxing in the tub. It's a pretty sight."
The Head Girl kissed him softly and stepped back grabbing his hand before starting to put out the lights manually. "Are you looking forward to this Christmas?"
Harry adjusted his cloak around his shoulders, and his body disappeared. "Oh, yeah. Though, I don't know what makes me more anxious, telling your dad I already married his little girl or…"
"Having him find out you've been shagging said little girl since the summer before Sixth Year?"
"Yeah, that. Don't suppose he'll let me kiss you good-bye before he kills me, do you?"
Hermione smiled gently, patting his cheek. "Oh, Harry. He's not going to kill you."
"You sure?"
She laughed lightly as she started dragging him out of the bathroom. "Well, he didn't kill you this summer, did he? And he already knew by then that you've been shagging me senseless."
Harry didn't answer, he simply looked back as the door was closing behind them, and for a moment, Padma would've sworn she saw the Boy Who Conquered smirk at her. The silence made itself present as soon as the door closed completely.
Taking a deep breath, Padma stood up and, feeling self-conscious, which was ridiculous considering what she'd been doing before, closed her robes and tied them quickly as she stepped away from the still unmoving Terry.
When she caught sight of his defeated stance, she felt a little bit guilty-and only a little bit. "Er… I guess… I'm sorry."
The dark-haired boy shook his head and stood up as well, closing his robes at a more sedated pace; he obviously wasn't up for anything else tonight. "It's alright. I knew my chances of getting Hermione were never… good. I mean, if before tonight they were pretty slim-"
"-and I only thought they were friends… Now that I know that they've been together-"
"Shagging for a year and a half."
"-and are actually married, I… Oh, bugger."
The slump of his shoulder was disheartening, but really, he had been a fool to believe he ever stood a chance against Harry Potter-no, sans that, against just Harry. Still, don't let it be said Padma was an unkind person that left her peers fall into depression.
"If it makes you feel better, it's obvious they love each other and will be very happy together. I mean, have you ever seen Hermione this happy? He's good for her. And you know better than anyone he'll protect her with his life."
Terry sighed but nodded in acceptance. "You're right, I should be happy for her-for them."
"Right, and… remember, she's not the only girl in the world. You'll find your perfect girl in time, Terry, don't worry," said Padma, and pushing her discomfort aside, patted his shoulder affectionately. "If nothing else, remember I still own you a blowjob."
Typical male, Terry perked up immediately at that. "R-right."
Turning serious, Padma stated clearly some ground rules. "Terry, we'll have to take an oath to never speak of what happened tonight, okay?"
He nodded slowly. "Okay."
Remembering Harry's smirk, which she still believed was a product of her imagination, she decided not to say anything to her housemate. "I don't think they saw us, but still, I think it'd be wise to avoid both Harry and Hermione until we're sure we won't say or do anything that might betray what we know."
After taking the oath, Padma told him, in no uncertain terms, to go back to Ravenclaw Tower because she wanted to bath. But before he left, she offered him something else to think about that didn't involve Hermione or Harry.
"I'll let you know when we can… stumble upon each other here in the bath."
All in all, it had been an interesting and very revealing night. Certainly in more than one sense.
It was a real shame there wouldn't be another chance for a repeat.
Yeaaaaaah. So, was it good for you? :P
Some clarification. Because Harry followed Hermione wearing his Invisibility Cloak, the "parchment" on the prefect bathroom's door did not register his name, thus, going blank and making anyone else believe the bathroom was unoccupied.