THIS, is what happens when I've got nothing better to do (quit job, here). Pointless fic, with no plots whatsoever.
But, yeah, it's kind of funny, or at least I think so. And while it could have been smutty, it's not. Rating is for the use of somewhat adult language.
Title: "it's only a tiny little step"
Rating: R
Words: 6,023
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Hermione, (brief) Lavender and Parvati
Theme/Prompt: #096 - bet
Warnings/AN: post-ootp sixth year au. In which there's a bet, a much too curious mind, and Harry.
Summary: "Only if you let me touch those." Harry should've known something like this would happen. Really, he should have.
Disclaimer: The Usual.
It all begins with a simple comment.
From Lavender.
You don't know what was said, only that it was enough to spark Hermione's competitive side and prompt her to seek you out and… well, you're still trying to understand her request.
It's only been two weeks since the start of term, a couple of hours after Quidditch try-outs, and you're already stressed out.
Funny, one would think that after defeating the Dark Lord, the Gods would pity you enough to let you live a normal life, but no. Of course not. No can do, can they? Nope, you're Harry bloody Potter, so no normalcy for you at all. And since there's no Dark Lords lurking around, the Fates thought it fair to send you a horde of crazed fans instead.
Crazy, desperate, and dangerous fans (if their attempts at filling you up with Amortentia tells you anything, it's that they're dangerous).
So, you find yourself making use of one of your Quidditch Captain's privileges: the Prefect's Bathroom. At the very end of today's practice, you remembered Hermione's word from early in the summer, about how your new status of Captain gave you the same privileges when it came to the Prefect's Bathroom.
Now, as you let the hot water relax your muscles, you think you've never been more grateful of Hermione, because you know, if she hadn't pointed out this little fact, you wouldn't have found out on your own.
It's because of these very thoughts that you're not really surprised when she suddenly appears next to the giant tub as if summoned. You are, however, very much struck dumb when you see her wearing nothing but a towel.
"Do you mind if join you?"
Her words are simple, but for all that's holy, you cannot seem to register their meaning.
Hermione gives you a timid smile and it's fortunately enough to snap you out of whatever stupor you fell in. Nodding quickly, you scoot over a little (not too much, lest she think you're trying to get away from her, but enough to make it seem like you're giving her some room) and thank all existing Gods for the layer of foam above the water.
Not wanting any kind of misunderstanding, you keep your gaze on the foamy surface until you're positive Hermione is under the water, at least neck deep. The water ripples around you as she lowers herself into it and you count till ten, and think of several disgusting things to keep yourself from reacting to her presence. Moving your gaze upwards, you count some more and take a quick glance to your side, only to catch a glimpse of a towel-her towel, and this time you can't stop it from happening.
You slid down the tub until the foam reaches your chin, and pray that Hermione passes your blushing face as a reaction to the heat and not to-er, better not go there.
"So… was it that bad, the try-outs, Harry?"
Her question startles you, forcing your hands to grip the edge of the step under you to prevent any kind of… inappropriate behaviour. You turn to look at her and find her pretty eyes (wait, what?) and soft smile directed at you. Hermione looks expectantly at you, waiting it seems, but you don't know what for, so you simply tilt your head to the side in confusion.
"So?" she prompts after several seconds have gone by.
"Harry," she huffs, and her hand shoots out of the water and grabs your chin, making you freeze up and she forces you to look directly into her eyes. "You were fine before you went to practice today, but now, you're stressed. So, I'm asking you, was it that bad?"
"The-the try-outs? Quidditch?"
You're trying to grasp the meaning of her words, but all you can focus on is the hand gripping your chin and how it might feel gripping your-NO, not going there. Nope. Not at all.
Completely ignorant to your inner turmoil, Hermione simply nods and slides her hand across your cheek affectionately. "Yes, the Gryffindor try-outs."
Quidditch. Yes, that's a safe topic. You can handle Quidditch. You cannot handle Hermione's incessant need to touch you while in the bathtub, naked. "Uh, yeah, yeah. It was… awful, the try-outs. Most of the applicants were girls and not even interested in Quidditch."
Hermione smiles, and pulls her hand away, giving you a respite. It's enough to give your mind some peace so it can focus on the conversation (never mind that a little voice in the back of your head keeps reminding you of how utterly bewildering the setting of this chat is).
"I think some of the girls weren't even in Gryffindor."
Hermione giggles a bit (a surprising fact, indeed), but suddenly there's no longer any tension and it's almost like you're sitting in the Common Room. Only, your mind can't forget the fact that you're in the Prefect's Bathroom, naked, sitting very close and you're sporting a raging-yeah.
Still, all that aside, you think you can relax (a little).
"I meant to tell you before, but Harry, it's not Quidditch that's popular," she says, smiles and bumps your shoulder (and only now you realize she's much more closer than seconds ago). "It's you. You've never been more popular, and honestly, you've never been more fanciable."
Ah, well, there goes your chance at relaxing.
You shake yourself mentally, frantically searching for a safe topic of conversation to avoid a potentially uncomfortable situation. "Oh, well, er… Wha-what brings you here? I mean, not that I mind-"
Hermione arches her eyebrows in surprise, blushing a little, so you hasten to clear any confusion. But, really, there isn't any.
"-and I don't mean that in a bad, or perverted, way, just-uh."
"It's okay, Harry," she says, smiling at you, but her blush remains and-and it does things to you.
"Well, I… you know why I'm here, so I thought it would be only fair to ask."
At this, her blush intensifies, and now you're curious. She averts her gaze, but you try to keep eye contact. Whatever it is, it must be important for Hermione to decide to come in here.
"Well, what is it? You obviously want to ask me something, something important, or you would have waited until I got back to the tower."
"Well, yes, but no, I mean… Yes, I want to ask something of you, but no, it really isn't important although it couldn't wait," she pauses, sends you a brief glance, than averts her gaze again. "I couldn't wait or I would have lost my courage."
Now, you are truly intrigued. Whatever it is, it must be huge for Hermione never loses her courage in the face of something. "Well, then, go on. Ask me." You realize you're urging her purely out of curiosity, because you want to know what has her so flustered.
It can't be that bad, you reason, this is Hermione you're talking about! The most sensible, responsible-
"I want you to show me… your penis."
-say what?
So, yeah, you're still trying to understand.
Hermione had fled the bathroom shortly after that, you remember. Oh, you remember her fleeing form rather clearly, as she had been rather naked at the time, probably forgoing the towel in her haste to return to her dorm.
But you don't remember what made her flee. Probably your stuttering, for you had stuttered, a lot, or your staring, yeah, that must have been it.
Either way, she fled, and you were left with a raging hard-on and the lovely image of your best friend's naked body glistening with water drops all over. That and, well, the knowledge that she wants to see you naked.
Well, no, not naked. She just wants to see the family jewels.
See? Not a pleasing thought, not at all.
Of course, you know Hermione is going to broach the subject again, but due to her… hasty retreat last week, you hadn't expected it to be any time soon. So, yeah, you are pretty shocked when you open the door to your dorm to find her sitting in your bed, a heavy-looking book propped up on her bent legs, and looking as if she owned the place.
"Uh, Hermione?"
The only hint of discomfort you see is her reddening face, other than that, she is the image of peace. "Hello, Harry. Go on to have your shower, don't let me keep you."
Befuddled, you do as requested, dully noting Ron striding into the room only to halt at the sight of their mutual best friend. You don't know what happens next, what is said, because you close the door to the bathroom and proceed to take a shower. Once you're showered and dressed in a pair of red, gold-trimmed sweatpants and a loose t-shirt, you step out of the bathroom only to find the dorm empty except for Hermione.
"Where are…?"
"I told them to make themselves scarce for a few minutes," Hermione says, closing the book on her lap a little too forcefully. "I didn't think you'd want an audience for this talk."
No, really, you don't. Because by the looks of it, Hermione is either angry, or very angry; there's no other reasonable explanation to her eerily calm demeanour and-
Oh, God, she's going to berate me for what happened, but… but… I didn't do anything!
"Well…" you begin nervously and start to fidget once she stares for a little too long.
Of course, before you can start apologizing for, for whatever it is you did to offend her, Hermione blushes bright red and averts her gaze, muttering something you can't quite catch.
"Hermione, I… I didn't quite catch that."
Your tone is soft, soothing, hoping to calm her and keep her calm before she explodes on your arse (or makes your arse explode, whatever comes first).
A deep breath later, and she's talking again. "I said, have you thought about my request?"
Her blush, if anything, seems to intensify, and, feeling utterly surprised, you think you're most definitely dreaming, it's just-surely, she couldn't possibly have said that.
"You mean… you still want to?"
Her timid nod floors you, so much so, you have to lean on the bedpost of your bed to keep standing. And now you're faced with a decision, you can agree right away (and, really, you want to) or you can be noble and decline (which is a big no-no) her offer. Such a complicated decision, so much to think-
"Yeah, okay."
-or not.
Hermione looks surprised with your answer, and it makes you wonder if she actually expected you to refuse (and shouldn't you be doing that, you know, for the sake of friendship and Ron and… stuff?), but recovers quickly and scoots over to the edge of the bed; then, she waits.
"Er, well, how… how do we do this? Standing…?"
"Standing, yes," she says quickly and stands up, closing the little distance between you with a few steps. "Um, well…"
You swallow the lump in your throat and try to stomp down the urge to flee; fisting your hands spasmodically, you decide to be a Gryffindor and charge ahead. "Should I…?" You let the question trail of, motioning vaguely with your hands to your lower regions, your mind already conjuring up disgusting images to stave off whatever reaction this is wont to elicit in you.
She opens her mouth to talk, the closes it, her eyes lock with yours, then they drift down to your nether regions, she blushes and looks up again. "Can I…?"
"If you want to, yeah."
"Alright, then."
Her hands tremble slightly, she's nervous, but then, so are you. Her fingers push aside your t-shirt, leaving your navel on plain sight, and then they trail down, brushing your skin but not really touching it, until they reach its destination. Your mind is reeling, forcing disgusting upon disgusting image to stand out (Snape on a dress, Snape on a bikini) and drown out the voice urging you to tell Hermione it is okay to touch-
"I… ready?"
You nod, your voice is going to fail you if you try to talk, so you nod.
She acknowledges your consent, and this time her fingers do touch your skin, caressing it lightly before slipping under the waistband of your sweatpants. You shiver and struggle to think of anything (Snape and Dumbledore in a bikini, Snape and Dumbledore taking off each other bikinis) but the pretty girl whose hand is slowly tugging at your pants. Your eyes go up to the ceiling and you bite your lower lip when Hermione finally pulls the fabric away from your waist and stops. Vaguely, you wonder if she's going to push them down to your ankles (and that's an image you do not want to think of right now!), but as it is, your sole focus is in preventing an unwelcomed reaction.
Of course, her soft voice, filled with wonder, makes you look down, at her, at her scarlet face and shining eyes and parted lips as she stares and-and her other hand is moving, pressing against you navel and sliding down and-dear God.
Your dick twitches and lurches up.
Hermione had fled again, leaving you as confused as she left you in the bathroom.
It confuses you even more when the following weeks she acts as if nothing happened, as if she had not, well, seen your privates. Of course, that is only when Ron or someone else is around, because as soon as you two are alone, she flees again with a bright red blush colouring her face.
It takes you time, and surprisingly a lot of planning, to corner her and have a chance to talk. Because you need answers! You want to know what made run away and, more importantly maybe, what made her ask such a thing from you (not that you're complaining, but hey, you're curious).
Your chance presents itself during study break. And it's easy, as you expected. After all, little matters more to Hermione when she's surrounded by books, especially those books that have yet to be explored.
You find her at the very back of the Library, the aisle before reaching the Restricted Section. She's perusing an ancient-looking book, completely unaware of her surroundings, and you think of how vulnerable she is right now. Good god anyone could come back here and-
-startle her.
Hermione looks wide-eyed at you, one hand holding the book she's been reading and the other placed firmly on her heaving chest (don't stare, boy, at least not for too long). It only takes her a moment to realize she's alone with you, and she starts looking for a way out, like a cornered animal. However, before you can even think to block her way out, Hermione seems to resign herself to whatever is going to happen.
"You want to talk about what happened… in your dorm?"
Her voice sounds nervous, but she's looking determinate, if a little flustered to be alone with you.
Clearly not expecting this to be that easy, you remain speechless for several second, before nodding. "I… was just curious, that's all."
"Okay. Um, what…?" Hermione motioned with her hand, willing you to fill in the blanks of her question.
"I was curious about your reaction, I mean… you asked me, Hermione, and yet… you've run away both times. What's up with that?"
"Ah, well. I was just embarrassed."
Whatever you looked like after she says that must have been pretty pitiful because Hermione rushes to your side and pulls you into a comforting embrace.
"No, no! Not because of you! Oh, Harry, don't take it the wrong way. This is all me, I swear!" One last squeeze and she lets you go, looking more like the Hermione you've known for years for the first time in days. "It's just-I think I've made a mess of everything."
You're about to reach for her hand and try to comfort her (though, you still don't know why she's upset), when a fit of giggles coming from behind you makes you freeze. Turning around you see Parvati and Lavender glancing from you to Hermione and back before dissolving into a fit of giggles again. You try to catch Hermione's eyes and somehow convey your need for privacy, but you can only stand and watch as she gathers her books before making a hasty retreat.
The two giggling Gryffindor girls approach slowly, smiling a little too smugly for your comfort, until they stand one at each side of you.
"Hi, Harry," they say in unison.
"Um, hi."
Lavender gives her friend a pointed glance, obviously an unspoken sign, because Parvati presses closer to your side and gives you an enticing smile. Your stomach clenches, and not exactly in a pleasant way.
"So, Harry, how does it feel to be Quidditch Captain," says Parvati, running her fingers lightly up your arm in what you believe is a sensual caress. "Any good?"
You swallow, and as politely as you can, extract your arm from her grip. "Er, yeah. Um…I have to… bye!"
Not caring if it looks like you're running, because you are, you hasten to leave that secluded area of the Library. Only, as you're walking away, you hear something that makes you freeze-again.
"Are you sure Hermione asked him?"
"Of course, Parvati. Didn't you see them? Hermione was all flustered. Besides, I persuaded Ron to tell me."
"He knows?"
"No, not about the bet. But he told me Hermione has been acting a bit off as of lately, especially around Harry."
You pull out your Invisibility Cloak and wrap it around you, and slowly, carefully, make your way back to the aisle where your classmate are gossiping. You don't dare look around the shelf for fear of something happening that would make the girls stop talking. God, you know it's wrong, but Hermione's behaviour has had you going nuts, and here is a chance to understand what the hell is happening to your best friend.
"Lavender, that doesn't mean anything. For all we know, she just stopped denying her feeling for Harry and doesn't know how to act around him anymore."
"Oh, she stopped denying her feelings alright, but she also asked Harry to let her play with his special wand."
Wait, feelings? What feelings and what special wand? I have no special wand.
"But still, how do you know she didn't ask Ron?"
"Because Ron is not capable of keeping it quiet, he would be strutting about the school with a shit-eating grin on his face and, maybe more importantly, he would be bragging. He'd brag about it and lord it over all the boys in the Tower, especially Harry."
"Uh, you're right. Ron's not subtle at all… Oh shite, she did ask Harry! He'd never gloat about something like that, especially if Hermione's image is on the line! Oh, bugger…"
You nod firmly at Parvati's statement, because yes, you would never do something that could endanger Hermione's image.
"What was your first clue?"
Oh, hell, you so want to look around the corner to see the girls' expressions. You can only guess so much, and even if you are pretty certain Parvati sounds sarcastic, you need visual confirmation. Maybe you should just leave now while you still-
"Hey, no need to get bitchy with me. I'm not the one fondling Harry Potter's family jewels."
-come again?
You sit in front of the fireplace, ignoring all the lively chatter going on around you as you ponder about the recent discoveries you've made.
Lavender made a bet with Hermione, you still don't know the specifics, but it somehow relates to her request. Parvati fancies you, or at least finds you attractive and is disappointed that Hermione got to you first and… and…
And Hermione has feelings for you. What kind of feelings, you don't know, but certainly not platonic feelings or she wouldn't feel uncomfortable after what happened in the dorms.
Bugger, you need more information about all this, but the only person you could think to ask is Hermione and she's been avoiding you since the day in the Library. Lavender and Parvati are a no-no, or you'd have to admit to eavesdropping on their conversation.
Just then, the portrait slams open and in comes Ron and Hermione, neither looks happy, in fact, Hermione looks ready to snap.
"Hermione," you call.
And she does snaps.
"What?" She doesn't go further than that, and taking a few calming breaths, she addresses you again. "Sorry, Harry, I didn't mean to snap at you, but… it's been a hard day for me."
As she says this, her eyes move towards Ron who tries to look as unconcerned as possible while still managing to look guilty. But, really, you don't have the time nor the energy to care now.
"Right. Can I have a word with you, in private?"
Maybe, you sound too serious, because your question draws the attention of everyone currently in the Common Room. Hermione looks surprised, but then slowly starts to become nervous.
"Right now?"
"Oh, I…" Her eyes dart around, probably trying to find an excuse or maybe help to avoid this, but she finds nothing, everyone's too curious to do anything. "Alright, then."
You grab her hand and lead her up the stairs to your dorm. You say a silent thank you when you find it empty and quietly close the door behind Hermione. She sits on your bed and pretends to straighten the creases on her skirt as a way to avoid meeting your eyes. It astonishes you, sometimes, how well you can read her.
"So, tell me about this bet you did with Lavender," you say, and probably it's not a good idea.
But you realize it too late as Hermione covers her face with her hands and groans in what you can only suppose is shame. That her whole demeanour suddenly sags in defeat alarms you and you hasten to reassure her.
"I didn't mention it to make you feel bad! I just… was curious I guess." Tentatively, you sit by her side and place a hand on her shoulder. "I really didn't mean to make you feel any more uncomfortable than you already feel around me…"
Well, wow, way to kick up the pity act.
It works though, because Hermione raises her head, gives you a little smile, and then grasps your hand in hers. "It's okay, Harry. It's just… you weren't supposed to find out about the bet and… oh. It's silly."
"Tell me anyway."
So she does. She tells you how Lavender had purposely talked aloud of how she could get any bloke to drop their pants at the blink of an eye. And how she was going to make it her personal challenge to get as much boys to do that as possible (and, hell, cocktease much, Ms Brown?) here at Hogwarts, starting with their year.
That's when Hermione's tale got interesting.
"She knew I was listening, Harry, and she flaunted the fact that Ron was going to be the easiest of you all and, dammit Harry," Hermione looks very agitated as she takes a deep breath. "She asked me how to go about convincing you!"
"As if I would know! As if I would tell her!"
She jumps to her feet at this point, and starts pacing like a caged lioness right in front of you. Hair all wild, cheeks flushed, chest heaving, and even sporting a half-crazed look.
You think she looks beautiful.
"And when I refused to answer, she goes and says I probably wouldn't know a thing about how to seduce a guy and how I would never have the nerve of even asking one to drop his trousers-I couldn't help it, Harry! I hate when people think of me as nothing but a walking encyclopaedia, but to hear it from a girl with whom I've been sharing a room for over five years? A girl I thought, while not best friend forever, was at least my friend and knew me better than that? I just couldn't help it."
You grab her wrist and make her sit down; because her pacing is making you dizzy and her ramblings are quickly losing all and any sense.
"So, that's it?"
Hermione shakes her head and turns to give you a sheepish glance. "No. She… she dared me to… you know."
Her incoming flush is endearing, but your curiosity triumphs over you teenage boy desire to kiss her and-good God, Hermione is rubbing off on-yeah, okay, just not that way. Right, yeah, back on track.
"Ask a bloke to show you his penis?" You finish the question with a simple hand gesture.
But far from nodding, and agreeing verbally, Hermione blushes bright red and shakes her head. "No. She actually dared me to ask a boy to let me touch his, you know."
Several seconds go by in silence, you try to wrap your head around the fact the Hermione has to actually touch you (well, she didn't say that, but if she already asked you to show, certainly, the next logical step will be…) there, but fail-or maybe not, if the twitching in your groin means anything at all.
"I, um, right. Well… uh, what-I mean, how will she know you actually…?"
"She has an enchanted… object to determine if the task was complete or not. I only need to touch it to prove it."
"Er, that's… ingenious."
Another prolonged silence falls upon you.
Then you talk. "So… what does that mean…?"
"What does that mean, what?"
"For me?"
Oh, damn, Potter, that is so not cool. And the fact that you feel like dying only reinforces that thought.
Hermione suddenly looks nervous, and it gives you a small grain of hope that you didn't screw things up.
"Well, I didn't… think you'd be comfortable with this, so I tried to get things back to normal," she says, and it rather explains her behaviour for the past few weeks. "Besides I don't think you'll find me arousing."
You know, you're completely certain, that the last sentence is not meant for you to hear, but you do and now feel compelled to right her faulty logic. After all, she is the one that shows up before you in your dreams wearing nothing but her birth suit.
"You're wrong."
"Hermione, you might not believe but I find you incredibly attractive and… You don't know but, in the Prefects' Bathroom, you had me on edge the whole time trying to conceal a raging hard-on. And it was the same the last time we were here. You didn't see it because you closed your eyes before it happened, but I-"
Her expression makes you stop, because she looks vulnerable and hopeful and pleased and embarrassed, and that confuses you more than anything this world has ever thrown your way.
"You really mean it, Harry? You're not just saying that to avoid hurting my feelings?"
"Yeah. I… kind of have the image of your naked body burned into my brain." Her tilting head and confused expression make you blush this time (and just how weird is it to be talking about this with your best friend). "You left in a real hurry that night in the Bathroom."
"Oh." She fidgets nervously, averting her gaze briefly before locking her eyes on you; her blush, it seems, has become a permanent fixture on her face. "Harry… would you mind-would you let me…?"
You swallow, and you really, really want to (or not) deny her-for the sake of friendship, for the sake of Ron-but then you remember her glorious naked body, glistening with water drops, and the wonder on her face as she pulled at the waistband of your sweatpants. You remember the worry she displayed at the prospect of messing things up between you two and-and the surge of affection you feel now and the hope that these "feelings" she has for you are, well, real.
Because that would be great, that would be brilliantly perfect. Best friends in love, and hey, you are supposed to be the Hero of this story so it's only fair you get to marry the Heroine (and let's forget, for now, all these thoughts about marriage).
"Only if you let me touch those."
Hermione arches an eyebrow, prompting you to explain your statement with only her expression. You understand, of course, and point at her chest. Her eyes drift towards the ceiling, deep in thought, before focusing on you seconds later.
Neither of you get to touch anything as Ron interrupts before anything can happen. But the promise is there, you both want it, only the perfect time is needed.
The first Quidditch match is a success, but instead of attending the party, you pull Hermione back before reaching the portrait of the Fat Lady. She questions your actions, but you say nothing and lead her to the Room of Requirements.
Neither of you is surprised to find a bedroom behind the door provided by the Room. Although, it is a little shocking how… enticing it all looks. The bed looks like you assume look all of Hogwarts bed, only larger and… white. It's all white. The curtains (the sheer curtains, you realize), and sheets, and bedspreads and-yeah. It all looks so… pure and innocent and not at all what you expected considering what's about to happen.
So, what? It's not like we're going to shag or anything, just… we'll just touch each other's private bits, `tis all.
That thought, however, doesn't prevent the blush climbing up your neck. "Well…"
"Let's undress?"
Hermione blushed scarlet as the words leave her mouth, but she looks resolute, so you nod and both walk closer to the bed, facing away from each other you start to remove your clothes. Your robe goes first, your sweater, tie, and shirt follow. You bend over to untie your shoes and remove your socks, and then straighten up and unbuckle your belt. When your hands are undoing the buttons of your trousers, Hermione's voice halts your movements.
"You know… I always thought that the first time I did this would be with… my boyfriend."
You stop, turn and stare at her for long seconds. Hermione turns slowly and stares back. She wearing nothing but her underwear and a white, unbuttoned blouse, and she looks beautiful. There's this troubled expression on her face that goes away after what seem a long and hard internal struggle, then she's smiling timidly at you as she holds the blouse close and waits for you to say something.
And as it's been the norm as of late, especially around Hermione, you blurt out the first thing that crosses your mind.
"Alright, then."
Hermione blinks a couple of times, tilting her head in confusion as she prompts you silently to elaborate. You do.
"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
Then again, you always did prefer not to beat around the bush. That aside, this whole situation must have been troubling for Hermione for her usually bright mind does not seem to catch up with your question as she only keeps blinking in confusion. So, you sigh, walk the few steps to close the distance between you and grab her hands, letting her blouse to fall open.
Alas, your admiration of her body is not meant to last, as her incredulous voice startles you. "What do you mean-girlfriend?"
"Well, I guess my question should be more along the lines of would you like to make it official, girlfriend of mine?"
You smile, thoroughly amused by her stuttering. After all, it's not every day one gets to see Hermione Granger stutter. You wonder if you can render her speechless. "Yes, well, haven't we been dating for years now? All that is left to do is make it official and, yeah, get the benefits of dating."
She's going to rebuke you, you know, but then she stops and seems to think about it and then her eyes widen and she looks at you, shock written in every line of her lovely face (you're getting to corny, Potter). You smile.
And then you think. Before now, you didn't believe it important, the way the two of you acted around each other. Hermione always seemed to care more for you than for Ron, it showed, in the way she always looked after you, the way she went out of her way to help you, even when it went against her instilled habits. And the physical contact, the hugging, the hand-holding-the kissing-on-the-cheek.
You want to reason, she kissed Ron on the cheek too, but then you think, it was just the one time. You? Lost count of how many times she's done it to you, she's always been so affectionate.
Of course, you reciprocated. Not as enthusiastically, but in your own little way. I mean, you don't really like people touching you unexpectedly, but with Hermione it doesn't bother you in the least, in fact, you welcome her advances with much gusto. She's always your first choice when you seek comfort or advice; it's always her the one you go to talk, even if it's just idle chatter.
Really, it's a wonder it took you this long to realize it.
"Oh, Harry. We have been dating for years!"
"Yeah. I mean, other than not having snogged or… shagged, we've done pretty much all there's to do in a relationship."
Hermione looks contemplative for a while, then slowly, she frees her hands and slide them around your waist, pulling your bodies together. "You, Mr Potter, are a cheater."
There's a wicked glint in her eyes as he hands travel around to the front of your trousers. "Yep. Cho Chang, rings any bells?"
A hard tug later, and you're standing with your pants around your feet.
"Well, Ms Granger, I like to think we were on a break around that time of my life. Besides, you encouraged me. If you hadn't pointed it out to me, I would've never noticed her advances." You smirk, and making use of your Seeker reflexes, pull her blouse off. "Also, don't forget, I cut the one date I had with her short for you."
"Good, Harry, you can learn."
A blink later, and both of you are standing in nothing but knickers and boxers shorts. Her fingers play with the elastic band of your underwear, but her eyes are fixed on your own; she looks nervous, even when doing her best to hide it. You smile and caress the skin of her waist in an attempt to make her relax, only just succeeding.
"So, um, we're together now? For real?"
"Only if you want to," you say.
"I do."
Whatever tension remains, slips away as she smiles at you and wraps her arms around your neck. Without needing any prompting, you close the little distance between you and kiss her lips, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her flush against your semi-nude body.
As far as second kisses go, this one is perfect, gentle and loving, slowly building up to passionate and needy. It's perfect, and you can only wish to live long enough to keep enjoying them.
When you part, you both are breathing heavily, but sporting identical smirks. Then, it stands to reason why people say boys are a little slow in some areas of life, as Hermione is the first one to talk.
"So… I'll let you touch mine if you let me touch yours?"
Of course, you always were proud of your quick reflexes, allowing you to react promptly. Thus why your only response (the perfect response if her moans are anything to go by), is to draw her into another earth-shattering kiss.
Yeah, er, was it good…? :)