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Stories by Tarie

  1. Stars in My Belly by Tarie

    Expectations are hopes pinned on a false idol, and he hasn't ever felt as fake as he does now.

  2. The Best Part of the Day by Tarie

    Birthdays can be traumatic.

  3. The Sweetest Death by Tarie

    James accidentally stood Lily up and is certain she's going to kill him. But he never would have thought death could be so sweet.

  4. Doors and Leaks by Tarie

    It had been a long time since she had watched something or someone without them knowing she was there. But it hadn't been so long ago that the tingle in her belly from watching something or someone unaware wasn't familiar.

  5. A Little Brave by Tarie

    Near the end of his seventh year at Hogwarts, Harry left the wizarding world without a trace. Years later, he and Hermione are unexpectedly reunited... will they be able to rekindle what they once had?

  6. The Rescue by Tarie

    Harry decides to 'rescue' Hermione from the library.