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Stories by stu14688

  1. The Potions Mistress by stu14688

    Two days before Bill and Fleur’s wedding, a truth comes to light that undermines all Harry has ever sought and thought he finally found. Enjoy! (Longish one-shot)

  2. It Won't Be the Same This Year by stu14688

    One-Shot. Song fic from Vince Gill’s “It Won’t Be the Same This Year” off of his Let There Be Peace on Earth cd and of the song “Silent Night”. The first Christmas after the Final Battle between Harry and LV. A tear-jerking Christmas fic.

  3. Let Them Be Little by stu14688

    Harry is about to give away his youngest child to be married. This is a sweet little story about Harry's reflections and memories of his little Maggie Jane. Yes, by the way, it is a song-fic. Please R & R!

  4. Thank You by stu14688

    On Christmas Eve, the trio shows up at the Burrow after months with no communication with anyone. It’s mid-hunt for the horocruxes, and Harry has something he wants to say to Mrs. Weasley. One-shot. I might add an epilogue. I have one semi-formed in my head. This is mainly a conversation between Molly and Harry, but if you look real close and use your imagination real hard, you can find some evidence for a Harry/Hermione romance. You have to be thinking somewhere along the lines of simply being a help and support to one another rather than lovers. Please R&R! Happy New Year, everyone!

  5. Windows To the Soul by stu14688

    It’s after the Final Battle, and Ron is thinking about life, his place in it, and many other things. Ron’s 1st person POV. Post-war; pre-graduation. General/drama. OoTP spoilers.

  6. Lessons by stu14688

    Just a two-shot. The thoughts of Harry and Hermione about each other after fifth year. Kinda romantic, kinda not.