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Stories by crystalline_blades

  1. Looking Deep by crystalline_blades

    'I get it. You choose him.' Sometimes if you look deep enough, you'll just find something that you never knew.

  2. 12 Fail-Safe Ways To Charm Witches by crystalline_blades

    ‘This isn’t your average book. Its pure gold…Explains everything you need to know about girls. You’d be surprised; it’s not all about wandwork, either.’ What happens when Harry puts Ron’s birthday present to good use?

  3. Its Not Over by crystalline_blades

    When Harry vanishes after killing Voldermort for a long time, can Hermione convince herself that it's all really over? Not a songfic although I used a song name for its title. Please review!

  4. Losing You by crystalline_blades

    Can a death of a best friend cause the other two to lose one another? Please review!

  5. Never To Be? by crystalline_blades

    When Hermione realises that she means less to Harry than she shoped she would be, she thinks that they are never to be...or are they? slightly cliche, but i like them that way! please review, thanks!

  6. Be My Eyes by crystalline_blades

    What happens when James loses his glasses and has to depend on a certain Head Girl to lead the way?

  7. Crazy For This Girl by crystalline_blades

    A songfic on how Harry and Hermione got together while on their hunt for the Hocruxes. My first fic on portkey so i hope you guys like it! :)