Unofficial Portkey Archive

Stories by don-bski

  1. Life Spirits Reborn by don-bski

    This is a end-of-life story about an elderly witch and wizard. To some, their thoughts and decisions about quality of life might be sad or controversial. Some of the storyline ideas from "Bond of the Spirits" are used here but the reading of that story is not essential to enjoying this one. Credit and thanks to J. K. Rowling for her rich inspiring fantasy world and its characters.

    This story has missing or damaged chapters. If you have a link to this story on another site or a saved copy please contact or /u/pk-archive on Reddit.

  2. Bond of the Spirits by don-bski

    The main characters endure a lot of pain and hardship in the HP novels. In this story, following the battle of Hogwarts, good things begin to happen. While this story is inconsistent with what JKR wrote in the epilogue of book seven, it considers other magical possibilities that might have occurred. This is primarily a falling on love story that draws on the commitment Harry and Hermione have to each other in the novels.