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Chapter 1: Beginning Again
For Harry, Ron and Hermione, all that had happened during the last year seemed like a blurred nightmare. From fleeing the Burrow, being on the run hunting Horcruxes and fighting in the battle of Hogwarts, it all had exacted a great toll on each of them. With the help of Madame Pomfrey and some much need sleep, they departed Hogwarts and went to the Burrow. The days that followed were also particularly sad and depressing owning to the funerals for Fred and the fallen members of the Order. But slowly, they began to adjust their life to one that did not include the constant threat of danger. There were still nights of restless sleep and occasional bristled feelings over seemingly little things during the day. Their friendship for each other remained strong as ever but the romantic relationship of Ron and Hermione and of Harry and Ginny had faded into the background. Though unspoken between each couple, it became clear that just good friends would be the norm for a while.
Ron and Ginny had taken life at the Burrow in stride despite the very vocal discussions that occurred most days between the family members. The Weasley's were also adjusting to a family that no longer included Fred. Relatives and friends were always coming and going trying to help. Harry and Hermione, having not lived for long periods with the Weasley's, and certainly not under these conditions, were having a tougher time. They too were trying to deal with feelings of loss and remorse. But there was little opportunity for real personal reflection. Relatives, friends and some friends of friends wanted to hear their story first hand. With all the commotion and the combination of Mrs. Weasley and Auntie Muriel, the Burrow had become somewhat overwhelming for Harry and Hermione. Ron sensed this and did what he could to deflect some of it but those who visited wanted to be around them and share their stories.
One morning, Harry awoke earlier than usual. Taking care to be quiet, he made his way down to the kitchen of the Burrow. Hermione, who normally was an early riser, was about to go outside. She asked if Harry would like to join her on a morning walk. Harry agreed and they began following a path that led up a small hill. During their walk, Hermione mentioned her need to travel to Australia and locate her parents. She wanted to restore their memories and somehow apologize for the anger she felt they would surely have towards her. Harry said he wanted to accompany her and help in any way that he could. Hermione was not entirely sure of this suggestion. But Harry told her that she had always been there for him and that he wanted to do the same for her. In the end, Hermione accepted the offer of help from her best friend.
The plan did not initially set too well with Ron and Ginny. Ron in particular thought that he should accompany them. Eventually, after some long talks, they reluctantly agreed on some time apart.
Travel to Australia via the magical travel network had been quick and easy. After a few days of searching through the
public records, Hermione found where her parents now lived. The harder part was getting Wendell and Monica Wilkins to
let these two strangers into their home, even if they did claim to be family members. Hermione was persistent and told
them things only a family member would know.
"You are both dentists. You enjoy camping and the theater. Monica, your favorite color is periwinkle. Wendell, your favorite color is mint green. You both like spearmint toothpaste!" With a pleading expression on her face she said, "May we please come in?"
Wendell and Monica's expressions softened at the mention of spearmint toothpaste. Wendell said, "Very well, this seems important to you, please come in."
Hermione was ready to act quickly. Once they were no longer in public view and both her parents stood before her, she quickly brought out her wand. Tracing an oval around them she said, "Resuscitet Conscientia" (resurrect the consciousness). Her parent's faces now had a blank stare. She pointed her wand directly at them and twisted her wrist slowly. "Memento Filia" (remember your daughter) ... "Excitaret" (awake).
She watched her parents nervously. It would take a few moments for the memories of her to return. The vacant gaze on their faces finally started to fade. They rocked slightly and were bewildered at the surroundings. Her mother looked at her and said "Hermione?"
Her father said "Hermione, what has happened?"
Hermione rushed forward and repeatedly hugged each of them sobbing uncontrollably.
It took a long while for Hermione to calm down. "I'm so sorry!" she said to each of them many times, as she repeatedly hugged and held them. Each time she said it, another wave of tears would start.
Her mother said, "There there my Hermione dear. It's ok. Everything is all right. Come over here and sit down with me."
Taking deep calming breaths, Hermione said, "Dad, please come sit next to me too."
After another moment, with her mother and father on each side, and holding their hands, she looked at Harry seated in a chair across from her and said, "Mum, Dad, Harry and I have a lot to tell you."
Over the next several hours, Harry and Hermione explained all that had happened during the past year. Harry let Hermione do most of the talking. Her parents sat with half open mouths and frightful expressions through much of it. While her parents didn't particularly like what she did to them, they understood why and let her know that they still loved her very much. Her mother said they were both more proud of her than words could say. This caused another round of tears from Hermione.
Harry felt thankful to be a small part of the Granger family reunion. Having observed from a more objective position and hearing her parents comments, Harry noticed something interesting. From the perspective of Hermione's parents, it seemed to them that they had just woke up from a nap. There was little sense of lost time or of being separated from Hermione. Once Harry told Hermione this, she felt a great sense of relief and was more self-forgiving of what she had done.
Harry and Hermione spent the next few weeks helping the Granger's plan their return to their former lives in England. They also went sightseeing with Hermione's parents and enjoyed each other's company. Her parents noticed that Harry and Hermione's relationship was based on very genuine feelings for each other. They privately asked each of them whether more might be there and suggested they consider the possibility. But both Harry and Hermione told them that it was a just a brother/sister relationship.
One day toward the end of their stay in Australia, the four of them went to the beach for the day. In the afternoon, Harry and Hermione decided to go for a walk. They leisurely strolled along the water's edge with wavelets washing up over their feet. Now, more away from the crowds and the numerous beach balls flying about, it was easier to have a conversation.
"Hermione, we'll be going back in a few days. Have you thought about where you will live?"
"I want to be close to my parents. I missed a lot of years with them. Maybe I'll move in with them. But ... I'm not sure how well that might work out given all my self-sufficiency this last year. I do want to be close enough to easily be a part of their lives. So, that pretty much means I won't be going back to live at the Burrow. What about you Harry?"
"More recently, I've started to feel like I'm imposing on the Weasley's. I know they will deny that. But sometimes conversations end rather abruptly when I enter the room. And despite the hardships of living in that tent last year, I feel like I want that kind of independence. Even though the tent was small, I felt comfortable."
Hermione said, "I love them all very much but I feel like I have to live up to Weasley expectations. I've enjoyed just being myself these last few weeks."
"It's been a relaxed and enjoyable time for me too. I'm so glad I came along to help you. I'd have missed you."
"I would have missed you too Harry. And especially how we sometimes know what each other is thinking or feeling."
"Yeah, we know when to leave each other alone too," smiled Harry.
"So true," smiled Hermione. "But that doesn't happen much anymore."
After a short pause, he said, "Hermione, I've been wondering ... what do you think about finding a place together?"
Hermione stopped walking and looked at him. "Do you mean you and me? As in, we'd be living together?"
"Yeah, in separate rooms of course. We've been living together ... umm, that is ... as friends, at the Burrow or in a tent for a long time. We get along well, support each other and give each other a trusted opinion when needed. I'd ... I'd miss that and ... you not being there each day."
"I've thought about how different the days would be without you too. I like being around you, it just feels natural and comfortable. I know we say it a lot to people but ... you really do feel like family to me. I'd miss that."
Harry said, "So ... do you want to give it a try for a while?"
After a short pause she said, "Yes Harry, I do." Then her eyebrows furrowed and she said, "What about Ron and Ginny? Would they be with us too?"
"No, I don't think so. They would always be welcome to visit anytime of course. You're best friends with Ginny and I'm best mates with Ron. But we should probably sort out those relationships. What do you think?"
"I agree. It is after all why we took some time apart. But they aren't going to take this news very well, particularly Mrs. Weasley."
Harry nodded. "Yeah. Maybe your mum and dad can suggest ways to handle that." Hermione smiled.
Feeling better now about their futures, they turned and started walking back.
Upon their return to England and with some help from the magical realtors, they found a modest two bedroom flat a few
blocks distance from where Hermione's parents would be living. Hermione was adamant about wanting to help with the
rent for the flat. The discussion almost escalated into a row. She didn't feel right about Harry having to pay for
everything and she didn't like being on the receiving end of charity. Harry told her that he had enough money to
cover expenses for years and it wasn't a problem. He also didn't feel right about taking money from her parents
since she didn't have a job. It was finally resolved to both of their satisfaction. Once Hermione had a good job,
Harry would allow her to help with the finances, but not until then. Hermione reluctantly agreed but only if she could
keep a ledger so she could pay Harry back for her part of the expenses one day. With this agreed, they each took
separate rooms and settled in.
The weeks that followed turned out to be harder than either expected. They spent much of their time setting up their flat. They got furniture, connected their fireplace to the floo network and got a muggle telephone so they could talk with Hermione's parents. Hermione's parents also needed their help getting settled back into normal life. In spite of all these activities, there was time to further reflect on the events of the past year. The enormity of it continued to haunt them. Thoughts of the battle and of the people who were injured or killed crept into their thoughts and dreams. There were feelings of despair and blame for not acting quickly enough. It was at these times that having each other near to talk helped in the healing of their spirits.
One particular evening was a turning point. Ron stopped by for a visit to update them on the Weasley family activities and to just be with them for a while. They were talking about Hogwarts and Ron mentioned the rebuilding effort that was underway.
Ron said, "I've gone a few times to Hogwarts over the last few weeks. There are a lot of volunteers helping. Many of them are from the DA or those who stayed to fight that night. But most are just ordinary witches and wizards wanting to help in some way. No schedules, just whenever they want. Most people help once or twice a week for part of the day."
With a more apprehensive look on his face, Ron said to Harry, "Have you ever thought about ... maybe doing something like that?"
"No, I don't want all the attention and publicity. You know that Ron. I've never wanted to be a celebrity."
"Yeah, I know. But it's not really like that with the people who are there." He chuckled and said, "McGonagall has set up some really good spells to keep the press away."
Ron continued, "Yeah, folks want to hear our story. I've spoken to some. Just told them general things, nothing specific. They respect and understand when I say I can't give more details. But mostly, they just want to tell me their stories. And not just to me but to each other. On the days that I've gone, I hardly worked at all. I mostly just walk around and listen to people."
With a more somber expression, Ron said to Harry, "People have told me pretty much the same story. Mostly about when they or their families were in trouble or threatened. About how they kept faith that you'd do what needed to be done to bring it to an end."
He said thoughtfully, "Now, I think people want the same thing that we do, mend our world and trust again. It's like what professor Binns said in class once, about during the dark ages when people suspected of magic were persecuted by muggles. Magical people would come together in hiding to console and give strength to each other. Good magical people are trusting with each other like that."
Hermione stared at Ron with her mouth partly open. Then she said, "Ron, you rarely seemed to be paying attention in that class. I don't remember professor Binns saying anything like that."
"Well, I've never been good with dates and numbers. But I think it was during our second year; you had just been petrified. Reckon I was worried about you and what was happening."
In a meek voice she said, "Oh Ron, after all these years, your understanding and perceptions of the magical world still amazes me. You're the one who's kept us centered in the magical world. Please forgive your two muggle raised friends for being short sighted recently."
"Thanks Hermione. People understand that we have a lot to sort out and mend too. Things like your parents Hermione. No one, outside of my family, knows what you did. But in the magical world, that kind of self-sacrifice is very moving and meaningful. It shows that in your heart, you really care for them."
Hermione got up, went over to Ron and gave him a hug. "Thank you Ron."
Harry said, "Yeah, thanks. I need to rethink some of my priorities. But I just don't know what I would say to people."
Ron smiled and said, "Not much saying is needed. Just accept it when they say, thank you."
At other times, more often than not, Ron was the one who cheered them up and made them all laugh. For their parts, both Harry and Hermione reached out to Ron. They knew it was toughest for him being away from them. Ron was respecting Hermione's desire to be just good friends for a while. But it seemed to him that they were drifting apart romantically. He came to fully realize and appreciate the deep friendship bond and love that the three of them shared. They were honest with each other and deeply trusted one other. Each had performed a crucial part in keeping the trio together through thick and a lot of thin. They all felt that their success against the Dark Lord had been largely because of their unity.
Hermione said that it was important for all of them to finish their educations; she wanted to take her NEWT's. Harry and Ron weren't too sure yet what they wanted to do but felt that completing their seventh year studies was the minimum. All three of them had little desire to return to Hogwarts as regular students. The year away hunting horcrux's had matured them in ways that made the daily life at Hogwarts seem, well, a bit juvenile. They would miss seeing friends on a daily basis but that didn't mean they would abandon regular associations with them. Hermione had arranged extra lessons in her third year and she felt confident that something could be worked out for them. She had written to the headmistress at Hogwarts about it.
Hermione received a response from McGonagall. She requested that Hermione, Ron and Harry come to her office to talk
about it in detail. The following day, McGonagall welcomed them into the headmistress's office.
"It's so good to see you all again," said McGonagall. "I trust things are going well."
"Yes professor," said Harry. "Hogwarts is really starting to look proper again."
McGonagall beamed. "Yes, I'm very pleased. With so many people helping, we will be ready for start of term on September first."
"That's wonderful news professor," said Hermione. "We are looking forward to completing our studies."
McGonagall said, "Well, that's what we're here to discuss. Due to the extenuating circumstances, the professors and I are in agreement to make additional evening classes available to students who missed all or part of their seventh year studies. For a select group of these students, which includes you three, who's service to the school has been exemplary, an open campus arrangement will be available. These students would not be required to live in the school dormitories. They could choose to come and go freely as their class schedule dictates. Special travel arrangements will be set up as needed."
Harry, Ron and Hermione smiled broadly. "That's great professor. Thank you." said Harry.
McGonagall said, "Just remember, your assignments must be completed and turned in on time to receive credit."
"Professor," said Hermione, "Are the book lists for the courses available?"
McGonagall smiled broadly at Hermione and said, "Yes, I have them here for each of you. They are based on your currently declared career plans. Confidentially, you three should know that the ministry will be offering each of you additional career opportunities. I can't say any more about it at this time. Kingsley will meet with you when the arrangements are completed. Certain books on your list are common to these opportunities. I suggest you obtain them first."
"Thank you," said Ron. "This is very generous of you and the professors."
McGonagall said, "Thanks to each of you. You've given so much to the school since you arrived seven years ago. Hogwarts will be forever grateful."
"Hear hear!" said the portrait of Dumbledore smiling at them. Harry, Ron and Hermione beamed happily at each other.
McGonagall said, "If you have no further questions for me, I suggest you have a look around the castle for a while."
Ron said, "Thanks professor. I'll show them around."
They said their goodbyes to McGonagall and went down the spiral staircase to the main castle. Hermione wanted to see the library. When they arrived, she saw that is was in complete disorder with books on the floor everywhere. Saying she'd catch up with them later, Hermione joined the group that was working there. On their way past the Great Hall, Ron met up with some people he'd been with on his last trip. He left with them to help Neville in the greenhouses. After briefly looking at the partially restored Great Hall, Harry walked out on the grounds toward the quidditch pitch. There, he joined some other Hogwarts quidditch players, led by Ginny, working on the pitch.
It was nightfall before any of them returned home.