Unofficial Portkey Archive

Bond of the Spirits by don-bski

Bond of the Spirits


Chapter 12: Diem de Corpus (Day of the body)

It was 6:00 am when Ron brought Harry to a remote farm in the countryside. Ron took out his wand and faced Harry. While taping on each of Harry's shoulders, he said "diem de corpus." Then he said, "Remember your fasting today; only water until sunset."

Harry nodded and they both turned and walked up the steps of the farmhouse porch and knocked on the door. The door behind the screen swung open and an old weathered man looked out at them.

Ron said, "Mister McGregor? I'm Ron and this is Harry. Harry is here to accomplish first day bonding."

They moved back as the screen door opened and the man stepped out onto the porch.

"Been expecting you." Then, looking at Harry he said, "Ready to begin?"

"Yes I am Mister McGregor," said Harry.

"Call me Ian," he said. Then, turning to Ron he said, "You can leave. Come back before sunset."

Ron nodded and after walking a short distance away, he disapparated.

"You can start in the family garden. This way."

Harry spent the morning working the ground of the McGregor's garden. The remains of the harvested plants were turned into the soil. He weeded and tended to the late bearing plants. Harry found the work moderately burdensome but he had done similar chores while growing up at his Aunt and Uncles house in Little Winging. Ian stopped by from time to time to give him further instructions. Harry seemed to surprise Ian once or twice. Harry had selected the proper tool for the job from the shed.

About mid-day, Harry moved to the barn to do some repair work. He needed more help with this and Ian seemed to enjoy answering his questions and showing him what to do. Part of the barn door had been damaged and with hammer and handsaw, Harry cut the necessary wood and nailed it in place. He gained a new understanding and respect for those who call themselves carpenters. Though it was a lot of work, he felt a special satisfaction once the job was completed and he looked at the results of his labor.

About mid-afternoon, Ian gave him a tool belt to wear containing hammer, nails, fence wire and wire cutters. After instructions from Ian, Harry walked the fence line making needed repairs as he found them. The fence line needed only a few repairs as it wound its way around the very large field looping back to the farmhouse. This gave Harry some time to think and look around at the farm and countryside. It was quiet and peaceful with little more than the wind and the smell of the plowed wheat field to keep him company. The fence was the only marker in that vast open valley that identified the McGregor farm. It helped Ian and his neighbors live in peace with each other.

A sleepy Hermione and Ginny arrived at the entrance to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Ginny took out her wand and faced Hermione. She tapped Hermione on each shoulder with her wand while saying "diem de corpus." Then Ginny said, "Remember, you have to fast from all food today. Only water until after sundown."

Hermione smiled and said, "Yes, I'll remember."

"Ok then," said Ginny. "Let's go in. We need to go to the administration desk and ask for Althea." ...

"Good morning," said Althea. "You must be Hermione and Ginny. I've been expecting you."

"Hello, I'm Hermione and this is Ginny. I'll be staying with you today."

"Welcome to St. Mungo's," said Althea. "Minerva has briefed me. Are you ready to begin?"

"Yes I am," said Hermione.

"Very good," said Althea. "Ginny, you can meet up with Hermione before sundown at the elder care center. It's the tall building a short distance from here. There are stairs that will take you to the observation deck on the top of the building."

"Thank you," said Ginny. "I'll be going then. See you later today Hermione."

"Bye Ginny."

Althea said, "You will be helping us with various tasks such as serving meals, assisting visitors and visiting with patients. If a patient has concerns or a medical related question, inform someone at the nurse's station. Most patients are here following some type of accident. They can be feeling anything from embarrassment to anger. Part of your work today is to help the patients feel at ease. This assists their body's natural healing process. Take this clipboard. It contains floor maps showing the patient areas that you may enter and other general information. If you have any question throughout the day, you can ask me or at a nurse's station."

"Thanks," said Hermione.

"Ok. We'll be starting you off in the maternity section." Althea smiled and said, "We had a couple of new arrivals into the world last night!"

Hermione spent most of the morning on her feet accomplishing her assigned tasks. She cared for and helped entertain the young children in the day care area while parents went to visit family members. She organized activities and played games with them. One particular game was a big hit and the children enjoyed it very much. So much so, that some of the children cried when being picked up by a parent to leave. Hermione would silently mouth "Sorry" to a parent while the child got one more turn at the game. The parents on the other hand, would mostly mouth back "Thank you". Hermione spent a fair amount of time in the mush pot.

Later, she helped serve lunch to many of the patients and there was barely a moment for rest. She talked to some of the patients and helped brighten their day. Some patients were cross and irritable. Others were embarrassed. But most were just looking forward to the day when they would be able to leave. One of the tougher areas for her to serve lunch was in the Janus Thickey Ward. She saw Gilderoy Lockhart who asked if she wanted a signed picture of him. After says yes, he gave her ten. But the hardest to bear was serving lunch to Frank and Alice Longbottom. She tried to talk to them and tell them how their son had helped defeat the Dark Lord. But Frank and Alice just looked at her with a vacant stare for a moment before tucking in to their lunch. She felt so sorry for them and particularly Neville. She wished in her heart that there was something she could do to make Frank and Alice's minds whole again as she had done with her parents memories.

By mid-afternoon, she was in the elder care center walking from room to room just talking with the aged residents there. They all had stories to tell about events in their lives and about their children. Sometimes she heard parts of the stories more than once but they were all happy to see her and smiled broadly. It seemed to Hermione that her youth and life force was reenergizing the elderly, for a time, simply by her being there and listening to them talk.

Late in the afternoon, Harry was sitting on the farmhouse porch talking with Ian and his wife Martha.

Ian said, "Not many wizards come to do the ritual anymore. Seems folks are in a hurry these days. I never expected I'd meet you. You're not anything like I imagined."

Martha said, "You are such a nice down to earth person. Your fiancée is a very lucky girl."

Harry said, "Thank you. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have known about the ritual. It was her idea and I am the luckiest man in the world to be engaged to her."

Martha said, "How long have you been engaged?"

Harry said, "A few months. But we have been good friends with each other for seven years. We've been through a lot together."

Martha said, "Ian and I only knew each other for three months before we were married. We both came from farming families and chores came before courtship. Having farming in common helped us to know we were right for each other. It took about a year for our telepathic link to form. For some couples we've met, it took years."

She reached over and patting Harry's hand said, "Be patient, it will happen." She smiled at her husband and said, "It's so nice when it finally does."

Ian smiled and said, "Nice indeed. I always felt a little sorry for my brother Dougal. He doesn't have any magical abilities. My brother owns the farm on the other side of that distant tree line to the north."

There was a sound of a crack as Ron arrived. Harry introduced his best mate properly to Ian and Martha.

Pointing, Ian said, "The two of you better get going to that hill there. The sun will be setting soon. You are both welcome to stay for supper when you get back."

After looking at Ron, Harry said, "Thank you. Yes, that would be very kind of you."

Ginny arrived at the elder care facility a short time before sunset. As she entered the building, the sound of people singing a short way up the hall greeted her. She made her way up the hall and it opened into a large common area. She looked in and saw the room filled with elderly people. Some were eating supper. Others were hunched over in wheelchairs but smiling none-the-less. Many others sat in chairs throughout the room and were singing. At the far side of the room, Ginny saw Hermione holding a piece of sheet music. She stood between a woman playing the piano and a man playing a stand up bass. Both musicians seemed to be in their sixty's. Ginny smiled.

You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.

[You are my sunshine; Oliver Hood 1933]

The song ended and everyone in the room clapped. Hermione looked up and saw Ginny grinning broadly at her. Hermione covered her mouth with the sheet music as she laughed. Then, she motioned to Ginny to come over to her.

Hermione said, "Ginny, I'd like you to meet the musicians. Playing the piano is Liz Beth and over here on the bass is Tom. ... Liz Beth, Tom, this is my best friend Ginny."

"Pleased to meet you," said Ginny. Then she said, "Hermione, it's almost sunset. We need to go and witness it."

"Ok," said Hermione. "But I want to come back after and do a few more songs before we go."

"Ok." said Ginny. "Let's go now then."

Harry and Ron walked to the top of the hill. There was a clear view of the countryside to the western horizon. As the sun was setting, Harry thought about the events of the day and particularly about Hermione looking at the same sunset. He missed being with her right now.

After asking an orderly, they climb the stairs leading to the observation deck on the top of the building. It was cloudy and the sun was mostly covered. With a concerned look on her face, Ginny took out her wand and said, "Video Sole Occasu!". The clouds at the horizon parted and a spectacular orange sunset became visible. The clouds reflected in shades of red and orange and beams of light spread in many directions.

Hermione smiled and said, "Oh Ginny, well done! It's beautiful!" She watched silently as the sun slowly set thinking about Harry who was also watching the same sun. Then, quietly, Hermione began to sing.

"You are my sunshine ...

Ginny looked at Hermione and smiled warmly.

Harry and Ron joined Ian and Martha for supper. The old couple talked about the farm and about their now grown children and their grandchildren.

As they were about to leave, Harry said to Ian and Martha, "Thank you for helping me today. I learned a lot from you. I'd like to invite you to the bonding ceremony."

Martha said, "We'd love to come. Thank you so much for asking."

Harry said, "Great. It will be at the Godric's Hollow church at 2:00 pm. Thank you again."

Harry and Ron went back outside. Harry waved back at Ian and Martha. Then, he and Ron disapparated.

Hermione and Ginny returned to the common area. Liz Beth and Tom were sitting at a table eating supper. There were two other empty places at the table with covered plates. Hermione smiled. She eagerly moved to the table and sat down followed by Ginny. They talked quietly with Liz Beth and Tom while they ate supper.

Hermione asked, "Liz Beth, do you and Tom play music like this often?"

"My husband John passed on about ten years ago now. We use to play music together quite regularly for special occasions. It was so nice when we'd join up with other singers and musicians. When we played and sang together, there was oneness and a special magic that happened. It's hard to describe. It's not like a feeling. It's more like a connection that is just there, unrealized, dependable and deeply synchronizing. That's how we met Tom. Since then, Tom has been my support in this way. Playing music with him and helping people feel happy is all that I need now."

Hermione said, "Harry is generally nervous about singing and dancing. Though, he has reluctantly done both once or twice in the past during school. To be fair, while he was growing up, it was hard for him to be happy. I hope I'll be able to help him feel different about singing and dancing in the future."

After a pause, Hermione said, "Liz Beth, Tom, I would be happy if you'd come to the wedding. It's on Sunday, 2:00 pm at the church in Godric's Hollow."

"We'd love to be there," said Liz Beth. "Thank you."

Hermione smiled and said, "Can we do one last song together?"

"How about this one?" said Tom, handing Hermione a sheet of music.

Hermione giggled, "Ok."

The three of them made their way to the piano and bass. The music began and Hermione began to sing.

"Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do ..." [Daisy Bell; Harry Dacre 1892]