A 7th year adventure by a writer who attempts to resist cliches, whilst at the same time capturing originality. The characters grow up, grow apart, and then come crashing back together as they are taken on the ride of their lives. From the rather anti-climatic defeat of Voldemort, to their discoveries about one Albus Dumbledore, the wizarding world will never look the same to them again. Nor will it be the same when they are through with it. Not for the redeemed or evil Draco fan.
The Trio is in their 7th year, with Ginny coming up behind them. Draco has revenge in mind, per the usual. But this year will be an eye-opener for everyone. Pheonix tears, Playwizard magazine, gayness, torture, Weasleys... what more could you ask for? Includes SnarkyHumanistic!Draco and InCharacter!Ron Ships: H/Hr/R triangle D/G and others -- FIC REWRITTEN HERE: http://fanfiction.portkey.org/story/271