Unofficial Portkey Archive

Circle of Life by Heaven

Circle of Life


Disclaimer: I disclaim. I own Hermione's parents, at least in this story I do. The rest of the characters you recognize? Not mine. They belong to JKR! And if I was her, I'd be writing book 6 and not fanfiction.

A/N: Well here I am with a brand new story, and I'm using this note to explain some things in this fic BEFORE you read it. PLEASE READ THIS NOTE OR YOU MAY BE CONFUSED WITH THIS CHAPTER!

Okay, to start things off, this is AU, you know, Alternate Universe. It will be following along the plotline of "The Lion King" (no, they are not lions LOL). James is alive and he is King of Gryffindor, Lily the Queen, and Harry the Prince.

Tom Riddle is James's mentor and royal advisor, he has been a friend of the family for many years now. He is also secretly the leader of the Death Eaters (aka the 'hyenas').

James was best friends with Sirius and Remus throughout school. Peter Pettigrew was not a friend but he was hired by James to be their family butler.

The Grangers are a Duke and Duchess, bringing their daughter Hermione to become betrothed to Harry. They are going to be living in Gryffindor as things back in their home land aren't so good anymore, and this way Harry and Hermione can grow up to be friends.

All right, I think that's it for now. If you're confused, please email me with your question and I will be more than willing to answer it.

Thanks for reading my long A/N and now, here's the story!!! And special thanks to Amynoelle, Zimmeron and Ryoko Blue for helping me with this first chapter!

The morning was bright and sunny, just as Lily Potter had been hoping for when she fell asleep the previous night. The windows were open and a soft breeze wafted around the room. She could hear several birds chirping on the tree just outside and she stretched lazily, lifting her arms above her head and resting them on top of the covers.


Lily involuntarily jerked as a horrible sound reverberated through their room. She turned to see that her husband James had flopped onto his back, his mouth hanging open as the most awful noises continued to come from his open trap.

Sighing, Lily pushed the covers away and got up, slipping into her lavender silk robe. Stopping in the bathroom, she washed her face and tied up her hair, deciding to get herself dressed after breakfast.

"Good morning Mr. Filch," she nodded her head at the caretaker of their home. He was not the kindest of men, but he kept their palace clean and orderly.

"Morning, your highness," Filch bowed respectfully as the queen passed him. Lily smiled at him and continued on to the nursery.

"Good morning my love," she looked down at her one year old son, who gazed back with his large green eyes.

"Maa!" Harry Potter cried, lifting his arms. Lily hugged him tightly, kissing his forehead.

"Today is your big day Harry," she said as she dressed him in his tiny scarlet and gold robes. "You'll be shown to all your future subjects so everyone can see just what a handsome boy you are!"

"Da!" Harry gurgled and grinned at his mother. Lily laughed and hugged him again.

"How about some breakfast," Lily tickled Harry under his chin. Bringing him downstairs, Lily put him in his chair.

"Your highness," Molly Weasley, her ladies maid, bowed respectfully. "I can handle our little prince here if you'd like to get ready."

"Oh, that's all right," Lily said. "I hardly get to feed him these days; we've been so busy planning the events for this morning."

"Ah yes," Molly smiled at her. Her seventh son, Ron, was the same age as Harry, just a few months older. She and Lily both hoped that the boys would grow up to be the best of friends. "I'll go draw your bath for you then."

"Thank you Molly," Lily smiled warmly at her. She rummaged around in the large pantry and came out with a bowl of oatmeal, flavoured with strawberries and some sweet pumpkin juice. "Time to eat Harry!" she sat down and spooned the food into his open mouth.

"Maa!" Harry cried, banging his little fists on the chair. Lily laughed as she fed him some juice.

James Potter grinned as he watched his wife and son. It was not uncommon to see the queen in the kitchen, as she was prone to making meals every now and again. She had been raised a Muggle, so their castle held a mix of both kinds of food.

"Now Harry," his wife chastised his son as Harry spat out a mouthful of oatmeal. "That's not a good boy," Lily fought hard not to smile as Harry grinned back at her, his large eyes moving past his mother to see his father.

"Da!" he howled, his legs kicking in midair. James grinned and strode towards them. Harry squirmed in excitement as his father picked him up.

"How's my boy this morning?" James asked, swinging him into the air. Harry shrieked happily, making both his parents laugh. "So was it me that woke you up?" he looked at his wife.

Lily shook her head, a smile tugging at a corner of her mouth. "You snore so loudly sometimes," she said. "I'm surprised you didn't wake up the whole castle."

James grinned at her, stepping over. "And how terrible of me- I never gave you a good morning kiss," he said as Lily rested her chin on his shoulder.

"Terrible husband," she said teasingly. "But you can make it better," James snorted as he kissed his wife.

"DAAAAAA!" Harry screamed, frustrated because he was not the centre of attention. His parents broke apart from each other and smiled at him, making Harry calm down.

"Come on you, off with Daddy while Mummy gets dressed," James wiped a fleck of oatmeal from Harry's cheek as the royal family left the kitchen. The king took his son off to his study while the queen left for the bathroom.

Lily slid into the scented hot water as Molly loosened her hair from the knot and began to brush it out. "I can't believe Harry is already a year old," Lily said, her eyes closed.

"He's gotten so big," Molly said, combing out the last of the tangles. Molly thought of Lily as a daughter, she certainly looked like she belonged in the family with her long red hair and warm smile.

"He'll be seventeen before I know it," Lily said, running her washcloth up over her arms. "Ready to take over the kingdom…" she sighed and Molly placed a hand on her shoulder.

"He'll be a good ruler," the older woman said. "He'll have you and the king to guide him along."

"I hope so," Lily said. "James has been a good king," she said quietly. "He's had so much to deal with ever since his parents died."

Molly shook her head. "Those Death Eaters… their revolts always leave the cities in a state of ruin."

Lily nodded. She and James had barely been married for a month when his parents, the king and queen at the time, were caught out in the countryside by a pack of Death Eaters. They were killed on the spot, leaving her and James to fill their shoes in a matter of days.

For several months after that, James was withdrawn, only making public appearances when he had to. There had been a terrific strain on their relationship when Lily discovered she was pregnant.

Everything had changed at that point. She and James started spending more time together, and Lily admitted to herself that she'd fallen in love with him all over again. Once Harry had been born they'd been closer than ever, and now it was almost as it was before James's parents had died.

"If we could only find out who their leader is," Lily mused as Molly brought over a towel. She got out of the water and wrapped it around herself, shivering as the cooler air met her bare skin.

"Well, we have better things to think of than that," Molly's tone turned cheerful. "Your son will be shown for the first time to the kingdom today!"

Lily smiled, all thoughts of Death Eaters flying from her head. "Yes and the announcement of his betrothal to the Duke of Lorandon's daughter. They're coming from the north and should be here soon."

"Yes, we've prepared the rooms in the east wing for them," Molly said as Lily disappeared into her closet. She came out several minutes later dressed in stunning green robes that hung on her slender figure, showing off her graceful curves.

"Hair up today, your highness?" Molly asked, moving behind the queen.

"I think so," Lily said, looking through a book. "Something like this would be lovely,"

Molly waved her wand and Lily's rich red hair began twisting itself back into a complicated looking bun.

"What is that Harry?" James pointed to a quill sitting on his desk. "Quill, can you say that? Quill," he repeated slowly.

"Da!" Harry bubbled.

"No Harry, quill. Say quill," James repeated it slowly again.

"Daaa! Maaa!" Harry said loudly.

"Quill," James held it up.

Harry grabbed for it. "Qill," he said proudly as he clutched the feather. "Qill!"

"That's right Harry!" James was delighted. "Quill!" he walked around the office. "Now this… can you say book? Book?"

"Bok!" Harry shouted, clapping his hands together. James hugged his son and straightened the scarlet and gold robes. "Daddy's going to take you out of the castle today,"

Harry looked back at him like he actually knew what James was talking about. "We just have to wait for your Mum to finish getting ready,"

"Your highness, the Grangers of Lorandon have arrived," Peter Pettigrew, the family butler said. "The Queen has already gone to greet them."

"Thank you," James nodded and Pettigrew left. The king carried his son down to the grand entryway where his wife stood with another couple, who carried a bundle in their arms swathed in blue and silver robes.

"Welcome," James said, stepping next to his wife. "I'm so pleased you came for this day."

"Thank you," the duke nodded his head respectfully. "Your son's betrothal to our Hermione is most generous."

"Maa!" Harry reached for his mother, who gladly received him. The duchess smiled at him and Harry looked curiously at her.

"Qill!" Harry announced, showing off the feather still clutched in his hand.

Lily gasped. "Did you just say quill Harry?" she asked.

"Qill!" Harry grinned at his mother.

"He just learned that in the library," James said proudly. "Is Hermione speaking yet?"

"Oh, just baby talk," the duke replied. He pulled back the blanket to reveal a pink face surrounded by curly brown hair. "This is Hermione, our pride and joy."

"She's beautiful," Lily said as the little girl opened her eyes and yawned. Harry looked down at her with great interest.

"Baby!" he pointed at her.

"That's right, a baby," Lily replied, and her son wiggled around in her arms making his excited noise.

"Can we show you to your rooms?" James asked, offering his arm to the duchess. They were moving to live in the palace with the royal family so their children could grow up knowing one another as their affairs in their home land were tied up.

"That would be lovely, thank you." Lily and the duke followed behind holding their respective children.

*** *** ***

"They seem like a very respectable family," Lily said as James hurried to get dressed for the ceremony.

"Quite," James replied. "It seems we're helping them out. Their lands are in debt and by this union it's been saved."

"That's wonderful," Lily replied. "Harry certainly seems interested already," she joked, smiling at James."

"Good taste," James pulled his robes on and rumpled his hair. "Ready!" he announced.

"Ready," Lily answered. James wound his arm around his wife's waist and kissed her lightly.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too," Lily replied, kissing him again. "Now let's go show the future king to his subjects."

The king and queen left their bedroom and went out to the front entryway where they had stood with the Grangers not a quarter hour before. They were already standing there with a wide awake Hermione and another special guest.

"Professor Dumbledore," James greeted his former headmaster.

"Your highness," Albus Dumbledore greeted his onetime Head Boy and Girl. "You're looking lovely as always," he nodded to Lily.

"Thank you, Professor." Lily replied. "May I introduce the Duke and Duchess of Lorandon," she said politely. "They have come to stay with us."

"Delighted," Dumbledore said, bowing to each one. "Am I correct in assuming that this is our future queen?"

"That's right," James replied.

Dumbledore took baby Harry from Lily, admiring his green eyes, exactly like his mother's. The adults carried the children up to the tower balcony, where all of Diagon Alley could be seen.

The crowds had gathered already as James and Lily, as King and Queen, went out first.

James grinned as everyone began to cheer. Lily raised her hand in greeting as they stepped to the side. The applause continued as the duke and duchess came out with Hermione.

Last one out was Dumbledore, who carried Harry with the baby's back pressed to his stomach.

"I'm honoured to present the citizens of the kingdom of Gryffindor to their future king," Dumbledore said, his voice being heard in all corners. "Prince Harry James Potter, future King of Gryffindor!" he raised the baby high over his head and the crowd exploded into thunderous applause.

Harry cooed as he kicked his tiny feet into the air, looking down unknowingly at his destiny. Dumbledore held him up for several minutes more until James took him.

"Thank you!" he called out. "The Queen and I are so pleased to see you welcome our son." He paused and they applauded again. "We are here to make another announcement."

James gestured to Lily who stood beside him. "We'd like to present to you your future queen of Gryffindor, Hermione Granger of Lorandon!"

The Duke moved forward and held up Hermione in the same manner that Dumbledore had with Harry as James came and held Harry next to her. Hermione grinned at Harry as they both squealed loudly.

*** *** ***

Tom Riddle involuntarily curled his upper lip as he watched the scene taking place on the balcony above him. He was supposed to be up there but had conveniently been called away from the castle that morning.

'King James Potter, Prince Harry Potter,' Tom thought hatefully as the two babies were lowered and the royal families disappeared back into the castle.

It should have been his, the whole package. Tom shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his robes as he turned to his three best Death Eaters, disguised as village folk.

Lucius Malfoy was first to push back his brown hood, revealing his long blond hair. "Touching," he sneered.

Bellatrix Lestrange was next to unveil followed by Anton Dolohov right behind her.

"Why are we here?" Anton asked, clearly bored.

"We are here because I need to know everything that's going on." Tom replied. "How am I to take over if I'm always stuck back in Knockturn Alley with all of you?"

Bellatrix rolled her eyes and moved closer to Lucius. "What exactly are we here for?" she asked, echoing Anton.

"All in good time," Tom brushed a dark piece of hair out of his eyes and smiled grimly.

*** *** ***

Lily Potter watched her son breathe in and out softly and steadily. "He's so tired, he's had such a big day," she whispered to Lucy Granger.

"Hermione was out like a light as soon as Jack took her to our rooms." Lucy said as they left the nursery. "You've been so generous to the three of us; I don't know how to thank you."

""We're happy to do it," Lily replied. "Your family came highly recommended, and Harry seems to have taken to Hermione already besides. She's such a beautiful and sweet little girl." Lily had sat with Hermione after dinner and was by now head over heels in love with the baby as well."

"Thank you," Lucy smiled. "And Jack and I also appreciate you letting us live here with you." She sighed as they came to the main entry hall that split the castle from the east to the west wing. "Things have gotten so disastrous at home, what with Jack's brother wasting away most of the family fortune…" she sighed again and Lily placed an arm around her.

"Don't worry, now that the betrothal has been announced, your family title will regain any respect that was lost," Lily replied. "And I'm just thrilled that you're staying here now. It'll be nice to have another woman around besides my maid, Molly."

Lucy smiled. "I'd best retire for the evening. Thank you again," the two women hugged and went their separate ways.

James was already dressed for bed when she got back to the room. He smiled at his wife, watching her get herself ready before slipping in beside him.

"It was a perfect ceremony." Lily said as James drew her into his arms. "And I'm so happy the Grangers are here now."

"So am I," James said, nuzzling his face in her hair. "Jack is a good fellow." He began to run his fingers through his wife's loosened red locks. "I wish Sirius and Remus were here though,"

"Me too," Lily replied. "I don't understand why they just… up and left. I should have thought if they were going someplace why they didn't just say goodbye, or even leave a note." Her husband's two childhood friends had simply disappeared not long ago, leaving most of their possessions behind.

"Besides that, Tom wasn't even around." James added. "I'd have thought he'd be standing up with us."

Lily rolled her eyes. "To be honest, I hadn't given him one thought all day until now." She tremendously disliked her husband's mentor, although she always put on a polite face in front of him.

Tom Riddle had been a trust friend of James's father, and so James held him in a very high regard as well. With his dark hair, he was very handsome and still looked as young as James himself, even though Tom was 10 years his elder.

"I don't know why you hate him," James propped himself up on one elbow. "He's always been good with his advice and he likes you very much."

"I'm not sure why," Lily said thoughtfully. "There's something about him that isn't right. I can't explain it."

"I think you're crazy," James said, grinning so she would know he was joking. "It's a good thing I love crazy women."

Lily shook her head as she pushed him over and rolled herself on top of him. "I love you James," she said, her mouth just centimetres away.

"I know Lils, and I love you too." James's eyes softened as he kissed her.