Unofficial Portkey Archive

Circle of Life by Heaven

Circle of Life


A/N: Well here's the second to last chapter of Circle of Life. I hope you all like it!

To Chaosblades: You said I was ripping off the plot of the Lion King. If I was doing that, then the characters would be singing ;)

Harry, Hermione, Sirius and Remus looked up at the large wall that surrounded the castle and village.

"How are we going to get in there?" Harry asked aloud, pushing his wet hair out of his eyes. The rain was growing steadily harder and it was getting quite muddy.

Hermione looked around and realised they were near the place where Fred and George Weasley had led her and Ron outside. "I know," she went to the wall and pressed her hands over the stones.

Harry watched her closely and was surprised when she whipped out her wand and whispered a few words. He was even more surprised when several stone blocks slid out of the way exposing a passage into Diagon Alley. "Wow," he uttered.

"It's how Ron and his brothers got me out of here without anyone knowing." Hermione told them all.

"Wait," Remus stopped Harry. "We need to figure out some sort of plan for once we're in there."

"He's right," Harry replied, looking at Sirius and Hermione. "We can't just walk in and take over."

Sirius nodded. "What do you have in mind?"

Harry shrugged. "Live bait?" he tried to lighten the mood. Hermione frowned at him.

"This isn't a time to joke," she said seriously. "Sirius, Remus… you two need to go and distract the Death Eaters. The three main guys that work closely with Tom Riddle are Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Anton Dolohov. The others will just follow whatever they do, they always have." Hermione paused a moment. "I'll go find the Queen and Ron. We can rally up some of the villagers."

"I'll deal with Tom Riddle," Harry finished. He pushed his hand through his hair. "This will all have to happen rather fast."

"Yes," Hermione nodded.

"I don't like the idea of you going off alone," Harry said to her.

"I know," she answered, clasping his hand with hers. "I'll be careful, I promise."

"Okay," Harry was still reluctant. "I'll lie low for awhile until you two get the Death Eaters to the castle." He looked at Sirius and Remus.

"All right," Sirius replied. Their faces were tense. Quietly as mice, they crept through the damp passage. Once on the other side, the two older men pulled their hoods low over their faces and slinked away.

Harry gripped Hermione's hand tighter as she pulled her hood up as well. "Please be careful,"

"I will, Harry." Hermione pressed her lips to his briefly. "Watch out for Pettigrew. He's never come right out and said it, but we've all suspected he's been working for Riddle for a long time now." She then disappeared as well into the long shadows of the corridor.

Harry tucked himself into all the shadows he passed along his way down into the main entry hall. He didn't find anyone, and he was saddened to see how dark and dreary his childhood home had become.

He arrived at the main entry hall and hid himself behind a large statue in the front. Not sure exactly what he was waiting for, Harry kept himself concealed until a flurry of movement caught his eye.

"YOU know where she went!" Tom Riddle's voice preceded himself and the Queen into the main hall. Molly Weasley was not far behind.

"Even if I did know, I certainly wouldn't tell you!" Lily said coldly. "You tried to force Hermione into doing something she didn't want to do and she left- for once someone got the better of you and you can't take it!"

*** *** ***

Sirius strode confidently through Diagon Alley, Remus directly behind him. "How are we going to do this?" he asked.

"Simple," Sirius replied. "We bait them and lure them back to the castle."

"Easier said than done Padfoot," Remus replied.

"Well what are you thinking?" Sirius asked.

Remus tapped his chin for a moment. "You distract Lucius and his group. Start them tailing you back to the castle. I'll get the rest of them and I'll meet you at the gates."

*** *** ***

Hermione peeked around corners before going around, keeping her body pressed against the wall. The wing where Ron and his mother lived was nearby and she only hoped Ron would be in the castle and not in the village with his girlfriend.

Her foot nudged a broken piece of stone from the walls and it skittered across the floor. Hermione clapped a hand over her mouth as it echoed through the corridor. She spent several minutes huddled behind one of the many statues in fear someone would come to check out what the noise was.

After about seven minutes being crouched down and completely silent, Hermione decided she was safe and ducked out, keeping herself doubled over as she ran through the corridors.

Coming upon Ron's door, she didn't bother to knock before rushing inside.

"AHHHHHHH!" everyone screamed. Ron tried to cover Luna with his blankets while scrambling for his trousers.

Hermione covered her eyes and turned to the wall, wishing away the image she had just seen.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Ron tried not to shout as Hermione sat down limply in a chair by the door.

"Ron sit down," she said. Ron sat on the edge of the bed as Luna scrambled next to him.

"I found Harry," she began.

"You found HARRY?" Ron was disbelieving. "All right, even if you found Harry, why the hell did you come back here? Don't you know Tom Riddle is looking all OVER the place trying to find you?"

Hermione tried hard not to cry, lifting her chin instead to look defiantly back at him. "I came back, WITH Harry and a few other people, to help him take back his rightful place as king. And I came to look for you because he's in the castle right now waiting for Sirius and Remus to come back with the Death Eaters!"

"Who are Sirius and Remus?" Ron asked.

"They were friends of James and Lily. Tom Riddle banished them before we were all born. Harry's been living with them for the past ten years," Hermione explained quickly. "Ron, we need to get the villagers rallied up. They could be back any second with the Death Eaters."

Ron nodded tersely, knowing it wasn't the best time for questions. He got up from the bed when Luna spoke.

"Hermione, how lovely to see you," she said, a familiar dazed look in her eyes.

Hermione stared at her, then at Ron. "Luna, why don't you stay here?" Ron suggested.

"All right," Luna agreed dreamily. "Where are you two going?"

"Just downstairs for a little while," Ron kissed her quickly. "I'll be back soon."

"Okay," Luna replied, waving at them as they left. Ron shook his head as he closed the door behind him and Hermione.

"Is it just me or is she spacier than normal?" Hermione asked as they rushed down several different hallways. Ron knew of several passages out of the castle that would lead them directly into the village.

"A little bit," Ron answered. He loved Luna very much but her dreamy expressions could grate on his nerves sometimes. "Alright, how many villagers do we need?"

"As many as we can get," Hermione said determinedly.

*** *** ***

Harry clutched onto the statue as he saw his mother. His heart beat faster as he realised how wrong he had been to leave her behind. Harry missed her so much in that moment it took all his willpower to stay behind the statue.

"How dare you speak back to me?" Tom hissed. "I am the king, and I demand respect from ALL my subjects!"

"I've been speaking back to you for years," Lily replied sarcastically. "And you aren't half the king that James was or that Harry would have been!"

"I'm TEN TIMES the king as James was!" Tom snarled, backhanding her so hard she reeled backwards and fell to the floor.

Harry saw him do this and rage coursed through him, blocking out any fear he had left. He forgot that he was hiding and he flew from his spot to his mother on the floor.

"James… you're…. you're dead!" Tom Riddle saw the black haired figure in front of him and stepped away.

"James," Lily looked up disbelievingly at the sight of her long dead husband standing over her.

"No Mum," Harry knelt down. "It's me,"

Lily gasped, seeing her own eyes and the scar on the forehead. "Harry… but… you're alive?" she sat up and touched his face.

"I'm here now," Harry hugged her tightly. "I'm not leaving again, I'm here to stay."

"Harry!" Tom exclaimed. "What are you doing here, son? Where have you been all these years?"

"Save it." Harry released his mother and stood up. He was an inch or so taller than the other man now. "I know what you've been doing and what you're really up to."

"Why, what do you mean?" Tom asked, feigning innocence.

"You took over my and my father's role as king. That title is no longer yours," Harry's eyes burned into Tom's.

"Of course," Tom bowed his head. "Your majesty…" his voice trailed off as they all heard a terrific crash and the doors to the castle swung open. Tom took advantage of the distraction to swing his fist out. It caught Harry on the jaw and he fell onto the ground.

Sirius shot out as many spells as he could while dashing to his godson. "All right Harry?" he kept his eye on Tom who looked shocked to see him. "Long time no see, Tommy," he sneered.

"Sirius Black," Tom snarled. "I should have known you'd be behind this,"

"That's right," Sirius replied. "I've been waiting for this moment ever since you banished Remus and me from here using James's name."

Harry stepped between his godfather and Tom. "Let me handle him," Harry said.

Sirius clenched his teeth but nodded. Harry pulled out his wand and aimed it at his father's mentor's throat.

Several curses whizzed past Remus as he charged through the open doors to the castle. Hermione, Ron and most of the villagers were hot on his tail.

Harry was again distracted and Tom once again took the opportunity to catch him in the jaw. This time instead of staying, he took off for the stairs that would lead him up to the balcony tower. In a flash, Harry was on his feet and running up after him.

Tom was actually frightened. He thought he'd convinced Harry to leave forever yet here he was. He looked like James; he looked FAR too much like James. And if he had the same amount of power… Tom pulled his wand from his robes as he ran.

The two of them burst out onto the balcony tower. The rain was falling quite thickly, leaving them drenched in seconds.

"This ends here and now," Harry said darkly.

"You're quite right," Tom replied. His back was facing the entrance to the tower so he didn't see several of his Death Eaters sneak up.

Harry suddenly had a plan. "I suppose you've finally admitted to everyone that you're the leader of the Death Eaters and responsible for all those attacks?"

"Death Eaters? I'm not involved with them," Tom denied quickly. "In fact Harry… if we can simply work everything out here, I'll help you catch all of them and punish them accordingly…"

Harry saw with satisfaction the look on Lucius Malfoy's face. Rage and betrayal crossed over his features before he turned and muttered something to the two people standing with him.

"I don't think so, Riddle." Harry replied. "I don't believe any of your lies anymore."

"Lies?" Tom cocked his head. "Lies?"

"Lies," Harry nodded. "You made me believe for years that it was my fault my father died when indeed it wasn't. And as soon as we were out of the way you stepped in to take over the throne." The two men began circling one another. "Then you killed Hermione's parents," Harry felt the anger begin to burn inside him again. "And then you decide you want to marry her?"

"Well, I see I know where she ran off to," Tom sneered.

Harry opened his mouth to reply when they heard a sudden crackling. Lightning had hit part of the roof, shattering the tiles and sending them sliding down. Tom took this moment to lunge at Harry, who stumbled backwards and over the railing.

Tom caught his arm, grinning maliciously down at him. "Well doesn't this look familiar," he said mockingly. "Oh of course… how could I ever forget," he leaned down, making Harry slip further. His hand grabbed for the wet stone railing. "Your father looked exactly like this the moment before he died."

Harry glared back up at the older man. "And how would you know that?"

"Because Harry, my dear boy," Tom leaned down even more. "I killed James."

It all came rushing back to Harry at that moment. Ten years of guilt, pain and sorrow turned into a blinding rage. Somehow he managed to grip the railing and fly back up over the top, pinning Tom Riddle down.

"IT WAS YOU!" He roared. "YOU KILLED MY FATHER! YOU'RE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE SORROW!" he moved his hand up to Riddle's neck. "How could you have done this to us? My father TRUSTED you with everything!" Tom kicked out his knee and caught Harry off guard.

He howled in pain and Tom flipped him over. "I put up with your father and YOU simply to get what I wanted. And now I shall get rid of you and be the TRUE king forever!"

A sudden shape loomed over them and Tom Riddle flew to the side, clutching his head. Dumbledore extended a hand to Harry, a long grey staff clutched in his other.

"Thanks," Harry rubbed his neck. He picked up his wand and pointed it at his enemy. "He did it," he said. "I was never responsible for my father's death."

"No," Dumbledore placed a hand on his shoulder. "You weren't."

"Did you know all along?" Harry asked.

"No," Dumbledore turned. "But like I told you. I watch, and I observe. From that I learn."

Harry smiled and then turned as several people rushed onto the balcony. Hermione threw herself at him in another bone crushing hug. Harry held her for a moment then pulled away. "Are you all right?" he touched a cut on her cheek.

"Oh, I'm fine," Hermione looked near tears. "It was so strange Harry- Lucius, Bellatrix and Anton Dolohov came rushing downstairs and a minute after that, all the Death Eaters just left. We came up as soon as we could…"

"I'm fine," he hugged her again and then his eyes turned to his mother.

"Harry," Lily whispered.

"Mum," Harry left Hermione and hugged his mother. "I've missed you," his voice was thick and muffled, as if he was trying not to cry. "I'm sorry I left Mum…"

Lily burst into tears and held on to her son for dear life. "I don't care about any of that," she sobbed. "You've come back!"

Ron arrived up on the balcony at that moment, his eyes disbelieving. "Harry it's really you!"

Harry grinned. "Ron!" he came forward and hugged his best friend from childhood. "Where are Sirius and Remus?"

"Making sure no Death Eaters come back in the castle." He gave a look of disgust to the fallen Tom Riddle who was still quite unconscious.

"All this time," Lily shook her head. "James and I, we had thought they just left and it was Tom. I should have known it was him." She looked back up at Harry.

"He killed Dad," Harry said quietly. "I thought it was me for so long, but it was him."

Lily placed a comforting arm around him and one around Hermione. "He's caused us all a lot of pain, but he can't do anything anymore." She hugged both of them to her. "I'm so glad you're safe Hermione. Molly and I were so worried when you disappeared."

"I'm fine," Hermione replied. "I told Ron to fill you in once all the fuss died down."

Harry pulled away from his mother as he saw Tom Riddle start to stir. He bent over and picked up the man's wand, snapping it in half over his knee.

Tom opened his eyes, the grey sky bright and the rain cold on his face. "Get out," a voice made him snap his head to the side. Harry Potter stood over him, throwing the broken remains of his wand at him.

"I'm not a murderer," Harry said coldly. "Run away Tom, run away, and don't ever come back."

Realising he was completely powerless, Tom did exactly what Harry said. He ran down the stairs, past Sirius and Remus and out into Diagon Alley. He headed towards Knockturn Alley where he knew his faithful Death Eaters would be waiting.

"Ah," he sighed with relief as he came through the secret entrance to one of their hideouts in Borgin and Burkes. "My friends and faithful followers…"

"Friends?" Lucius raised an eyebrow.

"Followers?" Bellatrix moved aside him.

"You see, we went upstairs in the castle to see if our master needed our assistance," Anton Dolohov began.

"And he was saying how he would help capture and punish us accordingly," Lucius mimicked Tom Riddle's panicked tone from earlier.

"I didn't mean that," Tom replied. "Honestly, Lucius… you have been my most faithful servant for years… I was only telling him that to keep him from killing me on the spot."

"Well," Bellatrix purred. "You may have prolonged your life, but only for a few extra moments…"

"No…" Tom shook his head wildly as his three best Death Eaters pulled out their wands and aimed them directly at his chest. He looked to the others but his eyes were met with unsympathetic glares. "NO!!!!" his scream echoed down the streets as three death curses shot through his body.

*** *** ***

The group eventually made their way down from the balcony tower. Harry helped his mother over several piles of rubble.

"We've got quite a cleanup job to do," Harry looked around at the entry hall.

"With magic it won't be too bad," Ron replied.

A rustling was heard in one of the corridors off the main entryway and everyone looked over to see Pettigrew emerge.

"Your highness!" he cried in shock as he saw Harry. "We all thought you were dead these past years!" he bowed low at Harry's feet.

Harry looked at Hermione, then at his mother. Both women wore expressions of disgust. He remembered what Hermione had said to him before they had separated earlier. "Pettigrew," he said, his tone kind as he crouched down.

"Yes my lord?" Pettigrew looked up.

"Through these years I've been gone, have you been a good butler to my mother and the rest of the people living in the castle?" Harry asked in the same kind voice.

"Yes, of course," Pettigrew bowed his head again.

"Including your former king?" Harry asked coolly.

Pettigrew stared up at him; Harry could see a million lies and excuses swimming behind the man's eyes. "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, sire…"

"I think you do," Harry replied evenly. "I don't think you know anything at all about loyalty. You've been playing both sides far too long." Pettigrew opened his mouth to say something but Harry cut him off. "You have exactly one minute to leave this castle, before I do something I'll regret."

Pettigrew let out a whimper as he scrambled to his feet and was out the door in ten seconds flat.

"How did you know he was with Riddle?" Lily asked softly.

"Hermione told me," Harry turned towards his betrothed. They smiled at each other. "She's the reason I came back… and now we can all start anew… try and put this all behind us and concentrate on the future."

"Does this mean I can forget about what I saw Ron and Luna doing in his bedroom when I found him today?" Hermione asked innocently. Ron glared at her as his mother's jaw fell open.

"Ronald Weasley!"

Well there's the end of that one! There is one more chapter to tie up all loose ends, and some very nice H/Hr goodness coming your way.

Please review!