Unofficial Portkey Archive

Circle of Life by Heaven

Circle of Life


A/N: Sorry this chapter took me so long to get out- I got stuck in several places… big HUGE thanks to Amynoelle and PerfectMisstake for helping me through those bits!

Also, please check out my note at the end with the link on reviewing, if you read it you'll see how important you readers really are to us authors and how much we value feedback even if it's only a few words.

Hermione kissed him back as passionately as she could, forgetting his cold words from the moment before. Her fingers were stroking his nape, twisting into his hair as his tongue pushed its way into her mouth.

"Harry…" her voice was almost a whisper as her legs threatened to buckle beneath her.

The sound of her voice made Harry snap back to reality. He pulled his mouth away from hers, opening his eyes.

What was he doing? Didn't he want this? Hadn't he been dreaming of having Hermione there for years and years and now that she was here, he didn't think he was doing the right thing.

"I uh…" Harry's tone was strangled. "I'm sorry I uh… I don't quite know what…" he backed away, still looking at her.

Hermione watched him run away, her stomach sinking lower and lower with each step he took.

Harry ran until he was sure he was far enough away from Hermione that she wouldn't have followed. He sat down on a tree stump in the middle of a clearing and put his face in his hands.

"What's wrong with me?" he moaned after a few minutes.

"You've run from the past for long enough now haven't you?" a voice made him snap his head up and look wildly around the clearing.

"Who's there?" Harry shouted.

The grey haired man with the long beard stepped out from behind a tree. "Hello, Harry Potter," he said.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" Harry shouted.

"My name is Albus Dumbledore," the old man replied. "I've come to take you home."

Harry calmed visibly, but was still angry. "Why were you following me around all day?" he asked.

"I discovered you had not died as most have thought," Dumbledore sat down on a conjured tree stump next to him. "You miss your father, don't you?"

"How did you know about that?" Harry asked, deciding to trust the old man. There was something about him that he found calming, now that he got a good chance to look at him.

"Harry my son; I was one of James's mentors while he was in school," Dumbledore said. "And I was the one who showed you to your kingdom when you were only a year old."

"You did?" Harry was curious. "How come I never saw you around then?"

"I tend to be a bit of a hermit," Dumbledore said, his eyes bright behind the half moon spectacles he wore. "I prefer to keep to myself at Hogwarts."

"I would have been going there," Harry said. "Had I not… left."

"Yes," Dumbledore nodded. "But I can already see you've been wonderfully trained by your godfathers."

"Yeah, Sirius and Remus have been really great for me." Harry replied. "How… how do you know so much?" he asked.

"I see, and I observe. From that I learn." Dumbledore replied prophetically. "I say Harry, would you like to talk to your father?"

Harry blinked. "Talk to my father?" he repeated.

"Yes," Dumbledore nodded. "Lean towards me…" He held out his hands and as Harry leaned forward he placed his hands on either side of the young man's head. "Just think about his face, think of him the last time you saw him…"

Dumbledore's voice faded away and Harry opened his eyes to find himself in a dark room. It was quiet and calm in there, and Harry felt more at peace with himself than he had in the past decade.

"Hello son," a quiet voice made him jump and turn around.

"Dad!" Harry threw himself at his father and hugged him as hard as he could.

"Harry," his father hugged him back. "You grew up to look just like your old man didn't you?"

Harry grinned at his father. It was true, they could almost pass for twins except for Harry's eyes and lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead.

"I'm glad we look alike," Harry managed. "It… it makes me happy to know that you're still with me in a way."

James smiled and sat down on a puffy armchair that suddenly materialised. "Harry… I am glad to see you…"

Harry sat down as well in another armchair. "But…"

"I'm disappointed that you ran away." James regarded him.

"I had to," Harry replied, looking down. "Tom Riddle, he told me that it was my fault," his emotions that he had been able to keep mostly in check for the past 10 years were coming out.

"What happened to me was not your fault." James leaned forward.

"It wasn't?" Harry asked.

"No," James put his hand on top of his son's.

They were silent for several minutes while Harry put himself back in check. "Should I go back Dad?" he asked finally.

"I can't tell you what to do." James said. "You'll do what you think is right."

Harry nodded, his mind suddenly made up. "Okay."

"Harry, I just want you to know, whatever decisions you've made or have yet to make, you'll always be my son. I'll always love you." James stood back up.

"Do you have to go already?" Harry stood up as well.

"I'm afraid so," James replied.

Harry hugged his father again, and then suddenly he was reeling back from Dumbledore, sprawled on the ground.

"I saw him!" Harry gasped. "I was here with my dad!"

Dumbledore smiled. "And what have you decided?"

Harry grinned back at the old man. "I'm going back!"

*** *** ***

Hermione sniffed as Remus set a steaming hot cup of tea in front of her. "I can't believe he ran away!"

"I'm going to have words with that boy," Sirius was angry with his godson.

"Now, now…" Remus sat down. "I'm sure he'll be back and he can explain what is going on."

"He'd better," Sirius replied ominously while Hermione took a few sips of tea.

They all sat in silence until they heard someone approaching. Harry ran into the shack, breathless.

"I have to talk to all of you," he pulled a chair over and sat down in it.

"Yes, you bloody well have some explaining to do," Sirius crossed his arms.

Harry looked at Hermione who glared back at him. "I'm sorry for running out on you," he said to her.

Hermione sat up straighter. "Why did you?" she asked.

Harry looked at his two godfathers (he considered them both that way). "Can I talk to Hermione alone for a moment? I do want to talk to you all tonight though."

Remus stood up first. "We'll just go in the other room," he pulled on Sirius's sleeve.

Sirius stood up as well, still giving his godson a dark look. "I'm going to glue you to that chair if you try to leave again," he said.

"I won't!" Harry promised. He turned back to Hermione once the two men were gone. "I'm really sorry… I know you're probably in the midst of hating me-"

"I don't hate you," Hermione interrupted. "I'm angry at you but I'd never hate you."

"All right," Harry said. "I'm really sorry for running out on you the way I did, especially right after… kissing you." He ran his hand through his hair; something Hermione began to realise was a nervous habit. "It wasn't you… I mean… I really liked kissing you."

Hermione blushed. "I liked it too," she confessed softly.

"I just… I just wasn't ready to face up to what happened in my past." Harry said.

"Why not?" Hermione answered.

"I'm getting to that," Harry promised. "That's all part of what happened tonight that I want to tell all of you at once."

"Okay," Hermione replied, a tentative smile on her face.

"I want you to know that it wasn't you that caused me to run." Harry said, taking her hand in his.

Her smile grew wider. "Can you prove that?"

He was confused for a moment then realised what she wanted. Harry leaned forward and gently touched his lips to hers again.

"Ahem," a voice broke them apart. Harry turned to see Sirius grinning while Remus tried to pull him out of the room. "I believe you had something you wanted to tell us?"

"Right," Harry's face was bright red. He kept his hand wrapped around Hermione's as his two godfathers sat down. He told them everything that had happened that night, including his talk with his father.

"I love both of you, you've been the best these past ten years… but I really think I need to go home now," Harry looked down, hoping Remus and Sirius wouldn't be angry about his decision.

"I think it's wonderful you want to go back," Remus finally said after a few moments of silence. "You've grown up to be a mature young man Harry, and Sirius and I will support any decision you make."

"Thanks," Harry said in obvious relief. "You both have done a lot for me and I don't want you to think I'm ungrateful for it. And I hate to leave-"

"Whoa," Sirius held his hand up. "What makes you think you're leaving us behind?"

"You want to come with?" Harry was shocked.

"Of course we do," Remus replied.

They decided to leave that very next morning, not wanting to put things off any longer. Harry noticed Hermione grow pale at the thought of going back to Diagon Alley, but he didn't have a chance to ask her what was wrong as they were all quite busy getting ready.

"I have to go down to the Three Broomsticks to let them know I'm leaving," Harry said. "It's late but I know Rosmerta will still be up."

"All right," Sirius replied. "Don't take too long, you know how chatty she can get."

"Only with you," Harry tried to joke but he could barely smile. He looked at Hermione. "Want to go with me?"

"Sure," Hermione smiled faintly at him. He took her hand and they left the shack, heading towards the downtown area.

"I can't believe you lived here for so long and no one ever recognised you," Hermione said.

"I tend to keep a low profile," Harry answered. "Other than working in the pub there I just stay at home with Sirius and Remus." He looked over at her. "They used to live in Diagon Alley before we were born. They were friends with my dad and mum."

"Really!" Hermione was surprised.

"Yeah," Harry answered, suddenly looking pained. 'He hadn't even asked about his mother since Hermione had come…'

"Your mother is doing fine," Hermione squeezed his hand.

"How did you know that's what I was thinking about?" Harry asked.

"Lucky guess," Hermione smiled back at him. "She's sad of course but still very beautiful." She didn't say anything about her own troubles quite yet.

Harry nodded. "I always thought she'd stay the same no matter how much older she was." He pushed open the door, letting Hermione step in ahead of him.

Hermione looked around as Harry pulled the door shut behind them. It was a charming little place, warm and cosy. She could understand why Harry had liked working there.

"Ta, Rosmerta," He was saying as he took up her hand again, walking towards the bar.

"Hello Harry," a pretty woman in her 40's was standing behind the bar, wiping off glasses with a rag. Her eyes moved curiously to Hermione and then down to their joined hands.

"This is Hermione," Harry introduced. "She's uh… a friend from home." He said quickly. He cast a furtive look at her.

"Lovely to meet you," Rosmerta shook her hand. "What brings the two of you in here this evening?"

"Well," Harry scratched the back of his head. "I'm actually leaving with Hermione tomorrow for my home… so I came in to tell you that I have to quit."

"I'm losing one of my best employees if you leave," Rosmerta sighed.

"I'm sorry," Harry apologised. "It's just that some things have come up and…"

"I understand love," Rosmerta came out from behind the bar. She hugged Harry tightly. "But come back and visit sometime, will you?"

"I will," Harry promised.

"You'll be leaving behind a lot of broken hearts," Rosmerta teased him. Harry flushed a dark red.

"I doubt that," he muttered. "Come on," he said to Hermione who smiled at Rosmerta.

"It was lovely meeting you." She said softly. "I'm sorry to drag him away on such short notice."

"Don't you worry about it love," Rosmerta replied. "Take care now!"

Harry and Hermione waved as they left the pub. "A lot of broken hearts?" Hermione asked him.

"Apparently she says a lot of the girls around here think I'm attractive," he mumbled.

Hermione smiled as she squeezed his hand. "They're right."

"Right," Harry's face was still very red. They walked back to the house in silence, joining back up with Sirius and Remus.

They all turned in early that night but Harry and Hermione were unable to sleep. He insisted she take his room while he used the sofa, both thinking of each other and the next day. He did not go to her and she stayed away from him, thinking he wanted to be alone.

In the morning everyone was rather groggy as they each took their bags, shrinking them down so they wouldn't actually have to carry them on their backs. Harry took one last look at the shack in which he had lived for most of his life, knowing he either wouldn't be back at all or be back as a king.

He turned his head to see Hermione helping Remus put some things into one last sack. He said something and she laughed briefly, her eyes moving away to meet his. Harry smiled at her, trying to reassure himself more than her that he was making the right decision.

"Are you all right?" Hermione asked softly, resting her hand on Harry's arm.

"I'm fine," Harry replied.

"You look nervous," she commented.

"I am, I guess." Harry said. "I mean, just a day ago I was going to work and now I'm heading back to… become a king…"

"I want to talk to you later," Hermione interrupted him. "It's… a long story, but I want to tell you everything that's happened since you left. I think it's important for you to know everything before we get back to Diagon Alley."

Harry nodded. "All right," he said.

"Is everyone ready?" Sirius asked, clapping his hands together. "Harry?"

"I'm ready," Harry replied.

And so the four of them left Hogsmeade and started towards Diagon Alley, staying mostly to the woods and off the path. No one said much, choosing instead to make sure they were heading in the right direction. Harry recognised some landmarks from his journey long before.

It was early evening and Remus opted that they camp out in a small patch of woods for the evening as he tired more easily than the rest.

"It's probably best this way," Sirius spoke up. "This way we can reach Diagon Alley around midday tomorrow instead of the middle of the night."

Harry and Hermione agreed as they all set to unpacking the tents they had brought.

"Oops," Sirius muttered as he enlarged the only sack left.

"What do you mean, oops," Harry asked.

"Well… the other tent we have isn't here." Sirius was embarrassed. "This one only has two rooms and three beds."

"So, you and Remus take the room with two beds and Hermione can have the single." Harry said. "I'll sleep out here by the fire."

"No, you need your rest for tomorrow," Sirius argued.

"It's fine." Harry put up a hand. "I insist."

"Well, all right." Sirius said reluctantly. Remus and Hermione were building a fire which was soon warming them all up, as evenings sometimes tended to be rather cool.

After dinner Sirius and Remus retired to the first bedroom, and Hermione stayed outside with Harry.

"Come on," he said, holding up the blanket he had wrapped around himself. "Come under here."

"All right," Hermione tucked herself in next to him, appreciating the heat from his body.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked, letting his arm rest over her shoulders.

"There are so many things…" Hermione began, twisting the edge of the blanket between her fingers.

Harry squeezed her shoulders. "Take your time," he said.

"Well…" Hermione took a deep breath. "I'll start the day you left… Tom Riddle brought your father's body back to the castle but he said they couldn't find you. After that, he said he was going to crown himself king and my father said no." Hermione's eyes filled with tears as she remembered that moment. "He… he killed my mum and dad."

"What?" Harry was shocked. "Tom Riddle did WHAT?"

"He killed my mum and dad." Hermione repeated, tears spilling over.

"Hermione," Harry hugged her to him tightly. "I'm so sorry; I wish I had never run away…"

"It's not your fault it's his," she said, suddenly angry. "But there's more…" Hermione told Harry of everything that had transpired, including their suspicions about Tom Riddle being the leader of the Death Eaters and how Ron had been such a great friend for her.

"I knew he'd take care of you," Harry said, still holding her unconsciously.

"He has," Hermione replied, her head on his shoulder.

"So what made you leave?" Harry asked.

"Well…" Hermione snuggled in closer to him. "It all really started the day before I arrived, and its part of the reason I don't want to go back, although I feel better knowing I'm with you." She sighed. "Tom Riddle wanted to marry me."

"WHAT?" Harry almost shouted.

"He thought that if I married him, he'd get more support from the villagers. They all hate him like we do. I told him that I was already betrothed and that I wouldn't do it, and he got mad and said that we'd get married that next night. I went to Ron and he and his brothers got me out." Hermione pressed her face into his shoulder. "That's how I wound up in Hogsmeade."

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there," Harry cradled the back of her head in his hand as they hugged. "This is all my fault for leaving."

"No," Hermione pulled away. "Harry he would have killed you if you stayed… he was going to kill me when your mum stopped him." She cupped his face between her hands. "In that sense I'm glad you left, because we wouldn't be here right now if you stayed."

Harry grasped her hands. "Then I'm glad I left," he replied softly. They looked at each other for a long moment before Hermione leaned in and kissed him.

His hands slipped down to her waist, pulling her over so she was sitting on his lap. Her fingers slid from his face up into his hair, twisting the strands around.

Hermione's body was up tight against his as Harry kissed her deeper, letting his tongue explore her mouth. She didn't feel like she needed the blanket anymore so she let go, not even noticing the cold bite at her skin.

Harry kissed her for a few more minutes and then pulled away for some air. Hermione held onto him, leaning her forehead against his. "Please don't leave me this time," she breathed.

"I won't," Harry said, his eyes closed. He kissed her again, pulling the blanket back up around her. Pulling her dress down one shoulder, he moved his mouth over her neck and kissed her skin, enjoying her sweet taste.

Hermione let her head fall back as Harry moved away from her shoulder and began kissing her neck again. She shrugged her other shoulder and let the bodice of her dress fall, happy now for the blanket.

She slid her hands under his shirt and touched his stomach, which tightened immediately. Harry kissed her on the mouth again, his tongue forcing its way between her lips.

Hermione cried out softly as he nipped at her lower lip, pulling it out before leaning back in to kiss her hard. Her response was fiery; she wanted him to kiss her like she'd dreamed about for all those years.

"Harry," he was kissing her neck again, suckling lightly at her skin.

"Hmm?" he mumbled. His mouth touched the corner of hers and she breathed out heavily.

"I love you," Hermione gasped.

At first Harry thought he hadn't heard her right. "What?" he finally said, realising as soon as the words left his lips that it was the wrong thing to say.

"I love you," Hermione repeated, blushing slightly. "Maybe I shouldn't have said that…" she turned her head away from him.

Harry stared at her, his mind trying to piece together the three little words she had just uttered. "You just said you love me…" he said.

"Look, perhaps I should just go to bed," Hermione started to get up, feeling incredibly stupid for saying what she had said.

"No," Harry's hand shot out and pulled her back down. "I don't want you to leave Hermione,"

"Why?" she asked, staring at him.

"I…" Harry ran his hand through his hair. "I love you too," he finally said.

Hermione stared at him again. "You're not just saying that are you?" she finally asked, her voice quivering slightly.

"No," Harry grasped her hand. "I was going to tell you that before we went into Diagon Alley." He pulled her close to him again. "After… after everything comes to an end and it all settles down…" Harry paused. "I want to marry you."

Hermione gasped. "You do?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah," he smiled, remembering a conversation he'd had with his father. "It's funny… ten years ago when we found out we were betrothed, I asked my dad if I really had to marry you. He told me that in ten years' time, I'd feel differently than I did at the time."

Hermione smiled. "Your mum told me the same thing." They both laughed. "Maybe we should have listened to them then. I seem to remember you wouldn't talk to me at first the next day."

"Yeah," Harry ruffled his hair again. "Thank goodness someone set me straight," he grinned at her then kissed her lightly. She rested her head on his shoulder and they watched the fire in comfortable silence until it burned itself down to embers.

"I should get some sleep," Hermione said quietly. Harry nodded and got up, both of them stretching as he helped her up. Harry walked her into the tent and into the small bedroom where she caught his hand.

"Stay here with me," Hermione caught his hand impulsively.

"All right," Harry agreed immediately, not really wanting to sleep outside on the cold hard ground. They slipped into bed, Hermione spooning her body against Harry's.

"Hermione," Harry said as they both began to drift off.

"Hmm?" she said softly.

"I'm glad… I'm glad we said what we said to each other tonight." Harry spoke into her hair. "Just in case… tomorrow something goes wrong."

"Nothing's going to go wrong," Hermione said faithfully. "I know we can rally up the villagers to fight on your behalf."

"I still can't help but be nervous," Harry ran his hand over her long hair. "I'm glad you came though. No matter how simple my life might have been with Sirius and Remus… being with you is a million times better."

Hermione smiled at him, tears pooling in her eyes again. Harry buried his face in the pillow. "Don't tell Sirius I made you cry again or he'll kill me…" Hermione laughed.

"It's our secret," she said, her fingers running back over his nape. She pulled him in for a kiss then snuggled into his body as he wrapped his arms around her.

It was the way Sirius found them the next morning. He had fully expected to see his godson in there and not out by the fire like Harry had said.

"Rise and shine!" he called, making Harry pull his arms protectively around her. "Come on you two, wake up…" he shook them gently. Hermione muttered something unintelligible and buried her face deeper into Harry's chest.

"All right," Sirius stood back and crossed his arms. "I'm giving you two one last chance to wake up before I use drastic measures." Neither Harry or Hermione replied.

Retrieving his wand from his pocket, Sirius pointed it mainly at Harry, and whispered a charm. A jet of freezing cold water shot out directly at his face and a moment later, Harry was out of bed and on his feet, shouting at the top of his lungs.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" Behind him Hermione sat up, relatively dry, and rubbed at her eyes.

"Like I said before, rise and shine, valentine," Sirius replied cheekily. Harry glowered at him.

"Why did you dump water on me?" he shook his head, sending droplets everywhere.

"We need to get moving and you two lovebirds were dead to the world." Hermione blushed at Sirius's comment. "There's a stream in back if you want to get washed up, of I could always douse you with water again."

"No thanks," Harry pushed his godfather out of the room. "Go bother Remus will you?"

"I already did…" Sirius was muffled by the door slamming in his face. "Ungrateful sod!" he called out.

"Sorry," Harry apologised. "Sometimes Sirius takes jokes a little too far."

"It's fine," Hermione smiled. "You're the one that got all wet not me,"

Harry glared at her then grinned back. "I suppose we'd better get a move on then…" They went out back and freshened up, then headed out to have a quick breakfast with Sirius and Remus.

Harry and Hermione pulled down the tent and repacked it while Sirius and Remus took care of the fire and breakfast dishes. They shrank down all the bags like the previous day and were off again.

Hermione couldn't stop thinking about what Harry had said to her last night. He wanted to marry her after it was all over, he actually wanted to marry her… it kept a smile on her face most of the day and Harry kept giving her knowing looks.

It was around two in the afternoon when they were able to see the gates to Diagon Alley in the distance. It had grown very cloudy and was raining lightly as the group approached.

Harry gulped audibly as they all came up along the stone wall surrounding the castle. For the first time in ten years he was terrified beyond all capacity.

He was back.

A/N: Whew, finally finished with this chapter! I know some parts of it might have gone along quite fast but this chapter would have never gotten done otherwise.

Hermione is completely responsible for the "I love yous" in this chapter… I wanted them to wait but nooo she always has to have her way. And of course Harry is no angel, he was all for them jumping into the sack but I managed to fend him off with thoughts of Snape in underwear. LOL

Anyways… I would really, really, REALLY appreciate it if you guys would review. Not to sound picky, but I had almost 500 hits on my last chapter and 36 of you guys reviewed. If you're not sure about reviewing I encourage you to check this essay out:

It's by Lissanne and she brings up some excellent points about why us authors appreciate reviews. I still go back to my oldest stories and reread what people have said because I love seeing reviews THAT much.

See you all next time!