Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling; therefore I do not own Harry Potter or any other character I may mention.
On with the show…
The Best Birthday Ever
You always think that you'll be with the love of your life forever, and you do. But sometimes forever is shorter than you think.
In the beginning out our seventh year, Harry and I finally admitted we were in love…with each other. Who would have thought that two seemingly meaningless crushes on each other could turn in the love of your life? Apparently neither did we.
I remember it like it was yesterday; instead of almost 23 years. We were walking down the road on our way to Hogsmeade to celebrate my seventeenth birthday when Harry reached over and clasped my hand in his and said "Happy birthday, my love."
I was so happy to be given the best birthday present a girl could get: the heart and soul of her best friend.
When we finally got o the Three Broomsticks I wasn't aware of all the looks and stares the patrons were giving Harry and me as we walked in, I didn't even hear the comments of "Mudblood and St. Potter finally together," at the time I didn't care what they said, I was too busy falling in love. And through out the evening I couldn't even think of anything else. Hey it was my party and I could think about what I wanted to.
The night was wonderful, no wait, the night was magical. It was just Harry, me, Ron, Luna, Draco, and Ginny - a couples night out. I couldn't wait until I was able to get back to the castle to tell Harry how I felt and still feel, and to this day I don't think I could not have told him.
It was midnight when we finally returned to the school, but being Head Boy and Head Girl had some definite advantages. I wasn't aware of anything going on around me, except Harry and him talking to me and holding my hand. I can still feel the strength of his hand holding mine and entwining his fingers with mine. I can still remember the conversation we had on the way back to the castle.
"Harry, I want to thank you so much for tonight. It was the best birthday celebration I ever had." I said.
"Oh come on `Mione. I know that can't be true. You have had sixteen other birthdays and this can't be the best of the bunch." I couldn't see his smile but I could tell it was there.
"Believe it or not, it is." I could feel my cheeks reddening with each passing moment. "Thank you, Harry."
We were halfway to the castle when he stopped and turned me to face him.
"'Mione, there's something I need to tell you…" I heard the seriousness in his voice and it scared me. I thought that it was something fatal disease or he would have to go battle Voldemort soon and he was saying his final good-bye.
He didn't speak for a moment or two and all the while I was looking into his deep green eyes. I could finally see them because the clouds parted and the moon shone down us with such an intensity it was as if the heavens were shining down upon us.
"What is it Harry? Just tell me, please." I was really worrying now and I felt the tears pooling in my eyes and spilling on my cheeks.
I think I worried him more because he started to panic and he grabbed me and held on to me and whispered "'Mione, I didn't mean it. Whatever I did, I didn't mean it."
"Oh, Harry. I know. You just sounded so serious and I thought that you would have to go fight Voldemort soon." I was barely able to speak above a whisper, I was too wrapped up by the way Harry was holding me; almost as lovers would. It felt wonderful.
"Oh, Merlin, `Mione. It is serious, but you know that I'd tell you before I fought him you know that right. And if I am not mistaken you were the one demanding to go with me in order to see to my wounds I am bound to get." I know it sounds weird, but he sounded as though he were proud of me demanding to go with him. Maybe he was.
"Yeah I know, but I still worry about you .I don't want anything to happen to you. I'd die if it did." Just a life without Harry would be no life at all, and just thinking about being without him got me choked up; before I knew it I was sobbing uncontrollably.
"Oh, `Mione. Please don't cry. I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that, and if I do you are coming with me." I just couldn't think of him leaving with his hands cupping my face like that and drying my wet cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. "And I don't know what I'd do without you either."
I sniffed once more before I looked into those big green eyes of his once more and saw sincerity and something I just couldn't place. Slowly his eyes searched mine and my eyes searched his. What we were looking for, I have no idea, but apparently we found what we were searching for, for after what seemed like hours our heads started to tilt toward each other and an eternity after that I felt his lips press lightly into mine for what was the worlds softest and most gentle kiss I have ever received.
After the contact he pulled his head back just enough to look into my eyes and what I saw in them was go powerful and so moving I almost cried again, but I controlled myself.
"'Mione, I think I am falling for you."
Yes I was right, it was love I saw. And I couldn't have been happier.
"Harry, I know that I have fallen for you." And he breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his head back to mine for what was our first kiss as an official couple and it happened just one minute before midnight, it was still my birthday and I received the greatest present one could ask for: the heart of her best friend.
Oh Merlin, that was all such a long time ago. I still wish he were with me but even in Wishcraft you don't receive all your wishes like having your love come back to life. I should know, after Harry was killed I took up this new magic and I wished night and day for him to come back to me. But nothing happened. My life was gone. All I had to get me through was Lily.
Lily Jane Potter was born in the February right after we graduated Hogwarts…or should I say I graduated.
A/N. ok so that is it for chapter one…chapter two should be up shortly.
Reviews are good to have!!