Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling; therefore I do not own Harry Potter or any other character I may mention.
On with the show…
The Prophecy Retold
I did as asked and I stuck my head through the watery silver substance and I whirled back into Dumbledore's office, but there was no Professor McGonagall and it was daylight. A young looking Professor Trelawney sat in a chair directly in front of Dumbledore. I didn't know what was happening, but something in the room shifted, the atmosphere changed and Trelawney got a distant look on her face.
I couldn't believe it. This was what Harry kept from Ron and me for two years now. I wanted to strangle and kiss him at the same time, but he wasn't here to either too and that started a whole new round of tears. I felt a swirling sensation come over me as everything in the bowl disappeared and once more I was standing in the modern-day office and it was nighttime.
I was still crying as I came out of the bowl and Professor Dumbledore did something that I would never have imagined. He walked over to me and held me in his arms and let me cry as much as I needed to cry as he rubbed my back and said `to get it out of my system so we could talk'. What he didn't know was that I wasn't crying for fear or sadness anymore. I was crying out of anger that Harry couldn't trust me enough to confide what was in Prophecy.
It took about a total of twenty minutes for my crying to die down and for me to get in control of my anger before I was able to look up into the faces of my two most favorite teachers.
"I'm sorry, Professors. This is really hard on me right now." Professor Dumbledore shifted me out of his understanding hug and put me into a chair in front of his desk. "I guess you are wondering why I am in Harry's robe, huh?"
"Well, Ms. Granger, I wasn't going to force you to ask that question, but if you would like to inform us." Professor McGonagall said as a small smile formed on her face. "However, I do believe I know what has happened between you and Mr. Potter tonight."
I felt heat rise up my chest, into my neck and settling on my face where it abruptly stayed there. "Yes, Professor. I am afraid it is what you think. We were intimate tonight. And believe it or not, I don't regret it one bit."
I carefully looked at Professor Dumbledore who had an amused look upon his face. "I don't doubt that, Hermione. When you fall in love, you will do anything to be with that person. Am I right, Minerva?"
"Absolutely, Albus. Hermione, how about you and I go back to your room so you can get something more, ahem, decent on. And then we can return here or perhaps back to my office to chat." I nodded. The thought of returning to my room was unbearable, but I did need something else to wear, but I didn't want to take off his robe. The robe was him. It still smelled like him. I decided to wear my pajamas under it.
As we walked down the hallway, I could tell that McGonagall wanted to talk to me so bad, so I started her talking. "Oh, Professor, forgive the attitude, but spill it."
She smiled at me. "I was just thinking, Hermione, that in that prophecy it said the one to defeat the Dark Lord had something the Dark Lord didn't have. I now believe it was love that will be the determining factor in this battle. You, Hermione, just might be the reason why Harry will finally win the War against the Dark Side. And if I am not mistaken, Mr. Potter will want to get back home to you so you can have a wedding to plan." By this time we were standing outside the portrait of Sir Codogan, the portrait that allowed access to the Head Boy and Girl Common Room and dorms.
I quickly muttered the password and walked into the Common Room. Everything was just as we left it. I stalked past the couch, the coffee table, the fireplace, and the table and chairs to go up to my room and get my pajamas. I quickly changed and met McGonagall back in the Common Room.
"Let's go. I don't' want to stay here any longer than necessary. Right now, anyway." I was on the verge of tears again and this time I knew that if I started I wouldn't be able to stop.
"Quite understandable, Ms. Granger. Let's go back to my office so we can chat and have a cup of tea." I was so grateful for her at that moment. If I had to stay in our rooms one last second I would have surely let my tears loose and I would probably cry myself into a coma. She led me back out the portrait hole and up the hallway toward her office, and somehow just walking beside her calmed my nerves to an extent. Don't get me wrong; I was still nervous, very much so in fact, but it was less than before.
"Thank you, Professor." I just continued walking, not really taking in anything that was happening around me. My mind was shut off. If I thought I hurt, and if I hurt I cried, and Merlin knows I didn't need to cry anymore. McGonagall snapped me out of my daze after I walked about 20 feet past her door. I would normally have been embarrassed, but I didn't give a flying Snitch at the moment. I tuned and walked solemnly back to the door she held open for me. "Thanks," I murmured as I walked in the office.
"Have a seat, Hermione. We need to chat." I politely sat down in an armchair that was in front of her desk. "Ms. Granger, I must talk to you about your actions tonight. You and Mr. Potter were destined to be together, I know that, but are you so sure that you were ready to finalize your relationship with him?" I knew that must have been coming. All I could do was nod my head. My mind was zoning out again and I knew if I didn't stop that I would never be able to concentrate on my schoolwork. Wait…what schoolwork. We just finished N.E.W.T.S. and there were no more classes for the seventh years. It was already affecting" my mind.
"Professor, must we talk about this now? I know we shouldn't have, but if I start thinking like that and he doesn't come back to me, it was almost as if it were a mistake. Believe me, it was no mistake. Even if it were the last time I could hold him, I wouldn't change a thing. I love him so much and I don't want to lose him. I just found him and he could be gone." I started crying again. I cried like I had never before, not even in Dumbledore's office. I heard her get up, but I didn't know where she went and I didn't care. I sat there; my shoulders shaking and my breath coming out as gasps. When McGonagall came back I couldn't breathe right, I was hyperventilating.
"Hermione, breathe, you have to breathe." She was really worried about me. I could see it in her eyes, she was worried not only for me but for Harry.
It took several minutes for my breathing to even somewhat, but even then it was still ragged. "I can't believe he left without telling me." I whispered. I could barely hear it and it was a miracle McGonagall heard it.
"Miss Granger, did you ever think that maybe he didn't leave of his own accord? That maybe You-Know-Who might have had a hand in his disappearance?"
All the bad thoughts one could think of were running through my head. I wouldn't have been able to say one coherent thought if my life depended on it. I only shook my head.
"You know that everything happens for a reason don't you, Miss Granger?" I nodded. "Then you know that everything that happened tonight was just a part of the overall plan that the Great Being has for us, am I right?" I nodded again. "Alright, if you know that, then why are you sulking the whole time? Miss Granger, you have to understand that everything has a reason and that reason is everything. The Final Battle has reason, and Mr. Potter and yourself doing what you did this evening even has reason. I don't want you to fret over it, Hermione, all will turn out in the end."
You know, I didn't want to admit it, but she was right. She was absolutely right.
alright, that is chapter 4. I am currently working on chapters 5 and 6.
OMG I forgot. I would like to thank my beta sarahmay, she is an awesome beta and I am SO, SO sorry I forgot to mention you! Please forgive me…goodness, I promise that will be the first thing I do when I finish the rest of the chapters. Lub you sarah, thanks again!!!
P.S. reviews are nice