Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling; therefore I do not own Harry Potter or any other character I may mention.
On with the show…
The Night That Changed Our Lives
I didn't know until July of 1998 that I was pregnant and Harry would never know. I can't help but think about that night:
I remember our first time like it was yesterday. It was right after we had taken our N.E.W.T.S. Harry and I were finally able to sleep without having to study all the time and it was wonderful. I remember after that last test dragging each other to the Head Boy and Girl Common Room. Falling on the couch we immediately fell asleep and didn't move until early the next morning.
I woke up because I had felt something stir against my ear - almost like someone breathing - soon I was awake enough to know where I was. I was on the couch in the Common Room with the love of my life spooning with my back to his chest and his arm wrapped protectively across my waist. His head was lying on his upper arm and his nose was right next to my ear. He was still sleeping. I slowly turned to a position where I could see him better and the sight almost made me cry. He looked so trouble free when he was asleep. I just wish it had been like that in real life. You know, no troubles at all, but life wasn't that fair to anyone…
Let alone Harry.
Let alone us.
All I could do was lie there and stare at him for about five minutes when he finally began to open his gorgeous green eyes.
"Morning, Harry." I said wondering just how someone can look so good right after waking up.
"Morning, Sleepy-head." He grinned. Just because I overslept that once I got landed with the name `Sleepy-head' for what was left of sixth year and all of seventh year.
I scowled at him but it wasn't long until he kissed away that scowl. First he kissed my forehead, then my cheeks, and then finally my mouth.
"How about this then?" He brought the hand from my waist up cupped my cheek, he looked me in the eyes, and said in the softest tone I have ever heard: "Good morning, My Love."
I blushed and ducked my head into his chest. You have no idea just how much I loved - still love - this man. To put it into words: every time I look at him, I fall even deeper in love with him.
"Oh come now, `Mione. Don't be bashful; you know that you hold my heart in your little hands." He kissed me again, lingering a bit before pulling back away. He rested his forehead against my own and said, "I love you."
It was the first time he said the whole sentence. Not just a "me too" or a "back at ya" when I said it first. It was a full `I love you'. I would never forget how he told me those words and how much I knew he really meant it.
"I love you, too. So much." My heart was bursting with so much joy that tears pooled in my eyes and one single tear slid down my face and dropped off my nose.
"Oh, `Mione, why are you crying?" His eyes were so full of worry and fear. "Every time I see you cry it breaks my heart in two. I can't stand to see you hurt."
I had to smile at that. So Mr. Harry Potter did have a weakness: me. "I'm not hurt, Harry. I'm actually quite happy right now and I have you to thank for it. I love you." I gently took his face in my hands and kissed his lips, hoping all the love I had for him could be represented by that kiss.
It couldn't have been done, because there was just too much love to be represented.
I never wanted that kiss to end. Nothing could drag me away from him at the moment. Soon - very soon, in fact - our kiss turned from sweet and innocent to hot, hungry and passionate.
I felt my tongue trace Harry's bottom lip and then meet with his ravenous tongue. It was the first time I had kissed - or had been kissed - that way.
I let my hands fall from his face and land on his chest. Immediately at the contact I felt his muscles contract under my palms. I had been ready to go to the next step for a while now, but that was all the conformation I needed from him to take our relationship to the next step.
I slowly let my hands leave his chest to roam the hem of his t-shirt and slid under if to touch his well-defined abs. Quidditch sure did wonders on his body these past six years. Within a matter of seconds I felt something hardening and lengthening in the general direction south of the belt.
"Oh Merlin, `Mione." He tore his lips away and rested his head on my forehead again to look me in the eyes. The passion was overwhelming in them. "I want you so much."
I didn't reply by words. I took my hands out from under his shirt and started to unbutton my uniform shirt.
I couldn't help but giggle at the look on his face. His eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging open in shock. Soon, however, he recovered when I finished unbuttoning the top and started to take it off my shoulders.
"'Mione are you sure about this?" I looked him directly in the eyes and I knew there was no turning back now. I was in love with Harry Potter and I was going to become his in everyway.
I grabbed his wrists and brought his hands to rest on my breasts that were still covered in my lacy black bra. And, yes, good girls can be a little bad and racy at times.
"Oh. Dear. Sweet. Merlin." Never could I have imagined how funny this man would be during our first time making love.
However my thoughts were put on hold indefinitely because his hands began to knead my soft mounds under that scrap of demure fabric.
Soon his lips were back on mine as his hands continued to caress my breasts. I was in heaven and hell at once. Heaven being this feeling he was giving me; hell being because I wanted skin-to-skin contact. I moved my arms to where I could reach around my back to unhook the bra clasp. Why I didn't buy the one with the clasp in front, I'll never know; but before long Harry started to tug on the straps; begging silently for that skin-to-skin contact too.
After fumbling with my bra for a few seconds, he finally freed me from a prison I never knew until that moment. He tore his lips from mine once more to look at me.
"You are beautiful, `Mione." I could generally hear the appreciation in his voice and see it in his eyes.
"You're not so bad yourself, Potter." And he wasn't. He was almost like a modern day Adonis. Everything about him was beautiful. Especially his heart.
"No, I mean it. You are too perfect for me. How'd I get so lucky to deserve this?" He reached back up to take my left breast into his hand and cup it. "And a perfect fit, too." He leaned his head down to kiss and suck at my nipple.
It was pure torture what he did to my body. Not fair...not fair at all. Soon under his spell I took my hands and lowered them to his lap where I then rubbed my fingertips over the hard bulge straining against his zipper.
I felt, more than heard, the gasp coming from his lips. It felt wonderful and sent a thrill of excitement up my back causing me to arch off the couch and pressed my breast closer to his mouth.
After a few more moments of lying there writhing with the ecstasy Harry's mouth was entailing on my senses, I stood up and pulled Harry with me.
"Hermione Jane Granger, please tell me that…that wasn't a mistake. I can't handle it if it was." I could see the smoldering look in his bright emerald eyes. That look shook me to the core.
"No, this is not." I pressed my body into his, making sure that my belly was pressed against his erection. The power of him, even behind covering, was amazing. "I just don't want this to happen on the couch. I'd prefer the bed myself."
"Good thinking, Love." He smiled at me. I then knew I couldn't turn back. This was the man I loved, and I wasn't going to wait anymore.
He kissed me with so much passion that it made my knees turn to jelly, and I almost fell, except for his arms were right there grabbing me and holding me tight.
"To the bed?" I can't believe he asked me that. As if I'd say no. Not now. Not ever.
All I was able to do was nod my head as he started to lead me up the stairs toward the Head Boys dormitory.
I was only able to look around the room for a total of about five seconds before he walked me over to the bed and sat down and moving me to straddle his lap. All I can remember was books, they were everywhere: the floor, the desk, the window, the chairs, and the shelves. I knew he was training for the Final Battle and studying for N.E.W.T.S., but his is ridiculous; he had more books in his dorm than I had in my whole house. And that was saying something.
I was soon pulled out of my thoughts when I felt his hands roam up and down my thighs and up under my uniform skirt. His hands were leaving trails of heat up and down my legs and creating a pool of heat deep in my belly. Deep in my soul.
He kissed my lips again, this time not even bothering to be gentle. The kiss was hard and wonderful. I shifted in his arms until I was somehow lying down on the bed and his knees were between my legs.
Without breaking the kiss I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and started tugging it over his head, but eventually we realized we had to stop kissing in order to fully remove the shirt. That is what true passion is all about. I took a moment to look at his body. This man was utterly perfect. He could be a male model for anything, but no one would pay attention to the product, they would be too busy ogling my Harry. My Harry. Boy did I like the sound of that.
He came back down for a chaste kiss then he moved his head back down toward my breasts and preceded to take the other nipple, the `ignored one' he called it, into his mouth. Somehow during all the pleasure sent through my body I was able to murmur a spell to remove us of our shoes and socks, but I left the skirt and pants for us to take off.
After Harry finished his administrations on my breasts he leaned over me and rested on his left elbow and kissed me sweetly on the mouth as his right had traveled from my breasts, to my stomach, to my waist, to my hip and then to my thigh where he slid his hand back under my skirt. A few agonizing seconds later, I felt his fingertips rub against the fabric guarding my most private part from him.
"Take the bloody things off already, Harry." He smiled as I murmured into his mouth not wanting to break the kiss.
"Yes, Ma'am!" I laughed and I could feel Harry's mouth mutter a spell to not only rid me of my undergarments, but my skirt as well. This time I broke the kiss.
"Now, Mr. Potter. Don't you know how to play fair anymore?" I teased him, as I mussed up his hair, not that I could really do that anyway, but I wanted to show some playfulness at the moment.
"Remember, Love, I play against the Slytherins. There is no such thing as playing fair. But I think I might be able to this once." He then muttered the spell to remove him of his pants and boxers. All that was left between them was air.
They stared at each other for a long moment in order to drown each other in the sight of the sheer beauty and love between them.
"Harry, I have to confess something."
"I know, `Mione, and I promise I won't hurt you. You have to believe that. It's the same with me, you are my first, too." I couldn't believe what was coming from his mouth. Harry was a virgin, too. He saved himself for the person he loved just like I did. I knew from that moment on that things between us would be those that tie us forever. I was right.
He kissed me again. Yet another one of those, passionate kisses that started out sweet and innocent and ended up hot and heavy. I seductively rubbed my body against his until he moaned in pleasure and leaned into me to where I could feel is erection with no abandon.
"Harry, I want…no, I need you. Now." I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted us to be one, body, mind, and soul. I needed it. He was barely able to mutter a word before I kissed him and immediately sucked his tongue into my mouth. Both danced and played until I reached down, wrapped my hand around his manhood and guided him home.
I felt his tip against the center of my core before he started to push into me increments at a time. Merlin, he felt good and I moaned into his mouth. He kept pushing until he hit my barrier and he drew his head back and looked me in the eyes.
"I don't want to hurt you, Love. I really don't, but I am afraid I might…I am really trying not to."
I didn't say anything to him; I wrapped my legs around his waist and brought him fully into me. My eyes pooled with tears as a scream escaped my mouth. Harry froze right where he was and I could feel his muscles twitching from holding back.
"Oh, `Mione. What have I done? No…don't answer that…I know what I did and it should--."
"Harry James Potter, if you tell me that what we are doing is a mistake then I will leave you right this minute and not look back." The look on his face told me that he was doing some rethinking. I could feel my body stretching to accommodate him and I decided to start moving in order to change his mind.
Soon his face changed and showed the pain of holding back, and he finally moved slowly out of me and thrust back in. After only moments, something, primal and primitive took over. Harry started thrusting into me a little harder and deeper each time and with each movement brought me closer to a release that I had only read about in romance books. This was much better than that.
Our breaths grew even more labored than what they were only moments before. I could still feel Harry moving in and out, but a new feeling was happening. I felt my inner muscles contract around him and I screamed out his name as I plummeted over the edge. Harry thrust in one last time and moaned my name before I felt his seed spill into me.
That night changed our lives in more way than one…
A/N and that kiddies, is why this is rated `R' I hope yall enjoyed it, and I hope to get some reviews too. And NO Hermione did not tell this part to lily, it her thinking about that night. I italicized it so you would know it is a thought! I can't believe you thought that…lol, I understand what you mean though, I should have done it differently.