Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling; therefore I do not own Harry Potter or any other character I may mention.
A/N: in the last chapter many of you thought that Hermione was telling Lily about what happened between her and Harry. Nope. She was just thinking about that night, I should have mentioned that before. I have changed it so if you would like to re-read it and make sure I did ok on it then you may do so. I italicized it all but the first sentence and last paragraph because she told Lily those things.
On with the show…
The Final Battle Has Begun
So spent after what we just did, we fell asleep in each other's arms. I had no idea how long we lay there; I couldn't even form one coherent thought until much later. Imagine me, Hermione Granger, the smartest witch in Hogwarts, was speechless. So I brought my head up to his and kissed him with all my being. I was finally able to speak a while later.
"Harry, I love you."
"Not as much as I love you, `Mione. I don't know what I would ever do without you. I want to be with you forever. Marry me after we graduate."
There was only one thought going trough my mind at the point was: How did I get so lucky?
"Oh, Harry. Yes, I will marry you after we graduate."
He kissed me again and I knew at that moment that this was the only man for me. I didn't have to voice it to him because I just knew that he felt the same about me.
He grew really quiet for about five minutes and grew this far off look on his face. I was scared. He had never gotten that look or gotten so quiet before.
"Harry, snap out of it. Harry? HARRY?" I was screaming by this time and all of a sudden he screamed bloody murder. "Harry, I am going to get Dumbledore." I threw on Harry's robe he left hanging on the back of his door and ran out of his room, through our common room, and out into the hall. I just ran and ran and ran. I kept running until I realized I almost passed the stone statue that lead into his office. I had so much adrenaline running through my veins that I didn't have to guess a password, the door opened, I ran up the steps and threw the door open to find Dumbledore sitting at his desk looking nonchalant about everything.
"Professor I need your help. There is something wrong with Harry. We were lying there and all of a sudden he grew distant and a few minutes later he screamed like someone was performing the Cruciatus Curse on him. Please, help me." I slumped to the floor crying. This couldn't be happening to me. When I finally found forever, it was in the process of being taken away.
"Calm down, Ms. Granger." That was McGonagall's voice. How did she know where I was? "I heard someone crying and running down the hallway and I decided to take a look. I am glad I did, now." I am glad didn't have to ask; sometimes I really think that she can read minds.
"Minerva, Ms. Granger here thinks someone put the Cruciatus Curse on Mr. Potter just a few minutes ago. We better see to him right now. We will ask more questions later." I swear I love Dumbledore at times. This was one of them. I couldn't have answered his questions at the moment if my life depended on it. Let alone answer the unspoken question of why I was wearing just Harry's bathrobe. "Can you look after Ms. Granger for a few minutes. I must get to Harry."
"Alright, Albus. I will try to calm her down, also." With that Dumbledore swept out of the room at a fast pace to reach Harry before anything else could happen. I just sat there and cried.
"Now, Ms. Granger, it is alright. Everything will be fine." She tried to assure me, but I couldn't be fooled. I knew that something was terribly wrong and nothing would be right again. I was right. A few moments later Dumbledore walked back into his office and looking so weak and feeble. Not the Dumbledore I knew.
"Where's Harry?" I couldn't even stop myself from blurting it out. I was so scared I was shaking and I was shivering at this point from crying too much.
"Hermione, when I got back to your rooms I didn't find him. Nothing of his was there anymore and it seems to me that he left in order to fulfill his destiny. The Final Battle has begun." His twinkling blue eyes no longer held the cheery look; he was looking older and older at each passing moment.
I lost it. I thought I had cried all my tears, but I was wrong. My shoulders shook with tremors caused by my sobs into Professor McGonagall's shoulder. They let me cry. That was all they could do because I sure wasn't in the mood to be clamed down. The love of my life was off fighting a battle he would win. I was sure of it.
My tears started to dry after for what seemed like hours of crying, and I remembered something Dumbledore had said minutes before. "What destiny, Professor? Why can't you tell me?"
"Hermione, I never thought you didn't know. Remember when you went to the Department of Mysteries in order to supposedly save Sirius?" I nodded. "Well, Voldemort was there in order to steal a prophecy that deals with himself and Harry. But the orb it was in broke and it floated away. Only one other person could remember what the prophecy was. Me. I was in the exact room when Sybill gave the prophecy and luckily for us I can remember things very well." He walked over to a cabinet and took out what looked like a stone basin. I knew what that was, a pensieve. "Come over here and take a look in the bowl, the memory should still be fresh in there."
alright, I hope you guys liked that chapter, chapter 4 should be up shortly. Watch for it!