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Hey!! Sorry if I kept anyone waiting... I wrote this chapter as fast as I possibly could.

I just wanted to thank all you guys who took the time to review... I'm so happy that you like the story so far... Also thanks to all those faceless readers who bother to read it, even if they don't review. Although I'd love to know how you feel about it, so if one day you decide to review, just know that you will make one really happy writer!

Well, let's get down to business, lol. back to the story, where a frightened Ginny was leaning against the wall, while the alarm went off and a motionless Draco lied over the floor. Hope you like!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter or any of JK Rowling's amazing characters. However the plot and the new characters are all mine.

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"Shit!" Ginny thought, as she listened to the hoarse beeps that filled the room, and covered her ears defensively.

Not long after, she heard steps coming down the corridor and then the door opened abruptly, letting a tall, old man in his elegant, flannel morning-robe and dark blue slippers into the room.

"What on Earth is going on in here?" asked an irritated Mr. Blanchard, as he inspected the room, fixing his eyes on Draco's languid figure. "Good Heavens!" he cried, his eyes now travelling to the desperate red-head. "And what on earth are you doing here, child?".

"Sir, I - I..." Ginny's lips tingled, trying to work out a suitable answer, when an infuriated Mrs. Draggery stormed into the room. She had a pale green paste on her face and hair-dresser tubes on her head.

Ginny suppressed a whimper.

"You!" came her shrieking voice, as the woman drew near and grabbed her skinny arm. The red-head looked at her, thinking that she would have laughed aloud of her appearance, if it wasn't for the present circumstances. "Damn it, can't you just assume your condition and do as you are told, you disgusting pest!" she scowled, shaking Ginny's arm.

"Mrs. Draggery! Will you leave that girl alone and tell me what in the good judgment is going on in here?" Mr. Blanchard demanded, turning to face the fat lady. "And what are those infernal things you're wearing on your head, for Merlin's sake?" he added.

"Mr. Blanchard! This girl has been accused of theft and was destined to spend her nights at Mr. Malfoy's chamber, as a punishment," she explained. "Mr. Malfoy, he -" she paused, noticing his immobile body over the floor. "Mr Malfoy!" she gasped aloud, running towards the blonde. "Oh my God! Oh my God! Please say something, Mr. Malfoy, please talk to me!" she cried, shaking his body avidly.

"MRS. DRAGGERY!" the old man retorted. "I believe you just finished killing Mr. Malfoy, if he wasn't dead already!" He sentenced, eyeing her menacingly. "Now please, could you just leave us alone? I'd rather deal with this case by myself... That is, if you don't mind, of course..."

"But, Mr. Blanchard! I -"

"I insist, Madam... Thank you, I knew you would understand..." he interrupted, taking her to the door by the arm, while she protested. "You can wait outside if you wish, thank you so very much..." he added, closing the door harshly to keep the woman out. "Oh dear..." he sighed. "What a drag of a woman..." Then he focused on the frightened girl again. "So, where were we? Ah, yes: will you explain me what happened here, child?" Ginny gasped. "But I warn you, don't you dare lie to me, or else you'll suffer the consequences..." he threatened, imposingly. "I demand the truth, and nothing but the truth".

Ginny nodded.

"Sir, I- I'm really not sure..." she begun, in a shaky voice.

Mr. Blanchard furrowed his brow.

"We were having a drink when he plopped to the floor after he had a sip of his own champagne".

The severe man studied her every expression.

"I found this among the bottles, behind the ice-box..." she explained, grabbing the potion bottle and handing it to the teacher, who looked at it skeptically. "I believe it must've had something to do with this".

The man put his monocle in place and read.

"Oh, boy, what an ass..." he uttered, rolling his eyes and raising his eyebrows in disapproval. "Not good enough to court a lady without the help of witchcraft..." Ginny smiled softly. "Absolutely pathetic..."

"Sir... Please! You must believe me, I had nothing to do with this!" Ginny looked at him pleadingly, waiting for his sentence.

"I believe you, child... I truly do," he begun. "I wouldn't normally take my word for a servant, but I am well aware that this disgrace is capable of doing something like that or even worse".

Ginny's eyes shimmered with joy.

"But you must understand that my position does not allow me to appear weak in front of that hideous woman, does it?"

Ginny's smile faded away as she gazed at Mr. Blanchard's determined eyes, which were locked on hers, unable to read their intention.

"Therefore, you must cooperate..." he added with a smirk.

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"Crucio!" The students and staff heard from outside of Draco's room, followed by loud screams and whimpers belonging to a young voice belonging to a girl.

The noises were really disturbing and all but Mrs. Draggery cringed with every row of screams.

"Please! Stop! Ahhh!" cried Ginny'd voice. "I be- beg you, Sir.. Please! Have some mercy! I… I'm really sorry..." she added.

"Shut up, you rebel! Crucio!" The girl screamed and gasped.

Mrs. Draggery had an extremely satisfied glare on her face.

"What the bloody heck is going on in there?" came Blaise, who appeared among the crowd in black boxers and a white wife-beater. A loud outcry was heard from the inside. "Bloody hell! It's my mate's room! I have to get in there!" he said, trying to get through the dense barrier of students.

"Oh no, you won't!" censured Mrs. Draggery, turning around to face him.

"Holy crap!" he gasped, startled by her ugly appearance.

"I beg your pardon?!" replied the offended old woman.

"I -!" he begun, excusing himself. "Holy... urm... Crabbe! ... my mate here, who... just... urm... stepped on my... foot! yeah!" he explained and skilfully changed subject. "Madam, if you will excuse me, I must go in there, my mate Draco is inside and I -".

"Of course I don't excuse you, you pillock! If there's one person who should be in there right now, that would be me, and no one else!" Blaise frowned. "So beat it, boy!" she spat.

Blaise stepped aside and stuck his ear to the door to see if he could figure out what was going on inside. The screams were really heart-breaking, even for a devoted death-eater... But, who did they belong to? he was working out his own conjectures when the noises seized.

Then he heard sharp steps.

Then the door burst open and he fell roughly against the hard parquet-floor.

"Stand up, boy! I need help to carry Mr. Malfoy's body out..." he said calmly.

"His body?!" Blaise gasped, gaping his eyes in horror. "He's dead!"

"Not dead, you fool! He's asleep," Blaise sighed, relieved, as he stood up.

He quickly stormed in and saw two bodies lying motionless over the floor. One belonged to his friend, but what about the other one?

"Who's that cute, little red-head?" he wondered. "Was she Drakie's mystery date?" he smirked. "What a chaos... Draco could really use some pointers on how to follow the normal course of a date..."

"Crabbe! Goyle!" Mr. Blanchard called out.

"Sir, yes, sir!" came the two gorillas, stumbling in.

"Could you give Mr. Zabini a hand to carry Mr. Sleeping Jester to the infirmary?" he asked.

"Yes, sir!" They replied at the same time and hurried towards the blonde's body.

"I will search for the counter-potion to fix his condition," he added.

"Sir, and what about her?" Blaise inquired, pointing to Ginny's fainted body.

"Her? Don't worry about her... She is probably just exhausted from the torture I put her through, but she'll be fine to serve her morning duties in time, I'm sure," the vehement man explained.

"A servant? Drakie boy bothering to screw a servant?" Blaise thought, smirking. "This will sure give me a week of mocking material..."

"Now everyone, off to bed! I want this corridor cleared in thirty seconds!" he demanded. "And that includes you, Mrs. Draggery. Go get some rest for pity's sake!" he added, noticing the woman was staying behind, a little skeptical, but soon turned around, feeling deeply offended and disappeared from his sight.

Everyone moved, chattering to their according rooms. Meanwhile, Mr. Blanchard turned to eye Ginny from the corner of his eye and winked, exiting the room. Ginny saw this gesture between her eyelids and smiled softly, as if saying "Thank you".

What a show they had put on.

Curtains down and no one hurt.

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When the red-head was finally left alone and everything was quiet again, she got up and realised it was almost dawn, but she was as awake as ever. She couldn't believe she had got away with it and escaped from her dreadful situation, unharmed.

She leaned to pick up the glass pieces that rested over the floor, around the swivel chair, and when she was going to stand up again, she accidentally banged her head with its corner.

"Ouch!" she protested, stroking her head, when a black, leather book fell from underneath the seat of the chair. Ginny furrowed her brow.

It was a diary.

She turned the front cover, uncertain... It was due to a discovery like this that she had ended up in the Chamber of Secrets on her first year after all... She hesitated for a while, then finally made her mind and started flicking through the pages, reading a couple of random lines.

"... and that slut of Pansy Parkinson keeps calling me 'her Drakie'... Pathetic... As if I would ever stain my hands with trash like that... I've always been taught not to eat the garbage from the floor and I intend to keep it that way..." Ginny sniggered, though she was sure that Draco had slept with Pansy in more than one occasion. Interesting revelations...

"...That Scarface.. always getting on my way! I'll get him for this, I swear!..." she grinned. Harry and Draco always bickered about everything...

Then a couple of lines drew her attention.

"...Tonight, after dinner, Dad told me that I was born under Thuban, from the Draco constellation. He said that when the lyre was smothered by the imperial eagle, and the summer triangle was broken, the dragon should rise... Merlin knows what he meant... He wouldn't tell me, but he said that someday, somehow I would know... 'When the time is right' he said. Whatever, I guess… In the afternoon, Blaise called to see if we would..." she read.

"That's weird" she thought. And closed the diary back again, carefully tugging it underneath the sit of the swivel chair.

It was time for her to carry on with her domestic duties, so she quickly arranged Draco's bedroom and proceeded with the others.

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The afternoon duties had been pretty boring all in all. Ginny's friends had listened astonished to her amazing tale, unable to conceive the way in which the red-head had been able to escape unpunished from last night's incident.

Mrs. Draggery, on the other hand, wasn't as cheerful that morning... Not that she ever was, for that matter, but she would occasionally glare at Ginny as if saying "Ha, ha, ha... you finally got what you deserved". But she was awfully wrong, Ginny smirked to herself.

"Gin, can you lend me your spare hair-band?" Vicky asked, as hers had just broke.

"Sure," The red-head searched in her pocket, but found nothing. "Heck... I must've left it at Draco's room," she said casually.

"So the bastard's got a name now?" Vicky sneered teasingly.

"Who?" Ginny replied, defensively.

"Honey, you just said 'Draco'..."

"No, I didn't!" she reproached, her cheeks flushing all of a sudden.

"Yes you did..."

"Shut up!" she chuckled. "I didn't and that's final!" she added, throwing her cleaning rag at Vicky's face as she exited the kitchen. "I better go get it," she grumbled, while her friend eyed her curiously.

"Whatever..." Vicky replied, giggling as Ginny made her way to Draco's room, checking there was no one on sight.

The red-head hurried up the stairs and walked through the corridors.

"What's wrong with me?" she wondered as she focused on the oak-tree door at the end of the corridor. "I guess I just... well maybe... Damn it! Can't I just have a little fun out of this situation?" she censured herself. "So what if I enjoy bugging him off, huh? What if it's MY way to cope with my problems?" she smirked, turning the handle around.

As she opened the door, she was shocked to see a half-naked Draco snogging with a girl on the couch. The blonde turned, his face paler than usual upon noticing her and distress quickly flooding his flushed face. In the excitement of the moment, he accidentally pushed the blonde girl who was underneath him to the floor with a loud thud, making her yell and complain aloud.

"Ouch! Be careful, you jerk! Who's that, Draco?" she demanded, without receiving an answer. "Tell her to leave, now!" the girl insisted, evidently pissed off as Ginny just stood there gazing at the whole scene, facing realisations, the blonde's eyes gaping back at her. "C'mon! I didn't floo all the way here to be observed by your servants... I thought you had arranged for some privacy, Draco!"

"Get out..." Draco uttered, staring at the floor.

"Bye," the stranger muttered snottily, with a small wave of her hand, looking satisfied while Ginny slowly turned around to exit the room.

"Not you!" he yelled at the red-head. "You!" Draco added, glaring at the naked girl, who gasped aloud. Ginny stopped on her tracks.

"What?! How dare you?!" she yelled. "I don't believe this! Being replaced by a filthy slave... Draco?" she inquired, noticing his meaningful eyes. "Fine!" she added, grabbing her bunch of clothes and heading to the fire place "Asshole..." she uttered.

As she passed Ginny by, the red-head grimaced at the intoxicating smell of her cheap perfume and the stench -or was it the situation, or a combination of both - made her terribly sick.

"Reagan Street Manor!" she yelled, throwing a handful of floo powder and finally disappearing.

Draco gasped as if to say something.

"Don't!" Ginny interrupted. "I just came to get my hair band" she uttered, mordantly, leaning down to pick the pink ring that laid next to the swivel chair. Ginny remembered what she had read that morning and wondered whether he would notice it. Somehow, she didn't care.

Draco brushed a hand through his hair, resting his left on his hips and sighed, as the red-head walked towards the door. He had totally screwed up. Not only his plan with her was being jeopardized, but Ginny would probably also tell him off, he thought.

"Good afternoon, Sir," she mumbled distantly.

Ginny slammed the door behind her and walked really fast towards the kitchen.

"Why am I so upset?" She already knew that Draco was a bastard, why were these shocking news? Ginny grumbled. "That slut!" she hissed between gritted teeth. "What, Ginny?" she thought. "So he's just one more disgustingly hot woman player... So what? What do you care? It's not like you have feelings for the bastard, other than hate that is..."

"Ginny!" Vicky interrupted her thoughts, screaming agitatedly. "She's gone, Gin!" she cried, with worry and desperation glowing in her eyes.

"Who's gone, Vicky, for Merlin's sake?!" the read-head inquired, holding her friend by the shoulders.

"I swear! She was here in the morning and she's gone!"

"Vicky! Who's gone?"

"Justine!" she answered, catching her breath.


"She never came back from morning duties and... and... I thought she was... but she didn't! and only Merlin knows where she could possibly be right now!" she stuttered, sobbing.

"Oh my God... Please calm down, Vicky," Ginny tried to comfort her friend, while dealing with her own emotions at the same time. "She'll come back," she added, holding Vicky's flushed cheeks gently. "Alright?" Vicky nodded.

But she never did...

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"Why did everything have to turn out that way?!" Ginny wondered, as she somberly walked up the stairs. How would she look at him now? "In the same way as always!" she told herself. "Why would it make any difference? So she had seen him making out with another girl; big deal! It shouldn't mean anything!" But it did... She sighed. "Damn it!" she cursed, angry at the fact that she was so upset about something that she shouldn't be... that she was feeling things she shouldn't be feeling.

She took a deep breath and opened the door, thinking that it didn't matter anymore, she wouldn't say a word about it.

But there was no one there.

Ginny sighed in relief and walked towards the couch, then stopped, changing her mind about laying there. She wouldn't touch the place were those disgusting pigs had been rolling and sweating over...

She could perfectly picture them making out... How they explored each other's bodies and moaned, and screamed their names immersed in the pleasure of satisfying their lust... The only thought made her feel nauseous. So, she laid over his bed, trying to pull those thoughts away.

"Harry..." she uttered, her eyes filling with tears. She gathered her knees to her chest and sobbed in silence.

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"Weasley, I- no, no, no... You see, red-head, she was just..." Draco sighed in the corridor next to his room. "And yesterday's incident with the champagne, I..." he paused. "What the hell am I doing?" he growled. "Why should I care? Why should I excuse myself for anything? I just did what I felt like doing and that's that, alright?" he convinced himself. "If she's upset, then fine! Good for her! It's none of my business after all... I won't lower myself to her level... She's my slave, for Merlin's sake!" he continued. "Yes! Go in there and let her know who's in charge!".

Draco opened the door and saw the red-head lying over his bed. All his courage seemed to crumble down with every step he took towards her. She was sleeping.

"Wasn't this what you wanted, Draco?" he thought. "She's sleeping, she's all yours now". He smirked, lying next to her.

He stretched a hand towards her face, and grabbed her from behind the head brusquely, while his other hand rested over her hips. She was so beautiful... The edge of her dress had intrepidly risen some inches above her knees, discovering her creamy, long legs. How he wished they would tangle around his body again, like that day, when the towel incident took place...

He closed the distance between their lips and closed his eyes.

"No!" he thought, shrugging off. "I can't," he let go of her, abruptly, standing up on the floor again.

Why? Why couldn't he just do it! She wouldn't be able to escape and God knows he desired her so badly!

"Damn!" he cursed. What was it? He didn't know. He examined her with his silver eyes, fearfully. She was so pure, so chaste... So vulnerable, yet so strong and imposing. As much as he didn't want to admit it, it was this contradiction that scared him to death, and inhibited him from doing any harm to her.

Draco wondered around his room impatiently, like a lion behind steel bars and glared at her from time to time. Then he stopped, and with a sigh the blonde walked to stand beside her. What to do? He couldn't touch her, he couldn't just leave her there... He finally made up his mind and reached for her.

The blonde lifted the red-head carefully from the bed, wrapping her arms around his neck to secure her, and then left her over the couch with gentleness. Then he hurried to the bed again, and opened the covers back, returning to the couch to get Ginny.

Her warm body felt so nice against his chest... How he wished he could have something as tender and pure as that for himself, not having to make use of his stratagems and evil plans to achieve it.

He took her to the bed and laid her soothingly among the black sheets. Draco covered her, pulling the blankets and stood next to her, gazing.

Was he doing the right thing there? Spoiling his own servant? He grumbled with confusion and scratched the back of his head. It didn't matter now; what was done, was done.

"Good night, red-head..." he uttered, grabbing a spare blanket from the closet and throwing himself roughly over his black leather couch.

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Aaaand it's chapter six alright... I didn't end it with an evil/cruel/treacherous cliffie this time, did I? I just hope this doesn't mean, you'll be forgetting this story or something... I thought you just needed a break from all the previous cliff hangers ).

Don't forget to read and REVIEW this story, please, as I feel like I need your support to carry on right now. It's so satisfactory when people bother to give you their opinion... Sometimes I read this story and think it isn't as good. You know, how the writer is never entirely happy with its work... Just let me know what you think... what you liked, what you disliked, etc. I'll be forever grateful :)

By the way, the chapter's title corresponds to a song from the band The Calling, though it has nothing to do with the content of it, but I just thought I'd let you know.

Thanks so much to my last chapter's REVIEWERS: **huneee**, **werewolfgal4**, **Tears ofthe Phoenix**, **Dex**, **Faeries Masquerade**, **draco li'l hottie**, **katie**, **down2earthangl85**, **Dj Mandy B**, **Dawn Matthews**, **Mooshy**, **cew-smoke**, **Cassie**, **Peanut**, **Adrial**, **Olivia Weasley**, **Momentyne**, **essence**, **monagy3**, **Pirate**, **Diagon**, **Mrs. Felton** and the faithful **Anonymous**. I LUV YOU SO MUCH!
