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Hell Hath No Fury by DigitalFeonix

Hell Hath No Fury


Hermione woke with a start. She knew something was wrong, she knew Harry was in trouble. She grabbed her dressing gown and ran out of her dorm room. She paused when she reached the common room. She thought Harry would be in his room, but something told her he wasn't there. She ran for the portrait hole. If by some invisible hand it flew open before she reached it. She ran into the halls letting her feet guide her way.

She couldn't tell if the pounding in her ears was from her heart or her footfalls echoing in the halls. Harry was in trouble, serious trouble, and she had to get to him. She found herself climbing higher and higher in the castle. After what seemed like an eternity she was in the top of the Astronomy tower. She could feel that Harry was on the other side of the door. She pushed it open just in time to watch him descend from the ledge into the blackness of the night.

She felt her heart sink into the pit of her stomach as she screamed. She ran to the edge of the tower and peered over the edge. Far below her, on the stone walkway, lay his now still form. His limbs bent at odd angles and a pool of blood slowly formed around his head. She screamed in pain and fell limp against the wall.

There was a small pop. Dumbledore, in his dressing gown, appeared holding Fawkes. He looked at Hermione who was slidding down the wall, sobbing, letting the rain wash over her. He quickly sprinted to the edge and looked over. With a look of alarm, he disappeared with another pop. Hermione heard the commotion below her a minute later as the doors to castle swung open. Pomfrey and McGonagall screamed when they saw his body. Fang began barking at the noise and soon the wail of Hagrid was added when he reached the castle. The bustle and noise moved inside of the castle. She knew that his body was being moved to the hospital wing, but she knew it would be no use. Harry Potter was dead. She sat there against the wall in the cold rain, weeping at the lose of her beloved.

Several hours later as the sun was rising and chasing the rain away, she was in the exact same position. Suddenly a crack broke through the quiet. Dobby was standing in front of her, his eyes red and puffy. Obviously he had heard the news.

"Would Miss like Dobby to get breakfast for her?" Dobby squeaked hoarsely.

"No thank you Dobby," she replied without enthusiasm.

"If Miss would like anything, just call Dobby," he said before disappearing with another crack.

Moments later McGonagall appeared at the doorway. She walked over to the limp form of Hermione and gently wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"I'm sorry to do this dear, but the Headmaster would like to see you."


"Yes, now." McGonagall helped Hermione up and they walked to Dumbledore's office in silence. As soon as they were inside, McGonagall left quietly closing the door behind her.

"Please sit Miss Granger." Dumbledore gestured to a chair. Ron was already sitting in the other. "I'm aware how you know about this morning's tragedy, but you need to read this. Ron found it shortly after..." His voiced faltered as he handed Hermione a sheaf of parchment. She looked down and found Harry's handwriting on it.

To whom it may concern -

It is all my fault. It's my fault that Hogwart's is constantly in danger. It's my fault that Peter was able to help Voldermort to return. It's my fault that Moody spent nine months in a trunk. It's my fault that Sirius is dead. It's my fault that Hermione is dead.

Please let the Grangers know that I'm sorry that she's gone.

I know it is selfish of me, but a world without Hermione, the only woman I could ever love, is one I don't want to live in.

Goodbye, forever


She thought she had cried all she could, but fresh tears sprang from her eyes. She hoped it was an accident, but deep down she knew it wasn't all along. She looked up at Dumbledore for answers.

"I can only assume Voldermort used his link with Harry to make him think that you were dead. Harry's grief did the rest," the headmaster replied to her unasked question.

Dumbledore watched as the truth sunk below her raw pain. He felt a cold shiver run up his spine when she suddenly stopped crying.