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Quiet Revelations by jms granger

Quiet Revelations

jms granger

Unwanted Surprises

Harry awoke in a panic covered in sweat, a sense of confusion over this state hit Harry hard, he couldn't understand why the panic. Slowly the events of the previous night came back to him, replaying in excruciating detail over and over behind his eyes. He had seen Snape, and Hermione had been hurt but they had managed to escape…and then he had kissed Hermione. He had pressed his lips softly against hers and felt a fire erupt inside of him that he didn't understand. Her body in his arms had felt right, his hand against her face was perfect and her lips against his own had completed the moment, the perfect kiss that everyone dreamed of. Harry couldn't believe that the moment had been wasted on his best friend, a girl he had no romantic feelings for at all. So why should he be feeling like this, replaying it over and over in his mind, he thought to himself. He figured that it had happened because he was terrified that she was to be hurt, or worse, and that had brought it about. That his inherent protectiveness and love for her had made the moment, and his body had confused his strong feelings of friendship for her for something else. So why was he picturing her now, when he knew her to be safe? Harry shook the thought and firmly told himself that she was his friend, nothing more and nothing less, her best friend.

Harry got up and showered quickly, he changed into something clean, he couldn't get his mind onto what he had to do today so he decided on reading the Prophet over some breakfast. He made his way down to the kitchen and as expected he found Dobby had prepared a huge fried breakfast for him, the prophet laying ready by the side of the plate. Harry loved the fact that Dobby had come to work for him every morning when he found these surprises.

Scanning the paper he quickly noticed that a quite a few attacks had happened on the Ministry. The one's that had interested him though were Susan Fleming and Jack Swineshift from the department of mysteries that had both been murdered on the same night, he noticed that they happened at the same time on opposite sides of the country. Harry knew there was more to this story, it was too perfect to be a coincidence, and the `unspeakables'' were generally too well guarded for the Death Eaters to have grabbed two in one night, Harry knew this was planned he just didn't know why. Moody's words had come back to him from last night, that something more interesting was happening…He had given him a note, Harry knew it must have something to do with these attacks.

He got up instantly and made his way from the room, running up the stairs before slamming open his door, the sight inside made him jump with fear, as a person was sat in a chair by his bed.

`Hermione told me what happened…last night' Ron said softly, a strange sound in his voice. Harry couldn't believe that she had already told him, that because of one mistake his friendship was going to end.

`She…she did?' Harry muttered in surprise, looking down at his feet to avoid his eyes, eyes that Harry knew must be full of pain and anger.

`Of course! Don't you think I deserve to know?' Ron said, shock making a presence in his voice as it shook slightly of indignation. Harry couldn't believe that this was happening, anger and a punch was what he deserved.

`Yeah, you do…I don't really know what to say…I'm sorry' Harry ended lamely in anticipation of impending fury.

`You got nothing to be sorry for mate, I just don't understand why you didn't what me to know?' Ron said cheerily but confused, Harry didn't understand this response and looked up to see his soon to be best friend staring at him with a slight grin.

`Why are you smiling?' Harry asked in even more confusion, he wondered why Ron would be happy he kissed his Hermione.

`I'm sorry mate, I know I shouldn't, you know with Snape and everything…' Ron started, the grin still playing upon his lips, the pieces fell into place for Harry and with a big breathe of relief he realized they had got their wires crossed, that his kiss with Hermione was still a secret, Harry's heart jumped for joy and a grin came on his face.

`So why the grinning like a clown then? Finally manage to eat enough last night?' Harry laughed out loud in which Ron had joined, the relief had made him feel like a new man.

`Sod off, I'm just happy today, is that a crime?' Ron said with a suspicious glint in his eye that told Harry there was a reason for the mood, and he was just about to hear it `Well if you have to know, me and…well me and Hermione got…you know…together last night' Ron said triumphantly.

Harry felt like his stomach had just fallen out of him, a hollowness that was replaced by a fire of anger that tore at his insides. His heart race got harder and sped up so much he thought it'd actually come through his chest, at least it'd wipe that look of Ron's face. He knew he didn't have those kinds of feelings for his best friend, but the fact that she had ran from him to go kiss Ron was hard to take, he had felt closer to her lately and she chooses him.

`That's…good for you mate' Harry said without any emotion in his voice, a small triumph as his brain was telling him to shout and scream. Ron didn't seem to realize the emotionless response as he was too busy day dreaming into space, a glazed look upon his eyes that Harry had the urge to smack off, `You still here lover man?' Harry said a little meaner than he meant to and a lot less harsh than he wanted to.

`Sorry mate, it's just she's amazing! I can't believe I got her, she's just…amazing!' Ron said, the glaze look coming back into his eyes, Harry couldn't bare to hear this.

`So why are you here?' Harry asked determined to get off the subject. It took Ron a few moments to get back to him.

`Well seeing as you left early yesterday, you didn't hear about the party tomorrow. The guys from school are meeting up in Hogsmeade tonight, you know the last chance to see the them this year. Hermione's said its ok, so you have to as well' Ron explained, obviously happy about the idea.

Harry's instant reaction was to say no, work had to be done and this frivolous night would show him more people he could lose, more he cared for that Voldemort could use to get to him. And the fact that Hermione would be there with Ron would be horrible for him, nothing good could come from this night he was sure, and he knew there was nothing that could make him go.

Before he could state his answer though Ron had spoken up with a firm voice, a voice that was obviously holding back some anger `you can't say no so don't even try, you want to know why you have to go? Because I heard what you said to Ginny last night, and you were way too harsh! Hermione has convinced me to forgive you, but only if you apologize to Ginny, so that's your night for you'. Harry knew he couldn't get out of this, the Hermione incident had pushed what he had done to Ginny out of his mind, and he knew he had to repair some fences there. Harry simple nodded and Ron got up to leave before turning back to him to add `Three Broomsticks, 8 o'clock, see you later mate, I've got to…see Hermione' Ron said with a grin and disapparated.

Harry's insides still felt like water, like his heart and stomach had just turned to liquid at this conversation. He thought to himself that he should be relieved, that now he wouldn't have to tell Hermione she was just his friend. So why wouldn't the beast inside of him allow this relief to come?


As he approached the room he saw that the man was sat quietly on a chair, collecting his thoughts while patiently waiting. He knew he would be, the summer had been full of these meetings, and were predictable. He stopped several meters short of the man who was covered in darkness; he had never actually seen the man.

`You need to actually do it' the man said softly, `and you need to do it tonight, all depends upon it'.

`Tonight, but I'm not ready!' He stuttered a bit of fear stealing over him.

`Tonight, it must be done' He said softly, almost sorrowful.

`Are you sure?' He asked, but he already knew the answer, the man was never wrong. He took a moment to steel himself before saying `O.k., tonight…'


Harry was sat in a booth looking around the cold, damp dirtiness etched all over this place, the Hogs Head had always left him uneasy. The words in Moody's letter was still making his heart beat fast, he knew no one else had noticed the clues from it, no one except him would notice the clues. He was waiting for someone he needed to see, a full plan was already in mind. He drank from his butterbeer quickly, panic and fear was upon him as he knew he was getting closer on his mission. A person came up to him, Harry thought he knew who it was but had his hand on his wand ready for any trouble, he couldn't be too careful now.

`Mr. Potter, I hope you explain yourself' came the sharp voice of Professor McGonagall, but Harry didn't relax his wand, he had been fooled by Polyjuice potion before, and was determined ever since that he wouldn't be again.

`Firstly I need to know you're who you say you are…are you willing to take a test?' Harry said confidently making Mcgonagall look at him in surprise, especially as Harry's wand came up from beneath the table and pointed at her heart, `It's necessary' Harry said simply.

`Fine, Mr. Potter, do you have the potion with you?' Mcgonagall said sharply, Harry might have gained all the confidence in the world but he was still a pupil in her eyes.

`I don't need a potion, It's a simple spell, if you are who you say you are it wont harm you, if you aren't I will hurt you…' Harry said strongly, he believed this to be Mcgonagall, but he need to be certain.

`A spell?' Mcgonagall said surprised but was met by a stone cold silence by Harry `Ok Harry, proceed…' and instantly she was hit by a shining gold light that shimmered across her body for a few moments, a chill was radiating through her, but as quickly as it started it stopped, and the light disappeared. `Happy now? Why don't you tell me why we're here?' she said. Her interests had been raised, he seemed different to her now, and that was very advanced magic.

`Actually the question you should of asked is what do I want, Professor. But I'll answer anyway, I'm here because I need something from you, and this venue is perfect as it's close to it and as I'm due in Hogsmeade later it's not suspicious' Harry explained quietly `Now onto the real business, I need to be left inside Dumledore's office…alone' Harry said strongly.

`Why?' Mcgonagall said instantly.

`That is neither here nor there, the simple fact is that I must' Harry said with a slightly bored tone to his voice `are you willing to allow me?'

`Um…well its unusual…' Mcgonagall started but was interrupted by Harry.

`We both know that I'm unusual…' Harry said with a small accepting laugh.

`I guess its ok' Mcgonagall said `When do you wan to do this, now?'

`No, later tonight will be better when everything's a little quieter' Harry said `Thank you for your time and accepting my wishes, but I have to leave, various personal issues have arisen I have to take care off, tonight at 12…' and Harry got up to leave.

He was by the door when he heard her voice call after him `Is it Hermione Granger?' She asked causing Harry to look confused `The personal issues?'


Firstly I want to say I'm very very very very sorry for how late this chapter is, sorry! I have had two essays to write for university in the past week and have managed to break my right hand! Typing in a cast isn't very fun! Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I want to thank the Cutie Claud ( I know I shouldn't have favorites but your mine!) Spaz82 (please make me smile again, I need it!) Hermionesfrog (you never got back to me about being a Beta?) HappyLady (your hysterical!) Roadrunner34 (I like first time reviewers, hope its not just the once!) Swimchick1614 (I wanna know what the 1614 is? A date?) EmilyJane (I Love you!) GoddessofRockadPop (apology accepted) Diana Black (Still loving you) GuruJerry (No H/Hr rushing for me!) Remolina (Snape? Really?) and you anonymous guys (Leave your name!)

Ok, now onto reviews for this chapter, I know Hermione wasn't in it so your probably disappointed, but here's the thing, MY HAND IS BROKEN!, that means that typing is an effort, an effort I'm happy to do if I get reviews! I'm going to look at his on Wednesday and see how many have reviewed, and then ill write it (takes me about 5-6 hours) so you may have it Wednesday .Few reviews and ill look at it on Friday, then Sunday, e.t.c. So if you want me to type the next chapter review, im in no personal rush as it hurts, but I wont let you reviewers down, I promise. So basically you review, you get it wednesday, you don't it comes in it own due course.

Any mistakes or typos I blame on the cast and the painkillers I'm on. Sorry, next will be better, and I'm still wanting a Beta.

PARTY NEXT, and lots more fun!
