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Quiet Revelations by jms granger

Quiet Revelations

jms granger

To Live Through the Celebrations

Harry stood outside the Three Broomsticks, a light rain falling down upon his shoulders, a fluttering in his stomach showing him just how nervous he really was. Not only was he to see his friends again, and probably for the last time, but he also had to deal with an angry Ginny, it was looking like his bogeys were destined to become bats. Still, this impending doom wasn't what was really worrying Harry, he was going to be seeing Hermione for the first time since he kissed her, since she ran straight to Ron. Harry was still disheartened to find that he was resenting what she had done, that she had chosen Ron over him…but she hadn't really, seeing as he was just her friend…Harry shook his head to rid himself of these thoughts, brushed the rain from his jacket and pushed the door open and took a step inside.

The place was packed, familiar faces all turning to the door, obviously anticipating Harry's' arrival, the silence hung in the air for a few seconds before the place suddenly broke into greetings. Harry could see all his Gryffindor friends, as well as many from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, even the unmistakable outline of Hagrid was visible from behind the crowd. After his 20th greeting from his class mates he was reminded of his first visit to the leaky cauldron, the thought of how things could be so similar after so much time brought a smile to Harry's face, he was very glad he had decided to come, or at least to have been bullied by Ron into coming.

Quickly the place had become more normal as groups of people broke of into their own conversations allowing Harry to work his way through the crowd. he was feeling uneasy as he had not yet spotted the three people he most wanted to see, the three who were also the people he feared to see the most. As he pushed through the crowd he suddenly felt a tapping on his shoulder, turning around he was brought face to face with Luna Lovegood.

`Hey Harry, Good party, isn't it?' Luna asked absently staring out at the crowd `It's amazing, I've been invited to two things this summer' she added cheerfully. Luna had the knack for being too honest sometimes that often made Harry feel uncomfortable, he knew she wasn't popular and to get invited to this as well as the wedding must have made her summer.

`Yeah Luna, it's very good' Harry said earnestly `So did you find any Shorshocks' at the wedding?' he asked remembering their conversation a few days ago bringing a grin to his face.

`Oh, yes!' she said actually giving her attention to Harry, obviously pleased that they were talking about something normal for once `But it was weird, they showed up at the end, and were very smug, like they knew something we didn't…' She said mystically, this caught Harry's attention, she had been right in the past before, once…about the Thestrals.

`What do you mean?' Harry asked interested, but Luna's attention had already left Harry and the Shorshocks, and she was now looking around the ceiling.

`I don't actually know. I've got to get going, bye Harry' and with this Luna spun around and left a confused Harry wondering what the hell she was talking about.

Harry waited a few moments and looked around the place, spotting Hagrid sitting by a table talking animatedly with Neville. Harry could tell that Hagrid had been drinking, his eyes were a bit puffy and he was swaying slightly on his chair. Harry made his way over to them and pulled up a chair, Hagrids' smiling face shined at him.

`Alright `arry' Hagrid said brightly `I didn' get a chance to see ya at the weddin, thought I'd come ere.' He was even more drunk than Harry had first thought, and was trying hard not to slur his words.

`I'm sorry I didn't see you, I had to run off quick…Hey Neville' Harry said, looking at Hagrid he knew that he was taking Dumbledore's death really hard. Neville looked at Harry and gave him an awkward smile.

`I was just sayin to Neville ere, it's different for our kind, never knew our parents, but they were taken, everyone… is getting taken now…' Hagird choked out, stifling a sob `Here Arry, eres a drink for ya'.

Harry took the drink and downed it in one, although he had never tasted it before he could tell by the way his throat felt like it was burning out through his skin that this was Fire Whiskey. Harry thought bitterly that the last couple days had finally brought him to drink, he poured another and finished that too. Hagrid was just staring at Harry, a sorrowful but caring look in his eyes mixed with the beginning of tears, Harry tried to think of something to cheer him up with.

`So, how are the…Thestrals?' Harry asked lamely, anyone could tell Harry really didn't give a damn if they were still alive even. Hagrid in his drunken state obviously wasn't anyone though and cheered up considerably at this turn in the conversation.

`Thriving! Summers their mating period, and 6 are pregnant! It's probably gonna be one of the bigges herds in the world…gives me a bit more training to do as well' Hagrid said beaming, Harry took another drink and felt a slight giddiness working through his head `We have a couple Bunyips' as well, ministry aren't too happy, coz of all that liking women and children flesh rubbish…wouldn't arm a fly' Hagrid said proudly causing Harry to burst out laughing which made Hagrid blush slightly, Harry realized he was getting a little drunk, and for once he was actually carefree and happy `well, they might be a lil…energetic at times, but not a bad bone in their bodies!' Harry and Neville were laughing so hard at this that even Hagrid had to let out a chuckle.

`Hagrid, they sound…interesting, it's a pity I'm not there this year!' Harry said laughing still, before taking another drink, his head was swimming now, but the loss of care was intoxicating more than the alcohol `So how are you, honestly?' Harry asked seriously.

`Well, you know, been better' Hagrid said shrugging `seeing you though, ere, appy, is brilliant. Give us something to remember what we're fighting for' Harry felt another tapping on his shoulder, strangely formal but also familiar.

Turning around he was met with a beautiful pair of big brown eyes behind some bushy brown hair. Hermione was looking beautiful tonight, a pair of tight blue jeans that hugged the curves of her petite body, and a light pink top that showed just the tiniest bit of her flat stomach. Harry found that he had the sensation of butterflies swarm through his stomach, but tonight he just didn't care, the alcohol had made him just happy to not be fearing for his and her safety for once.

`Hagrid, I'll be back in a moment, I've got to talk to Hermione' Harry said standing up, not noticing Hagrids' broad grin. `Hermione, come with me…please' Harry said directly to her, staring into her eyes. She was even more beautiful in his eyes than ever before, he wanted to touch her face, he didn't know why, and at this moment he really didn't care. Harry refused to break eye contact with her and she seemed to be doing the same, she nodded slowly and Harry led the way to an up stairs room.

His head was reeling, he had somehow found himself leading his best friend who he had kissed the day before to a room in a pub, he was slightly drunk and finding the brown eyed girl beautiful. He had no idea what he was going to say, he didn't even know what he was feeling. He pushed open a door and looked around the room and found that it was empty, so he was able to speak freely… now just to work out what he wanted to say. He had quickly sobered up, and now his nerves were playing havoc with his body, he couldn't stand still in front of his best friend, the girl he cared for more than anyone for the last 6 years. Harry couldn't believe the situation, and he let out a little laugh.

`What's so funny, Harry?' Hermione said frowning at his laughing that was staring to get a little out of control.

`It's nothing, just you and me…here!' Harry said `You got to find it funny'

`No I don't Harry, I don't see anything funny in our situation' Hermione said softly and seriously, a strange look behind her eyes Harry couldn't pin point.

`I guess it not funny…but it's weird' Harry said, looking at his best friend he tried to find out how he felt for her. The jealousy he had been experiencing since he had spoken to Ron had thrown him, and he realized now that no matter how much he denied it, things were changing between the two, but he didn't know what they were becoming.

`Weird? Weird isn't strong enough for what happened last night!' Hermione said with a little laugh, Harry broke into a laugh and looked at his best friend. Would it really be so bad if he actually had feelings for her? She was smart, she had always cared for him and not for the `great Harry Potter', she had always been able to make him laugh and Harry had recently found out that she was beautiful as well; he couldn't look at her without blushing because of his not so innocent thoughts. What more could he ask for in a girl, in a partner. But how could it happen, what about Ron? He would never accept if he liked Hermione, their friendship would be destroyed, and Harry would never let that happen. He didn't even know if he liked Hermione, wasn't it more likely that he was just feeling like this to get over Ginny, he knew he liked her a lot, he didn't even know how he felt for Hermione. All he had was one kiss, one small kiss, granted it was more amazing and felt more right than anything had ever felt before, but one kiss was not enough to ruin two friendships. Harry realized that it was actually immaterial and that he was getting ahead of himself, Hermione had already chosen Ron, she had ran from him and got with Ron. Harry could feel himself getting angry, he had been passed over once again.

`So, how are you and Ron?' Harry said a little bitterer than he had meant to, causing Hermione to look at him more intently, as if she was trying to read his thoughts. Harry looked away, not able to look at her again.

`That's not what you wanted to talk about, is it?' Hermione asked seriously.

`For once Hermione Granger is actually wrong!' Harry said a little angry, throwing his hands up in the air in desperation `That is all I want to know, there's nothing else in the world I want to know more than that!'

Hermione looked at Harry in fury, her eyes growing darker as the anger slowed down her response, obviously saying she had gotten something wrong was taking it a step too far `What are you talking about? Why would you of all people care about my lack of love life? Or does one stupid kiss you gave me mean I'm suppose to think you give a damn about me all of a sudden when you haven't seen me as more than a friend for six years?' Hermione was yelling now, but Harry had stopped listening and calmed down, focusing on just one point she had said.

`What do you mean by lack of love life?' Harry asked softly, annoyed at himself for hoping so intently upon gaining a certain answer.

`You know what that means, you're not that stupid!' Hermione carried on yelling `I'm not going to spell it out for!'

`So, you and Ron aren't together?' Harry asked softly, he didn't want to anger her more than he already had, she had a temper he didn't want to get on the wrong side of.

`If someone trying to kiss me means I'm going out with them, then I'm currently involved with Ron, Krum and you!' Hermione said loudly, her voice had dropped slightly, but she was still angry.

Harry took a step toward her causing her to flinch slightly, his heart was beating faster. She wasn't with Ron, he had did his usual and got the situation wrong again. Looking deeply into her eyes as she slowly calmed down under his gaze made Harry realized that he had feelings for her, he wasn't sure how strong they were, or what they meant, but he knew he had to find out. If he liked his best friend he owed it to himself to find out.

Hermione was back to yelling at Harry as he stared at her `And stop giving me your puppy dog eyes, nothing you could do could make me not angry with you…'

Harry pushed his lips against hers and felt electricity flooding his body, this time there was no mortal danger, just his lips against hers. Her lips felt cold against his as she didn't react for a moment, but quickly her lips melted and pushed back against his, the intensity of her desire momentarily shocking Harry as he put his hands on her face pulling her closer to him. She slowly withdrew her lips from his and held her face an inch from his, eyes locked on each others.

`…except that…' Hermione gasped out softly.

Harry felt his skin exploding in tingles, as he looked at the best friend who had become his desire, he knew it was wrong but it felt too right to ignore. Now he had found what life could be like with her he knew he couldn't just forget it again.

`I can't believe you'd do that! Both of you are scum!' came a loud scream from the doorway.

Harry jumped back from Hermione and wheeled around to see who it was. He had recognized the voice but the feelings that were swarming his head had stopped him thinking straight. He had just caught the hair of the person as they wheeled away, a long main of red hair, Ginny's hair.

He bounded out of the room after her, he couldn't hurt her like this, she had always been like family to him. He leapt steps at a time down into the pub, looking around the crowded place he didn't bother to see a single person, his mind scanning solely for flaming red hair. He caught it as it left through the main door, and Harry chased her, pushing people roughly out of the way, leaving them behind him cursing his rudeness.

He quickly found himself outside and saw Ginny running away from him in the rain, he chased after her calling her name. She eventually stopped and spun around, her eyes big and puffy as tears flowed freely from her eyes.

`Why, Harry? Why? I loved you! And you dump me for Hermione! My friend! You're friend! Ron's Girlfriend! I'm going to tell everyone! You'll never be together!' she was shouting this through the tears that slowed her speech, hiccupping slightly as the tears caught in her throat. Harry couldn't bear to look at her but he forced himself to, he had caused this pain and he would feel it himself.

Suddenly a huge explosion shattered Harry's senses, a bright red light blinding him, a loud roar from the explosion deafening him as he was thrown 10 foot back against a wall. His head smashed painfully into the side of the stone wall, blood filling his mouth as he collapsed on the floor. His hand instinctively went to his wand grabbing it firmly as he tried to stand on his feet. The red stain on his sight was slowly disappearing, leaving everything with a blood like tint, he looked around for where the attack had come from. Suddenly a rough hand pushed him back to the floor and he buckled instantly under his knees. He could tell that one of his legs had been broken, so much blood was gushing from his knee he feared it could be severed.

`Get down boy, Death Eaters got tipped of you're here!' Moody shouted at him, shouting of jinx after jinx in all directions. `We out number them 5- to 1, so they'll run, then we'll get you sorted to, STAY DOWN!' Moody shouted as he ran away. Watching his run Harry saw that he had joined into a battle with a Death Eater who Kinglsey was already battling. The order had them out numbered. Quickly the fighting died down as Harry heard many cracks meaning the Death Eaters were disapparating.

A thought struck Harry… Ginny was out in the attack with him. Harry forced himself onto his feet, ignoring the intense pain he felt pouring from his knee he scrambled around the battle field looking desperately for her. Panic was overwhelming him as he couldn't find her, if he had led another into dying he would never forgive himself. His actions had already led too many to dying for him, because of him. His parents, Cedric, Sirius and Dumbledore had all died…how many more would be added to that list.

He stopped dead in his tracks as he found Ginny. She was laying still on the floor, perfectly clean even though laid out in dirt and mud…and a large puddle of crimson blood…


That's the new chapter, hoped you liked it! I enjoyed writing it, pain killers kick ass!!! Poor Harry, I wish people would give him a break sometime and just let him actually have a proper fun night! Next chapter will be out soon enough, I guess after watching Goblet on Friday I'll be hyped up enough to want to write more. So probably weekend guys.

Just want to point out something I realized recently. Chapter 6 got 16 reviews, chapter 7 got 14 and chapter 8 got 10…anyone notice a pattern here??? You're reviewing less and less!!! That's really not very nice at all! I hope you decide to review this time, as I'm going to be a lot harsher on when I post next in relation to reviews!

Thank you time: first Cutie Claud (still my all time favorite, you are just do cute!) Spaz82 (hoped you liked it, and make sure you review, leave a long one this time, much more time for me to smile if it's long) IzzieQ (hope your feeling better after this) Goddessofrockadpop (masterpiece? I LOVE you!) Diana Black (My Harry sure is a hottie, especially on a confidence kick!) Lorel (Hope that answered a little bit of your questions?) Ashira (wow's are my favorite word, thus you're great) BeyondLSD (loving the name!) Swimchick1614 (did that life the spirits a bit?) Remolina (Alan Rickman has A LOT to answer for!)

Still looking for a Beta, if anyone's interested, hope you all like the new movie…till next time…
