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To Wish Impossible Things by Iloveharrypotter17

To Wish Impossible Things


Disclaimer: I still do not own Harry Potter. As for DR, I would love to.

To Wish Impossible Things is a song title by The Cure. I do not own that either.

And on with the story…

I was not named for anyone. My mother simply liked the name and so it was decided, my name was to be Brina (pronounced Breena, not Brihnna). My father had no say. My mother had the last say in everything.

I suppose it was because she was a witch, and my father was a muggle. I overheard her say that once she told him she was a witch their relationship wasn't the same. I can't say I blame the poor bloke, having a wife that could turn you into a toad at any given moment? Not that she would, mind you. My mum is a very loving and kind lady, most of the time. But my father and her are very much in love still. Sometimes it's almost disgusting. So I suppose being around them all of the time, and all those prince-rescues-princess books that I read, led me to form my idea of love. And what my idea of my one true love should look like.

So I suppose that when I finally received a letter from Hogwarts stating that I was a witch, and I was to be sent off to learn magic, it wasn't my fault that I fell in love with the wrong wizard. I mean, these things do happen. More often then you realize, I bet.

I was a dreamer, of sorts. Not one of those la-la-la head-in-the-clouds kind of dreamer. Those are just plain annoying. But the one with dreams, even if they didn't have a voice of their own outside of my head.

And so I combined the two things, love and dreams. Also, with a little bit of wishing. What did I get? A fantasy that I tried to chase, but never could quite grasp. I always wished that someday I could be happy, like the princesses and damsels-in-distress that I read about that ended up ruling a country. Only without the ruling part, that I could do without.

This is my story of 7th year, but only the important stuff. I guess this is how I learned to make the rest of the big decisions. I lived in the Gryffindor dorms, with my two best friends in Ravenclaw. My crush was in my house. So was my third best friend, who didn't live in our dorm that year. That year wasn't easy, let me tell you.

A/N: So yeah, I'm writing a new story. A little different but different is good, right? Love it, hate it, let me know. The prologue is supposed to be weird, just to let you know. And I actually have a structure for this story! So it won't be so long to update like Hate and Love! Yay! ;)