Unofficial Portkey Archive

Marriage of (In)convenience by ladylaughalot

Marriage of (In)convenience


Disclaimer ~ Yeah it's mine I bought it off JKR last week for a dollar, who knew it'd be so cheap! Oh that's right, that was a dream, no it's not mine.

A/N ~ Thankyou to everyone who has reviewed. If I hadn't received so many reviews on the previous chapters this chapter would never have been written. I've never written a sex scene before and WOW was it difficult. I only hope now that you guys like it.

MOI ~ Chapter 7

Hermione didn't answer for a long moment she just looked deeply into Harry's eyes. Finally she spoke, `Well I wouldn't want it to happen here.'

She picked up a random book from the table, muttered `portus' and waved her wand over it.

`Let's go,' she said softly, and a moment later Harry felt the now familiar tug behind his navel as they were whisked away to destinations unknown.

Harry landed on his face on a paved brick courtyard, pulling himself to his feet he looked around in awe. All around the edge of the courtyard were exotic plants and ferns and overhead, a domed glass roof displayed thousands of tiny stars shining like diamonds on black velvet.

Harry looked at Hermione his eyes wide.

`Where are we?' He asked the awe evident in his voice.

`It's a muggle park near my parents house, this is the observatory,' she said softly her voice almost a whisper as she gazed towards the heavens, `I used to come here as with my parents as a kid. I remember the first time I ever came here.'

She looked at Harry then out of the corner of her eye, `I was only four and I was obsessed with fairytales of beautiful princesses and handsome princes.' She laughed a little seemingly caught up in her memories.

`I thought this was the most beautiful and romantic spot in the whole world, I wanted to get married here, until I got a bit older and realised it wouldn't be big enough.'

She smiled still gazing out the glass ceiling and into the galaxy beyond.

`The ceiling reminds me of the great hall at Hogwarts,' Harry ventured softly not wanting to break the spell.

She turned her smile on Harry then, `You've got no idea how excited I was when I first read about the ceiling of the great hall.'

`I remember you said you'd read about it in Hogwarts a History that first night before the sorting.'

Hermione's smile widened as she looked at him, `you remember that?'

`Of course,' he replied simply his eyes never leaving hers.

Hermione waved her wand and soft music filled the air.

`Dance with me Harry?' she asked coming to stand in front of him her body mere inches from his. Harry didn't answer, he just slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. He felt her breasts flatten against his chest and her subtle smell of vanilla filled the air around him, she filled his senses, and when she looked up at him with her big brown eyes he simply couldn't resist her. Her soft lips parted willingly under his and he tasted her sweetness.

Hermione's arm tightened around Harry's shoulders and her hand slipped into his hair cradling the back of his head and deepening the kiss further. Harry slid his hand under her shirt again and stroked the soft skin at her waist. Hermione broke of the kiss and looked at him her eyes barely a centimetre from his.

`Do you really want to do this?' she asked her voice soft and husky.

`Yes, do you?'

She nodded, pointing her wand at the floor and conjuring a mattress as she did.

They sat down together on the soft mattress, her eyes were wide and trusting as they lay down side by side.

They kissed again their tongues entwining and they explored each other's bodies. Harry raised their joined hands above their heads and lent over her on his elbow, her hair was spread out over the pillow and Harry had never seen her look more beautiful.

`Your beautiful' he whispered softly.

Hermione smiled and removed her shirt, murmuring a quick Diffindo to release it from her arm, `Do you still think so?' she asked her nervousness evident.

`Oh yes,' he replied breathlessly.

Harry struggled out of his shirt and when it was lying discarded on top of Hermione's he held her close again, feeling the soft skin of her chest against his for the first time. His head was spinning so much he was finding it difficult to think with any kind of coherency he just knew he'd never felt anything quite like this before in his entire life. They held each other tenderly and began to kiss once more, the barrier of clothing removed made Harry much bolder. Leaning above her he ran his hand over her body lightly skimming her beautiful breasts still encased in white lace. Hermione returned the favour her fingers trailing over his feverish skin with a feathery touch.

Their kisses became even more passionate until, his brain crying out for oxygen, Harry tore his mouth from hers. Hermione immediately began kissing his neck and chest and Harry felt his desire for her build. He kissed his way across her chest suckling at her nipples through the lacy white fabric of her bra.

`Oh Harry,' Hermione moaned. Her back arched of the mattress and her hand gripped his chest, then his back and then moved down his abs to the waist of his pants. Now it was Harry's turn to moan as her small hand dipped below the waistline of his trousers.

Her small hand encircled his penis and he raised his head from her breast and kissed her again plunging his tongue into her mouth with frenzied passion. He continued to play with her breasts as he kissed her until her small hand started to move.

`Oh god Hermione,' Harry moaned passionately tearing his mouth from hers and leaning his forehead against hers.

`Do you like that?' she asked her voice deep and husky.

`Oh yeah,' he moaned unthinkingly.

Hermione smiled a look of power in her eyes, Harry suddenly felt completely at her mercy and wanting to return the favour he slid his hand up the inside of her thigh and lightly brushed his fingers along her panties. Hermione moaned,

`You like that?' Harry asked his own voice surprisingly deep.

`Mmmm,' was her only response as she continued to stroke him.

Harry slipped a finger inside her panties and felt her wetness welcoming him, his fingers slid in a little further as he explored her folds.

Hermione started to moan her head lolling back against the mattress and her eyes shut tight. Her hand tightened around him and she began to stroke faster. Harry knew he couldn't take much more he could feel himself approach his peak. Quickly he undid his trousers, Hermione seemed to take the hint and removed her panties, more white lace he noticed. Harry settled himself between her thighs and rested on his elbows staring down at her. Hermione's skirt was bunched up around her waist and her hair was in disarray all around her, looking into her eyes Harry felt the need to check one last time that she was ok with what they were about to do.

`Are you sure about this Hermione?' He asked even as his dick twitched against her warm wetness.

`Yes, Harry I'm sure.'

Harry didn't wait any longer, in truth he couldn't have, he pushed inside of her as slowly and gently as he could. He could feel her tightness stretching to accommodate him and he could tell it was hurting her. Once he felt like he was fully inside her he stopped for a moment to give her time to adjust, time for it to stop hurting. It was quite possibly the hardest thing he had ever done, she felt so good underneath him, around him, every single cell in his body was screaming for him to move, but he wouldn't because he knew it would hurt her more.

After a few moments of the most exquisite torture Harry had ever experienced he felt her begin to shift under him, groaning he began to move too. He kissed her deeply as he began to thrust faster and faster into her. Hermione tore her mouth away from his and threw her head back moaning. Gaining in momentum Harry got to his knees and pulled her hips up to his waist thrusting faster and harder as he did. Hermione panted and moaned her head thrashing around, she lifted her hips to meet his. No longer having to hold her in place he used his free hand to stimulate her even more.

`Oh Harry!' She cried out suddenly and all her muscles seemed to tense around him. It was too much for him to take, thrusting deeply into her one last time he came deep inside of her.

Harry collapsed then only barely managing to avoid crushing Hermione as he fell down beside her, he pulled her towards him. She snuggled her head into his chest and he once again breathed deeply of her unique scent, part vanilla, part pure Hermione.

`Are you ok?' He asked at last, when he had finally gotten his breath back enough to speak. Hermione didn't speak she only nodded.

`Was it ok? I mean, did you enjoy it?' He asked tentatively.

`I would've thought that was obvious,' Hermione replied in a small voice sounding embarrassed.

Harry lifted her chin forcing her to look at him, `I did too.'

She smiled at him.

`We should head back, wouldn't want to fall asleep here,'

Harry chuckled, `no I guess not.'

They stood up and got dressed, Hermione got rid of the mattress and Harry located the book Portkey. Back in Grimmauld Place they went upstairs and got ready for bed, they followed their usual routine but went through it all in silence, both thinking about the irrevocable change their friendship had just undergone. It wasn't until they were laying in bed side by side with the lights off that Harry spoke again.

`Hermione I know that in a couple of weeks time we're supposed to get divorced, and I know that neither one of us is ready for marriage but,' Harry hesitated, how could he say what he so desperately wanted to say?

Hermione looked at him her brown eyes shining in the darkness.

`When this is all over I'd really like it if you'd be my girlfriend.'

Hermione smiled at him, `I'd like that too Harry.'

Returning her smile he reached out for her and pulled her into his arms, she buried her head into his chest and still smiling they both drifted off to sleep.
