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The Final Countdown by GoonerJim

The Final Countdown



A/N - I feel like this story is entering its final few chapters. I'd love to devote a few to added characterisation and emotional development, but it would probably come at the cost of the main plot if done to excess. Let me know what you think, as always. Oh, and one other thing; I have now read and finished The Deathly Hallows, but I'm going to stay true to my original vision for this story and not let it affect the ending.

"So what do you think then, is he alright?" Ron asked.

Standing at the foot of the stairs to the dormitories in the Gryffindor common room, Hermione turned back to face him on the sofa and shrugged her shoulders, "Honestly…I don't know."

"So…this post-trauma thingy then…can it be cured?" Ron probed further, lounging back against the cushions.

Hermione leaned back against the staircase railing, running a hand through her hair in thought, "From what I've read, it can be cured easily. I…we…just have to get Harry to talk to us about everything, once this is all over."

"Well, good luck with that." Ron said lightly.

It was just after nine o'clock that night; Harry had turned in early after what had turned out to be an emotional conversation with Hermione out by the lake. He had passed Dean and Neville on the way up; the apologetic look on his face was enough for them, especially with the redness of his face. Hermione had chosen to remain tight-lipped about what went on to everyone else, but Ron deserved to be in the know as ever.

"I just think about all the things that have happened to him in his life…" Hermione said quietly, shaking her head slowly, "It's just…so unfair."

"I know," Ron said comfortingly.

"It would be easier if all of this had made Harry into a bitter and twisted person, but it didn't," Hermione said, to herself as much as to Ron, "He's so…kind, and decent, and loyal…" She trailed off, beginning to feel her own throat begin to close up.

"Where's Hedwig been hiding?" Ron asked, trying to change the subject, "Haven't seem him in a while."

"Harry kept him here when we left, after Dumbledore died," Hermione replied absently, "He guessed we'd be travelling around the country by now."

"Yeah…funny how these things turn out." Ron said.

"Or not," Hermione replied.

"Yeah…" Ron said, rubbing at his eyes.

Hermione wiped a tear from to corner of her eye, "There has to be something me and you can do for him in the meantime."

Ron got up from the sofa and paced over to Hermione slowly, "Can I tell you something?"


"Your first priority has always been Harry," Ron said, in a matter-of-fact tone that wasn't overly harsh, "I guess until now, I figured that was your way, with all of Harry's past and everything."

Hermione turned to face him, her eyes full of uncertainty, "And you're saying it's not anymore?"

"I'm saying that so many people close to him have died," Ron said, "If you ask me, he's trying to find something to live for, something beyond the two of us."

A tear rolled down Hermione's cheek, "…Like what?"

"You really want to help him?"

"Yes, you know I do!"

"Then tell him how you feel," Ron said gently, "Maybe that'll make the difference."

"What?" Hermione blurted out, "No…I can't…"

For the first time that Ron could recollect, Hermione looked like the shy, nervous little girl that he imagined she was in a past life. The way her eyes pleaded for guidance reminded Ron of Ginny when she was growing up...

"How do I…?" Hermione started to ask.

"That's your thing," Ron said lightly, moving towards the stairs.

"Ron," Hermione said, almost painfully, "I…I need your help,"

"You'll figure it out," Ron replied, "You'd be surprised what you're capable of."

Hermione gave him a watery smile at that, "I feel like I'm seeing a whole new side of you, Ronald."

Ron shrugged as he started to climb, "Luna."

"So you aren't denying it anymore?"

"I'll ask her out tomorrow."

"You're practically going out now!" Hermione called after him playfully.

"Everyone's a critic," Ron grumbled as he disappeared from view.

As Hermione was left alone in the common room, she furiously wiped away the tears that had set on her cheeks. She sat down on the sofa and hugged her knees up to herself, and began to think.

* * * * *

The following morning, Harry surprised Hermione by beating her to the library; she saw him sitting in front of a collection of spread-out books as she entered. He glanced up and smiled as she moved across to him, "Hi."

Hermione walked around behind him, and playfully tousled his hair as she sat down next to Harry, "Hey. How are you feeling?"

Harry tried to ignore the feeling that Hermione seemed unusually cheerful this morning, "Fine, I guess."

"What are you working on?"

Harry shook his head, "Nothing really, just thinking about the stage we're at…"

"Well," Hermione said matter-of-factly, "our working theory is that we have two Horcruxes left, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Harry said, "after the locket, the diary, the wand, the ring…not bad going, I guess."

"That's right," Hermione said, patting his arm with a smile, "we're getting there."

Once again Harry got the feeling that something wasn't quite right about Hermione; normally by now she'd have been feverishly scanning through the books that Harry had been looking at for some perspective. But she seemed to be focussing her attention on him instead...



"Are you okay?"

Hermione shook her head quizzically, still smiling a little, "I'm fine, why?"

"You just seem a little…"


Harry shook his head, "Nah, never mind."

As he looked back down at his chosen book, Hermione turned her head away for the briefest moment, trying to hide the look of quiet despair on her face. Why can't I do this?! Her inner voice screamed. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, trying to shrug off what she knew to be her true feelings and maintain her composure.

"I was just trying to think about what Voldemort's up to…" Harry said, partly to himself.

Hermione glanced at his lightning scar, "Shouldn't you be able to find out?"

Harry grinned to himself, "After you keep telling me to learn Occlumency?" He shook his head, "I don't know…maybe Voldemort has found a way to shut me out."

"That would imply he knew of your connection," Hermione pointed out.

"Maybe he does," Harry said casually.

Hermione glanced at him, surprised by the lack of emotion on Harry's face, "You don't seem very concerned by that."

Harry shrugged his shoulders, "To tell the truth, knowing where he is constantly just puts me on edge. I guess this way I can focus on my job."

"Your job?"

"To find these damn Horcruxes," Harry said plainly, "If Voldemort wants to stay hidden and wait for me to act first, then let him."

If it didn't sound so unusual coming from Harry's lips, Hermione might have been impressed, "That's not what you were saying yesterday, Harry."

Recalling his emotional outbursts, Harry glanced across at Hermione and gave her a small smile, "Well…I guess you helped me there."

Hermione allowed herself to feel a small measure of satisfaction…but that smile! Merlin, does he know what that does for…stop it!

Hermione cleared her throat, "But that's not all that Voldemort is doing, staying hidden. He's building up his forces, Harry, he could attack at any moment…"

"He won't," Harry said, with remarkable certainty.

"How do you know?"

"Because, think about it, he doesn't know what I'm doing either," Harry said, in a way that suggested he was trying to explain it to himself as well as Hermione, "He has as much to fear as I do from what moves either of us are going to make. He's only going to get one opportunity to seize power, and try and kill me in the process."

Hermione continued to search his face, his eyes, for understanding as he continued.

"This is why we haven't heard from him, only from Death Eaters and Dementors. He's using them to attract attention and keep himself hidden. He'd have nothing to gain from killing wizards left, right and centre; for the most part he doesn't have a quarrel with them…"

"Apart from Mudbloods…" Hermione pointed out resentfully.

"Hey," Harry said reproachfully, "don't go calling yourself that. You're hundreds of times the person Voldemort is…"

Hermione looked away smiling, her cheeks flushed slightly. Harry cleared his throat uneasily, "So…yeah, my point is that he won't risk a siege until he's ready to, and that gives us some time at least."

"You would have thought Voldemort would come for you right away?" Hermione said.

Harry shrugged, "Not if he doesn't know I'm after the Horcruxes."

Hermione paused for a second in thought, then looked back at Harry, beaming, "That's brilliant!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"It…is?" Harry said, confused.

"Of course!" Hermione said, "Don't you see? All this time we've been obsessing and planning and researching, and all this time Voldemort has been putting together his minions, not knowing what we're up to! I bet it's never even occurred to him that we know about the Horcruxes!"

"Yeah, but…how does that help?"

"He's not going to see it coming, is he? How do you suppose Voldemort would react if he suddenly found that all his Horcruxes were destroyed?"

Harry thought about it, and began to subscribe to Hermione's way of thinking, "He'd be…well, pretty shocked I guess."

"He'd be livid!" Hermione said, as if that was a good thing, "He'd be vulnerable, he'd be scared, he'd be so many things! And in a duel, that gives you the advantage!"

"I hope so."

"Well, I know so," Hermione said, calmer now but just as self-assured, "There's at least one other thing working for us."

"What's that?" Harry asked.



"Didn't he say that neither Voldemort nor the Death Eaters knew what he knew about self-defence magic? I mean, think about it, have you ever seen those techniques before?"

Harry thought of all the things David had taught him, either through the lessons or their Legilimency-induced link; the Dagonet Leap, the Castus Gambit, so many other blocks, counters or evasions…and the wand blade…

"Where would he learn all that?" Harry asked, as if Hermione could possibly have the answer.

She shook her head, "I don't know...but it must be some extremely obscure source that no one else has access to. That's the only way he could be so confident so as to make that claim."

"Or he was showing off…"

"Oh, honestly!" Hermione huffed, "I know you don't like him, but his job is to try and help you!"

"Okay!" Harry said forcefully, not wishing to have this argument yet again, "You're right, let's go with that for now."

"Thank you," Hermione said, seemingly placated.

"But I'm got going to get anywhere that duel until we find these damn things, so I guess we'd better get back to it…"

A thought struck Hermione, "Listen, there's a really good book in my wardrobe about ancient magical artefacts. Maybe that'll give us some clues."

She got up and quickly leaned over, planting a kiss on the side of Harry's forehead, "Be right back."

She quickly hurried away, leaving Harry looking after her. What had gotten into her? Normally he was the excitable one, and she would bring him back to reality. And that kiss? I mean, it wasn't the first time, and only before it was ever in times of great peril, but still…she was different somehow.

And Harry smiled. As strange as it seemed, he kind of liked it.

That's why you love her…he imagined his mind saying smugly.

Oh, go think of something else! His heart shot back.
