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The Wand of Ravenclaw by Wizardora

The Wand of Ravenclaw


Chapter 6

Harry awoke the next morning to find Hermione's bed empty. Neither had fancied the idea of sleeping in the bedrooms, cold and draughty despite the summer weather. Instead, Hermione did a clever piece of magic to move two of the mattresses into the living room and enchanted them to add a little more fluffiness to them. She seemed to love her alterations but after Harry was enveloped by his mattress he asked Hermione to give him something a little more sensible to sleep on.

They had stayed up late into the night, talking mostly about what sort of things the Horcruxes might be and what they would choose as theirs if they decided to go evil and on a wizard jihad. They cooked themselves a very basic dinner made up of a variety of things in the pantry, which Harry discovered hadn't been as well stocked as he'd first thought. They finally went to sleep at some early hour discussing Dumbledore's theory that love would be the thing that killed Voldemort, and Harry's theory that Dumbledore should have put his faith in a good old fashioned club to do the job.

Waking to find Hermione's bed empty, Harry assumed she was downstairs cleaning the plates from last night or perhaps even preparing a surprise breakfast for him (Harry had noticed how domesticated Hermione was). Getting up Harry cast a glimpse at his unmade bed and made a note to tidy it later. When raised voices from the hall met his ears all thoughts of doing chores to achieve domestic felicity with Hermione left him. Moving to the door he edged it open and listened.

A blazing row was in full flow in the hall downstairs. One voice was Hermione's but the other, and more angry, voice belonged to Ron. Harry cringed. He tiptoed to the top of the stairs, careful to keep himself out of view. Ron was livid, yelling and shouting and it sounded like he was still outside. Harry remembered the protective charm on the house and realised how the situation must seem to Ron. Putting his ear over the banister, Harry listened in.

`Ron, you've got this all wrong,' Hermione was saying. Her tone suggested she had already said this several times.

`I don't think so!' Ron yelled. `I think it looks pretty clear what's going on here.'

`Of course, and as usual you've put two and two together and come up with five. You really are being ridiculous, Ron.'

`Yeah, that's right,' Ron spat. `Always stupid, aren't I? Stupid, dumb Ron who doesn't matter. Well, not this time - I'm on to your game.'

`There is no game!' Hermione protested.

`You must think I'm a total idiot!'

`You're certainly acting like one.'

`Oh, so now I'm an idiot, too?' said Ron.

`I don't believe we are even having this discussion,' said Hermione. `I didn't think you'd be like this. Harry said you might, but I thought you would be more mature.'

`Oh I bet he did,' said Ron acidly. `I bet you've done lots of talking holed up here together.'

`Ron - we are not holed up,' said Hermione.

`Then what do you call this?' Harry heard the fizz of Ron touching the magical barrier.

`I've told you twice that Dumbledore put that enchantment on the house.'

`A likely story.'

`Only Harry can invite you in. If he doesn't you cant enter. Not even Voldemort could get in. Oh, for Merlin's sake, Ron, stop cringing.'

`So, I'm a coward too, eh? I'm wondering why you went out with me at all.'

`You know, I'm starting to think the same thing.'

There was a pause, a silence in which Harry felt the strongest urge to throw himself over the banister and stop what he knew was going to happen next. Something quite out of his conscious control kept him rooted to the spot.

`W-what does that mean?' Ron asked, his voice much different. Hermione, though, was as steely as ever.

`What do you think it means?' said Hermione. `Is this what your idea of a relationship is? I've had closer bonds with friends than we have right now.'

`Oh, and I suppose that friend is Harry, is it?' said Ron, angering again. `Typical, isn't it? The first thing I get that Harry doesn't have and even that prefers him to me.'

At the top of the stairs Harry tried to catch a groan at Ron's lack of tact. He failed, though, and held his breath to see if he was heard. Nothing happened and Harry sighed in relief. He shook his head at Ron's choosing the exact wrong thing to say.

`So that's what I am to you?' Hermione asked. `A thing? A that? A trophy to shove in Harry's face and say, "Look at what I've got that you don't?"'

`No, that's not what I - '

`Oh, I think it's perfectly clear what you meant, Ron. You couldn't have made yourself plainer. I don't know what I was thinking. You haven't been brewing Amortentia, have you? Oh, of course not, you wouldn't have the faintest clue where to start. You haven't been stealing any of Ginny's, have you? I know she's been testing them on the public for Fred and George's joke shop.'

Harry caught his breath again. No, she wouldn't have…would she?

`I haven't been using any love potions!' Ron said sounding scandalised.

`Ah well, I just thought you might,' said Hermione sniffily. `Just answer me one thing - did you ever want to go out with me for that reason, or was it always to get one over on Harry?'

`Oh course I liked you, I've told you that,' said Ron. `But I should've known that I was never going to be enough for you. Just look how you've shacked up with Harry the first chance you got.'

`Shacked up!' Hermione laughed. `Hardly.'

`Well you're clearly Harry's girl through and through, seeing as how you abandoned me for him. I am supposed to be your boyfriend and I should have had you with me.'

`And I should have had more self-respect than to let you treat me like your property,' said Hermione. `I may be a trophy to you but this is on prize you are never going to have, in any way.'

`And Harry will, I suppose?'

Harry could imagine the look on Hermione's face but nothing prepared him for the next answer.

`Well its like you said - I'm Harry's girl through and through. And whatever he needs me for I'll do it for him…anything.'

`Hmph! I always knew you were a bit of a slapper on the ins -'

SLAM! The door smashed shut, shaking the whole house. Harry got up quickly and made to tiptoe across the landing and back to the living room in case Hermione came storming up in a rage. As it turned out, Harry hadn't been as stealthy as he'd thought.

`You can come down now, Harry,' Hermione called up the stairs. Harry froze at being caught out, but was relieved to hear that she didn't sound angry. This, he supposed, was because of the upset she must be feeling. The thought of her being upset was enough to make him traipse guiltily downstairs, if only to try and offer some words of comfort.

`Sorry,' he mumbled as he faced her at the foot of the stairs.

`How much did you hear?' she asked in a business-like manner.

`Quite a bit,' said Harry honestly.

`I hope we didn't wake you.'

`What? I think there are more pressing issues than if you woke me up, Hermione.'

`Are there?' she asked.

`Are you okay?' said Harry, bemused by her calmness. `Do you want to sit down?'

`No, Harry, I'm fine,' said Hermione. `Does that sound awful?'

`It sounds weird,' said Harry. `Are you - I mean, is it over? You and Ron, I mean.'

`Yes, yes I think so,' said Hermione simply. `What does that say about it?'

`Not much.'

`The truth is that I could see we were starting to go nowhere,' said Hermione. `It wasn't like at the beginning.'

`You'd only been together a month, if that!'

`Precisely, not exactly a good omen, is it? The funny thing is, I'm not that upset. I think that tells its own story.'

Harry stood awkwardly, not quite sure what to say next.

`You were right, Harry,' said Hermione. `You knew how he'd react. I didn't see it.'

`Oh, come on,' said Harry. `You must have known he'd be a little miffed at you, at us.'

`That was more than a little,' said Hermione.

`I don't like being the cause of your break-up,' Harry blurted out. `I don't want to be the one who's come between you. Its makes us look really bad; I bet lost of people will think like Ron and tongues will wag.'

`Oh hang them, let them talk,' said Hermione.

`But I know how much those Rita Skeeter articles annoyed you; you remember, the me-you-Krum love triangle. I don't want you upset again.'

Hermione gave him an odd sort of look that Harry had never been given by her before; he didn't know how to read it.

`I'll just have to live with it, wont I?' said Hermione chirpily. `I meant what I said to Ron - I'm your girl through and through. I'm at your side when you need me, and you need me now. So I'm staying where I am. If that means a few rumours then fine. We've been through more than that, and that sort of thing, before. I'm sure we'll get through it again.'

Harry felt an unsettling stirring in his stomach and wanted to bat it away.

`Are you ok? Feeling alright?' said Hermione noticing Harry touch his abdomen.

`What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit peckish,' Harry lied.

`Then its time for breakfast,' said Hermione brightly. `And if I remember correctly it's your turn to cook.'

Hermione swept away, casting Harry another odd glance over her shoulder. Words like `flirty' `sultry' and `seductive' were running through his head. These were words he had never thought of in relation to Hermione and it felt alien to have them paired together. Despite this unfamiliar feeling, Harry wasn't experiencing revulsion at it. It was almost more unsettling that he found these new sensations quite enjoyable.

After breakfast (which Hermione awarded Harry an `exceed expectations' for) they hit the books hard. The renewed vigour offered just as little success as the day before. There were vague and patchy references to the Gryffindor armour in many books, but mostly just as part of poetry or retold folk tales. Harry was the first to feel the frustration.

`How can this be so hard!' he cried, throwing a book down. `If you were an old wizard and you couldn't fight anymore, where would you leave your suit of armour?'

`How many wizards do you know that actually wear armour, Harry?' said Hermione fairly.

`I agree that its gone out of fashion, but that isn't the point right now.'

`Gone out of fashion?' Hermione laughed. `I don't think they were ever in fashion!'

`They must have been,' said Harry. `Have you seen how many suits of armour we have at Hogwarts…'

Harry paused, his words hanging in the air. He and Hermione looked at each other, the thought coming to them both at the same time.

`Harry - you don't think - '

`It can't be…it can't be that simple.'

`Harry, Harry it might be,' said Hermione suddenly excited. `I don't know, I cant be sure.'

`Of what?'

`Harry, there aren't that many suits of armour at Hogwarts,' said Hermione. `There are a few down at the dungeons, and a couple outside the Transfiguration rooms and that one on the West staircase under that painting of Reeking Ruprict of Rochdale. But there is only one more. If I'm right its in an older style than the others. I bet I don't have to tell you where it is.'

`At the top of the staircase to Gryffindor Tower!' said Harry. `I really don't believe this. I amaze myself at my own stupidity sometimes. Why didn't I think of the school?'

`You just did,' said Hermione placatingly. `Come on, lets go.'

Harry had his cloak on in a flash. He dashed after Hermione who was already on the way downstairs. She halted at the door.

`I hope Ron isn't still outside,' she said.

`I doubt he is,' said Harry. `He wouldn't have waited this long.'

`I was going to,' said Hermione, blushing a bit, `when you weren't going to let me in. I thought you gave in a bit easily there, Harry.'

`I tried to be forceful, but I couldn't,' said Harry. `You must have this special magic over me. I could never say no to you for very long.'

`I'll keep that in mind,' she said, blushing furiously now. She yanked open the door and skipped into the morning.

The bright light dazzled Harry as he followed Hermione outside. Shielding his eyes he darted after the silhouette in front of him towards the little alley he knew it was heading. The sun blinded Harry so much that he hadn't properly judged how far Hermione was ahead of him, skidding into her as she stopped abruptly.

`Now, now, Harry,' she teased. `I am on the rebound, you know.'

Harry chortled. `Just Apparate will you?'

`Fancy trying side-along Apparition?' she joked.

`I'll `side-along' you in a minute!' said Harry.

`Maybe later,' said Hermione and with a wink she Disapparated.

Following suit Harry span around, emerging outside the Hogwarts gates, which Hermione was already through. She called back to him to hurry up. Jogging slightly to keep up Harry joined Hermione and they made their way to Hagrid's hut. Apologising for not having the time to have tea, Harry pulled the Hogwarts keys from a nail behind the door and took off again. The heavy lock was hard to turn but a bit of magic from Hermione did the trick and they were vaulting the Main Staircase in no time.

`Wait, Harry, I've got a stitch!' cried Hermione, who had lagged behind.

`You get up here in your own good time,' Harry called back. `All this Apparating has made you unfit!'

Harry continued on alone. He topped the staircase, turned down a short corridor and was soon facing the Fat Lady's portrait. She was absent at the moment and Harry wondered briefly if she was off drinking so early in the day. Pushing such futile thoughts from his mind he took off down the corridor. It wasn't long before he reached his destination.

Half way along the corridor, lit by shafts of pale light from the high windows, Harry stopped in front of an antique suit of armour. Harry marvelled at how he had never noticed the unique condition of this piece of armour when compared to the shiny suits elsewhere. This was it, he knew it; the Horcrux, a piece of Voldemort's soul standing right before him. How didn't Dumbledore know?

`Is…this…it?' Hermione panted as she joined him.

`Only one way to find out,' said Harry reaching for it.

`Harry!' Hermione yelled as she reached out and snatched his hand from the air.


`You can't just grab it,' said Hermione shrilly.

`Why not?'

`Think about it,' she said. `All of the other objects had self-defence mechanisms. The diary had enough power to let Voldemort control anyone who used it. The ring killed Dumbledore's hand and getting the locket was what weakened him enough to stop his fighting the Death Eaters when he died. These things are dangerous and I don't want you to…well, I just want you to be careful.'

`If it did belong to Gryffindor it will have his name on it, like the sword does,' said Harry. `I'm just going to look at it.'

Harry had tried to sound calm but he was filled with trepidation as he reached for the helmet. It wouldn't budge. He pulled with all his might, but it didn't move an inch. Harry lit his wand and looked around the armour. He had almost given up when he bent down and looked at the midriff area. There, at the level where a belt would be, were the exquisitely carved letters of Godric Griffindor's name.

`Well, that confirms it,' said Harry. `Now what?'

`It has to be destroyed,' said Hermione in a whisper.

Harry raised his wand and said a spell. Hermione's call of caution had barely echoed away when Harry's spell hit the suit of armour and flew off its chests, bouncing around the corridor. Harry threw himself at Hermione, knocking her back against the wall and pinning her tightly in place. The spell died away.

`That wasn't bright,' said Hermione slightly breathily. She tilted her head up. `Harry…'


`Anytime you want to let me go is fine,' she said, still huskily. Harry could feel her shiver against him.

`Oh, what? Sorry…sorry, Hermione,' said Harry, quickly backing away.

`Its okay,' she giggled. `Just don't do that again.'

`Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't realise how hard I was pressing you into the wall.'

`I-I meant the spell, Harry.'

`Oh, yeah…that was stupid too.'

Hermione was blushing, Harry could tell even in the shadows. His own face was on fire. He turned to consider the suit of armour again.

`I take it there are anti-spell charms on it,' said Hermione thoughtfully, her voice not quite as steady as her words.

`Then how else can we destroy it?' said Harry. `Melt it down?'

`I think we have to draw the magic out somehow,' said Hermione. `Ginny wrote in the diary, Dumbledore wore the ring…'

The realisation dawned on Harry as Hermione thought out loud. There was only one thing to do.

`I have to get inside it,' said Harry.

`No, Harry,' said Hermione sounding very frightened. `Don't you dare. Don't even joke about something like that.'

`It's the only way,' said Harry. `We can't destroy it by spells and I'd bet 100 Galleons that it has some anti-melt charm too. This is the only way.'

`Harry, no - there has to be some other option.' Hermione was sounding desperate now.

`Look, you've said you're with me whatever, right? Well now's the test. This is what being with me means. You have to trust me, you have to follow me, do what I say without question.'

`Even if it means endangering your life?'

`Hermione, we're fighting Voldemort,' said Harry. `Everything we do against him threatens our life. I need you with me. Its your choice to stand with me or not.'

Her lip quivered, but she bowed, unable to face the words. Harry turned towards the armour again. He felt the outside and found what he was looking for.

`I knew it,' he said. `That's why I couldn't pull the helmet off. Its stuck together. The whole thing is one piece, like a death shroud in a tomb. It I unhook this clasp it should open.'

No sooner had the words left his mouth then Harry was stood facing the open armour. The first fears of what he had to do crept in.

`Well, here goes.'

`Harry!' Hermione flung herself at him, hugging him tight. Disentangling himself, Harry stepped forward into the armour and closed it behind him.

Immediately he heard a voice in his mind.

`Welcome, Harry Potter.' The voice was deep and smooth.

`Is this Gryffindor?' said Harry.

`Of a fashion,' replied the voice. `What is your task, brave one?'

`I have to destroy you,' said Harry. `The suit of armour is a Horcrux of the most evil wizard alive. It must be destroyed, but I don't know how.'

`Tis a noble task, young one,' said the voice. `But the destruction of this armour will not be simple.'

`I know that,' said Harry. `But how can I do it?'

`It can be done but it requires those stout of heart and true to themselves. The spirit inside this metal can be passed on to you, but you must be destroyed.'

`That cant be the only way!' said Harry.

`Let me clarify; the spirit can be conferred onto you but when you leave you will exhibit either extremely violent or extremely psychologically different tendencies to the norm. You need another to destroy that face. It will destroy the armour and return you to your former self.'

Harry's heart leapt. He called out to Hermione. `Hermione, listen and listen carefully…'

He explained the message of the voice and told Hermione she would have to do the other side.

`What does that mean, Harry?' said Hermione. `Does that mean I have to fight you? Hurt you?'

`Probably,' said Harry. `You have to do enough to kill that part of Voldemort's spirit that will inhabit me. I know you can do it.'

`I'm not sure, Harry…'

`You don't have a choice…I'm coming out.'

At the words Harry felt a most uncomfortable sensation settle on his head. It was as though his mind had been pushed out; he was drifting deeper and deeper…

Hermione watched nervously as the armour opened again. Harry sauntered out and stopped a few feet from her. She looked at him apprehensively, expecting the violence to come out straight away.

`Hello, Hermione,' said Harry. His voice sounded like a shadow of itself.

`Harry, is that you?' said Hermione.

`Does it look like me?' He took a step closer and brushed his hand over her face. It sent an icy chill down Hermione's neck. `Does it feel like me?'

`Harry, what do I do?'

`Whatever you want.' Harry made as if to embrace her but she pulled away.

`Stupefy!' she cried. The spell hit Harry as his eyes glazed. His expression changed.

`I'm sorry, Hermione, I cant give you what you want,' he said suddenly. `I'm only a Boggart.'


`I can't go out with you. I don't think you're at all attractive. Ginny is far sexier, everyone thinks so. You're too much of a bookworm.'


`That wont work. I thought you were brainy. Must have been cheating on those tests.'


`Still nothing! Spells not strong enough. Just like my affections for you. I cant believe you thought I'd be interested-'

`C- crucio!' Hermione yelled. Harry contorted in pain and Hermione cried. Suddenly, his real voice came through.

`That's it!' he cried through the pain. `That's what you have to do. Whatever it takes, keep hurting it.'

Then he changed again.

`Hermione, you bitch, I'm going to kill you!'

Harry made for Hermione but she stunned him. He rose again.


`Hermione! No! Please! Please make it stop!' Harry cried.

`Harry! I'm sorry,' Hermione sobbed, breaking the curse. Harry went for her again. `C-ccrucio!'

Harry's body smacked to the floor contorted in unnatural directions. Hermione cried hard at the sight but couldn't stop. Small cuts had appeared on Harry's face and blood was pouring out. Hermione broke the curse and fell back against the wall. Harry rose.

`You have caused me pain, you whore. Now its time to die. I shall tell Ron and Ginny all about how I killed you, and they shall laugh with me. Then they die too! But, you must go first, wench!'

Harry shot at Hermione. Summoning all her emotions, all her love, all her hate for Voldemort she balled it up inside and shot it at Harry charging towards her.


Harry was hit squarely in the chest and flew backwards at least thirty feet down the corridor. He hit the floor with a dull thud where he lay quite still. Throwing her wand aside Hermione raced along the corridor to Harry's limp form. She cradled his head as hot tears began to stream down her face.

Harry had the vague sensation of being on the floor. Cold stone pressed onto his skin where his robes had ridden up over his hips. His head was full of cobwebs, his body weak and aching as though he had run ten marathons whilst being beaten constantly. His head was on something soft and warm and was being caressed. It was an odd blend. Gingerly, he opened his eyes.

`Wah? Where am I?'

`Harry? Harry is that you?' said Hermione's voice, distant and startled.

`Who else is it going to be?' said Harry groggily. `What happened?'

`You… I mean, I -' she began. `You don't remember?'

`I remember going into the suit of armour,' said Harry as memories rushed back. `It said you'd have to face your worst fear or that I would get violent and that you'd have to destroy Voldemort's spirit in me. Did you do it?'

`I, um…oh, Harry!'

Hermione pulled Harry's head so hard into her that he was sure she would crush his skull. She was sobbing uncontrollably and Harry could feel the vibrations running through her body. It was then he realised that the warm soft thing his head was resting on was Hermione's lap. He rose up.

`Hermione? What happened?' he asked.

`It was like you said,' she sobbed. `Worst fears. It was horrible. Much worse than a Boggart. And I had to torture you.'

`What?' said Harry. `No wonder I feel so bad.'

`I'm so, so sorry, Harry,' said Hermione. `You told me I had to.'

`And I was right,' said Harry. He moved close and hugged her. `You were brilliant, I'm sure.'

Hermione hugged him back, sobbing and convulsing at the same time.

`But it's destroyed?' asked Harry.

`Yes,' said Hermione, gesturing at the molten ruin where the armour had once stood. `But I couldn't do it again. Please, never ask me to again. I couldn't bear it.'

`Just get me home, I'm so weak,' said Harry. `Call Hagrid, he can carry me.'

Harry was so exhausted he barely finished the sentence. He stayed awake long enough to see Hagrid's hairy face before closing his eyes and blacking out.
