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Immutable Feelings by memoryspell48

Immutable Feelings


Disclaimer: The canon Harry Potter plot is not mine, nor are the characters

A/N: I don't have a ton of this story written yet, but I was excited by getting so many reviews that I wanted to post another chapter as soon as possible, as it was already written.

Chapter 2 - Curious Revelations

Hermione, Ron, and Harry trudged up the long flight of stone stairs to their Gryffindor dormitories. They separated in the fire lit common room, agreeing to go up to their rooms to unpack a little and then meet for dinner in the Great Hall.

Hermione went up the familiar winding staircase that led to the girls' dormitories. Several girls were already practically finished moving all their things back in, their possessions in various states of organization. Clearly some of the girls had upstairs and unpacked earlier than she and the others had. Hermione noticed that Lavender's things were in various states of unpacking, but she wasn't around. Lavender was no doubt off flirting with her latest love interest. With a huge sigh Hermione gratefully set down her heavy luggage, that she now wished she had thought to put a shrinking spell on, onto her bed and the floor. Crookshanks purred when she let him out of his cage; he always hated having to be confined as she carried him into the castle and up to the rooms. Hermione laughed softly, knowing would be put out with her for a most of the night for having put him in the cage in the first place. He promptly jumped up onto her bed and curled up in a ball on her pillows. She laughed and shook her head, turning her attention to unpacking her bags; she hummed to herself as she folded some shirts.

The sound of someone coming in the room startled her slightly.

Ginny had just come running in. The red head's cheeks were flushed slightly with the exertion of running up the stairs.

"Hey, Ginny!" Hermione said, pleasantly greeting the younger girl.

Hermione smiled warmly, but for some reason felt more like frowning at Ginny. She was good friends with Ron's sister, yet things were a little awkward between them now. For some reason ever since Ginny had been with Harry for a while during their sixth year, Hermione's feelings about Ginny had changed slightly. Hermione adamantly denied to herself that it was anything akin to jealously making her feel this way. Besides, Harry and Ginny hadn't gotten back together. Hermione sighed at turned back to folding her clothes. Maybe it was just weird to have such a close friend date another very close friend.

Ginny, had not seemed to perceive the alteration in Hermione's attitude.

She plopped down on Hermione's bed, clearly in the mood to chat and gossip.

"So, Hermione how was your Christmas?" Ginny asked sociably.

"Fine, I guess," Hermione answered, feeling a little ill at ease. Ginny started distractedly petting Crookshanks which caused him purr loudly.

"Well, mine was brilliant!" Ginny gushed, her tone hinting that she wanted Hermione to ask her what it was that made so wonderful.

Deciding that no more unpacking was going to get done with Ginny around, Hermione sat on the bed, and turned her attention to their conversation. Hermione sighed softly and told herself not to let whatever stupid emotions were bothering her get to her. After all, Ginny was one of the only true friends other than Ron and Harry that she'd even had.

"Why? Did you get a really good present or something?" Hermione asked dully, unable to think of a better question.

Ginny beamed, her eyes twinkling, but shook her head. Hermione frowned slightly, now actually slightly curious about what was making Ginny so pleased.

"I fell in love!" Ginny cried in a saccharine tone, sounding very much like the heroine of a sappy muggle romance novel.

"What are you talking about? I didn't even know you were dating someone right now," Hermione demanded.

A serious expression replaced Ginny's glowing one.

"Yes well, we don't exactly think everyone is going to be pleased with the fact that we're together. Hermione, I wanted to tell you first because I thought you'd back me up when I tell Ron."

Hermione frowned but felt suddenly relieved, whoever Ginny was supposedly in love with wasn't Harry. When Ginny had been dating him Ron had given them his grudging consent to their relationship.

"I can't promise anything yet, but seriously who are you talking about? It would help to know that," Hermione urged, gently pressing Ginny for more information.

Ginny's cheeks colored, making her freckles stand out.

"Well you see Draco and I are together."

Hermione gave a sharp gasp of surprise and her eyes opened so wide at Ginny's revelation that she felt like they threatened to pop out of their sockets. Hermione stared wordlessly at Ginny for a few moments, not remembering the last time she had been more stunned by something. The thought actually made her feel slightly ill.

"Hermione?" Ginny inquired, looking at Hermione in concern. For a moment she was afraid that Hermione was going to pass out or something.

Hermione took a deep breathe, and smiled weakly, wanting to know more. Her curiosity had now overcome the element of complete shock, and to be honest, disgust.

"Well, Ginny, I feel that a fair question would be…why Malfoy?!?!?"

Ginny cracked a small smile.

"This is going to sound irrational to you I suppose, but he really is a good chap. He isn't the same person that we all used to hate. Malfoy has come to see how wrong his father's beliefs were after what has been going on in the past couple of years, and he has changed so much, I swear!"

Hermione gave Ginny a disbelieving look, clearly not believing in the change until she had some proof.

"You sound convinced, but I'm certainly not. Pardon the cliché but in this case I won't believe it until I see it. After all, love could be clouding your mind. I certainly don't see any difference in Malfoy. Are you sure he's suddenly changed? I mean, he still seemed like scum last time I saw him. Wait a minute; did he give you some potion or something?" Hermione eye's widened in horror. Students were defiantly not supposed to uses potions on each other, although Malfoy often felt that he was above the rules.

Hermione stared at Ginny closely, her brown eyes scrutinizing Ginny carefully to see if there were any discernable signs of a spell or strange potion affecting her.

Ginny looked exasperated for a moment, but then bit her lip as if holding back a giggle finding humor in Hermione's worrying.

"I figured you would react like this to our relationship. I know it might not seem to people who don't know him, like I do that Draco has changed." Ginny paused for a moment, her cheeks flushing and her eyes sparkling at the thought of her boyfriend.

Hermione grimaced, slightly disgusted, but tried not to let Ginny notice and fighting her urge to say exactly what she thought of Ginny's new romance.

"Anyway," Ginny continued, "Malfoy feels like it would be strange to act completely different in public right away. He thinks people will be more inclined to believe that he's actually changed if his behavior changes gradually," Ginny argued.

She looked at Hermione, watching her with an anxious face.

Hermione raised an eyebrow at this explanation, but decided that it was best to try to support her friend.

"Okay, now that I know about you and Malfoy, I suppose you want me to help you break this, um…exciting news to Ron." Hermione looked less than thrilled.

Ginny's expression brightened considerably. She moved closer to Hermione on the bed and threw her arms around the older girl.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she squealed.

Hermione smiled tolerantly.

"I'll help, but if Ron tries to kill you or Malfoy, I can't be responsible," Hermione warned her in teasing tone.

Ginny was beaming again.

"It will be so great, once I don't have to hide that we're together anymore from people Hermione! It's so great to be in love, and it's so hard to hide it," Ginny gushed to her, lying on her back with a dreamy expression on her face.

Hermione sighed and looked down at her hands for a moment. She didn't exactly love the idea of Ginny dating Malfoy, but she had discovered since their conversation began that she had been more and more happy about the fact that it wasn't Harry Ginny was in love with or getting back together with. She frowned and shook her head, as if trying to physically rid herself of the thought.

"Well Ginny. Ron and Harry are expecting me to meet them downstairs soon. I guess we should get this over with huh?" Hermione told her decisively.

Ginny sat up and nodded solemnly.

The two girls went down the stairs to the common room together, both battling their own emotions.


Hermione and Ginny sat next to each other at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall across from Ron and Harry. Hermione had noticed Ginny and Malfoy exchanged worried looks when the group of them had entered the Great Hall. Ginny must have let him know that she was going to tell Ron today, so that Draco would have a chance to take cover if Ron got too angry. Hermione looked across the table at Ron, who was oblivious to the fact that anything was going on. She glanced over at Harry too, wondering for a moment how he was going to react to this news. After all, not only did Harry hate Draco, he had also once dated Ginny. Perhaps she watched Harry for a little too long because she suddenly realized he was staring back at her, his green eyes sparkling inquisitively. Hermione felt her face flush and she looked down at her plate swiftly.

The Great Hall was not even half-full yet, Ron had insisted on getting their early, as he did not want to risk missing his fair share of food. Groups of people were still wandering in. Word seemed to have gotten around that Harry was completely free and not going to get back together with Ginny because several girls who passed the table flirted shamelessly with him. Hermione stabbed a piece of meat with particular vigor as a dark haired Hufflepuff girl she didn't recognize winked shamelessly at Harry. He had ignored most of the girls, but this one he smiled politely at. Hermione tried to ignore the fact that she suddenly felt the urge to put a disfiguring hex on the girl.

Hermione sighed and turned her attention to thinking about helping Ginny with Ron.

After moving around the food on her plate for a few minutes, she took a deep breath and looked over at Ginny. Hermione smiled sympathetically when she saw how pale and nervous Ginny looked. Ginny's plate of food hadn't been touched.

Ginny returned Hermione's smile weakly, but nodded decisively. She was ready to get this over with.

Hermione cleared her throat loudly.

"Ron, Ginny has something she wants to tell you," Hermione told Ron trying to sound casual about the whole thing.

Ron stopped eating and looked, mumbling through a mouth full of food, "What did you do this time Ginny?" He gave her a wary look.

Ginny stuck out her tongue at him in annoyance at her brother's tendency to always find her at fault some how. Hermione elbowed her friend gently. It wasn't the best idea to get Ron agitated before telling him something that was truly going to outrage him.

Harry discontinued his meal too for the moment, fascinated what was going on between Ron and his sister. He looked back and forth from Hermione to Ginny clearly sensing that the two of them were in on whatever was going on for a reason.

"Well, Ron, my very favorite brother," she began, giving him a fawning smile, "I um…I uh…I have a new boyfriend. And I thought you would want to know."

Ron looked at Ginny like she'd just sprouted a pair of wings and an extra eye. "Since when do you tell me about the blokes you're dating? When I happen to ask you, you always threaten to hex me and tell me that it's absolutely none of my business. What are you playing at Ginny?"

He narrowed his eyes and gazed at her warily.

Ginny gave Hermione an imploring look. Hermione grimaced, knowing why Ginny had enlisted her help. Ron wasn't always the easiest person to talk about certain things, especially when he was angry or upset.

"What Ginny is trying to say Ronald, is that she wants you to know that she's with someone new so you aren't shocked if you happen to see them together," Hermione told him firmly.

"Well who is it then? Not Harry again I hope? I don't think I could take it."

Hermione felt her heart stop even though she knew it wasn't Harry that Ginny was dating. The thought of it still upset her, as ridiculous as that was.

Ginny and Harry frowned in unison in response to Ron's blunt, rather rude question. They had gotten back together for a short time but they'd discovered that there really wasn't much there.

"Of course we're not dating again," Harry snapped promptly, his green eyes darkening. Harry and Hermione looked at each other at that exact moment. Hermione felt a bizarre sensation course through her body as their eyes met. The room felt suddenly warm. Ginny jabbed Hermione in the ribs, startlingly her. Hermione gave a small sigh of annoyance, but managed to smile apologetically at Ginny.

"Go on, tell him," Hermione whispered to her forcefully.

Ron was staring glumly at the pair of them, sensing that ever they were about to tell him was not some exciting news.

"Well, Ron. I am with Draco Malfoy now," Ginny told him hastily, spitting out the words so that she wouldn't loose her nerve halfway through.

Harry gave her a look like she had lost her mind, his green eyes wide. Ron looked like he was going to be exceedingly ill, his face turning a dark shade of red as did his ears, blending with his hair. Ron was eerily silent for a few moments, just staring at his sister in incredulity and dismay. His eyes were so wide that Hermione thought they might fall out of his face.

"Ron?" Ginny queried fretfully, she was more discomforted by Ron's silence than she would have been by one of his immediate outbursts. Harry gave his friend a steadying pat on the back looking pretty taken aback himself.

Still saying nothing, Ron gave Ginny a dark look, opening his mouth helpless as though to speak.

"I am going to strangle the foul git and punched the simpering smirk off his ruddy face!" Ron finally managed to get out, speaking in a harsh tone, his nostrils flaring. "Nah, just hex him," Harry chimed in fiercely. Ron had gotten up half way in his seat as though he was about to dash off to go kill Malfoy.

Ginny rolled her eyes at her brother's typical response and glared at Harry for siding with Ron though she had not expected him to do otherwise. However, she seemed relieved by her brother's eventual outburst, it was better than the uncharacteristic silence. He could have acted much worse considering the violent outburst she had been expecting out of him.

"Ron, just give him a chance. He really has changed," Ginny entreated.

"Into a bloody ferret I hope. Moody had the right idea," Ron replied sourly.

Harry chuckled as he remembered Malfoy as ferret crawling down one of his slimy friends pants fourth year.

Ginny shot Harry a nasty look. Hermione suppressed a giggle and exchanged an amused look with Harry.

"Ron, I was taken aback when she told me too, but you should at least trust your sister's judgment. I don't fully believe that he's changed either, but please support your sister," Hermione interceded.

Ron looked at both girls crossly.

"Oh, come on Hermione. If you're the brightest witch of your age like everyone says, you should see what a foul idea it for Ginny to get involved with that rotten prat."

"Fine let that foul boy break your heart Ginny. I am warning you, if he does something bizarre, like giving you some of Voldemort's old junk, that his dad loves to collect, as your Christmas present don't come crying to me. Oh, and please never let me catch you two snogging, my stomach couldn't take it," Ron finally concluded, his face looking green for a moment at the thought. Harry had remained fairly silent but looked less than pleased.

Ginny beamed about that fact that her brother had given the nearest thing to his consent for her to date Malfoy. She planted a wet kiss on her brother's cheek, causing him to protest and complain loudly, and then immediately ran over to the Slytherin table. Hermione saw Malfoy smile as he saw Ginny coming over and the pair of them rapidly began chatting, both their faces lighting up.

"Hey wait!" Ron protested, but quickly gave up seeing it was no use.

Hermione turned back to her dinner, and saw that Ron was still scowling. She shook her head, knowing it was too soon for him to be happy for Ginny.

"Why did you and Ginny have to bloody go and break up?" Ron grumbled to Harry after watching his sister run off to talk with her new boyfriend, wiping her kiss of his cheek.

Harry shifted uncomfortably in his seat and stared evasively at his plate of mostly uneaten food. Hermione's gaze flew to his face of their own accord, intensely curious about his reaction to Ron's uncomfortable question. She didn't know if Harry still felt anything for Ginny or not. She noticed how handsome her looked even he was upset.

"Sometimes things don't work out Ron," Harry answered tersely.

Ron frowned and continued to sulk. He shoved a fork full of food into his mouth, chewing loudly.

Harry's green eyes flicked up from his plate and caught Hermione's, who was still watching him. Instead of looking away Hermione held his gaze, trying to read his emotions. This time Harry reddened slightly and broke their stare.

Ron looked up at them both unaware to the fact that anything was going on. He gone back to eating his dinner with gusto shortly after Ginny had taken off. Hermione smirked.

Nothing seemed to ever affect Ron's appetite, she marveled at the fact that no matter how upset he was about something, it rarely kept him from eating twice as much as anyone else.

Some things would never change.
