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The Only One by gryffindor-girl

The Only One


Chapter Three

The Delivery

The witch selling lunches levitated her cart past Hermione's office.

"Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes…" Hermione heard her call out as she moved through the desks on their floor. She glanced at the clock - midday. This day was dragging and she couldn't concentrate, unusual for her, but things hadn't been usual for while.

She thought back to this morning, and her conversation with Ron. She hadn't seen him for days and they had had nothing to say to each other. She even wished for a row, just to have a decent exchange with him but they were just moving past each other.

Tapping her quill against her forehead she considered that they'd become like friends again quite a long time back, even, dare she admit it, like brother and sister. Something felt off she knew, and she didn't like it but neither of them had the time or energy to address it. Everything was easier left as it was.

But if she was honest, that wasn't even what was bothering her. She hadn't been happy since leaving Harry's that night, when he'd been so venomous to her. She felt tearful even thinking about it and scolded herself for letting it get to her again. He had been right, she was being a busy body and she needed to let him get on with his life.

A sharp tapping interrupted her thoughts and she turned to the source of the noise. A snowy white owl marked with dark bars across her chest and wings stood on the window sill, wide amber eyes blinking solemnly at Hermione.


Hermione hurried across the room and quickly opened the window, standing back as the owl sprang off the ledge to land on the desk, scattering papers to the floor.

Harry's owl.

Hermione stood in shock staring at the beautiful creature, a present to Harry from Hagrid a few years after Hedwig had died. She didn't look unlike Hedwig but it was her dark markings that made her so recognizable and Hermione had no problem identifying her. She looked down at the owls leg to notice a piece of parchment tied there, along with a small brown paper parcel clutched in one talon. It made a solid clunking noise as the owl moved around the desk, scratching for anything to eat. She looked up at Hermione who finally snapped out of her stupor and moved to the bowl of owl treats she kept on her cabinet, taking some to the owl and sitting down in the chair, stroking her wings gently.

She raised her hands to the owls leg untying the parchment, noticing her fingers trembling as she did. The owl had abandoned the parcel now and Hermione picked it up, turning it over in her hands, noting it was quite heavy and solid. She sat there for a while, before eventually choosing the parchment, and unrolling it, she took a deep breath and began to read.

Dear Hermione,

This is the hardest letter I've ever had to write, but after the way I've treated you, I know I owe you at least this.

You were right - as always. I've been avoiding you, and I have many reasons why, all of which are not your doing at all.

I hope what I've sent you will clear things up a bit. I know this could change things between us irreversibly but I don't think I can keep the truth from you anymore, you see through me too well. I have no agenda, other than to be honest with you as you deserve. I thought I did what I did to protect you and Ron but maybe that's just a pathetic excuse.

If you never want to speak to me again, I'll understand, just please know I am so sorry for any hurt I've caused you Hermione, please believe me.



Hermione reread the letter several times before putting it aside and picking up the package. She stared at it fearfully, almost considering not opening it. Finally she tore off the brown paper to uncover a small glass bottle with a stopper in it and a silvery swirling substance inside.

Knowing exactly what it was she walked straight out of her office with a sense of purpose, and into the open plan shared area of the Magical Law department. Looking around she spied what she was looking for resting on a cabinet. She picked up the large stone basin and brought it back into her office; closing the door firmly behind her and pointing her wand at the glass surrounding her office making the blinds all come swiftly down at once.

Putting the Pensieve on the desk, she uncorked the bottle, tipping the silver threads of memory into the bowl. The substance swirled in front of her as she stared into its depths nervously trying to guess its contents. At last she took a breath and lowered her face into the basin.

Immediately the floor of her office lurched, tipping her head first into the Pensieve. Falling and spinning in blackness she waited for the sensation to finish as she knew it would - she'd had a lot of experience doing this in her job. Finally her feet found earth and she opened her eyes.

She was standing on grass in front of a dancing blue fire in a brazier. Figures sat around the firelight in a circle and she peered into the dim light to recognize the figure of Ginny Weasley stand up and cross the circle. Ginny was wearing a long yellow dress with thin straps and with a jolt Hermione realized she was at George and Hannah's wedding. This was after the reception; she remembered lighting the magical flames for the last stragglers to sit around as the night had got colder. Music was playing from somewhere and it was clear none of the small group were going home anytime soon.

Hermione stepped into the circle, getting a good look at everybody there. Everyone was perched on chairs taken from the marquee outside The Weasley's house where the wedding had been held. There was a group of girls, Ginny, Luna and Ginny's friend Mandy Brocklehurst, laughing loudly at a shared joke in one corner. Lee Jordan was holding court next to them with a group of wizards and witches, all laughing as he regaled them with an animated story. Then there was Charlie Weasley, sitting low in a chair his legs spread out close to the fire looking into the flames and talking to Harry.

Moving over to them, Hermione caught the end of Charlie's sentence.

"…you're more than welcome, mate, you've got the experience with dragons and you'd enjoy it 'Down Under'. Get to see a bit more of the world - its right beautiful down there."

Harry took a sip from a bottle he was holding and Hermione saw him steal a glance at Ginny. "Yeah that sounds good actually" he said.

"The scenery's not bad either" added Charlie.

They laughed and Hermione noted a familiar pang inside which she dismissed automatically. So this was when Harry got talking about going to New Zealand, and of course, she thought, he'd have met a lot of beautiful witches down there, he was single then.

She watched Harry as he looked up from his bottle into the distance and she turned around to see herself stumble into the circle. She cringed, noting she seemed pretty unsteady on her feet, though she had to admit her strapless blue bridesmaids dress did look nice. Her hair was still all up save one escaped curl by her ear. She was holding her wand in one hand and a glass in the other.

"So," she said to no one in particular "I put all the chairs away… so it's all fine. I just somehow put the dance floor on the roof so I might need some help with that."

Charlie and Harry laughed and Harry reached up to catch her arm.

"You're alright, Hermione, just leave it -we'll sort it later." He pulled her down to sit in a chair next to him.

"But I have to put all the flowers…"

"Just leave them, you've done enough today." Harry put a hand on her leg and she leaned into him, her head fitting into his shoulder.

It felt surreal for Hermione to be watching something that had already happened to her from a different perspective (though she had to admit she couldn't remember this from the first time around). But she now saw how you could observe things that you were unaware of the first time as she noticed Mandy tug Ginny's arm gesturing towards Harry. Ginny glanced over, blinked rapidly, and then looked away. "I'm sure George and Hannah would just want you to relax now" Harry finished.

Hermione smiled dreamily and tilted her head on his shoulder to look up at him. "Wasn't it beautiful today?" she sighed.

Harry smiled. "Yeah, it was great."

Charlie spoke up. "You know you looked stunning today Hermione."

She sat up straight in surprise. "I did?" she said, too tipsy to be coy.

"Gorgeous" grinned Charlie. "The classic hot bridesmaid" he laughed.

"Thanks Charlie!" she said too loudly and she leaned across Harry to touch Charlie on the arm. Harry helped her right herself again after leaning too far.

"Yeah you did Miss Granger." Harry agreed, looking at her affectionately before putting his arm around her shoulders.

They all sat there for a while, the past Hermione talking with Harry and Charlie then getting up to dance to some songs, Lee joining her a few times and swinging her around. The Hermione watching the events tried to spread herself around conversations to see if there was a secret she should be garnering but nothing stood out. She noticed an awful lot of cool glances at herself from Ginny, when she wasn't watching Harry. At one stage, Charlie commented on it to Harry.

"You're getting a lot of interest from the cheap seats there" he said, gesturing to Ginny and the girls.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "It's been an awkward day."

"Just watch your back… she's got an awful temper on her that girl" laughed Charlie.

"You think I don't know that?" said Harry wide eyed and they laughed. "I don't mean to hurt her Charlie, there's just nothing there anymore - I've only been honest."

"I know mate, and so does she." Charlie took a swig. "It's not been long since you guys called it off that's all - she'll get over it"

The night wore on and slowly the crowd began to move from the fire, filtering in to the house to beds or Portkeys arranged previously to get guests home safely.

Eventually it was Harry sitting, Hermione dancing, and Ginny and Mandy standing next to the fire. Mandy moved over to Hermione.

"Come on Hermione shall we go and put those flowers away?" She looped her arm through a swaying Hermione's and began to lead her off but Harry was too quick. Standing up he took Hermione's other arm and steadied her as she fell into him.

"No I think she's done enough for one night - it can wait till morning." He moved his other arm around Hermione's waist and began to walk her off towards the house. "I better get her in to Ron" he said over his shoulder as they left a stunned Mandy and Ginny in the firelight.

Hermione followed herself and Harry as they made their way up to the large country house still glowing with a few golden lights. She heard herself giggling.

"Harry I can't walk in these, I've got to take them off." She made to lower herself onto the grass before Harry stopped her, pulling her up to stand and lean on his back as he tried to take off her shoes. He couldn't work out the straps in the dark so he scooped up her legs and carried her; Hermione holding tightly around his neck, her head falling on his chest.

"I'm sorry" she said, looking up at him as he walked. "You should have stayed there, …Ginny…"

"No no no" said Harry, concentrating on keeping his footing. "No you helped me out believe me. I'm not in the mood for the same conversation I've been having for the past 4 months."

She looked up at him; sad understanding on her features, then he watched her expression crack into surprise followed by a huge grin. "Look!!" she pointed over Harry's shoulder into the sky. He looked back to see one of the bewitched sparklers from the Wildfire Whizz Bangs set off at the end of the ceremony still writing resolutely in the sky in gold letters. The charm had worn off on this one somewhat because instead of reading "George and Hannah" as it had, it now read "Orge and Nah".

Hermione collapsed into fits of giggles, and Harry laughed nearly as much - making it difficult work getting up the rise to the house, but they finally made it. Future Hermione followed them in as they fell through the door into the dimly lit kitchen in hysterics.

"Shh shhh" said Hermione loudly as Harry placed her feet on the floor.

"Are you going to be alright?" he asked keeping her steady as she stood there.

"Fine thanks" she whispered at full volume, "I'm going to apparate home" She moved away from him but he reached out and caught hold of her again.

"Whoa no... no you're not, you'll splinch yourself in this state."

"I'll be fine Harry really…"

"Where's Ron? Isn't he here?"

Hermione blew a loud raspberry. "He went to bed before, up next to his Mummy's room" she said.

Harry started to pull her towards the stairs. "I'll help you up there then…"

"No" she said, wrenching her arm out of his. "No I don't want to… I wanna go home."

Harry stood there holding both her hands, obviously weighing his options. Looking out the window back towards the fire he seemed to make a decision. "Okay I'll take you home" he said.

She smiled a sleepy smile up into his face and stepped in to him as he put his arms out and wrapped them firmly around her.

As Hermione saw Harry turn tightly holding his co-traveller, she noticed him dip his head and press his lips into her hair as they faded out of sight.

*****To be continued*******