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A Strike Upon the Hour by gti88

A Strike Upon the Hour


You liked A Watery Affair? Well…that's yesterday's news…the ride just got better. ;-)

A Strike Upon the Hour

She was lost in thought. Flashes from the last year of the long campaign against Voldemort engulfed her mind. A dear many people had perished for the Light to triumph in the end. Her, Ron and Harry had survived. Scarred, but alive.

That was five years ago.

At present, Hermione was frying eggs for breakfast, and awaiting her redheaded husband to come in the kitchen. Involved in her recollections, only the smell of burnt eggs brought her back to reality.

She quickly took the pan off the burner. Carefully avoiding the hot metal, she divided the eggs evenly between two plates, and placed them on the table.

Precisely on cue, Ron's figure appeared in the doorway.

"Morning, Hermy," he said jovially. She however, despised that abbreviation of her name, and despite her best efforts, Ron did not stop using it to address her.

"Good morning, love," she replied, a little sternly.

Once Ron's mind was subjected to the will of his stomach, all else became irrelevant to him, and Hermione sharp tone did not impress him in the least.

She sat down on the chair opposite, and turned her attention to her own breakfast, occasionally sparing a disdainful glance towards her husband for his irresolute insensitivity in regard to her concerns.

Lately, one other person had begun occupying Hermione's mind, and she often caught herself daydreaming about him, and sometimes, the daydreams pervaded even her sleep.

She flushed a brilliant scarlet each time Ron caught her drifting in her own world, and she always attributed her reaction to excitement over something she had read. Her believing husband always smiled knowingly, and remained clueless.

Yet, the urge within Hermione had become more intense with each passing day. She was more withdrawn in herself, desperately wishing to see Harry and tell him how she felt.

If only the endeavor were as effortless to execute, as was the enthusiasm of the burning desire welling inside of her. Hermione knew that she could not stand it much longer.


Ron's voice interrupted her consuming thoughts.

"Yes?" she replied blandly.

"Let's take a walk through Diagon Alley today," he was saying. "Just you and me."

"A swell idea," Hermione replied. "When?"

"Right now even," said Ron. "I don't think there is anything pressing to do today."

"No, there isn't," affirmed Hermione, and she left the kitchen to dress in an outfit, more appropriate for the warm summer day.


An hour later, after a needless argument over Crookshanks, Ron and Hermione were walking along Diagon Alley in a rather awkward silence. Hermione was still miffed at her husband for calling her favourite kneazle `a useless fleabag', and he was not attempting to apologize, completely oppositely of what he ought to be doing.

She rather felt it before she saw it a second later. The same green gaze that reduced her clear and sharp mind to nothing more than an incoherent sum of wild thoughts; it made her tongue freeze, and her knees turn weak. Automatically, Hermione followed Ron in Harry's direction.

"Hey! Harry!" Ron shouted over the chattering crowd.

The black-haired man turned, as did the woman accompanying him. She had grabbed his arm possessively, and her challenging gaze met every woman's, whose eyes fell on Harry.

Quite plainly, Harry's companion was his wife, Ginny Weasley. They had committed to matrimony shortly after the war ended. Still childless, Ginny constantly kept hinting to Harry that she wanted a larger family, but he was distant and never seemed to acknowledge her requests.

The two couples' paths crossed, and they stopped to exchange the expected pleasantries.

"Hiya, mate," Harry greeted.

Hermione and Ginny shared a strained `hello'. Harry placed an arm tighter around Ginny.

"So, how are you doing?" he attempted to break the ice.

"Oh, excellent," Ron replied enthusiastically. "Hermione is great. You know, she cooks the best breakfast."

"Really?" Harry's interested gaze turned to her, and Hermione experienced the familiar swooping sensation when those green eyes met hers; she felt naked, the way he looked at her - so inquisitively, curiously, passionately even, dare she think it…

"Well, Harry here is amazing," Ginny's unnaturally loud voice snapped Hermione out of her reverie. "He is so attentive and thoughtful," she went on actively.

"Thank you, Gin," Harry smiled, and kissed his wife.

For a split moment, his eyes flickered towards Hermione, and as sharp as she was, the fact did not escape her attention.

"Ron is quite the gentleman, too," she replied with false cheeriness that was hardly detectable; she kept up a demeanor well. "He compliments me all the time, and I love him for that," `as a friend', she added in her head.

"Ah, look at the time," Harry said suddenly, looking at his watch. "Gin and I have to be going - she wants me to show her a Muggle grocery shop today."

"Hmm, yes," Hermione replied. "I'm just dragging Ron away to `Flourish and Blotts'. There's a new Runes book I wish to purchase"

"Well then, we'll see you two lovebirds later, then," Ginny said sweetly, and looked adoringly up at Harry.

"Certainly," Ron replied brightly. "Have a good day."

As they passed each other, Hermione's hand brushed Harry's. He didn't notice, but she inhaled sharply. Already, the mere contact with him sent shivers down her spine…

"Are you feeling alright?" Ron asked in concern.

"Yes, yes I am," Hermione answered hurriedly. Why couldn't she will her heart to beat slower?

They went on to visit the bookstore. Ron quickly became bored, and declared rather loudly that he would wait for her outside. Hermione was glad to agree - she needed some time to herself to impose at least a remote order to the chaos that were her current thoughts.

She picked up a random book and sat down. Glancing down at the title, Harry Potter and the Rise and Fall of You-Know-Who, Hermione suddenly felt an inexplicable burst of anger. The source of it was Ginny Weasley.

Hermione threw the book back in its original stack and picked up another one. The Elder Wand: Where to Find It and How to Use It. She laughed derisively. The Elder wand was no more. Harry had made sure of that. At the front of the store, the clerk gave her a questioning look, as if internally doubting her client's sanity.

Ginny-bloody-Weasley. She had not contributed to the mission in any way. Hermione did not expect herself to be mentioned, or even recognized for her efforts in assisting Harry in Voldemort's defeat. However, flipping near the end of the last book she picked up, the author mentioned that her dark-haired best friend was the current bearer of the wand, and that he was happily wedded to…to…she could not force herself to read the hateful name.

Hermione threw the glossy-covered book back on the shelf. She walked around to the next aisle to find the tome she entered the store for in the first place. The New and Improved Guide to Ancient Runes: By Alastor Moody. The discovery that the late Auror had an advanced understanding of Hermione's favourite subject was a delightful surprise to her. His notes had been discovered shortly after the war and published, as specified in his will.

She turned to take the book up to the counter and pay for it. Out of the corner of her eye, Hermione noticed a slip of parchment falling to the floor. Curious, she bent down to pick it up and return to the shelf, thinking it might be a price label. She was surprised, however, when she saw words, written in Harry's hand.

Rising so fast to her feet, that she nearly upset a stack of books beside her, Hermione stared wide-eyed at the contents of the note. Reading it several times over, the words at last began to register with her mind.


I need to talk to you about something. Meet me after work tomorrow. It's important.



Intrigued, Hermione stifled the note in the pocket of her coat. Her pulse quickened, as she rushed to pay fifteen galleons for her book, and then bolted out of the front door, right into Ron.

"Whoa!" he said, straightening up. "What's going on?"

"Life can surprise you," Hermione replied mysteriously with a wide smile.

Sighing, Ron cast an exasperated look at Hermione.

"Been reading a bit too much, have we?" he said. "Come on," and he led her away towards the stone archway at the entrance of Diagon Alley.

Content, Hermione followed her husband. A light feeling had spread all the way to her fingertips, as the promises of the next day kept her excitement and would most certainly deprive her of sleep tonight…

A/N: There is chapter one…the climax shall be reached in the next one, so hold on tight…;)
