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A Strike Upon the Hour by gti88

A Strike Upon the Hour


A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed previously. And now, this is where all roads converge for an end to this journey…

Chapter XI: Peace of Mind

Calamity, and sanity, had returned at last. For the several weeks following, relationships had strengthened, mutual attractions grown, and a new, unrestricted, appreciation of love had fostered.

There remained one very important aspect, however, that neither Ron, not Harry, had bothered to initiate - from fear, awkwardness, or the prospect of creating more enmity than before, they would not reveal. Yet, the matter of reconciliation with the Weasley family, or specifically, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, as well as the Grangers, would not be able to resolve itself without the needed intervention.

The sense of responsibility, and the ever-increasing reminders that bearing a conscious produced, had at last forced the two best friends to meet in the Leaky Cauldron - by now, their traditional setting for settling important issues, both personal and professional - to discuss the proper coarse of action in persuading the Weasley and Granger families into accepting the changed reality of the significant changes in love and loyalty that had manifested themselves over the previous weeks and months.

Many words had been exchanged between them, plans drawn and rejected, but so far, one critical fact was well established - they were clueless about a good way to approach the daunting dilemma. Harry and Ron had, as a result, fallen into an uncomfortable silence, each attempting to think of better ideas to propose.

"Ron," Harry broke the silence thoughtfully, while spinning his glass of butterbeer on the table slowly by the handle, "what if we are more direct with your mum?"

"No," Ron replied after a minute's pondering, and took a sip of his own drink before continuing, "you know how my mom is, and how well she takes shock - we best let her anger subside before we talk to her," he finished and put his glass down.

"How long can her anger possibly last?" Harry asked in sudden frustration.

"I won't be surprised if it ends at the grave," the redhead in company replied seriously.

"Then we have to hurry - I don't want to be on bad terms with her," said Harry agitatedly.

"You're not the only one, Harry," Ron muttered quietly. "So what I propose," he said a bit louder, "is that we summon the Grangers together with my family, and we tell them the whole story - because frankly, they were quite pissed at me back at the hearing."

"Oh, they were," Harry echoed with a smirk, "but it's our responsibility to make relations between us and them good again," he added solemnly.

"So? Do you think it is a good idea?" Ron asked hopefully.

"Coming from you - surprisingly yes." Harry told him thoughtfully.

"Don't Hermioneize me, Harry," his best friend said with a hint of annoyance. "I've had enough of it the last five years."

"Hermioneize you?" Harry said in confusion.

"Yes - patronize me," Ron explained, "it's what Hermione does all the time."

"Alright, then, I won't," answered Harry, while containing a sudden urge to laugh. "I won't, ah…Hermioneize you."

"Right, well," Ron cleared his throat, "tell Hermione about it, and I'll inform Ginny."

"I will," Harry affirmed, "and the sooner we do it, the better. So let's finish up here and go about this business."

Rapidly downing the rest of their butterbeers, Harry and Ron rose to their feet.

"I'll see you later," Harry said expectantly, "and keep in touch."

"Will do," agreed Ron, "Take care, Harry."

With that last exchange, each departed on his way - Harry towards the Muggle street outside, and Ron in the direction of Diagon Alley.


A very irritated Hermione greeted Harry, once he walked through the front door of their flat. Streaks of black residue contrasted against her cheeks, and her hair was slightly singed around its edges - all the more reason for sparks to be flying from her eyes, as she stomped back inside the living room, muttering mutinously under her breath.

"Hermione?" Harry ventured cautiously.

"I cannot believe her!" Hermione exclaimed, turning towards her Harry and flailing her arms. "How does she expect me…us…to come to terms with her now!"

"Who are you talking about, Hermione?" Harry tried to reason calmly with her.

"Molly!" she snapped.

"What has she done?" Harry asked, confused by the whole exchange.

"She had the decency to send me a Howler!" Hermione said deliberately slowly, putting a furious emphasis on her last words.

"A Howler?" Harry repeated. "About what?"

"Nothing significant, really," Hermione replied waspishly once more, "just another diatribe about me hurting Ron, and the other accompanying nonsense."

Harry sighed, and put his hands over his face, rubbing his eyes in frustration at the prospect of dealing with another confrontation that he would very much rather do without.

"Hermione, listen," he said patiently, "Mrs. Weasley is upset by this whole affair, but it's us that have to be more understanding, and keep our resolve to make her accept the new arrangements. It's not going to be easy, but we are obliged to see it through - after all, Mrs. Weasley is nearly family to us…"

Hermione sighed in defeat - Harry's words had succeeded in persuading her.

"I know, Harry," she replied to Harry's slight smirk, "but why does she have to make it difficult?"

"Simply because dealing with the Weasley clan is never easy," Harry answered with a chuckle. "Now go and clean up a bit, because we have to meet with them later today."

"Today!" Hermione exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Well, Ron and I discussed it today at the Leaky Cauldron, and we decided it would be best if we gathered everyone at the same place to settle our differences…otherwise it would be too difficult to arrange it," he explained guiltily.

"Everyone?" Hermione quizzed him further.

"Yes…including your parents," Harry mumbled.

"My parents? Whatever for?" she was incredulous.

"Hermione," Harry's voice grew more impatient. "They are at odds with the Weasley's, because of Ron, and you and him will certainly not stop associating…it's better to iron the rifts between us."

"Alright, you made your point," Hemrione conceded, "but I'm still not happy that you didn't tell me about this earlier."

"Ah, don't worry, Hermione," Harry told her with a smile, "we'll come out on much better terms than what we're going in with. It's worth it."

At his words, Hermione rolled her eyes, and departed in the direction of the bathroom to set her appearance in order for this event of such great importance - yet, the mere thought of confronting her parents sent unwelcome chills down her spine.


Night was swiftly approaching by the time Harry and Hermione arrived at the Burrow. The last bloody red hues of sunlight were sinking behind the horizon, and stars were becoming prominent against the dark sky; the moon, a sharp serpent tonight, only managed to add to the anxiousness that was currently wracking Harry and Hermione.

"What if they hold a grudge forever?" Hermione was saying in a worried, rapid whisper. "We'll be shunned out of their circle for the rest of our lives! Oh!"

"Hermione," Harry fought to keep his voice calm, "nothing of that nature will happen. As long as we explain everything properly, all will end well."

If only he could believe his own words of reassurance. Harry did not admit it, but Hermione had voiced fears that had taken root within him as well in the past fortnight.

In the space of time that had been required for their last worrisome exchange, before they faced their purpose for tonight, Harry and Hermione were already standing at the front door of the Weasley home.

"You knock," Hermione ushered Harry forward.

Silent, but resolute, Harry guided his fist to connect twice, in slow intervals, with the wooden substance of the front door. Time stood still, as they heard hurried footsteps from the other side, and watched the knob turn counterclockwise.

Ginny's anxious face met them, once the door had swung fully open.

"You're nearly late," she hissed. "Come on!"

The youngest Weasley scurried in the direction of the sitting room, leaving Harry and Hermione to catch up to her. Oppositely to Ginny's hurriedness, they cautiously walked in to the roomful of people - Mr. and Mrs. Weasley stood expectantly in the center of the room, the Grangers sat stiffly, glaring, from the couch, or at least, Mrs. Granger; Ron and Luna were also retired to a corner of their own - Ron's nervous gaze was darting back and forth between his mother and Mrs. Granger, and Luna seemed at ease, lost within her own mind. Draco had also shown up, but his haughty demeanor revealed that it was not his wish to be present - Ginny, now returned to his side, must have persuaded him to come.

The air was thick with awkwardness, as dense as custard. No one party made an effort to initiate the conversation. With each passing second, the tension between them grew more pregnant.

Reaching his tipping point, Harry could not stand the silence any longer.

"Mrs. Weasley," he addressed the family matriarch loudly and clearly, "why are you mad with Ginny, Ron, Hermione and me?"

Molly drew in a deep breath, and looked around furiously, as if to assert her dominance again, before she replied with carefully chosen words.

"Harry, dear," she began, constrainedly, "I am not mad with you, Hermione, or my children, exactly. I have a different feeling about you, but madness isn't it."

"Merlin's beard, she isn't seething with anger…right," Hermione whispered sarcastically in Harry's ear. He, however, ignored the jibe.

"Then, pray tell, Mrs. Weasley, what is it you feel?" Harry asked her calmly, gazing into Mrs. Weasley's hard-set features.

"Confusion and uncertainty, Harry," she said with conviction, "as every parent, magical or Muggle, does when their children re-arrange their lives so suddenly, with the possibility of ending up worse than before."

"Mum," Ron interjected, "sometimes changes are for the better, and that would be the case right now."

Mrs. Weasley's eyes snapped towards Ron - he gulped in fear, but needn't have to; his mother simply said, "If that's what you believe Ron, then that's fine."

Flabbergasted at his mother's lack of argument, Ron opened his mouth to say something else, but seemed to think better of it, and remained silent instead.

A most unlikely member of the congregation grasped the word next - Hermione's father.

"Mrs. Weasley," he said in a low, calm baritone voice, "what of the five wasted years out daughter suffered with your son?"

The directness and clarity of the question took Mrs. Weasley by complete surprise.

"Wasted?" she repeated faintly. "What could possibly make you think those years were wasted?"

"Because it's too long," Mrs. Granger piped up snappishly, "five years of my daughter's life gone! And all because of a marriage she could not end in a timely manner!"

Hermione, however, felt the need to address the assumptions that were being drawn about her.

"Mother," she said rather loudly and assertively, to gain Mrs. Granger's attention; she did indeed turn her eyes towards her daughter and immediately fell speechless. "My marriage with Ron - it was not for nothing; it was what I needed to affirm my heart's desire, and strengthen my friendship with Ron. He and I, we are always going to be friends, while at Hogwarts, there were long periods of doubt about our friendship. And he has helped me mature emotionally and in mind, and ultimately figure out that it's Harry I belong with."

Hermione's last words rang out in confidence. She looked on defiantly, silently challenging anyone to counter her argument. As expected, nobody rose to that challenge, instead, continuing to ponder the seemingly finalizing circumstances.

"I think," Mr. Weasley spoke up at last, and quite diplomatically too, "it is pointless to continue arguing about this. Evidently, friendships and alliances have changed - for better, or worse, only time will tell, but what we should focus on, is accepting this new reality."

"And I will agree too," Mr. Granger voiced his assent, "that there is no purpose to continue quarreling. My wife and I - we are going to have to adjust to Ronald here, and accept him for who he is, despite the…conditions. As well, we should consider warming up our relations, because our families have already been connected and reconnected, and we have to come to a friendly understanding between ourselves."

Both aforementioned husbands looked at Mrs. Weasley expectantly, prompting her to also affirm her dedication and acceptance.

"Honestly," she said after looking around the room uneasily, "I did not expect confronting such a sudden change. I may have overreacted, slightly, but that is only because I'm having immense trouble adjusting as well, but I will work on accepting this new arrangement, despite past problems and dislike…" she trailed off, sending a pointed glance in Draco Malfoy's direction.

Finally, Mrs. Granger also took the word, and she admitted her willingness to put differences aside and focus herself on accepting the Weasley family as her own.

Not immediately after, but soon enough, the atmosphere seemed to lighten considerably. Nervous smiles were exchanged, and everyone broke off to either grab a bite to eat, or exchange small talk with a nearby partner - because one important foundation for unity and sense of family acceptance has been established between our temperamental characters, and it was indeed a cornerstone development.

"Oh, cheer up!" Ginny was heard admonishing Draco at one point - he was still standing rather awkwardly, possibly battling with his preconceived notions and current confusions about what he had enthralled himself into…

The night itself passed well - toasts to family were common and frequent, Mrs. Weasley's cooking had proved its legendary status once again, and love had found its way at last.

Because a strike upon the hour is just that - a new beginning, towards a better future of love and happiness.


A/N Wow…this fic is officially finished, with the exception of the epilogue, which will no doubt delight you…in the meanwhile, reviews are welcome. :D
