Unofficial Portkey Archive

Ace of Hearts by usako99

Ace of Hearts


Ace of Hearts
Chapter 16

Ron scoffed. "That's just it Harry," he looked at his friend "I know how she can be, but in all the time that I've known her I have never seen her act so... so... jealous before."

Harry looked away, avoiding eye contact with both Ron and Aurora.

"I'm sure that it wasn't jealously," he said quietly "trust me, Hermione does not want me."

Ron stood giving a sardonic laugh, before turning and giving Harry a small mocking smile.

"Whatever you say mate," he said pushing away from the couch and walking to front closet to grab his cloak. "I'm going to head out, I need... some time to think," he looked at Harry who had opened his mouth to comment. "Alone," he finished in a final voice, before disapparating from the room.

Harry let his head fall back; looking at the ceiling he expelled a breath.

'Now what?' He asked himself. Hearing a throat clear he turned his head and saw Aurora standing a few feet away with her arms crossed over her chest and a frown on her face. 'Well I guess that answers that,' he thought sarcastically, pushing away from the couch and walking towards his girlfriend.


Feeling very near his emotional limit, Harry silently followed Aurora as she walked past the kitchen, through the hall and back to his bedroom. He entered behind her a moment later and waited patiently to hear what she wanted to say. She stood by the foot of the bed, with her back to him and her arms wrapped around her waist, even though he had an idea where this was going to go, he remained quiet hoping that he was wrong and he could avoid that particular conversation.

"Tell me," she said quietly after a several minutes of silence.

Harry, who had been tensely waiting for her to begin, was startled to hear her speak after such a long amount of time. He looked at her back, which was facing him, her long hair brushing the base of it. She had spoken so softly he wasn't a hundred percent sure of what she had said, 'Tell her'... tell her what?

"Tell me," she said again, this time a bit louder and a lot more forcefully.

Her head dropped for a second before she turned to face him, her eyes partially obscured by the long locks that had fallen into her face and her hand clutching the post of the bed. After he continued to remain silent, unsure of just what she was asking, she pushed her hair behind her ears so that he could once again see her piercing silver gaze.

"Harry," she said taking a small step forward. "Tell me... I know I said I didn't want to know, that it didn't matter. But that's no longer true... not since you lied."

He frowned "When did I lie?"

"When you told me there was nothing between you," she continued to watch him with cold, assessing eyes. "What happened between you and her?"

He turned his head releasing a frustrated sigh -he could not deal with this right now.

"Nothing." He said returning his eyes to hers, his expression stony.


His expression turned harder as he cocked a mocking eyebrow, going on the defensive. "Well, since you know everything why don't you tell me what happened?"

She glowered at him for a moment before the expression abruptly fell from her face and she looked at him sadly.

"I don't know," she said softly "but I do know that it was something. With what happened between us tonight and... Harry, a girl doesn't act the way that she was acting tonight without something more than friendship invested."

His expression softened but he remained quiet, unsure of what to say in response. All that he knew was that the part of the conversation he walked in on between her and Hermione must have been the end of a very tense exchange. Aurora ran a hand through her hair looking around the room for a second before bending and picking up her pants off the floor. Putting them back on she stood up straight, and then looking around the room she slowly gathered the remainder of her things, holding them in her hand she looked back at Harry.

"Just tell me this -what is it between you two?" she walked closer to him so that she could see his eyes clearly. "I mean, is it a crush..." she peered closely "is it just lust?" She continued to probe his eyes with her gaze, as he did his best to keep himself looking as neutral as possible. "No?" she said after a moment "Harry, is it... do you love her?"

Harry wasn't sure what she had seen, but he quietly cursed himself none the less when she seemed to recoil from him after asking the question.

"Oh, Harry," she looked at him sadly, her eyes shimmering with tears.

She stared at him for a moment her gaze reflecting a mixture of hurt and... pity? As he began to probe her eyes in an attempt to decipher her emotions she closed them. When she opened them again a moment later the emotions were once more hidden behind her defensive icy armor.

Aurora stepped away and walking past him, still clutching her belongings she went into the living room. Grabbing her shirt and cloak she added them to her pile, and then walking over by the door, she slipped on her shoes. Once she was done she turned to face him, watching as he leant back against the dining room chair with his hands braced on the top of it study her. She gave him a serious look.

"Harry... I hope that you're sure about what you're doing," she shook her head. "Ron seems like a nice bloke and he deserves better than what you two are doing to him. And Harry, you're a nice guy too..." she scoffed "hell, you're and incredible guy and you deserve better than what she's doing to you, a lot better... I hope for your sake, that you find the strength to walk away." She gave him one last watery smile before disapparating.

Harry started at the empty spot that Aurora had been in only moments ago. What the hell was wrong with him? He had just ruined everything with Aurora, not to mention the fact that his relationships with both Hermione and Ron were under a considerable amount of strain.

"At this rate it looks like I'm going to end up alone before the week is out," he mumbled to himself. However, when he said it aloud the truth in that statement rang in his ears, and he felt his heart constrict painfully in his chest.

Fighting tears Harry let his head fall, his chin hitting his chest. "I don't think I can handle being alone again." He whispered to himself quietly as depression quickly began to settle into his heart.

As the silent tears rolled down his face Harry strained to keep his emotions in check, unwilling to allow himself to break down like he so desperately wanted to. Just when he felt the last thread of his sanity about to break, a pair of warm hands cupped his cheeks. Opening his eyes he saw Hermione staring at him with a worried expression.

"You're not going to be alone ever again," she said quietly wiping the tears from his face with her thumbs.

Then tilting her head, she got onto her tippy toes and placed a feathery light kiss upon his cheek. He stared into her beautiful caring eyes, knowing in his heart that he could tell her anything.

"Yes I will," he whispered "Aurora already left, next Ron will leave and he'll take his family and..." he hesitated licking his lips "and you, with him."

She gave him a startled look.

Harry reached up and cupped her face like she was cupping his. "You're not mine Hermione you're his. Everything is his." He pulled roughly away, taking a step to the side and placing distance between them. "Everything that I have ever wanted is his and was his first -this place that I call home is his and was his first. Our mutual friends are his and were his first, the people that I call family are his and will always be his first and foremost." He gave her a tortured look "The woman I love is his, was his first... and you'll always be his Hermione, you made that perfectly clear last week."

He ran an agitated hand through his hair, turning briefly before facing her again.

"I don't know," he said sounding tired but angry "maybe if I go to Aurora now and beg her to forgive me I can one day have a place to call home, friends, a family and a girlfriend who are mine and mine alone and were only ever mine."

Hermione closed her eyes seemingly fighting tears and taking deep shallow breaths. Harry abruptly turned and walked towards the couch, grabbing his cloak.

"So that's it!" she yelled "I'm tainted goods so you don't want me anymore! Because I was with Ron first I'm not good enough to you, just a big pale of sloppy seconds. So, you have to run to that two bit hussy to make yourself feel better!" she stomped towards him, ripping the cloak from his hands and throwing it on the floor.

"She is not a two bit hussy! You don't know anything about her!"

"Yeah and you do? Tell me, did you tell her about us or did you just leave here and run to her bed after you left mine with no explanation at all?!"

"What do you care, you have a boyfriend remember, we can't be together remember, you don't love me remember! So what does it matter if I did or didn't sleep with her tonight!"

"I'm not talking about tonight! I'm talking about Wednesday morning!" she went up to him, grabbing his shirt with her hands and yanking him forward. "Tell me! Is that where you went just hours after we finished making love? Did you run to her, find comfort in her bed and her arms," she glared at him looking him deeply in the eyes. "Did you?! Did you screw her Harry, did you find what you were looking for between her slutty legs?!"

Harry ripped away from her storming towards his room, just as he reached the area by her bedroom she grabbed his shoulder and with strength he didn't know she possessed, forced him against the wall.


"I don't know," he said in an angry voice "maybe if I go to Aurora now and beg her to forgive me I can one day have a place to call home, friends, a family and a girlfriend who are mine and mine alone and were only ever mine."

Hermione closed her eyes fighting tears, as what felt like a well aimed dagger pierced her heart, taking deep shallow breaths she did her best to combat the emotions that welled up inside of her. Opening her eyes she saw Harry make an abrupt turn and walk towards the couch, she became incensed when he grabbed his cloak and she realized what he was about to do.

"So that's it!" she yelled "I'm tainted goods so you don't want me anymore! Because I was with Ron first I'm not good enough to you, just a big pale of sloppy seconds. So, you had to run to that two bit hussy to make yourself feel better!" she stomped towards him, ripping the cloak from his hands and throwing it on the floor.

"She is not a two bit hussy! You don't know anything about her!"

"Yeah and you do? Tell me did you tell her about us, or did you just leave here and run to her bed after you left mine?!" she yelled angrily, all of the questions that she had been agonizing over the last few days spilling from her lips.

"What do you care, you have a boyfriend remember, we can't be together remember, you don't love me remember! So what does it matter if I did or didn't sleep with her tonight!"

"I'm not talking about tonight! I'm talking about Wednesday morning!" She went up to him, grabbing his shirt with her hands and yanking him forward. "Tell me! Is that where you went, just hours after we finished making love? Did you run to her, find comfort in her bed and her arms," she glared at him, searching his eyes for her answers. "Did you?! Did you screw her Harry, did you find what you were looking for between her slutty legs?!"

Without answering he ripped away from her and storm towards his room, just as he reached the area by her bedroom she grabbed his shoulder and using ever ounce of strength she owned she whirled him around and knocked him against the wall just next to her door.

"Answer me damn it!" she yelled as frustrated tears escaped her eyes. She held him to the wall, unwilling to move until he said something, anything, just as long as he ended her torture of not knowing.

"Where were you Harry!" she demanded, "Where did you spend your nights when you left here!"

He glared at her, placing his hands over his wrist, he began to push her away from him.

"Why?!" he said harshly.

"Because I want to know!"

"What does it matter?!"

"IT MATTERS!" she screamed, her voice cracking as her reign on her emotions fell loose tears ran freely down her face.

Harry studied her for a moment, reaching out a hand he tentatively touched her face wiping away one of her tears only to have it replaced by another a moment later. His head fell back and hit the wall with a small thump and she watched as he released a long breath before looking down at her again all signs of anger dissipated form his gaze. After a moment of silently studying her, he finally answered her question.

"Neville," he said quietly, his gaze searching her own. "I was at Neville's."

She gave him a confused look. "But you arrived with Aurora, I thought..."

He gave a small sardonic smile. "I know what you thought... honestly, I was glad that thought it and that you seemed to be upset by it." At her hurt expression, he lifted his other hand cupping her face completely. "I know it was wrong, I just -I just wanted you to hurt as much as I was, that's all. I mean, even though I could see you were upset I had no idea... Hermione, I'm sorry I never wanted to make you feel like," he quirked a half smile "sloppy seconds. If anything that was what I felt like."

She gazed at him thoughtfully, staring into his gentle eyes for a moment before tracing his face with her eyes and her hands, memorizing every detail of his appearance. After a moment his hands went from just cupping her face to pulling her towards him. Their lips met in a soft gentle kiss, that quickly turned hard and rough as they each applied the hurt and frustration that they had felt over the last several days into it. Each of them vying for a place in the others warm mouth. Harry's hands tangled in her hair as he deepened the kiss even more and she felt her knees buckle as he his fingers lightly fluttered down her spine.

He caught her in his arms before she could fall and flipped himself around so that she was pinned between the hard wall and his hard body. She wrapped her arms desperately around his neck as he placed his hands on her thighs and lifted her up. Hermione pinned him between her firm legs, hooking them together by her ankles, her night shirt bunched up around her waist and her hands tangled in his hair as he deeply kissed her neck. She let out small mewls of pleasure when he hit the spot just behind her ear and he let out a low earthy moan as she returned the favor a minute later. Hermione mindlessly moved against Harry moaning in ecstasy. Moans that intensified when she realized minutes later that she was no longer just moving against him, she was now one with him and they were actually making love in the hallway against the wall.

Feeling, wanton but empowered at the realization she clawed at his shirt wanting to once again caress the velvety skin over his hard muscles. Harry somehow managed to fluidly remove the shirt while barely taking his lips from her. Once the cumbersome item was gone she leant forward latching her lips to his collar bone, intent upon branding him with her mark so that any girl who saw him without his shirt would know that he belonged to someone.

'That he belongs to me,' her mind said possessively. She felt her already impossibly hot body become warmer at the thought.

"Harry," she whimpered his name aloud, giving a small nip at his shoulder.

He moaned in response, a moan that deepened when she moved her soft tongue from his shoulder, up his neck and to his ear. Taking the lobe between her teeth she gave a small tug before suckling it and then blowing.

"You're mine Harry... always," she said into his ear, in the heat of passion voicing thoughts that she would normally only allow him to hear in her dreams.

Before he could respond she switched ears, repeating the action with this side as one of her hands lightly scrapped his back and the other trailed back and forth against the nape of his neck in time with his thrusts.

"Say it," she said, tangling her hand in his hair and pulling his head back, simultaneously placing her lips upon his neck and began to devour it. She suckled his neck in a way in which she knew she was guaranteed a mark, and relished in the shudder that racked his body. "Say you're mine Harry," she licked the red bruise that had already formed on his long neck, taking another nip at his ear. "Say it." She demanded scratching his back harshly.

"I'm yours," he said, his voice coming out as though it were ripped from the recesses of his throat. "I'm yours always."

Hermione smiled in pleasure, before returning her mouth to his and languidly kissing him. The kiss deepened as his hand softly squeezed and fondled her breast. Harry pulled back from her a bit, raising her shirt and lifting a dark brow at her lack of bra, he then began trailing soft kisses down her neck and to the valley between her chest. She shivered in anticipation and expectation of what was to come. He nuzzled her before taking one into his mouth and slowly sucking. Her hand tangled in his hair.

"Say you're mine," he said pulling away and looking at her through long dark lashes.

Through the dense haze of passion she did her best to focus on what he wanted her to say, but the cool air hitting her flushed skin and the soothing rhythm of their joined bodies prevented her from forming coherent thought.

"Say it," he said, dipping back down to her chest and licking her thoroughly.

When she still didn't respond he looked back at her with glittering eyes and a small smile playing on his lips.

"Come on Hermione," he said her name in such a husky tone she felt her whole body quiver. "I said it for you... if you do it I have a special treat." The wicked gleam in his eyes promised that the treat would be special indeed.

"I...I'm yours," she said in a panting and breathy voice.

He held her gaze "For how long?" he said in a commanding voice.

Her eyes widened at his tone and their color deepened considerably as she felt her body react to the power that was radiating from him.


As soon as the words were out of her mouth Harry's dark head dipped back down and she felt the most amazing sensation on her breast, her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her mind tried to fathom just what Harry was doing to her. She could faintly hear a light hissing noise in the background but in her passion clouded state was in no shape to decipher what it was. The only thought she was capable of forming was 'When in the bloody hell had he learned this, and why didn't he do it last time'.

As Harry switched to the other breast, the pace of the sensation increased, as did the speed of their love making until it reached a fevered pitch as they both neared their release. Bodies moved fluidly against each other as though they were made to perfectly fit together and when the tempo reached its climax, so did she. Hermione knew that she couldn't hold on longer. She tangled her fingers deeply in Harry's hair throwing back her head and yelling out his name. Less than a minute later, Harry joined her in blissful ecstasy though his cry was swallowed by her as her mouth claimed his in another passionate kiss.

Damp, winded and exhausted they remained as they were for a moment longer, but as Hermione felt Harry's legs tremble beneath her, she tapped him on the shoulder asking softly that he let her down. She slowly slid down the length of his long muscular body until her feet touch the ground and her legs wobbled dangerously beneath her for a moment before strong arms once again encircled her, holding her up.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled laying her head against his chest and listening to his rapid heartbeat. "I'm feeling a bit clumsily right now."

"That's okay," he replied stroking her hair "I didn't want to let you go anyway."

She was quiet for a few more moments, with her hand softly caressing his chest right next to her face. His strong arms were wrapped lovingly around her and his scent filled her senses.

"Harry," she said looking up at him "I love you."

He gave her only a small smile though his eyes were practically aglow with happiness. "I love you too."

"But I'm supposed to trust you right?!" a furious voice yelled.

Harry and Hermione's gaze snapped towards the living room where Ron was standing his face flushed with anger, his eyes glistening and his hand painfully gripping his wand.

A.N. Ok That's it for this chapter, we're getting closer to the end. There is a light at the end of the tunnel folks so stay tuned and PLEASE REVIEW. Oh and for those of you who were wondering, Harry and Hermione aren't starkers, he's wearing the night pants and she has on her sleep shirt... just incase you were wondering...
