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The Second Strike by gti88

The Second Strike


A/N: I wonder what a full moon looks like...

Chapter XI: A Little Furry Problem

"Mr. Malfoy, I think you're ready to be dismissed from the hospital wing," Madam Pomfrey said, trying to convince herself more than the student in her charge.

"I'm sorry?" Regulus' eyes widened. "What about my injuries?"

"Mostly healed, save for a few scars," she explained. "I think it may have something to do with the fact that you're now a werewolf. They possess an incredible rate of healing power. I'm surprised I did not realize this earlier."

"Well," Regulus looked relieved, but soon another worry came up. "How am I to proceed when I do turn into a werewolf?"

Madam Pomfrey pondered the question for a few moments. "It is not going to be entirely up to me, unfortunately. You'll need to alert the Potions professor and another faculty member needs to be with you at all times in case something unplanned occurs."

"This is a procedure?"

"Well, yes, after the last undeclared werewolf we found about in the school," Madam Pomfrey told him.

"Ah, him," Regulus smiled.

"Now, a Wolfsbane Potion requires a full week to brew under a new set of methods, introduced recently. You should be well advised to check when the next full moon is, so we can start as soon as possible."

"Aside from that, I can leave?"

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy, you may," Pomfrey said with a hint of annoyance. "You're in a sufficiently satisfactory condition."

"Thank you very much," Regulus expressed his utmost gratitude. "I might see you soon enough."

"I hope not," Madam Pomfrey replied. "Take care, now."

Regulus walked out of the hospital wing in much better spirits. Still, his mind now focused on the werewolf aspect of his life, at least until it was possible to reverse the condition. Usually, he would go find Albus and Otto at this point, go to the Gryffindor common room and do something exciting, either talking about Quidditch or beating first years in a game of Exploding Snap. Now, however, he found himself travelling in the direction of the school's library to look for information on werewolves...

When he walked in, the clock across the entrance showed half past eleven. Despite it being almost midday, the library was largely deserted with the exception of several upper year students like himself and the two familiar faces sitting on a far-off table. Otto was seemingly sleeping on his elbow, while Jane was concentrating heavily on a dusty book in front of her.

Regulus walked over to them as quietly as he could.

"Hey," he waved at Jane.

"Oh, my!" she gasped, her eyes going wide. "You're out of bed!"

Several disapproving glances from the three other occupants of the library flew in their direction. Madam Pince looks down her long nose at Regulus, but remained where she was standing.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," Regulus lowered his voice. "Come outside, and I'll explain everything."

"But what about Otto?" Jane gestured to the sleeping boy.

"I don't think he's going anywhere," Regulus told her. "Come on, before Pince blows a gasket."

"Fine," Jane agreed and followed him out.

Once in the hallway, he was relieved to be able to talk normally.

"Why are you out so early!" she was sincerely shocked.

"Interestingly enough, being a werewolf has its perks. I heal much faster when injured," he explained. "The downside, I transform every full moon."

"You are positive everything is alright?" Jane's eyes were still wide.

"Of course. Madam Pomfrey dismissed me herself," he nodded in the affirmative. "Granted, I might have some scars left over..."

"Forget the scars, now we have to focus on the potion. Wait till everyone hears you're up and around."

"It's not going to be a big deal," he shrugged his shoulders, "More importantly, I need a place to hide."

"Hide?" Jane raised an eyebrow.

"You don't want to be around me when I transform," he said pointedly.

"Oh," a look of realization dawned on her face. "Right."

"I was also going to ask you," he continued, "when is the next full moon?"

Jane's expression went from puzzlement, to another realization, and finally, horror. "In two days," she mumbled.

"Two days," Regulus repeated. "Shite."

"What are we going to do? You could kill half the school!"

"I'm not going to kill half the school, and for Merlin's sake, keep your voice down," he snapped.

Yet the way she put it really presented quite the dilemma. One out of two students could end up being a mess of blood and guts on the floor if he were not restrained, and the prospect made him shudder to the core.

"Listen," he looked at Jane. "I'm going to go talk to McGonagall. You go back in the library and don't worry about it. Everyone will be safe, I promise you."

She did not look convinced. "How am I going to know?"

He sounded calm and collected, but inside, he was feverishly disoriented. Without thinking, he leaned forward, and kissed Jane straight on the lips.

When he withdrew, her face exclaimed a silent `oh'.

"I promise," he reiterated his commitment, turned and ran in the opposite direction to the Headmistress' office.

Jane walked back inside the library, but her step felt really, really light…


"Professor McGonagall," Regulus stumbled through the entrance.

"Mr. Malfoy!" McGonagall exclaimed from his surprising entrance. "You gave me such a fright!"

"I'm really sorry," he apologized in a hurry, "but I need to talk to you, right now."

From being startled, McGonagall's demeanour returned to its usual countenance of slight annoyance. "Very well, Mr. Malfoy, let's talk."

"You know when we came back from the Forbidden Forest and I was attacked by a werewolf," he opened up with the recent shocking account.

"I do, and I also note you have recovered nicely," the headmistress said.

"Thank you," Regulus went on, "unfortunately, there is a full moon in two days and I will transform. The werewolf bit me, and until I can find a cure, I'm afraid I'm stuck with this condition."

"You needn't worry, Mr. Malfoy," McGonagall told him. "We do have facilities for you, to be found under the Whomping Willow in the Shrieking Shack."

"The Shrieking Shack?" he repeated in confusion.

"I should think you are familiar with it," she gave him a portentous look.

"Yes, I am," he caught on quickly. "Definitely."

"Very good," McGonagall's expression softened a little. "I will send Professor Slughorn to administer the potion shortly before you transform, and it will be your commitment to be in the shack an hour before dark. Are we understood?"

"Yes, completely," Regulus affirmed with visible elation.

"Very good, Mr. Malfoy," McGonagall replied. "Now, please leave me to finish my readings."

"Yes, ma'am," he looked more apologetic now. "I'm sorry for interrupting you."

"Your unexpected visit was entirely warranted," she allayed him. "Have a good day, Mr. Malfoy."

Taking the finality as his cue, Regulus wished her a good day in return and left the office. He headed down towards the library, impatient to tell Jane the good news. If the Shrieking Shack became available to him, he would not put anyone in danger, mostly the people he cared for, and least of all any unfortunate student.

He walked through the threshold of the literary sanctuary and glanced at the far end, where he saw her last. She wasn't there any longer, but he recognized Otto's slumbering shape.

Regulus went up to him and poked him in the side. Otto snapped awake.

"Morning, mate," Regulus said.

"You, bastard," Otto rebutted him, rubbing his eyes. "I was having such a nice dream."

"Well, not any more. Let's go,"

"Where are we going?" Otto rose to his feet and stretched as far as he could.

"To find Jane," Regulus answered. "I have a solution to my furry little problem."

"You have the potion? So soon?" Otto's expression lit up at the prospect.

"Not quite, no," he said. "More of an answer until we manage to brew the potion. The Shrieking Shack."

"The Shrieking Shack?" Otto raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that where we used to sneak off in second year?"

"The one and same," Regulus nodded. "This is where I'm going to be when I transform in two days."

"Two days! Why didn't you tell me anything?"

"Had you been awake, you would have known," Regulus smiled slightly. "Here we are."

Within moments they were inside the Gryffindor common room. Immediately, he saw Jane and Andromeda sitting by the fireplace, deep in discussion about something.

"Hello," Otto was the first to offer a greeting.

"Well, hello sleepy-head," Jane smiled him. "Hi, Regulus."

She looked really peculiarly at him.

"Hmm, the universe really does revolve around you, doesn't it," Andromeda offered by way of a greeting. "Oh, and hi."

"Hi to you, too," Regulus offered a little bit tensely.

"Good to see you up and around," she told him a little bit less confrontationally.

`Thank you."


The voice belonged to Albus, who was genuinely surprised to see his best friend back so early. The hug that followed confirmed the mutual alleviation they both felt at being reunited.

"You're back," another voice he knew observed.

"Hi, Holly."

"Hey, yourself."

"Let's get to the point," Andromeda seemed a bit angry for no apparent reason. "What are we doing about your werewolf problem?"

The straightforward question was followed by complete silence.

"Well, my werewolf problem has a solution," he told her tensely, "called the Shrieking Shack."

"That's…smart," Andromeda conceded the point unwillingly.

"Can you two stop fighting, please?" Jane interjected before the exchange between Regulus and Andromeda could go further.

"I'm not fighting with him," Andromeda said coolly.

Diplomatically, Regulus chose to stay quiet, but his stern expression did not mean he had not thought of a remark to reply with.

"What is it with you," Jane sighed. "Anyway, what exactly are we doing with the Shrieking Shack?"

Her eyes focused on Regulus nearly the entire time.

"McGonagall said I should be there an hour before night sets in," he replied.

"Can we be there with you?"

"She didn't advise anything against it," he recalled his conversation with the headmistress. "As long as I'm sedated on Wolfsbane, I don't see why not."

"You do realize the risk, don't you?" Andromeda pointed out.

"Can you stop putting a spike in the wheel every time you get the chance?" Jane was beginning to grow thoroughly annoyed of Andromeda's behaviour.

"I'm pointing out a valid argument," Andromeda's voice had a defensive note in it.

"Don't argue with her," Regulus interjected before the two girls could escalate. "She's right."

"She's right?" Jane was nearly scandalized. `Isn't she always?"

"Fighting is pointless," he shook his head. "If I transform and something goes wrong, I don't want to be responsible for any of your deaths."

The rest of them certainly felt the gravity of his words.

"Is there a way to ensure you're properly restrained? That's another way. We could put you in a harness, maybe even some magical barriers."

"Going through the trouble makes no sense," Regulus reasoned. "I'll have two professors down there with me and they can take care of any trouble. It just isn't fair to expose any of you to the danger."

He knew being stuck for an entire night at the Shrieking Shack transformed into a vicious animal was not something he looked forward to either, but on the other hand, he would be in no state to recognize, communicate with, or protect any one of his friends from himself.

"You're not going to move on this, are you?" Albus came up to him.

"No, sir," Regulus shook his head. "Andromeda is ultimately right."

"Thank you," she said, her voice an odd mixture of bravado, confusion and gratitude.

"I'm really disappointed in you," Holly told Andromeda. "You could be nicer to him."

"Holly, your opinion is the last one I need," Andromeda snapped at her, before abruptly turning on her heel and heading up the staircase to the girls' dormitories.

"Why is she acting like this?" Otto wondered with concern for her.

"I don't know. Ever since we came back, she has been much more defensive than usual," Jane told him.

"There is something she isn't happy about, obviously," Holly observed. "Something is eating her on the inside."

"You have any idea what?"

"No," Holly replied thoughtfully. "If we give her time, she might come to us and tell what's bothering her."

"You know her," Jane objected. "That's just not going to happen."

"I know," Holly nodded sadly. "What can we do?"

"Let's figure this out after our boy here goes through being a werewolf and returns back to normal. It might be our biggest priority at the moment," Otto cut Andromeda's mysterious issue short.

"Alright, Holly and I are going to try and talk to Andromeda, you boys focus on Regulus," Jane gave out instructions in response immediately.

"Fine, go," Regulus agreed. "We're going to see Slughorn after Transfiguration."



Andromeda's voice surprised him. He turned. "What are you doing down here?"

"I want to talk to you," she sounded much more…vulnerable, he thought in his mind.

"Can't it wait until tomorrow? I'm about to transform."

"No," she shook her head in the negative. "I need to talk to you now."

"Mr. Malfoy, you need to make this expedient. I will be inside," Professor Slughorn reminded him. "Professor Michaels will be here shortly as well."

"Thank you, Professor," Regulus paid his respects, before turning to Andromeda rather impatiently. "What?"

"Look, I just wanted to say - "

"No," he cut her off, "you'll have to explain yourself after. Maybe offer me an apology. Not talking to me for two whole days is just pathetic, even for you."

Following these words, he made to walk into the Shrieking Shack, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. Annoyed, he turned back to tell Andromeda to let him go, but instead found himself being enveloped in a rather tight embrace.

"You'll hear me out," she said in his ear.

"Well, you have my undivided attention," he replied a little bit ironically. His position did not allow him to escape easily, either.

"I was really afraid back in the Forbidden Forest. I thought I would lose you. I couldn't bear the thought," she whispered. He thought he felt a tear fall on his shoulder.

"You definitely did not act like you cared too much about what happened to me," he pointed out. Yet, he did not mind the embrace in the slightest.

"Look, what did you expect me to do," she defended herself. "Knowing I care about you shocked me more than it did you."

"Is that why you've been so confrontational lately?"

"I tried hard to deny it, but I couldn't, and after you kissed Jane, something happened to me, I don't know what - "

"You saw me kissing Jane?" Regulus pulled back and looked at her, taken aback. "How did you know?"

"I have my ways," she smiled halfway between mirth and tears.

"I'm really sorry if that hurt you in any way," he apologized.

"It did, I will be honest," she said. "Don't do it again."

He saw a hint of her fierce self return. "I promise, I won't."

"Good," she regained her usual demeanour, but her countenance was much softer than usual, "and be careful tonight."

"Mr. Malfoy!" the powerful voice of their Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor arrived. "All ready?"

"Yes, Professor Michaels, I am," he said and then leaned closer to Andromeda. "I'll see you soon."

With that, he entered the Shrieking Shack and the professor closed the door behind him. All Andromeda could do was walk back in the opposite direction towards the castle.

"Do you have any questions before we begin, Mr. Malfoy?" Professor Michaels asked of his student.

"No," Regulus replied tersely.

"Very well," Michaels nodded. "Professor Slughorn?"

"Regulus," the aged professor turned to him, "your transformation should begin within the hour. The Wolfsbane Potion, of which I have sufficient stock, will negate any of the uncontrollable effects following your transformation."

"What am I going to feel?" Regulus was more curious than afraid.

"As you are not sufficiently trained to be self-conscious during the time you spend as a werewolf, you will mostly be overcome by a desire to sleep, which should last until you transform back into a human."

"Is the transformation painful?"

"It depends on the individual," Slughorn said. "For some it is more painful than others. Now, please take the vial and drain it as fast as you can."

The Potions Master handed him a glass vial, full of shimmering white liquid. Mentally preparing for the vile taste he expected, Regulus drank it as fast as he could.

It was strangely tasteless.

"Very good," Slughorn continued. "Within twenty minutes, you should begin to transform."

"What about the cure?" Regulus inquired.

"I'm afraid that will take much longer. The sensitivity surrounding the ingredients is very great. Between you and me, some are considered illegal by the Ministry. As such, we need to proceed very cautiously."

"Do you know when we might be able to brew it?"

"I am sorry, but I cannot give you a timeline," Slughorn shook his head. "The process is unique every time."

Regulus looked down and with a slight shock noted the thicker growth of hair on his hands. "It's starting," he said.

"Michaels!" Slughorn attracted the other professor's attention. "The transformation is about to begin.

Worried, Regulus observed himself transforming quicker and quicker. His fingers extended and furious claws grew from underneath his fingertips. His legs stretched painfully and his spine twisted in ways he never thought possible. He wanted to scream, but couldn't. When he tried, a horrifying howl escaped him.

He watched his nose and mouth transform into a snout. Hair growth around his eyes obstructed his vision somewhat. His insides churned, making him feel extremely nauseous.

Yet, his mind remained clear. He was clearly aware that he was still himself. Only, deep down, a strange urge to attack the two professors in front of him welled up, but he could do nothing about it, as the effects of the potion took hold and he was not able to will his body to perform the needed movement.

Regulus felt himself retreating, disappearing. He was losing control, grasping to hold on to himself. The Shrieking Shack and the two professors were growing ever more distant, beginning to be surrounded by a circle of blackness.

"No!" he tried to say, but instead, he registered a growl escaping him.

Something wild was taking over and he could feel it. Reason was leaving, to be replaced by primal instinct. It frightened him, but at the same time excited him, while strangely losing touch with it and being replaced by it…

"I think the transformation is about complete," Slughorn commented. "I'll take first watch."

"Alright, be my guest," Michaels replied. "You sure the potion is up to par?"

"Of course I am," Slughorn dismissed him. "Besides, how hard is it to restrain a werewolf?"

"Not very, I will admit," Michaels agreed. "Fine, you take first watch, wake me up when the time comes."

"Will do, will do," Slughorn said. "Sleep for now, you'll need it."

Professor Michaels transformed an old couch chair into a comfortable bed. Just as Regulus was drifting off to sleep, so was the professor…

A/N: First transformation done…
