Unofficial Portkey Archive

The Second Strike by gti88

The Second Strike


A/N: Virtual kudos to whoever spots the Twilight jab. ;)

Chapter XIV: Trick or Treat

Halloween was fast approaching. No more than five days remained to the occasion and this year Hogwarts was preoccupied planning a special dance for the occasion. Previously, the students organized celebrations amongst themselves, but a masquerade ball in a costume of choice set the tone this particular time.

Regulus and Andromeda had recognized their relationship a mere two days previously and if spirits could soar any higher, Regulus' birthday was coming up in the beginning of November. Talks of sneaking firewhiskey from the village were already circulating around Gryffindor house...

He had already received a letter from his father, announcing his desire to see his son on the special day. While appreciating his father's concern, Regulus was nervous about informing him about the near episode in the Forbidden Forest and his newly acquired little furry problem. Perhaps it could stay covered up until Christmas, and the season's charms would soften the lynching he expected.

All these thoughts were going through his mind, while he was perusing the clothing stores on the main street of Hogesmeade, holding Andromeda's hand and being accompanied by his other two best mates. Holly and Jane were a bit further back and having a conversation about something apparently important.

"What are you thinking about?"

Andromeda's question startled him out of his mental wanderings.

"I'm undecided on being either a werewolf or a phantom in a cape for Halloween," he voiced the lesser of his concerns.

"What about both?" Otto commented to Albus' consequent snigger.

"Yeah, a crime-fighting werewolf," Regulus raised an eyebrow. "I don't think so."

"Loosen up, mate," Otto said. "You've been a serious prick since we left this morning."

"Yeah, well..."

"What says you to a couple of butterbeers?" Albus asked the group in general and then turned to face Holly and Jane. "Ladies?"

"And after than - what?" Holly stopped midsentence.

"Hog's Head, right now," Albus replied. "Worry about costumes after."

"Grand idea!" Jane was quick to reply.

"But we were going to get costumes first!" Holly protested weakly.

"No, we aren't," Holly smiled. "Now, come on!"

The entire group made a turn for the well-known pub and Jane even had to drag a resisting Holly for a good minute, before the latter finally submitted to the general will.

The place was not entirely full and they managed to find an empty table to fit all of them. Barely sitting down, a vivacious girl came up to them.

"Hello! What can I get for you today?"

"Six butterbeers," Regulus voiced the common agreement.

"With a kick," Otto called out beside him.

The waitress' quill paused on her parchment. "With a kick?" she asked suspiciously.

"With a kick," Otto restated confidently.

"Very well," she said, "I will be back shortly."

"With a kick?" Holly asked innocently. "What does that mean?"

"Andromeda, you've never told her?" Albus looked outright amazed.

"Believe me, I regret that right now," she did not look the least bit amused, while staring suspiciously at Albus.

"She's right, mate," Regulus chipped in. "Holly is clueless."

"Will somebody please answer my question!" the blonde girl exclaimed impatiently.

"It's something that makes the butterbeer taste better," Jane explained cryptically. "You'll love it!"

"That doesn't tell me anything," Holly rolled her eyes, "I've had butterbeer before and it already tastes fine as it is."

"Just trust me," Jane smiled at her.

"What are you going to do to me?"

"Absolutely nothing, dear," Jane reassured her. "Tell her, Andy."

"Yeah, of course," Andromeda nodded half-heartedly.

"Relax, sunshine," Albus said with a smile that implied the complete opposite, "you'll be fine."

"Here are your butterbeers."

The waitress had returned quicker than expected, carrying a tray of the amber liquid. "Would you like to pay now, or later?"

"Now, definitely now," Regulus said quickly. "It's on me."

"Two galleons, then," the waitress added up the numbers on her parchment.

Regulus handed her the coins and she went off. Then they raised the glasses to a toast, with only Holly's hand shaking ever so perceptibly.

"To friendship!"

Holly watched everyone take a sip from their glass, but for some strange reason, she could not stop drinking. The butterbeer caressed her tongue pleasantly, and it went down her throat so nicely that she had to have more of it!

It worried her, but not as much as she enjoyed it. She could never remember butterbeer tasting so good! Her head was beginning to spin, and she propped herself on one arm against the seat of the chair. Her whole body felt pleasantly warm, and she smiled unconsciously. It took her nearly a full minute to realize the glass was empty, so badly did she want such goodness to never end...

She put it down shakily on the table. To her right, the faces of Regulus and Andromeda swam in and out of focus. On her left, she briefly registered Jane smiling knowingly. Albus wore an indistinguishable expression and she could really care less what Otto looked like.

Was she drunk? The thought crossed her sluggish mind and made it spin even more. She had never been drunk in her life...could one butterbeer have such an effect?

She did not want to think about that now. Albus was beginning to look terribly cute right about now...

"I think she's done for," she heard Regulus' voice from somewhere.

"You know, you and Albus are complete pigs," Andromeda chastised Regulus and his closest mate. "I should have never agreed to this."

"Agreed to what?" Holly found herself questioning slowly. Who had made the remark, or what it was even, was beyond the abilities of her memory now...

"Don't worry, dear, she will be completely fine!" Regulus reassured his now-girlfriend. "I know Albus is beyond doubt!"

"Oh, and he won't take advantage of her!" Andromeda protested vehemently.

"I w-w-want to take ad-d-d-d-vantage," Holly smiled widely.

"You heard the girl," Regulus could not stop the grin curving his lips. "She practically wants him."

"She's inebriated, can't you see that, you twat!"

Andromeda could not permit herself to allow what was about to happen to Holly.

"We agreed he was going to do it in front of everybody." Otto explained.

"In front of everybody!" Andromeda's eyebrows almost shot off her face entirely.

Jane was also scandalized. "You can't possibly!"

Otto was mildly surprised with the outburst. "It'll be perfectly harmless."

"Nothing to worry about," Albus shrugged. "I did it two girlfriends complaints."

"Maybe that's why it ended!" Andromeda's rage continued, unabated.

"No, no, that's not it," Albus recollected his thoughts. "It was her brother's fault - "

"I don't care! You're not doing anything to Holly."

"You basically dragged her in here," Otto pointed out. "I don't see what the problem is."

"Gents," Regulus put on his business voice, "I thought it may come to this."

"Right," Otto nodded. "Stupefy!"

He and Regulus were barely audible when they said the spells. Two discreet red flashes saw Andromeda and Jane lose consciousness, and the two of them were quick to support them so they didn't fall.

Holly seemingly found the whole exchange amusing. Her head was still spinning and the faces of her friends continued to shift in impossible ways.

"Andy, you've got a hilarious mouth," she remarked.

Sadly, Andromeda could not react...

Holly saw Albus' face coming up closer to hers. Curious, she tried raising an eyebrow, but the fact that the butterbeer was still coursing through her veins made her do nothing more than smile.

"What are you doing?" she asked simply.

He did not reply. Putting one hand on the nook of her neck, he leaned forward and simply kissed her. She did not mind in the least. In fact, she quite enjoyed it. Even in her drunken state, she found the competence to respond, and seemingly well since Albus did not pull away. He smiled against her lips, but still didn't say anything, instead going for a second round. Holly did not object in the slightest.

Behind his back, Albus formed an `o' with his thumb and index finger, indicating his success. On that count, Regulus and Otto reawakened the other two girls...

"Huh, wha - " Andromeda shook her head and rubbed her eyes, trying to figure out what had happened to her. Then she saw Albus. "Get off her! Off! Off!"

Jane helped her grab Albus by the shoulders and they yanked him backward. From the momentum, he collapsed, but managed to land in the chair Regulus quickly manoeuvred under him with his wand.

"Did he hurt you," an anxious Jane came right up to Holly.

"No," Holly told her snappishly. "What makes you think that?"

"He was all over your face!" Jane was outraged.

"Well, I liked it," Holly remained defiant. The butterbeer had run its course. Now she was in a much better condition.

"You - you what!" Andromeda's eyebrows threatened to fly off for a second time that day.

"I liked it when he kissed me," Holly stood strong. "Do I tell you when to kiss Regulus or not?"

The question caught Andromeda unprepared and a slight red tinge coloured her tinge. "No."

"What was that?" Regulus called ironically from the other end of the table. "I couldn't hear you."

"No," Andromeda repeated herself a little bit louder.


"Cut it out, mate," Regulus told him.

"I want you two to stop mothering me like this," Holly continued. "Especially when it comes to whom I like and don't like."

"But we're not mothering you," Jane said in her and Andromeda's mutual defence. "We're only looking out for you. We don't want you to get hurt, especially from guys with `good' intentions."

"There's your problem," Otto commented innocently.

"I'm a fifth year, just as you are," Holly's voice gained more strength. "I can take care of myself."

Andromeda put a hand on her shoulder. "We never thought you couldn't, it's just - " she lost her train of thought, trying to consider a different choice of words.

"Just what?"

"You don't have too much confidence," Andromeda finished off quickly. "And as Jane said, you are our closest friend and we care about you!"

Holly pushed Andromeda's hand from her shoulder and stood up. She walked around the table defiantly, right up to Albus and kissed him of her own accord.

"Now, are we going to get costumes, or what?" she asked after she surfaced.

For several moments, nobody could speak at this show of confidence, Albus least of all.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go," Regulus found his tongue first. "You guys coming?"

With mixed feelings, the rest of them stood up. Only Otto seemed happier than the girls, and Andromeda and Jane remained rather distant for the rest of the day.

They returned to the castle in the evening, laden with bags, each carrying an elaborate costume and a generous selections of sweets nobody had been able to resist after walking past Honeyduke's.

Regulus had settled on phantom costume with a prominent cape that reached the growth and Andromeda had chosen to be Aphrodite, her favourite Greek goddess. On the other hand, Albus made wanted to embody himself as the late headmaster of the school, while Holly decided to be a `rocker chick', in line with her hours-old rebelliousness. Otto was excited with his odd selection of portraying an Italian mafia boss and Jane, while questioning Holly's sanity, preferred the outfit of a...leprechaun; Otto's delight could not be higher, he got three wishes and a pot of gold...hopefully.


"Kamm, he wants to know whether Potter has been captured," the interpreter turned to the nervous leader.

"Tell him that he is still a work in progress," Kamm tried to keep himself composed.

"My master wishes to emphasize that a partnership involves maintaining our respective commitments, if our common interests are to be achieved."

"Duly noted," Kamm gave the interpreter a hard look. "Is there anything else you wish to discuss?"

"Yes. He also wishes to know the state of your Hogwarts Plan."

"Overthrowing the school is a priority for us. So far, I have nearly composed the people who will do it and succeed in turning it into a school for the Dark Arts."

"However," the interpreter listened in, "you need to eliminate Potter first."

"Of course," Kamm shook his head tersely in agreement.

"The Others are satisfied with this meeting," the interpreter continued. "They will activate the next part of their plan."

"Wait, what does that mean?"

"It is not your business to know," the interpreter replied promptly. "Ensure your commitments are met. My Master bids you a good evening."

"Pass on my goodbyes," Kamm responded. "We will see one another again soon."

With that, he exited the miserly hut on the edge of the cliff and shielding himself against the salty wind, apparated back to the manor.

Jones was expecting him.

"Herineldo, good evening," Kamm acknowledged. "You nearly startled me."

"Forgive me, sir," Jones apologized. "Good meeting, I assume?"

"Not quite," Kamm threw his cloak on the back of the nearest chair. "They're becoming impatient for results."

"What do you mean?" Jones reasoned. "We have the Hogwarts Plan almost in motion, Potter is but a minor obstacle in the way..."

"He could thwart the whole thing," Kamm said. "The Aurors are not to be underestimated."

"They also have Weasley and Malfoy," Jones referred to his memories, "and their spouses. They're all heading up intelligence."

"We know who they are," Kamm dismissed him. "As soon as we keep one or two steps ahead, we'll be fine. With the Incineration Vow, nothing can possibly leak."

"Granted, they don't know how to break it, but it's not impossible," Jones said. "I wouldn't put it past them to figure it out at some point."

"You're right, but that's why we have the Unspeakable Vow," Kamm explained. "When the need arises, we can easily convert from one to the other. The more pressing question now, however, is how to deal with Potter. He killed two Unspeakables last time and this should not happen again."

"The rookies are expendable, sir," Jones told him. "We need the more qualified among us to tackle this challenge."

"Very well," Kamm said. "I'm delegating the task specifically to you. Put together a team that will capture and kill Potter, as soon as possible."

"Capture and kill, or just kill?"

"The Others want to see him," Kamm answered. "Therefore, capture and kill."

"What are they going to do with him?" Jones' curiosity was not satisfied.

"One question too many," Kamm cut him off. "If I knew, I would tell you."

"Alright, I'll see you," Jones said. "You wanted MIhailov too?"

"Yes, find him when you get out," Kamm rejoined.

Jones left the premises and went off to find Mihailov. He did not have to look for long, as his quarry was not very preoccupied, sitting down on a chair in the dining room, his feet up on the table and reading some book on his lap.

"Oi, Valeriy," Jones called out to him.

"What?" Mihailov did not look up from the page.

"Kamm wants you."


"Damned if I know. Just said to come get you."

"Fine," Mihailov let off a sigh of frustration. "I'm going."

He flung the book on the table, stood up and left without looking at Jones. He, on the other hand, curious, decided to see what book he was reading.

The Idiot's Guide to Killing Your First Auror by Edward Emocullen

He smirked. Why would he be reading such a book? Mihailov never had any doubt in his abilities and he had killed Aurors before. He flipped open the cover.

With special thanks to Valeriy Mihailov

So this Emocullen had consulted Mihailov. Losing interest quickly, Jones put the book back down and continued on his way to figure out how to kill Harry Potter.

"Mr. Mihailov, I have a special assignment for you. This is why you're here."

Mihailov liked Kamm's voice less and less each time he was forced to sit through one of his meetings with him.

"I will do my utmost to please you, sir," he replied with stone-cold neutrality.

"Your last mission was a failure, that is a well-established fact."

"Yes, sir."

"As you have been found inept to train new recruits, I have found a way to use your skills in more productive ways."


"Your new assignment is to kill Harry Potter. You are to assemble a team of your choosing. With this team, you need to capture him and bring him here. Thereupon, he will be destroyed."

"Sir, if you will permit me a question."


"Is this assignment in connection with the Hogwarts Plan?"

"Quite so. Starting now, it is also given the classification of top-secret. You are not to speak to anyone about it. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Very well, you may go," Kamm pointed to the door.

"Thank you, sir."

Miahilov left the room on his own turn and headed back to the dining room, trying to wrap his head around this new assignment. Traditionally, he had been a secret operative for the organization and with an impressive record. Even so, he had never taken out any individuals of Harry's position or calibre. This mission would indeed prove difficult.

Jones was one of the best he knew, but his personality ultimately worked against him. Mihailov knew he had a control issue and a weakness for prying into everything he could. Ultimately, he could cause enough internal conflict to destroy the team. Even so, he did not have a very large pool of candidates to choose from. There was Dolohov's son, Charlie, who was also among the better Unspeakables. Perhaps he could talk to him.

Giving him the full discretion for assembling his team, MIhailov thought three of them would suffice. His last mission was the first time he tried working with a team of five, and it ended with two fatalities. That mistake would have to be avoided in the future.

He sat back down and picked up the book, but noticed someone else had handled it. With annoyance, he immediately thought of Jones. Yet, putting him away from his mind, he flipped back to the page where he was last reading.

"What did he want with you?" the same annoying voice followed the sound of footsteps in the room.

"Nothing of importance," Mihailov told him. "Now go away."

"You and I need to work on our communication," Jones said.

"Do us both a favour and replace me with a mirror," he turned to the next page. "Communicate with it as much as you want."

"You're not very friendly, you know," Jones remarked.

"Mhhm," Mihailov did not pay him the least bit of attention. "Now, leave me alone."


"How was work, love?" Hermione asked Harry that night as she set the table for dinner.

"Just great," Harry muttered, putting his bag down on the chair and taking off his coat. "We managed to get nothing out of the case. You?"

"Intelligence is drawing up a blank," Hermione put down the fork and knife. "Luna and Ginny have their best people to find out who the Unspeakables are. Did you go back to the ruins today?"

"Yes," he nodded. "But I found nothing. They were hiding in the woods, though. I'm surprised my wand didn't vibrate to alert me."

"You never replaced the detection charm on it, Harry," Hermione said. "I told you about last week."

"Well, I forgot," he waved her off. "Even so, I'm not helpless."

"I know, Harry."

"But I could have prevented that Auror's death. It's still my fault."

"Harry, stop beating yourself up over it, it was an accident," Hermione tried to put down his self-blame yet again.

"Maybe," he rejoined darkly, "what's for dinner?"

"Steak and potatoes," she moved on too. "Your favourite."

He put his arm around her waist and kissed her on the temple. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," she said. "Let's tuck in."

Yet, Harry couldn't calm his mind, even if his dinner was inviting him to forget about the worries of the day. He had no idea when these Unspeakables would strike again and the continued veil from publicity they had given the case meant he was under increasing pressure to produce something; otherwise the entire Auror Department looked helpless to do anything against these mysterious attacks. It would certainly look bad; not only for him, but for everyone all the way up to the Minister himself.

"Love, you've still got to eat, you know," Hermione reminded him gently.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Harry said. "Just thinking things over."

"Would you like some wine? Ease the tension?" Hermione offered.

"That would be a good idea," Harry agreed readily.

Hermione took out two wineglasses and the bottle of ruby liquid. She poured it slowly and deliberately.

"Are you sure you're all right?" she asked him with concern, handing him the wineglass.

"I'll be fine, Hermione, just dealing with a little bit too much pressure at the moment."

They fell in an uneasy silence.

"How do you think Andromeda is doing? She hasn't written us in a while," Hermione tried to break the ice.

"Well, they have the Halloween ball up this year, Ron told me, so I assume she's preparing for it," Harry replied. "I just hope the Malfoy boy isn't stalking her at every turn."

"And if he is?" Hermione smiled.

"Then he can't escape," Harry smiled cryptically.

"We should send him a card for his birthday," Hermione commented. "It's coming up."

"Are you serious?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "I respect the kid as much as the next father of a vulnerable daughter, but let's not encourage him."

"You ought to loosen up, Harry, he really isn't that bad."

Harry chose to remain silent and instead, dug into the sumptuous potatoes.

A/N: Hermione finally made an appearance...the younger siblings will too, soon enough...
