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The Second Strike by gti88

The Second Strike


A/N: Apologies for the delay, moving to a new city puts more than a dent in the update plans...anyway, this is where the sci fi on crack I promised happens...

Chapter XVII: Messengers of Death

"You are ready to reveal this Hogwarts Plan to us?"

Kamm could almost sense the palpable nervousness in Anu's inquiry, despite the alien's outwardly calm appearance.

"Yes," he replied, "we are ready to do so."

"Very well."

"Everyone of your required associates is here?"

"Yes," the alien affirmed.

"This is Valeriy Mihailov, my most trusted associate," Kamm noted to his servant, "Hugo Jones is my other close associate."

"Enlil and Asael," Anu nodded to either side of him.

"To review our commitments, we are going to settle on an agreement where you will help us achieve our objectives in exchange for a share in the power structure afterward."


"We are going to create a Supreme World Council to oversee our mutual interests," Kamm continued.


Anu did not speak. Kamm, Mihailov and Jones saw the needed responses in their minds' eye.

"The Hogwarts Plan represents a two stage operation that will put very powerful tools in our hands."

"Are these tools related to Magic?" Anu asked.

"They are Magic," Kamm told him. "Hogwarts is a school for magic, training people like us to use it in different ways. This school is well over ten centuries old, a blink in time for you I am sure, but over the course of this history, it has become home to a vast amount of knowledge, powerful magical relics and a concentration of magical force sufficient enough to remove any obstacle if channelled correctly into offensive purposes."

"You have not explained what Magic is," Anu noted.

"This is because I'm not entirely sure about the definition you're looking for," Kamm said quickly, "but now I need to describe to you the second objective of our plan. It is the Durmstrang School that also does magic. It is much like Hogwarts, but also deals much more deeply in the Dark Arts."

"Dark Arts?"

"Yes," Kamm elaborated, "a branch of magic that is exclusively for the purposes of evil and intentional harm. Very powerful and promising, it will be a key component of our initiative."

Kamm's smoothness impressed even his two often competitive lieutenants. They had both been engaged in every step of the design of this plan, but in the end it was Kamm who had to bear the weight of delivering it to their partners.

"What then?" Anu seemed quite interested.

"Great Lord," Kamm was careful to stay respectful, "by taking over these two schools, we will have the tools to take hold of the British and Swedish ministries of magic, respectively."

"You will take over the ministries, how?"

"The precise dynamics are still being worked out," Kamm admitted, "but the general plan is to take out the Aurors and Magical Law Enforcement through a coordinated attack to eliminate regional commands and the central command in London. I feel that we can equip our Unspeakables with the necessary tools once we gain control of the schools. The kinds of magic stored in Hogwarts and Durmstrang is beyond what our Ministry of Magic has at its disposal. Also, we are hoping for your help in this endeavour."

"You will receive it," Anu nodded.

"Very good," Kamm said. "However, we still need the written agreement."

"What is a written agreement?"

"It is our custom of assuring our alliances," Kamm explained.

He waved his wand and a piece of parchment materialized from thin air and floated down on the table between them. A second wave produced two quills. Kamm signed his name at the bottom and turned the document towards the alien with the other quill lying across it.

The Great Lord Anu did not touch the quill initially.

"Before we do consent," he reopened the discussion, "I have a few questions."

Kamm's jaw stiffened, but he kept his composure. "Alright," he prompted his counterpart.

"What tools does magic offer?"

"Magic is a very expansive thing," Anu was beginning to try Kamm's patience. "The connection between a wizard and magic is personal, because the mental and physics limits unique to him shape the extent of magic he can do."

"Our race is significantly more capable than yours," Anu stated. "In your notion of time, our civilization is millions of years old and akin to many secrets you have yet to begin to comprehend. Magic, however, is something we have not encountered before as a form of energy. Yet, we are much better posed to understand it than you are."

Kamm was affronted by the forward statement of superiority, but still stood his ground. "We have practiced magic for thousands of years. You may have your secrets, but we have ours."

"Are you suggesting you are threatening our alliance?"

"No," Kamm said, "but I would appreciate if you address us on equal terms."

"My apologies," Anu bowed his head ever so slightly.

"Do you have any other questions?"

"Yes. My original one."

"All right," Kamm refocused on the subject himself, "magic is a force that allows the wizard to bend objects, circumstances, people and animals to his desire. The more powerful he is, the greater effects he can achieve. That force is malleable to his intentions, whether they be good or bad. Magic can be used for deceptions and illusions, heal and cause harm, create and destroy. However, very few people in respect to the world are aware of magic's existence and are trained to use it, simply because we live in hidden communities, safe from the influences of non-magical folk, or the Muggles, as we call them. They have technology and we have magic. Someday in the future, the two may unite; underlining that magic is a universal force, possibly very much like the secrets you were referring to earlier."

"How do you train one in matters of magic?"

"It is a long process," Kamm explained. "In our notion of time, we begin at the age of eleven and a wizard does not stop learning until the end of his life."

"It may be intuitive in our case," one of Anu's associated turned towards him.

"I wouldn't put it past him," Mihailov whispered to Kamm. "Their abilities outstrip ours significantly."

"There is another point of contestation," Kamm said. "The Supreme World Council. It is not a realistic goal in the short term. At least twenty years need to pass before we manage to infiltrate every single country in the world and consolidate our control over it."

"You are forgetting that we are a galactic civilization," Anu pointed out. "We rule multiple planets. Your species cannot even agree how to rule a single planet yet."

"Yes," Kamm acknowledged the point, "that's true. That's why I trust you will provide guidance on how to set up this council."

"We know precisely how to," Anu sounded comfortably convincing.

"Once you learn to manipulate manage successfully," Kamm told him, "you will be nearly invincible."


The meeting had ended several hours ago. Kamm, Mihailov and Jones returned to the manor and sat down together to mull over the details.

"I should say it was productive," Mihailov opened the talk.

"Valeriy, you're missing the point," Jones said. "I don't trust them."

"Why is that?" Kamm looked curiously at Jones.

"The superiority complex worries me," Jones admitted. "It may backfire on us."

"Herineldo, you head them," Mihialov pointed out, "if they are more powerful than us, they're bound to be morally beyond where we are. We want the power. They're going to help us. It's profitable for the both of us."

"It's the cost that worries me," Jones admitted, "you do realize how many can die?"

"Thousands, millions," Kamm shrugged. "It is our cause that matters in the end."

"Of course," Jones agreed respectfully.

"Now, the other thing we should do," Kamm continued, "is our intention of taking over Durmstrang. We have the resources to do it by ourselves, but it would be nice to see what our partners are capable of in the field."

"When do you propose we do it?" Mihailov asked him.

"You both understand that testing one's partner in times of adversity or unexpected circumstances is a test both for their ability, loyalty and reliability," Kamm explained carefully.


"Operation Hogwarts begins tonight with the attack on Durmstrang. Mihailov, you were assigned this part of the plan and I hope it is very well complete."

"Herr, don't worry," Mihailov allayed his concerns, "I haven't let you down since we were Aurors and I'm not about to start now."

"Very well," Kamm nodded, "don't disappoint me."

"Is Herineldo coming with me?"

"No," Kamm said. "He and I will review some details of our attempt on Hogwarts and alert our dear allies about the circumstances. If they hold their promise, then taking Durmstrang should not be difficult."

"Alright then," Mihailov agreed, "I will alert you when I am at the school and you can do your part."

"Not right there and then," Kamm corrected him, "I want you to engage in a pitched battle before you do that. You're not going to take all of your charges with you - not enough to take over the school, but enough to keep them occupied. Once that is achieved, contact me."

"Yes, sir."

"Good. You're free to go."

Mihailov left the room slightly worried. His plan was certainly thorough, but not quite as completed as he had led Kamm to believe. He wanted to train his best fighters further and the risk of losing some of them tonight posed a setback he would have preferred to avoid.

Assuming the persona of the ruthless instructor, he barged into the first sleeping quarters.

"Alright, you maggots, get up!" he boomed. "Rise and shine!"

It was barely two hours past midnight. "Up, I said!"

The Unspeakables in question shuffled out of bed, getting up as quickly as they could.


Within seconds each was standing in front of his bunk in a position of attention, waiting for Mihailov to walk down the centre aisle. He liked the routine, it made all of them attentive and kept his own authority unquestioned.


He hadn't done anything wrong. It was just another way to keep them all in check.

"Don't do it again," he snarled at the writhing Unspeakable, "or you will pay with your life."

The tension in the room went up another notch. "That goes for the rest of you," he looked fiercely around the room.

"Tonight's assignment," Kamm explained his presence, "is what all of you have been training for up to this point. The Hogwarts Plan, our ticket to power and freedom, has been activated by Mr. Kamm. As such, it is our job tonight to take Durmstrang School of Wizardry. You have been told that we are not alone in this and tonight you will see the nature of the support we have."

"You have three minutes to prepare. Be ready to apparate within five. Anyone caught slacking will be severely punished!"

The requirement was promptly met and seventy five of his best men were assembled on the front lawn, ready to go and fight for the cause in question.

"I will project the location we are apparating to," Kamm said. "In groups of three, you will follow me so as to avoid detection."

With that, Mihailov disappeared into thin air with a whip of his cloak, closely followed by his masked inferiors.

The night was cold and cloudless, but the smell of winter still filled the frigid air. The moonlight assured that the path ahead into the woods was visible.

"Everyone here?" Mihailov asked.

Seventy-five voices replied in unison. He knew he did not have to ask, he'd know if anyone was missing.

"Just as we trained, form three groups," Mihailov continued to instruct. "Make sure you are in the correct unit."

His will was obeyed without question. "Proceed."

He was at the front of the most prepared fighters. The other two wings in his plan would carry out the brunt of the fighting and take on the most casualties while he minimized the risk to himself and the men behind him.

The first beams were fired at the first two patrols they came across. The wizards fell dead in their tracks before they could respond.

Two killing curses raced in from side and impacted the flank of Mihailov's right wing.

"Face them!" he shouted.

The twenty-three remaining in the arrangement turned in unison and half of them set up shields while the other half barraged the darkness with various curses. Between swishing branches, the screeches of rudely awoken animals and sound of running footsteps, they managed to locate the two wizards who had seen them dispatch the previous patrol.

"Kill them!"

The shield of the one in the front buckled under the pressure of the offense. Once the shield broke completely, the Reductor curses that followed quickly ripped him into a bloody mess that collapsed on the forest floor. His comrade lost his balance over the body and fell face down in the dirt, losing his wand in the process. He twisted on the ground, trying to stand up while looking wildly for the wand, but it was too late. Several killing curses finished him off instantaneously.

"Keep going!" Mihailov motivated his charges to keep up the pace. "One in each group set up detection charms within a two hundred yard radius!"

The order was followed to the letter, but there was no further resistance as they entered the woods and passed them to reach the clearing on the other side, where the school was visible. Nobody had seemingly alerted the defences.

"You are each to attack the strongest fortifications of the castle," Mihailov told each of his wings. "You are not to retreat under any circumstances. Understood?"

"Yes, sir!" came the prompt collective reply.

With that the two groups disappeared into the darkness into their respective directions. Mihailov was left alone with his troop of fighters. "We attack frontally," he told them. "Follow me."

Closer to the castle there was another patch of forest and several rocky outcrops they could use for cover. "Aim for the defenders at the battlements," he said.

"Yes, sir," the monotonous, unquestioned assent echoed back.

Several streaks of light flew tantalizingly close as they approached closer to the gate of the school. Glancing in either direction, Mihailov knew the other two groups were beginning to get embroiled in a fight from the various colours that lit up the night sky in the distance.

"Shields up!" he roared. "Attack formation!"

Thirteen, including himself, created the nearly impenetrable protective umbrella that allowed the other thirteen to fight entirely offensively.

"Fire at will!"

"Reducto! Sectusempra!"

"Release the spell!"

"Suprema Extinctio!"

Three of the Unspeakables had concentrated their wands at one point. Uttering the incantation in unison, they produced a blood red ball of light, almost mystifying with the black stripes swirling on its surface. They stood motionless for several tense seconds, until the ball separated from the wands, rose above the shield and hung in midair for another few seconds. Then, the three Unspeakables collectively waved their wands towards the castle.

With awesome and horrific power, the magical force crashed at the external wall, resounding with a huge echo as it did so. The consequent explosion saw the ancient stones reduced to dust and a gaping hole opened on the side of the castle. The screams of the horrified defenders filled the vacuum of sound after the explosion and in the light of the continuing spellfire, more disfigured and bloody bodies could be seen.

The animalistic instinct in Mihailov revelled at the destruction. He bit the inside of his cheek almost instinctively, as tightly as he could until the coppery taste of blood filled his mouth. Yet, he did not release the pressure...the taste drove him mad, desiring more death and destruction....two additional explosions told him the other two groups had achieved their objectives as well.

"Expecto Patronum!"

The werewolf patronus emanated from his wand and after roaring loudly into the night, rushed off in the direction of the manor to alert Kamm of the mission's success.


"They've done it," Kamm told Anu. "Now it is your turn to prove your worth."

"We were not told this was going to happen tonight," Anu replied without the slightest sign of reproach or worry.

"Plans can change unexpectedly," Kamm said. "It has been our experience."

"We will honour our commitment in this coalition," Anu replied. He turned to the being who accompanied him, told him something unintelligible from the perspective of Kamm and turned back to his host. "Help is on its way."



Intelligence from the Ministry of Magic indicates a brazen attack on Hogwarts' sister school, Durmstrang, ended with the school's near total annihilation. In the early hours past midnight a force of unknown size attacked the castle, yielding ancient magic of destructive proportions to damage the building beyond repair. Not only that, but an aerial attack of unknown origin, working in tandem with the first wave of attackers, is deemed responsible for the death of anyone trying to escape, as evidenced by the bodies found nearly a kilometre from the castle. Of the six thousand students, faculty and staff, a mere 150 survived the ordeal and have been ferried to safety in England and France. The Minister of Magic is participating in an emergency conference with his counterparts to address this crisis and respond adequately. The Prime Minister is noted to have considered imposing Statue One of the Muggle-Magical agreement to reveal the secrecy of the magical world, given the consequences of the attack and extremely high risk of it happening again.

One Herr Kamm, a self-proclaimed leader of the Unspeakable movement has announced the transformation of the Durmstrang school for studying the Dark Arts. In addition, his statement acknowledged the over 5800 fatalities, saying that they died as part of a mysterious greater cause. More details as this disturbing story unfolds.

Our condolences go out to the families of those killed in this terrible tragedy.

Harry threw the Prophet on the table. His expression had darkened with anger and frustration. Hermione felt the electricity coming from him.

He turned to her and said quietly, coldly and tensely. "Call Ron."

A/N: Alright, finally more or less settled school picks up, I'll try to keep updates as regular as possible...
