Hope you enjoy this one. I must say I really enjoyed writing Ginny. I may not think she and Harry are supposed to be together and that Harry must've been on a frickin' love potion for him to go head-over-heels so quickly, but I still like Ginny's character. Though I might've exaggerated her a tiny bit :) Also, I'd really appreciate some more reviews please. According to the site, there have been like over 7000 hits, and I've gotten 7 reviews (lovely reviews, by the way…thanks again!). So…pretty please?
Chapter 12: The Early Bird Doesn't Get The Worm
Hermione awoke to an incessant rapping on her bedroom door. She groaned softly to herself, rubbing her eyes and staring blearily at the clock on the bedside table. She let out another groan as she noted the time: 6:45.
Hermione squeezed her eyes shut and curled herself into a ball, grimacing as the knocking returned to the door, more persistent than before.
"Hermione, dear, breakfast is ready! Time to get up!" she heard Mrs. Weasley call from outside the door.
Hermione reluctantly unfurled herself and released a muffled growl.
"I'm coming, Mrs. Weasley! I'll be down in a bit!" she called back, straining to keep politeness in her tone.
"Well hurry up, dear! If you're not down in a few moments the boys will have eaten everything!" Hermione listened in relief as she heard the sound of Mrs. Weasley's retreating footsteps.
Hermione fell back into the pillows as soon as Mrs. Weasley was out of earshot, a loud sigh escaping her. "Oh Merlin, here we go again," she muttered to herself. She then swung her legs over the side of the bed, shivering at the rush of cold air, and made her way to Ginny's small private bathroom, one of the few privileges of being the only girl in a family of boys. Just as Hermione placed her hand on the doorknob, the door to Ginny's actual bedroom swung open, revealing the occupant herself, in all her energetic glory.
"Speak of the devil," Hermione mumbled to herself, before turning slowly to see the younger, fiery-haired girl bounding towards her like a caffeinated golden retriever.
"Good morning!" Ginny said in a sing-song voice, her radiant smile flashing from ear to ear. "And how are we this morning?"
Hermione managed a small smile. "Good morning, Ginny. Just delightful, thanks."
Ginny nodded appreciatively, and then noticed Hermione's obvious intent to enter her bathroom. "And where do you think you're going?"
Hermione raised her eyebrows, gesturing toward the bathroom. "I was just going to get cleaned up and ---"
"There's no time for that!" Ginny exclaimed, grabbing Hermione's wrist in a vice-like grip and dragging her towards the door with surprising strength.
"Obviously, you had time for that," Hermione said irritably, observing Ginny's immaculate makeup and perfectly groomed hair.
"Well I've been up for over an hour!" Ginny said cheerfully. "Now stop wasting my time and come on!"
Ginny continued to drag her down the stairs and thrust her unceremoniously into the crowded kitchen. Hermione stumbled slightly as she fell through the door, freezing suddenly with bated breath. She ventured glance around the room, and was immensely relieved to see that no one had taken any notice of her graceless entrance. She let out a sigh of relief. Now all she had to do was quietly make her way to the seat across from Ron, and --
"We have arrived!" Ginny sang out as she burst loudly through the door behind Hermione, which drew everyone's notice to the pair. Hermione blushed slightly, and quickly made her way over to her seat. Ron grinned widely at her as she began scooping scrambled eggs onto her plate.
"Quite an entrance you two made, eh?"
Hermione glared at Ron. "I am going to kill your sister," she muttered darkly.
Ron nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, that is getting kind of old, isn't it?"
Ginny suddenly passed behind Hermione, ruffling her bushy hair fondly. "Aw, don't be sore, Hermione! I'm just joking around!" Ginny's ruffling made Hermione's already bushy hair stand more on end than usual, and only reminded her of her undoubtedly disheveled appearance. Biting back the retort she would've liked to make, Hermione began to eat.
Breakfast continued in a generally uneventful manner once it had begun, disregarding a minor spat between Ron and Hermione concerning passing a platter of bacon.
As soon as breakfast ended, Hermione made a hasty retreat back to Ginny's bedroom and quickly freshened herself up. As soon as she found herself in a presentable state, she exited the bedroom and made her way back downstairs. However, upon reaching the kitchen door, she felt the sudden urge to take a walk around Ottery St. Catchpole. Hermione adored the Weasleys, but living with them for so long in such close proximity was beginning to grind on her nerves - a walk by herself was just what she needed right now.
She slid through the front door as silently as possible, hoping to not draw attention to her departure. Once the Burrow was out of sight, she sighed in relief and followed the same path she, Harry, and Ron had walked the previous week. She walked slowly, relishing the silence and privacy.
Hermione knew that she would be leaving the Weasley's very shortly. Almost a month had passed since the Final Battle, and she knew that her time at the Burrow was coming to a close. Not that the Weasleys didn't want her there, of course, but seeing the Weasleys together was a constant reminder of her own family. Now that the initial turmoil of the Battle was over, she ached to release the spell on her parents and retrieve them from Australia.
She walked for a while, lost in thought, before she realized she was almost back at the Burrow. She grimaced slightly when she saw Ron standing in near the front gate, his arms crossed in a patronizing manner. Hermione could have sworn that she could see his ears from here, blazing red in what could only have been anger. She slowed her pace as she neared him.
"So where have you been?" Ron glowered angrily.
Hermione scowled back. "Where do you think I've been? I went for a walk, obviously."
This didn't seem to appease Ron's anger. "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving? I would have gone with you. Instead you left me here, worried sick!"
Hermione rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I was only gone for half an hour, Ronald."
"That doesn't matter," Ron fumed. "Who knows who could have been out there? Just because You-Know-Who is dead doesn't mean there aren't Death Eaters still around!"
"Oh, come off it, Ron! I can take care of myself, thank you very much."
Ron looked incredulous. "Oh, can you now?"
Hermione could hardly hide the shock and anger that must have been apparent in her face. "Yes, I can! It seems I did just fine taking care of myself when you ditched Harry and me in the middle of nowhere!"
Ron looked as if she had just slapped him in the face. "I already-well I just-completely-"
"I don't even want to hear your excuses right now, Ron! Just leave me alone!"
And with that Hermione stormed past Ron and into the Burrow, immediately stomping up the stairs and into Ginny's bedroom. Ginny lay on her stomach on the bed, her ankles crossed in the air, reading a magazine. She glanced up innocently as Hermione barged into the room and began throwing her possessions haphazardly into her trunk.
"Hermione, what's wrong?" Ginny asked, mock-confused.
Hermione turned on the spot, shooting daggers at Ginny before continuing with her packing. "Cut the act, Ginny! I know you heard every word that Ron and I exchanged downstairs!"
Ginny shrugged, not even bothering to have the grace to look even slightly ashamed. "You're right. And since we've skipped all the pointless pleasantries, do you mind if I give you some advice?"
Hermione shut her trunk harshly, and turned once again towards Ginny, teeth gritted. "Not at all. Do you mind if I roll my eyes, sigh deeply, and dismiss your advice as if it came from the village idiot?"
Ginny narrowed her eyes. "I might mind."
Hermione gave her a bitter smile. "Well then, let me give you some advice-"
"Just give it up, Hermione! Sit down, cool off, and you and Ron will be back to your normal cuddly, kissy-wissy selves by dinner, like always."
Hermione mouth dropped open in astonishment. "When have Ron and I ever-cuddly-how could you even-you know what?! I don't even care! I can't deal with any of this right now!"
Then Hermione grasped the handle of her trunk and disappeared with a crack.
Hermione had barely registered where she going when she had Apparated, and was not surprised at where she had ended up - though she was surprised at the immediate drenching she received upon her arrival.
After trudging slowly and sullenly through the torrential downpour to the door of Grimmauld Place, she knocked heavily and waited for her friend to answer.
A moment later the door swung open, revealing a rather surprised looking Harry, clutching a piece of toast in one hand.
Now this is my kind of time to eat breakfast, Hermione couldn't help but think bitterly.
"Hermione, what are you doing here so early?" Harry asked, concern etched in his voice.
Hermione smiled abashedly, making no attempt to move out of the rain.
"Do you think you could go with me to get my parents?"
A/N: I know that the Weasleys have an anti-Apparition ward, but Hermione Apparating out is so much more dramatic, right?