Located directly below this author's note is an Australian lingo dictionary, which I know you will all need. Unless you're actually Australian. And if that's the case, please don't be offended by the lingo overkill. Also, the drinks are all named for fireworks and a Manticore is a creature with a human head, the body of a lion, and the tail of a scorpion. For those of you that don't know.
As always, please review! I appreciate those of you who have already!
Pom/Pommy: someone from England. Aka a Brit
Stickybeak: a nosy person
Sheila: girl
Ace: Excellent
Bunyip: an Australian mythical creature
Off my face: drunk
Pig's arse: I don't agree
Wowser: spoil sport
Ripper: Great
Not worth a Zack: not worth anything
Cadbury: cheap drunk
Chapter 14: A Night Down Under
Harry followed Hermione as she walked briskly through the darkened streets. Though he was quite pleased that his friend had consented to his plan, he was also immensely curious as to where she was leading him.
They had already passed at least half a dozen bars, but Hermione continued to stride assuredly past them. Harry's perplexed expression grew when she finally stopped before a small fountain.
The circular fountain was extremely simple. Small jets of water shot upwards from the sides, creating a dome as they met at their peak to cascade back into the pool. No markings or symbols adorned its base.
Hermione smiled at the tiny display. "I knew I would find it eventually," she said triumphantly.
"Hermione, when I said I wanted a drink, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind."
Hermione shot him a dark look. "For one, I am not buying you a drink, and for another, just shut up for a minute while I try to remember how to go about this."
Harry laughed. "Since when do you need silence to think? You would've ditched me and Ron years ago."
It looked as though Hermione was about to retort, but then she shrugged. "I suppose I can give you that one."
But Harry decided to keep his mouth closed as Hermione thought.
It didn't take her long.
"That's it!" she exclaimed, pulling her wand from the waistband of her jeans. She then proceeded to circle the perimeter of the fountain, allowing the tip of her wand to graze each spout of water has she went. It appeared to Harry that the water began to emit a soft glow.
When Hermione was once again standing by Harry, she tucked her wand back into her jeans and without warning stepped into the dome of water, disappearing in a wave of shimmering light.
Shaking his head at his friend's lack of explanation, Harry followed her immediately. As he ducked beneath the water, he was met by a sensation that he imagined would be similar to walking through an Invisibility Cloak. When he emerged onto the other side, Hermione was waiting for him, grinning slightly.
"So, ready to hit that bar?"
Harry was amused by the light manner in which his pragmatic best friend spoke about going to a pub. "As soon as you inform where we are."
"Oh, this is Avalon Square. Basically the Diagon Alley of Sydney. I came here to replenish some supplies when my parents and I vacationed here."
While he puzzled over the idea of needing to replenish wizarding supplies during a vacation, Harry surveyed the area that surrounded him. He and Hermione were standing at the base of a fountain, a fountain much grander than what they had walked through in the Corso. Even with the small amount of people milling throughout the square, Harry could see that they were standing at the heart of the plaza, with shops and restaurants spanning out from where he stood. Harry also noted that there was a broad alley leading away from the square in each cardinal direction - north, south, east, and west.
"So, which direction shall we go?" Hermione asked, seeming to read Harry's thoughts. Harry shrugged, but nevertheless began to lead the way down the east alley.
He and Hermione strolled casually down the cobbled street, glancing vaguely at the signs of the numerous shops they passed: Dak's Strides (a strange shop which sold only peculiar varieties of pants), a tiny store called Inkblot that carried every type of quill imaginable, a rather exotic looking coffee shop known as Merlin's Muse, and Excalibur, a medieval-looking wand shop that seemed to have a desire to keep up with the alley's namesake. Before long they came across a small bar wedged between two large shops whose rickety sign proudly proclaimed itself as The Manticore.
"This should do it," Harry said pleasantly, gallantly stepping forward and opening the door for Hermione.
"Of course you'd pick a bar named after one of the most deadly creatures in known history," Hermione grumbled. "I can't wait to see what kind of lovely atmosphere this place has."
It seemed that she was beginning to lose some of that nonchalant confidence as she was faced with the reality of actually stepping foot in a place that served solely alcohol. With slight hesitation Hermione walked timidly through the door before snatching up Harry's hand to lead him to a secluded corner of the nearly empty bar.
A scruffy bartender approached them as they sat down on the bar-stools, wiping the inside of a glass with a rag.
"G'day! What can I get ya?" he said in an extremely thick Australian accent. The man seemed quite pleasant despite the time of night.
Harry spoke up immediately. "Well, I'll have a -"
"He'll have a butterbeer," Hermione replied.
The bartender spoke before Harry could protest. "Well, it looks like we got us a couple of pommys here! Haven't had a pom come in here since we heard about You-Know-Who kickin' the bucket. How are things up there?"
Though it appeared that Harry was about to fall out of his seat, Hermione kept her cool. "Oh, things are about as you'd expect them to be. We're still mourning our losses, but everything's slowly returning to normal."
The burly man nodded wisely. "Too right. Well, I'll stop being such a stickybeak and get on with my job. Have you decided what you want?"
Hermione smiled sweetly. "What would you suggest Mr. …?"
"Paul," the man said. "Just Paul. Well, for a young Sheila such as yourself, I might suggest a Diadem or a Cherry Bomb. The Diadem's a little stronger, but it's got more flavor to it than the Cherry."
"I suppose I'll try the Diadem, then," said Hermione.
"Ace!" Paul then pulled his wand his pocket and with a quick flick set Hermione's drink preparing itself. "And how about you?"
He turned expectantly to Harry and then cocked his head curiously. "You look mighty familiar to me, mate. Have you been in here before?"
Harry sighed, agitated that he'd be recognized so far away from home.
"No, I haven't."
"No? I know I've seen you before, or I'll be a wild bunyip! Were you in that vegemite-eatin' contest back in `95?" Harry shook his head, barely suppressing a grin. Paul looked as if he was beginning to get frustrated with himself. "Maybe a name will spark something. What's your name?"
Harry saw no point in trying to deceive the bartender.
"Harry Potter," he said.
A laugh of bewilderment left Paul. "Well, I'll be stuffed! I've been standin' here flappin' my gums and didn't notice the bloke sittin' in front of me was Harry Potter! I must be off my face!"
Hermione interjected quickly. "I don't mean any disrespect, sir, but would you mind keeping it down? We're on a bit of a holiday, and it would be nice to not draw any undo attention."
Paul quickly clapped a hand over his mouth, glancing furtively around him to see if any of this undo attention had been drawn to them. Luckily, the few people sitting throughout the bar appeared not to have noticed the bartender's sudden outburst.
"Oh, no worries!" Paul said in an enthusiastic whisper. "Whatever you want."
Hermione then gestured to her drink, which had been sitting fully prepared behind the bar for multiple minutes.
"Right! Here ya are. So what will you have?" he said, turning once more to Harry with contained excitement.
"Whatever's good," Harry said, relieved to have escaped notice.
"Whatever's good that doesn't contain alcohol," Hermione corrected. "His birthday's not for another month," she explained to the bartender.
Paul waved his hands dismissively. "Oh, pig's arse! Don't be such a wowser."
"Yeah, Hermione, don't be such a wowser," Harry said cheekily.
"You said you're on a sort of a holiday, didn't you? So loosen up a bit. Consider it a early birthday present," Paul said.
The two wizards both waited expectantly for Hermione's reply. She crossed her arms stubbornly as she surveyed their eager expressions, but eventually she sighed in defeat. "Fine. I suppose he is about to be of age."
"Ripper! And don't worry your little head off, Sheila. I'll give the bloke something real weak. A Firecracker, maybe. He'd have to be quite a cadbury to get drunk off of that."
Harry grimaced at the idea of drinking a beverage called a Firecracker, but decided it'd be better to not push his luck by requesting something else.
Once Harry's drink was prepared, Paul looked expectantly upon the pair, waiting for them to take sips of his creations.
Hermione now took up her previously-ignored glass and gingerly brought it to her lips, allowing a small amount of the cool amber liquid. She was delighted to discover that it was extremely refreshing. It had a peculiar taste; the flavors of mango, strawberry, and apple swirled delectably over her tongue, simultaneously sweet and slightly sour.
"Wow," Hermione said, taking a larger sip of her drink. She noticed that Harry was also smacking his lips appreciatively. "How did you come up with this?"
Paul smiled bashfully. "Just tampering around, you know. Blending together this and that whenever it met my fancy. Trust me, most of the recipes I tried weren't worth a zack."
"Well, you hit the jackpot with this one," Harry said.
Hermione nodded in agreement. "By the way, why is this place called the Manticore? It's a rather…well, sinister name for a place like this."
"Well, think about it, Sheila. People come in here like normal blokes, and after a couple of drinks they'll feel strong as a lion, but before long they'll end up gettin' stung in the ass!"