A/N: Here's the next update! We now find out a bit more about what Harry and Hermione have been doing to deal with their guilt, and set things up for a more action packed chapter. This one's a little on the short side, but the next once is really long so that will hopefully make up for it.
Thanks to hphg74, auror_lumos09, EmmaRadcliffe, UKwildcat820, Charlotte, Meli, h/hr4ever11, noorelisa, and the Anonymous reviewer who just jumped on board with this story. Hope you guys (and everybody else) enjoy!
Chapter 35: Teamwork
Harry leaned back in his chair, staring severely at the ceiling above him with a scowl.
In all fairness, he really couldn't be blamed for his mood. Here he was, on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, sitting at his desk. Not that he minded working on Saturdays most of the time - it was when he wasn't supposed to be working on a Saturday when it really bugged him.
For some reason that was still unknown to him, he had received an owl requesting that he come in to work. But in the five hours he had been there, he had finished two reports he hadn't quite completed earlier in the week, replenished his supply of ink, drunk four cups of coffee although he wasn't particularly tired, and more-or-less simply twiddled his thumbs.
In other words, he had had nothing to do other than think for five hours, and these days thinking was the very last thing he wanted to be doing.
Almost two months had passed since he'd last seen Hermione. One month, three weeks, and four days to be exact. And Harry could honestly say that it had been the most miserable month, three weeks, and four days he had had in an extremely long time. If it hadn't been for James, it would probably be the most miserable he had ever had.
As it turned out, Hermione proved to be just as impossible to get in touch with as she had during the days following the night they had spent together. Since Ron had returned from his conference, Harry had mostly stopped going to his and Hermione's flat to bang on their door. There had been a handful of times, but only when he knew for a fact that Ron wasn't there. Hermione continued to ignore him, and Harry still couldn't bring himself to test if the wards were still keyed to his magical signature.
Given the fruitlessness of these home visits, Harry had instead opted to try to catch her at work. If he had to, he'd lock them in her office and force her to speak to him.
However, the first time he went to her department, the secretary had informed him that Hermione was busy and refused to see anyone at this time.
The next day, he was told Hermione was in an important meeting and wouldn't be available for multiple hours.
On the third day, Hermione apparently wasn't there at all.
Harry mused on this fact as he idly twirled a quill between his fingers. He wouldn't be surprised if Hermione had completely changed her schedule just to ensure they would never be in the Ministry at the same time. She was thorough after all.
Despite this, Harry had steadfastly continued his pursuit, and if Hermione knew anything about him, she should realize that he would never give up as well. In fact, he had been seeking her out even more actively than usual during the past few weeks, specifically because of one instance of Hermione's careful avoidance.
Harry's frown deepened as he reflected on this, his continual quill-twirling slowing as his agitation from that memory resurfaced.
About a month previously, Harry had been assisting Ginny with the laundry. It had been a quiet day, and nothing particularly memorable had occurred. It was therefore much more of a shock when he had opened the linen closet to replace a few quilts and was met with the sight of a pale blue sheet, neatly folded and placed near the bottom of a stack of other bed linens. A completely innocent sight to anyone else in the world that saw it, but a harsh slap in the face to Harry.
He had no idea when Hermione had returned it, but the simple fact that she had infuriated him. By replacing the sheet, she was not only refusing to see him, but also refusing to acknowledge that that night had ever even happened.
And Harry had no intentions of letting her do that.
"Hey Potter, you might want to loosen up your grip on that quill there - I'm pretty sure it's about to snap in two."
Harry glanced down at his fist and saw that his quill was indeed on the verge of breaking in half. Very deliberately he untightened his clenched fingers and carefully set down the quill before looking up.
"Sorry, Mitch - wasn't even paying attention. What's up?" he said.
Mitch jerked his head to his left. "Wahler needs to see you - says he's got a case."
"About bloody time too," Harry said, immediately pushing himself up from his chair. "Did he mention anything about it?"
"Nope. Just that he needed to see you."
"Alright, I'll be there in a second if you want to go ahead," Harry said, gathering his cloak, wand, and other personal items.
"Oh, I'm not going," Mitch clarified. "He just assigned me a different case - that's why I was in there in the first place. Something stupid about some nut jinxing Muggles a few towns away. Mostly harmless stuff, but he apparently needs a `stern warning.'" Mitch made air-quotes as he mimicked Wahler's harsh voice.
Harry grinned as he drew his cloak around him. "Which probably means I'm about to be sent on an equally mundane job. Which is exactly what I need today - more mundane tasks."
"Tell me about it," Mitch said, chuckling. "But I'll see you, Harry - I've gotta get going."
"See you," he replied, and Mitch disappeared down the hallway. With one final glance around his office, Harry also stepped into the hallway and trudged down to speak to his boss.
"Potter," Wahler said as a means of greeting as he stepped into the office. "Close the door behind you."
Harry did as he was told and then sat down in the chair opposite Wahler's desk.
"So what've you got for me?" he asked promptly, eager to occupy his mind with any case, no matter how dull.
"Good to see you too, Potter," Wahler growled.
"Sorry, sir," Harry said in amusement. "I've just been cooped up all day - just ready to get started."
"Good," Wahler said. "Because I've got an unusual job for you - well, unusual since the Dark Lord's defeat."
Harry's ears perked at this statement, and he sat up straighter in his chair.
"What is it?"
"Dementors," Wahler said.
"Dementors?" Harry said, furrowing his brow. "I thought they were banished after the War."
"They were," Wahler said. "Which is why this is an unusual case. They were banished to colder, uninhabited regions on the Continent when Shacklebolt became Minister. But there's been sightings in Scotland - even some rumors of people being Kissed."
Apprehension filled Harry's mind as he processed this information.
"Why've they come back?" he asked slowly.
"That's just it - we don't know. But we do know it's not random. This isn't a rogue Dementor wandering its way back into the country. It's a mass migration, all leading to the same area."
Harry ran a hand through his hair, his suspicions confirmed. "So someone's behind this."
"Yes, it seems that way," Wahler said with a scowl. "Although there could be some other force at play. Which is where you come in - I want to know who or what is behind this."
Harry gave an understanding nod. "Got it."
"No, I don't think you do," Wahler said. "I want you to find out what's going on - I don't want you getting involved. When you figure it out, I want you to report directly to me. No one is to know you were even there. Understood?"
Harry frowned in annoyance, but he gave another nod. "Yes, sir."
Wahler gave an approving nod, but then it was his turn to look annoyed. "But you're not going alone."
Harry gave the Head Auror a confused look. These sorts of scouting missions were usually done alone since there was less of a chance of being spotted.
"I know," Wahler said, reading Harry's expression. "But it's not my decision. Apparently the Creature Department is insisting on sending someone along. An ambassador, of sorts, according to Vintreem's note. She wants to make sure things are `handled appropriately.'"
Wahler scoffed, clearly finding the matter ridiculous.
"But like I said, they're insisting on it, so I've got no choice. Vintreem wants you to come down to her office when you're ready to leave."
Wahler slid a note towards Harry. "Here are the coordinates as well. You'll side-along with your partner to this location, and from there you're going to scout the area until you find something of interest. Start by going north - it seems like more activity has been reported in that direction."
Harry nodded as he read the paper and then slipped it into his pocket.
"I'll be back as soon as I find something."
Wahler gave one final nod, bent over his paperwork, and began scribbling away, which Harry took as his cue to leave.
As he had already gathered all of his things, Harry headed immediately to the lift and made his way to the fourth floor.
Hermione leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes as she tilted her head upwards.
She had been working continuously for almost five hours straight, but she couldn't very well complain considering she had put this upon herself. After all, she'd been the one to change her work schedule to give herself the worst hours imaginable.
All to avoid Harry.
Hermione's eyes flew open as her thoughts drifted to her dark-haired friend - or whatever he was to her now. She hadn't quite figured that out yet.
She sat up and quickly returned her attention to her desk before her thoughts could go any further.
Despite the exhaustive nature of her new schedule, she couldn't help but find herself looking forward to these hectic hours. By preoccupying her mind with the endless number of files that came upon her desk, she didn't have to think about - well, other things.
Such as the night she and Harry had shared one month, three weeks, and four days ago. Or the fact that she had avoided him every day since.
Hermione stopped writing briefly as these errant reflections pervaded her buzzing mind, causing her to feel physically ill as the guilt flooded her. That seemed to happen a lot recently - the more time that passed, the guiltier she felt, and the guiltier she felt, the more sickened she became with herself.
She had never intended to avoid him for this long - truly she hadn't. It just happened that way. With every day she avoided him, the idea of seeing him became harder and harder. To be perfectly honest, she had no idea if he even wanted to see her anymore. Although she'd changed her schedule, it was really more of a precaution than anything. Perhaps he had attempted to intercept her in her office, but she really couldn't be sure. It's not as though Hermione could ask her secretary if he'd come by, especially since that would most likely cause the young witch to think that Harry had permission to interrupt her.
"Ms. Weasley?"
Hermione gave a startled jump at the unexpected disturbance and jerked her head upwards to see said secretary at her office door.
"Oh, I'm sorry," she said, still holding the doorknob and standing awkwardly in the hall. "I didn't mean to alarm you."
"That's - that's fine, Elizabeth," Hermione said, refraining from clutching a hand to her rapidly beating heart. "Please just knock next time."
"Yes, Ms. Weasley," she replied timidly, inclining her head slightly. "I apologize for interrupting you, but Ms. Vintreem would like a word."
"Alright, I'll be out shortly," Hermione said, a bit more kindly than before.
The secretary nodded once more and then pulled the door shut, leaving Hermione to sag back into her chair. She sighed deeply as she collected herself, ran a hand through her bushy hair, and then left the office to see her Head of Department.
Cecilia Vintreem smiled brightly at Hermione when she entered. Hermione couldn't help but smile back - Cecilia had always exuded a very matronly air, and her refreshingly bright demeanor was often contagious, which was just what she needed.
"Hermione, dear, how are you?" the plump witch said pleasantly, gesturing for her to sit in one of the chairs facing her desk.
"I'm fine, Cecilia," Hermione replied. "Just wading through paperwork as usual. How are you?"
"Wonderful! I've had a marvelous day."
"You always have a marvelous day," Hermione said with a laugh. "I have no idea how you manage it."
"It's all about your outlook," Cecilia said, straightening a few papers on her desk. "Positivity. Most of the time you realize half the things that upset you just aren't worth the time of day."
Hermione shook her head. "I wish I could see things like that."
Cecilia waved her hand dismissively. "You're still young - you've got plenty of time to practice."
Hermione gave a somber nod as she folded her hands in her lap. "Elizabeth said there was something you wanted to discuss."
"Yes," Cecilia said, placing a pair of reading glasses on her nose. She peered closely at the papers she had just straightened. "I've got an unusual task for you."
"Unusual in what way?"
"Unusual in the fact that you've been requested to accompany an Auror on a field mission," Cecilia replied.
"What?" Hermione said, shocked. "Why would the Auror Department request someone from our level?"
"Because it deals with Creatures," Cecilia said.
"That makes no sense," Hermione said. "The Aurors deal with werewolves and what not all the time - they've never asked for our help before."
"Trust me, I'm just as confused by this as you are. But Alec is insisting."
"Why is this situation any different?"
"I suspect it has to do with the fact that it pertains to dementors -"
"Wait, hold on," Hermione said, raising her hand to signal Cecilia to stop speaking. "Dementors?"
"Yes, according to Alec's note."
"Well, then why am I here at all?" Hermione said. "Although I still find it strange they need assistance, someone from the Spirits Division-not Beings-should be involved."
"Unfortunately, that's not possible at the moment," Cecilia replied with an uncharacteristic frown. "The only two employees competent enough to be involved with an Auror case both called in sick today. Besides, you're clearly the most proficient at Defense in the entire Department."
"Not necessarily -"
"Don't sell yourself short, Hermione," Cecilia said in a stern voice, as a mother might do when their child is feeling unconfident. "You have the highest scores in practical Defense of anyone in the Department - Auror-level scores. Not only that, you've proven your skills in a stressful field environment -"
"Everyone had to prove their skills during the War -"
"Don't interrupt, dear. As I was saying, you've proven your skills outside of a test environment, and, most important of these skills, you can cast a corporeal Patronus."
Hermione gave a huff of agitation as she continued, though she knew it would do no good. "Almost every Hogwarts student within three years of my age can cast a corporeal Patronus - we were taught during school."
"That's irrelevant. I said you were capable of casting a corporeal Patronus - I'm not concerned with the abilities of your classmates."
Cecilia watched Hermione for a moment and finally gave a small smile as she continued:
"Besides, you're considering transferring Departments, aren't you?"
Hermione looked at her boss sharply, her brow furrowed. "How did you know-?"
"Also irrelevant," Cecilia said. "But is this true?"
Hermione stared blankly at Cecilia, and then nodded slowly. "Yes…I've been considering transferring to Magical Law."
"An excellent choice," Cecilia said crisply. "You've done all you can do for this department - you'll be able to do much more on that level. So this should be a good opportunity for you to begin the transition."
"I don't intend to transfer to the Auror Division, Cecilia."
"But you'll be working with them closely. And no, there are no other alternatives for this case."
Just as Hermione opened her mouth to retort, a sharp knocking resounded from behind her.
"Come in," Cecilia said loudly, drowning out the beginning of Hermione's complaint.
Hermione glared at her boss, but Cecilia had eyes only for the person who had just entered her office. The bright smile had returned to her face, and she gestured to the other chair beside Hermione.
"Mr. Potter, I'm so glad you could join us!"
Hermione spun around so fast in her chair that her neck gave an audible crack.
Harry Potter stood in Cecilia's office, looking almost as surprised as Hermione felt.
Cecilia clasped her hands on her desk as she continued to smile happily.
"Besides, I know how well the two of you work together!"