A/N: Happy Easter to all those who are celebrating today! This chapter is technically the first of a two-parter, so I'll try to put the other one up a little bit more quickly. I would've put this one up sooner, but I've pretty much been without internet for like three days, so that didn't happen. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks to noorelisa, UKwildcat820, Norahheartshrh, Charlotte, EmmaRadcliffe, D, hphg74, Meli, and justduck for the reviews! Love you guys!
Chapter 31: An Old Enemy
"Mr. Potter?"
Harry glanced up at the Auror who had stepped into his office.
"What can I help you with, O'Brien?" he said, setting down his quill.
"Nothing for me, sir," O'Brien replied. He jerked a thumb behind him. "Wahler asked to see you in his office."
"Did he mention what it was about?"
"No, sir. Just said it was urgent."
Harry sighed in frustration as he checked his watch. Almost five - this had better be important.
"Alright, I'll be in there in a second," Harry grumbled.
O'Brien nodded and retreated from the room.
Harry tossed whatever papers he hadn't completed rather haphazardly into his satchel and threw it over his shoulder, sincerely hoping whatever Wahler had to say wouldn't take long.
He rapped once on Wahler's door and entered without waiting for a reply since his boss was already expecting him. "You wanted to speak with me, sir?" he said with as much politeness as possible.
Wahler looked up from his own paperwork and gave a curt nod. "Yes, Potter. Take a seat if you would."
Harry promptly dropped his satchel and sat down, waiting for Wahler to continue. He really didn't have time for pleasantries.
"I suppose there's no point in beating around the bush," Wahler said, to which Harry nodded his approval. "Do you remember requesting any information we discovered about a particular Death Eater?"
"Yes," Harry said, gripping his wand within his pocket. "Dolohov. Are you saying you've found out something about him?"
"Even better," Wahler said. "We believe we know his location."
"Really?" Harry said, sitting up straighter in his chair. This was news indeed. "Where is he?"
"We think he's hidden in a hunting cabin in Scotland. Near Polmont."
"Excellent," Harry said.
"I assume you still wish to have precedence over the case?"
"Definitely," Harry replied fervently, a slight edge to his voice. "I have a personal reason to see Dolohov in Azkaban."
"Understood," Wahler said. "But if you want to lead the case you have to leave within the next half-hour."
Harry had to make a mindful effort not to allow his jaw to drop. "But-but sir, it's Valentine's Day -"
"I'm fully aware of that, Potter. But who knows how long we have until Dolohov moves? There's no telling if our source could send out some sort of warning. And if he has been warned the only advantage we have is catching him unprepared."
"But sir -"
"Look, Potter," Wahler said sternly, "either you want the job or you don't. I'm actually giving you a choice in the matter. If you don't want it, I'll recruit someone else. But it's happening tonight whether you want it to or not. And I need your decision now."
Harry hesitated for only the briefest of moments, but his desire to see Dolohov rot in Azkaban exceeded his need to rush home to Ginny. Aside from Peter Pettigrew, Antonin Dolohov had been the first Death Eater who had caused him suffering. Peter Pettigrew had given him his first taste of murder during the Triwizard Tournament, and Dolohov…he had instigated more emotional pain in Harry than he had ever felt in his life up to that point. He had never been more terrified than when Hermione had collapsed from Dolohov's curse, and had never felt more relief than when he discovered she was still alive.
There really was no question in the matter.
Harry nodded sharply.
"Great," Wahler said. "You can pick any two Aurors to accompany you, but make it quick - we've arranged a Portkey for five-thirty to a secure location a few miles from the cabin."
Harry nodded again and said nothing as he stood up and returned to his office. He mentally ran through all of the potential candidates to go with him as he deposited his satchel back onto his desk. He decided he'd go ahead and bring O'Brien with him - he was a bit on the younger side, but extremely talented and smart on the field.
After a moment's deliberation he dismissed both Mitch and Ron. Mitch had taken a week off from work to go on vacation with his wife, so getting into contact with him was impractical. As for Ron, Harry couldn't bring himself to deprive Hermione of any Valentine's Day plans they might have set. He already felt guilty enough bailing on Ginny without Hermione being alone as well.
Harry almost mindlessly abandoned his office and walked towards the lift. He only realized where he was going when the lift opened on the fourth floor. He supposed it was merely the fact he was about to go after Dolohov that made him feel the need to see her.
He quickly wound his way to her office, but seemed to barely have caught her as she was packing away her own papers. She didn't appear to hear him enter and continued to rifle through her reports, standing and leaning over her desk. Harry didn't know why, but he didn't interrupt her. He watched her silently from the doorway, noting the way she tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ears after she put away each file, a habit she'd had for as long as he could remember.
He was jolted back to the present as she finished putting away the final report. He hurriedly knocked on the doorframe to announce his presence before she looked up and saw him staring at her.
"Oh, Harry!" Hermione said, a note of surprise in her voice. "What are you doing here?"
"Er - well…" Harry began, searching his rather muddled mind for a response. "I, er… I wanted to know if you could do me a favor."
"Of course, Harry, anything," she said, circling her desk to approach him.
"Could you, er…could you tell Ginny that I won't be coming in until later tonight?" Harry asked. "I just got an assignment and I don't have the time to send her a message." Which was partially true…he really didn't have time now that he'd come to see Hermione.
"You were really given an assignment tonight?" Hermione said, fixing him with a confused stare. "On Valentine's Day? Couldn't they find someone else?"
Harry shook his head, fidgeting uncomfortably. "Wahler requested three of us personally - there wasn't much of a choice."
Hermione touched his arm sympathetically. "I'm sorry, Harry. That's horrible luck. But of course I can tell Ginny."
"Thanks," Harry murmured, distracted by her hand on his bicep. He shook his head and refocused on Hermione. He met her eyes and noticed the dark circles beneath them.
"Tired?" he asked, reaching up to brush her cheek. He jerked his hand back almost as soon as their skin had touched.
Hermione seemed the slightest bit startled by his movements but otherwise didn't comment. "Yes, I suppose so. I haven't been sleeping very well lately."
Harry swallowed, frustrated by his behavior. "A-any particular reason?"
Hermione met his eyes and then looked away quickly, turning back to her desk and randomly straightening her already meticulous possessions.
"Nothing in particular, no," she said. Her shoulders were tense and Harry knew he shouldn't pursue the subject in farther.
"Okay," he said, turning towards the door. "I guess I should go then…"
"Be careful, Harry."
Harry glanced back over his shoulder and saw that Hermione had turned to face him again with a concerned expression.
Harry smiled. "You know me."
"Exactly," Hermione said. "Which is why I'm repeating myself: Be careful."
Harry chuckled slightly and nodded. "I'll try my best."
"Good," Hermione said, but the note of worry still carried in her voice.
Harry approached her and grabbed both of her hands despite the warning that kept repeating in his mind. He captured her gaze and gave her another reassuring smile.
"Seriously, Hermione. I'll be careful. No need to work yourself up over something routine."
Hermione returned the smile half-heartedly. "It's my job to worry. And considering how urgent this sounds it doesn't seem to be the most routine field-work."
Harry didn't reply to her correct assertion.
"But I'll try to not let myself worry too much," she finished.
"That's all I ask," Harry said, still grinning at her. His smile faded slightly as he looked down at their interlocked hands and he dropped them quickly.
"I should go -"
"Right," Hermione said quietly, grasping her now empty hands together. "I'll see you soon then?"
"Definitely," Harry said, and before he could stop himself he bent and kissed the corner of her mouth.
Flustered, he quickly pulled away from her.
Hermione cleared her throat slightly. "Er, good luck, then."
Harry nodded, not trusting himself to speak, and turned once more towards the door, but Hermione interrupted him again just before he left.
"Who're you going after anyway?"
Harry looked back and watched as she crossed her arms vulnerably across her stomach, almost as if she were holding herself. He debated whether to tell her or not.
"How about I tell you about when I get back?" he said.
She nodded. "That would be fine."
"Alright then. See you."
"See you."
Harry finally retreated from the office and practically sprinted back to his own floor. He had used up most of his free time and he still needed to inform the Aurors who would be going with him.
He skidded to a halt before the desk of an older Auror who had never married.
"Woah, Potter! What's the rush?" the man asked.
"We have an urgent case to attend to, Roderick," Harry said. "I need you and O'Brien to meet me in Wahler's office in five minutes."
Roderick nodded his understanding. This was part of the reason Harry had chosen him to come along - he didn't waste any time. No questions and no protest.
"We'll be there."
"Great, we'll fill you in when you get there," he said, and went immediately to his boss's office. Five minutes later, O'Brien and Roderick and joined them. It took another two minutes to brief them on the case.
"I'll have you know you're cheating me out of a date, Potter," O'Brien said good-naturedly.
"And I have a pregnant wife at home who'll probably curse me to a bloody pulp when I get home," Harry replied. "A disgruntled girlfriend certainly doesn't compare to that kind of fury."
O'Brien winced in appreciation. "You win," he said.
Wahler pushed a chipped goblet into Harry's hands.
"Enough of the chatter," he said impatiently. "This'll be leaving any second. Good luck, boys."
Harry, O'Brien, and Roderick all nodded to the Head Auror and the latter two each placed an index finger to the goblet.
Wahler checked his watch and counted down.
"Three, two, one."
Instantly Harry felt the familiar pull behind his navel and he was spinning in a whirlwind of color. A moment later his feet came into contact with soft, mossy turf.
He glanced around his surroundings and pulled his wand from its holster.
"Ready, boss?" O'Brien said to Harry, pulling out his own wand.
Harry nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be. Let's do this."
Only after Harry's cloak had whipped out of sight did Hermione raise her hand shakily to the spot where he had kissed her. The very corner of her lips…if she'd shifted just an inch closer to him…
She shook her head furiously to clear it of such forbidden thoughts. He was just telling her goodbye - purely platonic. That inch of movement would have pushed the barrier of being platonic and crossed into something new and very dangerous.
Sighing, Hermione picked up her reports and left her office quickly, trying to focus on anything but those few moments of Harry's presence.
She'd recently taken to her old mantra of avoiding Harry rather fervently after the day they'd painted the nursery. The only event that had required both their attendance had been Christmas, and Christmas at the Burrow was hectic enough to keep her mind off of things. But the fact remained that any instance they were together resulted in hours, if not days, of her mind reeling in every which direction.
Hermione reached the Disapparating zone in the Ministry and turned on the spot, feeling the familiar sensation of being compressed and then reappearing in her and Ron's living room.
"Ron?" she called out, wondering if he'd gotten home yet.
"In here!" Ron called back from the kitchen.
Hermione deposited her belongings on the coffee table and entered the kitchen, finding Ron waiting with two full glasses of wine. He was grinning from ear to ear.
"Happy Valentine's Day, love!" he said enthusiastically. He pressed one of the glasses into her hands and gave her a quick kiss. "I thought we'd start with some wine to celebrate before we go get dinner at that restaurant you like -"
"That sounds great, Ron," Hermione said, smiling slightly at his infectious behavior. "I just need to get cleaned up a bit. And we also need to drop by to see Ginny before we leave."
"What for?" Ron asked. "I'm sure Harry's already home and taken her out to eat somewhere. No point in interrupting them - or us, for that matter."
Hermione took a small sip of her wine before setting the glass down on the counter. "That's just it," she said. "Harry's not going to be able to make it home until later tonight."
Ron frowned. "Why's that?"
"Wahler gave him an assignment."
"Damn prat," Ron scowled. "It couldn't wait until tomorrow?"
"Apparently not," Hermione said. "And he's not a prat - he's your boss."
"Same difference, really," he replied with a shrug. "So Harry left it up to us to break the news to dear old Ginerva?"
Hermione nodded. "Yes, apparently it was pressing enough that he didn't have the time to floo home or send an owl."
"Fine," Ron said. "But you can tell her. I don't want to be in the direct line of fire."
"Ginny'll be fine," Hermione said, shrugging off her work robes as she walked back into the living room. "Surely she'll understand Harry didn't have a choice in the matter."
"Here's hoping," Ron said doubtfully. "'Cause it'll be our necks on the line until he gets back."
Hermione took about fifteen minutes to change and freshen up her make-up. She selected a very simple red dress and a white sweater. Ron was already dressed in a maroon jumper and slacks.
"You look nice," Ron said when she stepped back into the living room. "Are you ready?"
"Thanks," Hermione said. "And yes, I am. Let's Apparate, though - I've never cared to floo in a dress."
"Alright," Ron said and disappeared with a crack. Hermione picked up her handbag and followed.
They appeared just outside of Grimmauld Place. Ron knocked on the door as soon as Hermione had arrived, and Ginny opened the door a moment later.
"Oh! Hey, guys," she said, looking quite surprised by their arrival. Her stomach was very large. She ushered them inside and closed the door. "Did you guys need something?"
"No, actually," Hermione answered, fidgeting with her purse. "Harry actually sent us."
Ginny's eyes narrowed and she tucked her hair behind her ears with both hands. "And why couldn't he come here himself?"
"That's what he sent us here for. He asked me to tell you he won't be making it home until later tonight."
Ginny let out a huff of indignation and stomped her way rather slowly into the sitting room. She lowered herself carefully into an armchair and crossed her arms sourly. Hermione sat on the couch next to it. "Well great!" she said. "Of course he's going to be late today of all days."
"He didn't really have any choice in the matter," Hermione said soothingly, patting Ginny's hand. "Wahler gave him a last-minute assignment. And I'm sure whatever it is won't take him too long."
Ginny didn't appear remotely pacified, but she let the matter drop.
"So it looks like you two have some plans."
"Just going to dinner," Hermione said.
"No big deal," Ron added. He seemed uncomfortable. "So, er, how's the team doing without you?"
"Well enough," Ginny said. "They were disappointed when I resigned, of course, but they'll manage well enough. I gave them enough heads-up to find a suitable replacement before the season starts. All the girls threw me a sort of baby shower slash retirement party."
"You all did well this season," Ron said. "What, fifth in the league?"
"Fourth," Ginny replied smugly.
"Like I said, you did pretty decent."
"I know," she said. "And I'm going to miss it, but I can't commit the necessary amount of time to it once the baby's here. I'd still like to be involved somehow, though. After the baby's older. I was actually thinking about writing for the Daily Prophet."
"That'd be perfect!" Ron said.
"It would be," Hermione agreed. "Freelancing articles would be on your terms and you can do it from home."
"Exactly my thoughts," Ginny said. She pushed herself back into a standing position and grimaced. She settled a hand on her protruding belly.
"Anything wrong?" Hermione asked, concerned.
"Nah," Ginny said after taking deep breath. "Just a pang. Anyway, I know you guys have better things to do than listen to little `ol me whine about how she was so rudely abandoned by her husband on the day of love so I'll just ---"
She suddenly stopped speaking as a gasp of pain escaped her and she clutched at her belly with both hands. She heaved in a breath and closed her eyes as Hermione dashed forward.
"Ginny, are you okay?" she asked, now terrified.
"Much much much bigger pang," Ginny gasped. She opened her eyes long enough to gaze desperately at Hermione. "I think the baby's coming."
Harry strode quietly through the forest surrounding the hunting cabin. After ten minutes of walking, they had cast a quick spell to discover the perimeter of the wards protecting the hideout.
In his wolf form, Harry took off around the cabin, careful to never come within a foot of the ward. He knew that if he so much as brushed against it Dolohov and whatever other Death Eaters were here would be instantly alerted to his presence. Wolf or human, he still had a magical signature. They couldn't breach the ward until they were absolutely prepared.
He splashed his way through a shallow stream that flowed downhill toward the cabin and sat down on the other side, thinking hard about the best way to go about this.
He estimated that the ward stretched about a half-mile in every direction, creating a wide circle of protection around the area. Harry was displeased about the largeness of the boundary. In a mission such as this, a half-mile was an enormous amount of ground to cover. They would be wide open to attack the entire time as well, and that was only if the Death Eaters didn't simply Disapparate before the Aurors could reach them.
However, one advantage Harry could see was the geography of the area. The cabin was located in a sort of small valley, surrounded by hills on every side. For hiding, it was a wonderful location - you could only see the cabin if you trudged your way to the crest of the hill, which the surrounding trails would deter you from. But once you discovered the cabin, everything about it was easily seen. With his heightened eyesight, Harry could clearly see every aspect of the hideout - every doorway and window, any obstacles that may slow their progress into the cabin, any cover that may benefit their advance.
Finally, satisfied that he knew as much as he could possibly discover from this distance, Harry charged full-speed back to the area where he'd left Roderick and O'Brien and transformed back into a human.
"Man, I can't get over how wicked that is," O'Brien said, awestruck.
"It's useful," Harry conceded. "But now's not the time to talk about it. Did you guys ever see anyone come out of the cabin?"
"No," Roderick said. "Nothing."
"Figures," Harry muttered, running a hand through his tousled hair. "So we have no clue what we might be up against."
"I think we can probably count on there being at least one other person with Dolohov."
"I agree," O'Brien said. "It'd be crazy to leave yourself without any backup."
"Having more than one person here would actually work to our advantage," Harry said. "Reduces the chance that they'll run. Having backup means they intend to fight back."
"Fanastic," Roderick mumbled. "So how are we doing this?"
"The perimeter's spread about a half-mile in every direction. The instant we pass through the ward they'll know someone's here," Harry said. "So, first off, we should pass through it at the same time. The ward only alerts every time someone passes through it - it can't tell how many people that go through. Second, once we're through they won't know our exact location, but we'll be vulnerable until we get to the cabin. Which is why we'll be Disillusioning ourselves."
"Simple," O'Brien said. "No big deal."
"I've chosen a location for us to enter from," Harry continued as he ignored O'Brien. He pointed in the direction from which he'd run earlier. "About a quarter-mile that way. It's the best we can hope for. It's got more available coverage if they discover us. But there are no windows on that side either. Hopefully it'll give us some extra time and they won't see us at all."
And without another word Harry set off in the direction he had pointed, and the other Aurors followed him closely. Once they reached the spot he had chosen, Harry stopped abruptly and nodded towards the cabin.
"The main door is just around the corner of this side," Harry said. "Keep a bit of a distance between yourselves until we get closer. If the spells start firing, make yourselves visible so we can watch each other's backs. As always, if I give an order, just do it. No questions. Got it?"
"Yes, sir," Roderick said, squaring his shoulders. In the sparse moonlight and soft glow of their lit wands, his graying hair and lightly lined face was more evident than ever.
"You got it," O'Brien said soberly. Despite the man's joking disposition, he always knew when to get serious.
"Alright, then," Harry said, brandishing his wand. "Disillusion yourselves and line up on either side of me. Ready? On my count. One, two, three."
In one swift movement all three stepped through the ward. The eerie silence was more disconcerting than a thousand alarms announcing their presence.
Hermione dashed hurriedly down the corridor of St. Mungo's. Ginny had just been settled into a room and now Hermione set upon the next most pressing matter: finding Harry and getting him here as soon as possible.
She stopped in front of the receptionist's desk and rapped the desk sharply to get her attention.
"Excuse me, where's a fireplace I can Floo from?" she asked.
The receptionist pointed lazily toward the stairwell. "One floor down. Third door on your right."
Hermione muttered a quick thank you and set off once more, taking the stairs two at a time. She found the door she had been directed to and burst through it, scanning the area rapidly. The room was of modest size and contained six fireplaces, three of which were tall enough to stand in - the other three were strangely placed midway up the wall for more comfortable conversation if you only wished to Floo with your head.
Hermione dashed to the closest full-length one and snatched up a handful of the powder sitting in a bowl on a side-table. Wasting no time, she threw the powder into the fireplace and stepped into the emerald green flames.
"Alec Wahler's office, Ministry of Magic!"
She swirled in the green flames and eventually slowed to a halt.
"State your name," said the cool female voice.
"Hermione Grang -- Weasley, Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures," she said.
"One moment while your floo is being transferred."
Hermione tapped her foot impatiently, the warm sensation of the flames tickling at her limbs. A moment later, she revolved one more time and appeared in Wahler's office.
"Mrs. Weasley! What brings you here so late?" Wahler asked, standing up and greeting Hermione.
"Where's Harry?" she asked, ignoring pleasantries.
"He accepted a last-minute assignment," Wahler said, raising an eyebrow. "Potter, O'Brien, and Roderick left about an hour ago."
"I know he was sent on an assignment!" Hermione said. "But we need to get him back now."
"I'm afraid that's impossible. We don't know his exact location anymore - going and searching for him would not only be a risk to whoever was looking, but it could also be a danger to Harry as well. We could compromise his position." Wahler frowned. "What's so urgent that you would even suggest something like that?"
"His wife's having his first child, that's what!" Hermione fumed. "He needs to be there!"
Wahler's eyes widened, but he quickly shook it off and turned back to his desk. "That's…unfortunate," he said solemnly. "But there's really nothing I can do."
Hermione fixed the back of Wahler's head with a glare and would've liked nothing more than to smash something very large and heavy against the Auror's skull. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Then she opened her eyes and grabbed some Floo Powder from Wahler's supply.
"Tell him to come to St. Mungo's as soon as he steps foot into the Ministry," she snapped as she threw the powder into the flames. "St. Mungo's!" she shouted furiously when she stepped into the fire, and a moment later she had returned to the guest Floo room.
Feeling defeated, she trudged up the steps with significantly less speed than she had descended them. She slowed down even further when she neared Ginny's room. With a feeling of apprehension, Hermione knocked softly on the door and entered.
"Hey, Ginny!" she said brightly, a falsely radiant smile on her face. "How's everything going?"
"Great. They gave me some kind of potion and I feel loads better," Ginny replied. She raised an eyebrow as Hermione closed the door behind her. "Did you get Harry?"
"Er, no," Hermione said nervously. "He's not back from his assignment yet. But, er, Wahler said he should be back really soon."
A blatant lie, but Ginny didn't need to know that. Besides, Harry really could be back soon.
Which will hopefully be the case, Hermione thought anxiously.
As soon as the three Aurors had crossed the ward, they each took off at a quick trot towards the cabin.
Harry felt his pulse pounding behind his ears as he drew nearer and nearer to the target. His eyes darted in every direction, searching and almost hoping for some sort of movement. If they came under fire, being in the open would greatly enhance their chances.
But as the cabin drew nearer, Harry knew he could not continue to hope for such luck. Whoever was waiting within the house was doing just that - waiting.
Harry inwardly winced at each crackle of leaves that followed his footsteps. He felt extremely tense - more so than usual - and he couldn't help but wonder if it had anything to do with his earlier confrontation with Hermione. She had been making him feel more and more on edge each time he had seen her since that damned incident in the nursery. And if there was anything he didn't like being on a mission, it was edgy.
He took a deep, calming breath as he reached the outer wall of the cabin. He really needed to focus.
After rapping his head to reverse the Disillusionment spell, Harry only had to wait a few moments before O'Brien appeared beside him, and Roderick soon after. They fixed him with serious and expectant expressions, waiting for further instruction. What now, boss?
Harry shook his head at their looks and gave a shrug. Stick to the plan. That's all they could do at this point.
He took one more breath and led the way around the corner. He stopped before the door, and spared one more glance at his partners. They each gave a sharp nod and held their wands higher in front of them.
Harry gazed at the door, steeled himself, and then jabbed his wand forward. With a crash, the door was blasted from its frame. All three Aurors propelled themselves into the dark cabin at once and were immediately met with jets of light coming from all directions.
Harry launched himself sideways as he dodged one of the spells, ramming into a table and sending everything on it careening to the floor. With a grunt of pain he directed his wand in the direction from which the other spell had come.
"Petrificus Totalis!" he shouted.
The cacophony of curses and yelling drowned out any possibility of Harry hearing the possible thud that would have indicated the success of his spell, so he squinted around in the darkness to see if he could find another opponent. However, the dimness prevented such an easy task.
"Lumos Maxima!" Harry said, and a large orb of light shot toward the ceiling, where it stilled. The pale light was enough for Harry to target his next duelist.
The man, whom Harry didn't recognize, seemed startled for a moment and then his face settled into a grim sneer.
"Expelliarmus!" Harry yelled.
The unnamed opponent blocked the Disarming spell instantly and shot another curse immediately afterwards, obviously hoping to catch Harry off guard. However, Harry was quite ready for such a tactic.
"Protego!" he shouted, and the man's spell rebounded back towards the caster. The man obviously made to block it, and Harry took his adversary's moment of weakness to shoot another charm. Just as Harry had expected, the charm passed straight through the man's damaged Shield Charm and blasted across the room. He slammed into the wall, crumpled to the floor, and did not move again.
Harry gave a nasty grin of triumph, but it instantly turned into scowl as he saw not one but three different wizards move forward to resume the duel. How many Dark wizards were cooped up here exactly?
"Three against one?" Harry said with as much bravado as he could muster. "I wouldn't call that the fairest odds."
"I agree!" O'Brien said, and Harry glanced over to see him standing by his side. "I'd say three against two would give us much better chances, wouldn't you say boss?"
If Harry hadn't been fighting for his life, he might have laughed at O'Brien's lighthearted comments. In his current situation he only smiled bitterly.
"I'd say so," Harry replied. One of the three wizards shot a spell randomly towards him, and he waved his wand almost lazily to send it careening back towards them. They yelped in surprise and ducked and the spell exploded into one of the two opponents Roderick was facing.
"Thanks, mate!" Roderick shouted, and slashed his wand at his remaining challenger with renewed vigor.
Before Harry could yell a response or give further direction to O'Brien, the three wizards had stood up and charged them furiously. Two of them went for Roderick and the tallest of the three began firing spells at Harry.
"Stupefy!" Harry shouted.
"Expelliarmus!" the tall wizard said.
The similar red jets of light collided into each other and ricocheted throughout the room, shattering picture frames and windows as they went.
"Impedimenta!" Harry yelled.
The wizard was blasted into the nearest wall just as Harry's other opponent, but he picked himself up almost instantly and brandished his wand.
"Avada Kedavra!"
Harry threw himself sideways, sliding across the wooden floor. From the ground he glanced and saw that Roderick and O'Brien continued to duel their challengers, but the latter was now down to the darker-skinned rival. He quickly returned his attention to the tall wizard and pointed his wand, hoping to finish this now.
"Petrificus Totalus!"
The wizard instantly stilled and fell to the ground stiffly.
"Nice shot, Potter!" O'Brien shouted as he continued his battle with his obviously tired opponent.
Harry stood up and brushed the dust from his robes.
"Thanks, O'Bri -"
His words froze in his throat as he saw a shadowed figure step quietly into sight from one of the adjoining rooms. Before Harry could react, the figure had stepped closer and raised his wand at O'Brien's back.
Though the words that escaped the figure were unfamiliar, Harry recognized the slashing motion immediately, as well as the purple flames that swept across the room.
The Auror partially turned, but Harry's warning had come too late. O'Brien's eyes widened as the curse passed across his chest and then he crumpled into a lifeless heap.
Against all better judgment, Harry ran and fell by O'Brien's side. Unlike in the Department of Mysteries, he grabbed his friend's wrist and waited with baited breath for the small fluttering that would indicate life.
Harry closed his eyes tightly as he waited, inwardly pleading for the smallest sign.
But he felt nothing.
Damn it… Harry thought to himself. He stared down sightlessly at O'Brien's still, youthful features, quietly mourning. He thought of the man's family, the girlfriend that had expected him tonight, perhaps wondering if he was just running late…
And then hot, blinding anger flooded through his veins.
The same spell had been used against Hermione. If Dolohov had been able to speak, or if Harry had not hastily performed a Shield Charm on her…
"DOLOHOV!" Harry roared, pushing himself up and slashing his wand towards the bastard who had done this. "STUPEFY!"
Dolohov blocked the spell as he strode forward, his pale, twisted features coming into the light. He smiled at Harry's obvious distress.
"You don't seem to be too happy with me, Potter," he said snidely. "Is there a problem? Don't like my spell, perhaps?"
Harry clenched his fists furiously as he continued to point his wand at Dolohov.
"As a matter a fact I don't," he snarled.
"I don't understand why," Dolohov said. "Your Mudblood didn't seem to mind it. Don't think that werewolf minded much either - what was his name…Lupin?"
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Harry bellowed, and, ignoring his wand, reared back his already clenched fist and punched Dolohov in the face as hard as possible.
The force of the blow caused Dolohov to lose his balance and almost fall to the ground. However, before Harry could throw a follow-up blow with his already bruised knuckles, the man O'Brien had been dueling jabbed his wand into Harry's side.
The invisible ropes wound their way around Harry's legs and chest, constricting his airway, and he tumbled to the ground, dropping his wand as he went.
Dolohov reached up gingerly and wiped away some of the blood that was pouring from his mouth. He glared down at Harry and Harry glared straight back, incorporating as much loathing as possible into his gaze.
Dolohov spat a mouthful of blood into Harry's face.
"Resorting to dirty Muggle methods, half-blood?" Dolohov said scathingly. "I think we might need to teach this bastard a lesson or two."
In the periphery of his vision, Harry saw Roderick lying still on the floor. The thin wizard who had defeated him had come to crowd around Harry along with Dolohov and the dark-skinned wizard.
No, not him too… Harry thought desolately as he took in the sight of his partner.
But just as Harry was about to turn away, Roderick stirred slightly. The elder Auror shook his head slightly, dazed, and Harry desperately willed him to keep quiet.
Thankfully, Roderick had the sense to do just that as his eyes finally fell upon Harry. He looked shocked, but stayed completely silent.
Harry stared directly into Roderick's eyes, this time willing the Auror to use whatever Legilimency powers he possessed on Harry's mind.
Get out…get help. Don't worry about me…just get help!
Harry didn't know if it was Legilimency or simply good sense that made Roderick nod solemnly. And with a crack he Disapparated.
All the Death Eaters turned their heads sharply at the sound, and then Dolohov rounded furiously on the thin wizard.
"Idiot!" he hissed. "You let the other Auror get away!"
"I-I thought he was dead - " the thin man said hesitantly.
"Obviously not you fucking moron!" yelled the dark-skinned wizard. "Aurors will be all over this place within the hour!"
"They'll be here sooner than that," Dolohov said softly. His furious expression calmed a bit and Harry had no idea why.
Dolohov suddenly glanced down with a disturbing glint in his eye. "We'll have to make the most out of the time we have then, won't we? Rennervate the others and get Rowle."
Without warning he reared back his leg and kicked Harry in the head with all his strength. There was a flash of blinding white, and then he faded into blackness.