CHAPTER 8: Ashes to Ashes
Harry fell to his knees in the night air. He had been chasing nightmares through the night for hours now, and it had all brought him to this moment. The Burrow was gone, utterly destroyed, and the silence was pervasive. Are they all dead? he wondered numbly, unable to even feel anything yet. The blast of seeing the Burrow burned to the ground was too painful, too horrific for him to sense anything other than a catatonic emptiness. A slow trembling began to shake him, and he slid further to the ground, his hands grasping desperately at the grass in the ground.
At first he thought he was shaking from nerves, but quickly he realized that the entire ground was shaking beneath him. He was making the ground tremble. He tried to get a hold of his emotions, but flashes of loss kept coming over him, and he felt an explosion within himself, so great that it radiated from him in the form of fire, scorching the grass all around him. He sat in the smoke as he slowly regained himself.
"What's happened to you Potter?" asked a deep voice that he had not been expecting. Kingsley Shacklebolt was approaching from the dark, his wand drawn.
"Are they dead?" Harry asked numbly, unable to care if Kingsley was going to kill him. "Put me out of my misery if they're dead, I can't bear to be alone."
"I should put you out of your misery anyways" Kingsley said, but there was great sadness in his tone as he watched the young man kneeling before him in the grass, his world in ashes. "You are dangerous Potter, but there's been enough death for one night. And to be honest, after what we saw here tonight I don't know much about anything anymore."
"Are they dead?" he whispered again.
"No Harry, they aren't dead. They managed to apparate from here during the attack. We lost a few aurors... O'Rourke included." Harry thought of the fiery redheaded woman with her sharp comments and cat-like grace. He thought of all the cases they had faced together, and also the few nights he had spent in her bed. He thought of the way her kisses had tasted, and of the way she laughed, and her callous sense of humor. He wondered if she had ever known that he respected her, both as an auror and as a woman. Now he could never tell her, and that pained him deeply.
"The attackers used wandless magic" Kingsley said. "I don't know what we're up against here."
"It's called Mental Channeling" Harry said numbly, rising to his feet. For a moment Kingsley seemed to reconsider letting Harry go, but slowly he lowered his wand. "These people... they are part of a very old order that is seeking to take control. Not just here, but all over the world. That's all I really know about them. They are going through great lengths to hide information about themselves, that's why they were killing the Death Eaters. Tom Riddle knew something about them, and they are erasing any memories that may exist."
"Well, I hardly see the point now" Kingsley sighed. "We know all about them now; they made quite a grand display here."
"You are probably right. Based on the destruction here, I would say they are just going to move on to the next phase of their plan; the take over. Which means nobody is safe."
"We aren't ready to fight them" Kingsley admitted. "We barely made it out with our lives, some weren't even that lucky. It isn't just that the Mental Channeling makes them faster and unpredictable; they are trained to fight. We don't have enough aurors to protect the Ministry, much less anywhere else.... hell Harry, I don't know what to do."
"They've been preparing for this for a long time. When they make their move, they will take over seamlessly. There will be no fighting this. When they decide it's time, I'm afraid we won't stand a chance."
"Well we have to do something!" Kingsley said, pulling himself to his full height, a fire in his eyes that could be seen even under the dim stars. "We've fought evil before, we can do it again."
"This isn't about good and evil" Harry sighed. "With Voldemort, we had the luxury of his insanity. I am starting to get a picture of this enemy in my mind, and it fucking scares me to be honest. They are patient, powerful, systematic and organized globally. Unlike Voldemort they aren't into the old blood and torture rituals... they have solid convictions about what the wizard world ought to be like. They will strip us of our freedoms and see it as good and just; not evil."
"So we just lay down our wands?!" Kingsley bellowed, outraged.
"I don't know anymore about what to do than you do!" Harry responded, turning sharply on a man who was supposed to be his boss and leader. "I have no answers, I never have!" He had always been pointed and guided, and while he took on the leadership role very few of the actual ideas were his own. Harry's greatest strength had always been getting people to follow. But he didn't know where to lead them, and he didn't know where to turn for answers.
But where do I always turn for answers? he thought slowly. And once again, her name was in his mind. Hermione.
` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
Draco didn't like being walked out on. Or in this case, apparated out on. He supposed he should feel glad; Potter was out of his hair and there was really no part of the Unbreakable Fucking Vow that required him to go off and search for him. But there was just one problem. With everything he had just learned from the drunken painting, Draco knew he was in well over his head. In fact, they all were.
He downed the rest of his refilled glass of Firewhiskey and helped himself to Harry's as well, and then he walked back out into Knockturn Alley. This whole time Draco's grand plan had simply been to track down his parents' murderer and exact revenge. It had been quite a basic plan, and he had hoped beyond hope that there was some sort of redemption to be had when it ended. Then there had been the ordeal of being arrested, and the added mess of Potter and the Unbreakable Fucking Vow, and now there was a worldwide conspiracy that went beyond simple murder. His classic revenge plot was quickly going up in smoke, and he wasn't sure what the next step ought to be.
He had a buzz going on as he walked, and he felt comforted by it. He didn't want to be entirely sober in this moment; it was all too much. He saw himself as having two options, and he needed to really weigh them both. Option one was the easy one. Should he go for option one, it would lead to him crawling back into obscurity. It would involve taking some of his Malfoy wealth and buying himself a bit of seclusion in another country where he could hide and go back to his books and meditation. This option had many temptations, but it did not solve the problem of having to live with himself. Could he bear to live out life knowing that he always was, and always would be a coward? After the war he had barely survived his own self-loathing, and he doubted he could survive it now, especially after his parents had been murdered.
Which brought about the second option. He could stick with Potter and figure out a way to fight. His Slytherin sensibilities told him that this option was a betrayal of himself, his family and his house. Still, he wondered what was the worse betrayal of self; slithering off like a snake to die alone in the silence of self loathing, or accepting that much had changed in him and he needed to learn to stand up and fight if he would ever be able to live with his past. With this in mind Draco determined that there was only one real option left, and standing around and pondering it further could be of no real use.
` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
Harry had no doubt that the survivors had been clever and found a place to hide. The question was where. He tried to think like Hermione, but she had always been far smarter than himself, and so there was little hope in matching her intellect. So he tried to narrow down the options, and there was really only one place that stuck out as obvious in his mind.
He left the charred remains of The Burrow behind and apparated with Kinglsey to Grimmauld Place. It was dark and quiet inside as they stood in the front hallway. Harry strained to listen and slowly he could pick up on voices coming from the back of the house. He pressed a finger to his lips and gestured for Kingsley to follow, wands drawn. As they crept through the dusty house, the voices became more distinct.
"I don't feel comfortable staying here for more than a few days. Whoever these people are, they are clearly intelligent and organized. If they could find the Burrow with all its wards, they will also find Grimmauld Place. We have too much of a history here."
Harry put his wand away and gestured for Kingsley to do the same. He opened the door to the kitchen, which was brightly lit, and it was inhabited by Ron, Molly, Arthur and Ginny Weasley. There was also Luna Lovegood, and of course, the owner of the voice he had been following; Hermione. They all jumped when he came through the door, but a look of relief on their all of their faces quickly followed. All except for Ron, whose expression was tight and difficult to gauge.
That hardly mattered however, because in a blur Hermione had thrown herself into his arms, holding him so tight he hardly thought he could breath. "Thank God you're here" she muttered into his neck, and he wrapped his arms around her, feeling a great swell of relief in the fact that she was alive, well and there with him. He hoped that he could convey his happiness and concern for her through their embrace, because words were currently escaping him. When she pulled away she gave him an odd look and he remembered his recently shaved head, which he now ran his hand over self-consciously.
A loud cough caused them to break apart, and this time when Harry met Ron's eyes he saw something that fell just short of hostility. "Cozy reunion, but what are you doing with Shacklebolt? Aren't you supposed to have some death warrant out?"
"It is clear that Harry is not the enemy here" Kingsley responded before Harry could collect his words. "I will admit that I do not trust that he is cured of whatever insanity possessed him before, but I need to trust him. If we can't trust each other in a time like this, we are truly without hope."
"Draco Malfoy helped me" Harry explained, stepping back from Hermione and staring into the shocked eyes of those around him. "For whatever reason, Tom Riddle's memories were left in my mind. I have two consciousness' running around in my head; mine and that of Tom Riddle, better known as Voldemort. Those things I did, those things I said... they were coming from Riddle. Malfoy taught me how to control it. But Kingsley is right, if we are going to trust each other I need to be honest; I do not have total control. When I feel especially emotional I can still be dangerous."
"Well, are you feeling `especially emotional' now that your new best mate Draco Malfoy seems to have gone missing?" Ron asked, venom in his tone.
"What are you getting at Ron? Malfoy and I made an unbreakable vow when we were locked up. He had learned to control his emotions through meditation; that is how he was able to handle Greyback's memories without going insane. He vowed to teach me to do the same if I would break us free."
"Ah, so what, he teaches you a few lessons and you fall for the tutor? We KNOW you both broke into Malfoy Manor as a team. What the bloody hell were you thinking teaming up with that... that ARSEHOLE."
Harry looked frustrated now, but he maintained composure. As Hermione watched things transpire she fully believed Harry's story; she had never seen him control his emotions so well. His job as an auror had taught him to stay closed lipped, but he could still lose his temper as easily as anyone else. "As part of the vow I made him promise that we would stick together to find his parents' murderer. He had been on a quest to avenge their deaths, and I was looking for the same people, but for different reasons of course. I wanted to stop them from harming Hermione."
"Yes, yes, always the gallant hero" Ron spat, rising angrily from his chair. "Well, I'd say they quite found us first. Burned down the Burrow, killed your old girlfriend."
Harry went rigid at this and Mrs. Weasley was the one to stand in anger this time. "Ronald Weasley, that is quite enough! This is a hard situation for us all and I am not proud of how you are reacting!" Harry remained stone silent, and Hermione grabbed his hand, trying to comfort him.
"Yes, protect him like you always do Hermione. But if we're being `honest' than I want to chime in. You made an unbreakable vow with a DEATH EATER. You sold out everything we stood for and fought for and made a deal with a man whose family served a legion that killed my brother!" Ron was shouting now, but his voice abruptly stopped with the loud sound of a slap. Ginny had risen from her chair and struck Ron hard across the face.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing Ronald?" she hissed. "Don't you dare bring Fred into this right now. We've all lost loved ones, or do you think we've forgotten them already? Whatever Harry did was in the interest of protecting us all. Isn't that what he's always done? He's supposed to be your best mate, and you're treating him like a criminal. Mom's right, you should be ashamed."
Ron's eyes were watering, both from Ginny's stinging slap and from the emotions of the moment. He gave Harry one last look and quickly turned and walked from the room. Harry moved to follow him, but Hermione gently pulled him back. "Give it some time" she whispered, and so he slowly sunk into a seat at the table, her hand still in his. The room grew cold suddenly and she instinctively knew it was Harry unwittingly affecting the environment with his sorrow. This dual consciousness he was experience had altered his magic fundamentally, and it was clear he was still just barely in control of it.
After a moment of complete silence Harry spoke. He told them everything he knew including his ability to tap into Riddle's memories and what they had learned about Mental Channeling. He told them about the conspiracy to take over power, and how this was an attack long in the planning. When he was done the shock and fear on their faces was even greater than before. They looked positively stunned, and he wished there was some way he could spare them from what was to come.
"Let's sleep on this" Arthur said, breaking the quiet that threatened to drown them all. "We have been through a lot and I think emotions are running high. We can face this all better with some rest. Harry, this is your home. Would you mind us staying for the night?"
"After all the times you gave me a bed? You never have to ask, none of you" Harry said gravely. "Unfortunately, the beds aren't made up..."
"Oh I already handled that" Mrs. Weasley said. "From the looks of this place I've spent more time here than you have Harry."
"Old ghosts" Harry shrugged. "I hope you'll excuse me while I get cleaned up. I haven't been sleeping in the cleanest of conditions." He gave Hermione's hand a quick squeeze before letting it go and making his way heavily the stairs. Once he was clean he came back out to discover that everyone had found themselves a room to sleep in and the house was back to complete silence. He headed to his room, his head pounding and his muscles sore. Still, he wasn't sure if sleep would come.
Under the blankets he tried to close his eyes but all he could see was the world through Tom Riddle's eyes. He felt dizzy so he opened them back up and wondered where Malfoy had gone to after they had parted ways. He guessed that he had crawled away somewhere, and it would be a while until he'd ever see him again. Normally, he would feel quite satisfied having Malfoy out of his life, but there were still many things he wanted to ask him. Although they had only spent a few mostly silent weeks together, they had unturned a few stones together that he felt strange facing alone now.
At some point during his musings there was a light knock on his bedroom door and he sat up quickly, reaching for his stolen wand. "Harry, it's me" came a whisper that was very recognizable as Hermione Granger.
"Come in" he whispered, relaxing and sitting back down on the bed. She had changed her ash covered clothes for an old Quidditch t-shirt she must have found in one of the spare rooms, and a pair of Harry's shorts which she must have nicked while he was showering. He had forgotten that they would have no clean clothes with the Burrow having burned down, and he felt guilty for not being more hospitable, though he had little to offer at Grimmauld Place.
"I can't sleep" she informed him, walking over and sitting beside him.
"Me neither" he sighed. "Too much is happening. I'm sorry... we're back to hiding. I wish you could all have a normal life, you deserve so much more..."
"Stop Harry" she interrupted him. "You have been putting yourself on the line for us since you were a boy, and while I admire that about you, I've also seen it nearly kill you many times. None of this is your fault, none of it ever was. If anything, I'm the one putting people at danger here."
There was such fatigue and anguish in her voice that it caught him off guard, and without thinking about his actions he pulled her into his arms, hoping that some closeness would remind her that they were alive, and that was all that mattered for now. "I don't think they're going to be looking for just you anymore Hermione" he assured her, his face buried in her hair. "They're been planning to rise up for decades, and now that we know about them they will come for everyone."
"Which is why we need to find out more about them first" she responded, curling up closer to him, trying not to fixate on how much she had missed him. She told him about her conversation with Luna, and the possibility that they had a lead on a suspected attacker.
He mused over this a moment, simply holding her in the dark. "You're brilliant" he muttered. "Leave it to you to give us a ray of hope in such a short period of time."
She could have kissed him that moment, but she didn't. Still, this was one of the many things she loved about Harry; his ability to work through dangerous and deadly circumstances and come up with a plan. The two of them had always fed off of each other's ideas and inspirations. While Hermione was often deemed as being the cleverest of the trio, she secretly felt it wouldn't be so if she hadn't had Harry to give her confidence. "They may not attempt another attack for a while" she said quickly. "If they were able to patiently await for you to deal with their Voldemort problem, they're likely to take their time planning on a way to eliminate us. Also, now that we've escaped their first attack they may think we're more powerful than they expected. They may also think that you're a major threat to be handled with caution...the Daily Prophet caught wind of your condition and they have been running articles ever since. Of course, the Ministry has also put out an award for your capture."
"I saw that" he mumbled, remembering the posters in Knockturn Alley.
"Everyone thinks you're working with Draco Malfoy and that may throw them off as well."
"We were working together" Harry reminded her.
"True" she admitted, yawning. She still felt uneasy about Harry's strange alliance with his boyhood rival. It was one thing to hate each other on the Quidditch pitch and to throw insults across the classroom, but Malfoy had led to Dumbledore's death and she believed him to be mercurial and dangerous. She remembered his insane Aunt Belletrix and shuddered to think that some of that madness might run in Draco's blood as well.
"I need to ask a favor of you" Harry said, interrupting her thoughts.
"Of course" she responded, and the words came out so quickly and naturally that he felt a bit touched. Even after all they had been through together, her devotion to him was still a surprise.
"If you get some time to research, I'd like to see if you can find anything more about my condition... my shared consciousness with Tom Riddle."
"Why do you keep referring to him as Tom Riddle?" She asked, and the question caught him off guard. "Why not Voldemort?"
He paused for a moment, considering the question for the first time. "I don't know exactly. When I hear his voice in my mind, it's always from when he was young. But I seem to have all of his memories, from birth to death. Not that I can organize them of course. It may sound crazy, but somehow I feel like he prefers to think of himself as he was when he was young."
Damon's words from one of Riddle's memories drifted through his mind once more. "...these horocruxes are taking a toll on that youthful beauty. Dark magic is said to do that you know."
She chimed in interrupting his reverie. "Perhaps part of Voldemort's consciousness was imprinted onto you during the final battle. It makes sense why you feel his emotions and share his memories, and why he reacts to yours. It's like he's a passenger in a vehicle and you're in the driver's seat. All he can do is speak up occasionally or react to what you do, but he can't completely control the ride."
"But if he's in there, I mean really, fully in my head, what's to stop him from growing stronger and taking over?"
"I don't know Harry" she said, worriedly biting her lip as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Maybe it's just a weak copy of who he was, a shadow. There's also the question of why now? It's been five years since you defeated him, why did it take so long for his presence to start effecting you? I'll do everything I can to find out more."
After a few moments they moved apart from each other and laid down on the bed, both staring up at the ceiling. "I'm sorry about O'Rourke" Hermione said in a trembling voice, tears finally winning the fight. "I grew to respect her, and I know she cared deeply about you."
"Caring about me... one of the top causes of fatalities in the UK" he said bitterly.
Hermione wanted to say that O'Rourke's death had nothing to do with Harry but it wasn't entirely true. O'Rourke had come into the house to try and get them to safety, and Hermione secretly knew she did it partly out of duty but also because she loved Harry, and cared about his friends by extension. Hermione recalled the night she had gotten drunk with O'Rourke, and the auror's expression when Hermione called her out on being in love with Harry Potter. She also remembered O'Rourke's jealousy and her certainty that there was something between Harry and Hermione; that Harry was in love with his best friend. O'Rourke had never gotten to tell Harry about her own feelings, and probably never would have. Pride would have always come in the way. Thinking of this made Hermione feel suddenly guilty about laying so close to him now, and so she kissed Harry softly on the cheek, bid him goodnight and went to sleep alone.
` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
The morning was something of an intense experience. They had all wordlessly reconvened in the kitchen to go over the plan. All except for Ron. Despite the absence of the third part of the Golden Trio, Hermione proceeded to discuss her plans for traveling to Paris to speak with Luna's source.
"I'll need you to go with me Luna" Hermione continued, and Luna simply nodded, as though she'd been expecting this.
"I'll go too" Ginny offered. "I have spent some time in France with my Quidditch matches and may be of use."
Harry looked terse, and Hermione expected him to offer to travel with them, but what he said instead came as a great surprise to everyone. "I need to find Draco Malfoy" he announced, to the great surprise of everyone. "I think we need to find the place where Damon sent Tom Riddle to learn about Mental Channeling. I think that knowledge will be key to any hopes we have of winning if it does come to war."
"We can't trust him Harry" Ginny said, her voice tense but not angry. "Ron may have overreacted last night, but it doesn't change who Malfoy is and what he did."
"I know Ginny" Harry said patiently. "But we have a storm coming that's beyond our abilities. Between Greyback's memories and his resources, Malfoy knows things that we don't have the luxury of wasting weeks to research. Something tells me he will still be valuable, and I hope you can just trust me on this."
"I do trust you Harry" Ginny said in a small tone, and her parents nodded in agreement. "It's just that I worry about what this will do to your relationship with Ron."
"Let me handle that" Harry said in a tired tone. "Hermione, Ginny and Luna, you should travel the muggle way. They're a lot less likely to find you that way. Just blend in, act like tourists."
"I don't like us all splitting up like this" Hermione said nervously.
"We'll be fine" Harry said, and the assuredness in his tone gave her confidence. His gaze met hers and she saw a light of determination that gave her strength. It was strange how he could make her feel stronger with a simple look. She departed with Ginny and Luna to make plans in the study and that left just Harry, Arthur and Molly at the table.
"Harry, I know we'd be fools not to trust you at this point, but this business with Draco Malfoy does worry me" Arthur said after a beat. "Molly and I will need to stay in London to help Kingsley with ministry matters, and it makes me nervous to think that the lives of my children as well as those of Luna, Hermione and yourself, partly lay in trusting a Malfoy. How do you know it's not the... the Tom Riddle part of your brain that is deciding to keep him involved? Someone must have leaked the information about Hermione being at the Burrow. What if it was him?"
"I never told Malfoy about the Burrow" Harry said calmly. "I need him as a resource, that doesn't mean I trust him. I don't think I could ever trust someone like him. But right now he's unfortunately the best ally I have for finding out where Riddle went during the time period he was missing. If you've ever trusted me, trust me on this; I will not let Draco Malfoy know a single shred of information more than he absolutely has to. And if he becomes a threat or tries to cross me, I will put him down." His words were heavy but they seemed to be what the Weasleys needed to hear, and they both nodded, a sad look of acceptance in their eyes. "You do make a good point about who snitched on the hideout location at the Burrow. You'll need to work with Kingsley to see if you can find out if we have a mole. I know it wouldn't be anyone in your family, and I trust Luna implicitly. So it may be another auror, or maybe someone with high level clearance at the ministry. Please look into it, and we should all keep things very quiet from here on out."
There was a long and uncomfortable pause as Harry tried to find the words for the other matter he wanted to discuss with them. "I am sorry about the Burrow."
Mrs. Weasley sprung from her seat almost the exact moment the words left Harry's mouth. "Harry, you have nothing to be sorry for" she said, wrapping him in a motherly hug that he suddenly realized he was in desperate need of.
"We're just glad you're okay son" Mr. Weasley added, standing as well to clap Harry on the shoulder. "Molly and I have survived two wars now, and we've lost a lot but we know when it's time to face what's coming. You can rely on us."
Having spoken to the Weasley parents, Harry was left to find his best mate, who was sulking in his room, pacing loudly. Harry entered without knocking (it was his house after all) and Ron gave him a scathing look but said nothing.
"We need to talk" Harry said simply. "I understand you don't trust Malfoy. I don't either. But I'm trying to do everything I can with the cards that have been dealt to us."
"Does it ever occur to you you might not make the best decisions Harry?" Ron spat back.
Harry felt taken aback with a wave of hurt. "Of course it does. I basically got Sirius killed... and Hermione for that matter. And I've probably made choices that have put many others in great peril. I don't like being the decision maker Ron, but something need to be done and I--"
"What was Hermione doing in your room last night?" Ron barked, cutting Harry off quickly.
"What? What has this got to do with anything?"
"I came to talk to you, I realized that I was being a hothead, and I see our best friend coming out of your bedroom. Imagine my surprise! If you two are fucking, think you could have told me? Or is Draco Malfoy your new confidant?"
"Ron, even if we were `fucking' as you put it, it wouldn't be any of your business. You go around having your way with every female who has nice tits and gives you a smile, I hardly think you have any right to judge my love life" Harry felt himself struggling to control his anger just then and little whispers of Riddle floated around in his mind, feeding off of the hostility. Kill him. Show him no mercy. Paint the floor in his blood. He took a deep breath and slowly regained himself before speaking once more. "Anyways, there's nothing between Hermione and I. She came to talk over things. I don't know if you noticed, but we're in crisis mode, so why the bloody hell are we talking about this?"
Ron looked flustered and embarrassed. He had thought he had long gotten over his jealousy when it came to Harry, and that he had learned to become more mellow and accepting. But the reality was that after the war he had just covered his grief and confusion in a life of spending money and having meaningless sex. When he found out that Harry had teamed up with Draco Malfoy, many emotions came spilling out that had been repressed for years. Feelings of anger and hate, of irreplaceable loss and a burning desire for vengeance. Ron was ashamed to admit to himself that he had not grown up, that he was still capable of letting his emotions overcome the needs of his friends.
He sat down heavily on the bed. "I'm sorry" was all he said.
Harry didn't indicate any sympathy, simply standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. "Hermione, Luna and Ginny are planning to go to Paris to follow a lead. You should go as well, there's strength in numbers. I'd like for you to come with me to find out more about where Riddle went, but I want you to watch over everyone. Also, I'm afraid that if you keep pushing me I'll lose my control and do something regrettable. So go to Paris, and no more kid stuff Ron. We've fought together many times, I know I can count on you, but I need you to GROW UP."
Ron merely nodded his head, not looking up to see the expression on Harry's face. He felt there had been some sort of crucial test and he had failed it. He heard Harry walk away, and he resolved that he would do his best to let it happen again.
` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
Draco had gone to a place where he felt quite certain Harry Potter would be likely to come looking, if in fact the Boy Who Lived had any interest in seeking out his former school days enemy. He couldn't say exactly why he was certain Harry would come here, but it simply seemed obvious. He tried to calm his mind as he felt the cool morning breeze caress his face. He had watched the sunrise and it reminded him of a simpler time when he had snuck to this exact spot and lost his virginity to Astoria Greengrass and they had watched the sun come up together.
Such innocent times felt so far behind him. Times when he hadn't been bound by a sense of cowardice and self loathing, when he had felt pride in his family name and confidence in his future. He wondered what young Draco would think if he could see himself now; tired, filled with regrets and waiting for Harry Potter to help him save the world.
It was pitiful, but all other options seemed even more so. "Life was much more simpler then" Draco whispered as though addressing his past self. The words were lost to the wind.
There were approaching footsteps coming up the stairs, and Draco knew Potter had arrived. Once more he experienced the strange sensation of recognizing the sound of Harry's approach. "I was wondering if you would find me here Potter."
"I figured you would come to this place if you wanted to be found" Harry shrugged, sitting in the row just behind Draco's left shoulder. "This was our battleground."
"Yes" Draco said with a slow smile, looking out across the quidditch field that was now bright with the morning light. "Back when fights were all about a snitch, and not about people dying. I used to think there was glory in death; my father placed that notion in my head. I've learned I was wrong."
"Death is but the next great adventure to the well organized mind" Harry said, quoting Dumbledore. "I died once. It wasn't so bad."
"Not for you" Draco snorted. "You probably had all sorts of loving family members and friends patiently awaiting your arrival. Saint Potter, finally done with his war. I can't imagine the judgment I will face."
Feel some remorse Tom Harry thought, remembering his words to Voldemort. "You may be alright" Harry shrugged. "You came here looking to continue this fight I take it."
"It's about more than revenge now" Draco admitted. "I've learned too much to simply buy myself some peace of mind this time." Harry nodded, even though Draco couldn't see him. He had decided he needed to put some level of trust Draco Malfoy, and while that had been a difficult decision there was more bonding them than just the oath now. There was a common need to save the world. So he proceeded to explain how he was planning to find out more about where Tom Riddle had gone to, but he left out the details about Paris and the attack at the Burrow. He only wanted to let Malfoy know the bare minimum of details.
Draco sensed that Harry was holding something back, but he decided not to pursue the issue. He didn't trust Potter either, and was quite certain that if things got rough Harry Potter would leave him hanging out to dry in a heart beat. Still, Draco had made a decision to see things through and that would mean having to stomach Saint Potter for a while longer, so he swallowed his pride with some difficulty.
They lapsed into silence for some time, watching the sun's rays shift in spectrum slowly as the sun made itself visible. Since he was eleven Harry had always hoped there would be a time when things would settle and become normal. A day where he could wake up for a usual 8 hour work day not worrying about being killed, go out to a normal dinner with friends on a Friday night, and fall asleep peacefully next to a girl who he wouldn't have to worry about bringing into harms way. The peace had never come, only more war. He had never wanted to be a soldier. Then again, it had never mattered what he wanted.
"Well, we best get to it" Draco said after he felt enough silent reverie had passed. "If we don't start moving who knows how bloody long we'll get caught up here. And then you won't want to leave, you'll be all concerned about protecting your precious friends."
"That's not true, I know when it's time to leave and face the inevitable, and I know my friends are perfectly capable of watching over themselves."
"Hmph, that's rubbish and you know it Potter. How many times did the Mudblood and the Weasel convince you to take them along into the line of fire? You could hardly wipe your nose without their help."
"Things have changed. I've changed. Since the war, it's only been me fighting, and I will do everything to keep it that way."
"Not when they beg and plead with you. Subconsciously, you would much rather have Granger sorting out the mysteries of the world by your side than me. You'll let her come along, which will mean Weasley will have to come too. We can't be slowed down by your emotions on this, emotions which you are far from learning to fully control."
"No, I'd rather be working with you Malfoy, because if you die I could care less" Harry calmly replied. "And I can control my emotions more than you even realize." Draco had nothing to say to this and a long pause ensued. "You may be right though. If I go say farewells it will be harder to leave, and time is precious. I'll send an owl from Hogwarts now letting them know I won't be back for a while."
"Fine, go write your bloody love letters" Draco said with a condescending drawl. "Then we start looking deeper into those memories."
Author's Note: Sorry I had to split the trio up again! Allow me to assure you that it won't last for too long. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter, please keep the reviews coming!!