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Last Night Of A Bachelor by nmffnurse

Last Night Of A Bachelor


Very Short chapter. Some points are from Draco's perspective, some are from Aidan's. I have more written , but if this chap is too confusing I was thinking of rewriting the future chapters to only be from Draco's thoughts. If you don't mind getting inside both people's heads then let me know and I will post them.



Ginny jumped off Draco leaving him in full view of his mother's now very disapproving eye. "Sweet Merlin, Draco! Zip up your pants! Just like your father. Couldn't keep anything in his pants for more than two minutes! It's a wonder I didn't have as many children as Molly Weasley!"

An insulted Ginny huffed while a redfaced Draco felt a wave of nausea hit him at his mother's words. "For the love of the Gods Mother, please!"

Aidan couldn't help letting out a snicker. All those rumors about dear old Grandpa Malfoy were true. Wouldn't know it by what a crazy loon he was, drooling all over himself in Azkaban and making a right mess of his diapers. "Although I would love another brother and sister I would prefer not viewing the making of one. When you two are done acting like the hormonal teenagers you are most obviously not, I have souvenirs from my trip."

Aidan Malfoy rolled his eyes at his father who was having the most difficult time trying to put his slacks back on. A horrifying sight. Truly Disgusting. Aidan averted his eyes and proceeded straight to his now fully clothed mother who immediately enveloped him in hugs and kisses.

"You've grown so much this summer! So like your father." she fussed over him, holding him at arms length inspecting him from head to toe. So like his dear old dad, yet so different. Did it matter that he was top of his class in every subject? No. What mattered was he didn' t even make the school quidditch team. Aidan could remember the tryouts as if it happened yesterday. Father was in the stands watching, and for the first time Aidan could see a smile grace his face. Not that his father was forever in a perpetual frown. On many occasions he reserved a smile for Mum, a smile for Nadia even when she was being a truly wicked girl, getting kicked out of Durmstrang of all places! Smiles galore for Emily and Ron. But none at all for him.

So caught up was he in his father's admiration that he got caught unawares by that damn bludger. The headmaster's son falling to the ground. Never would he forget the look of disgust that covered his father's face. Screw Quidditch. From now on Aidan Malfoy was going to do what he wanted to do whether father liked it or not.

A smirking Aidan reached into his muggle Louis Vuitton Handbag, knowing his father would never have approved of this particular purchase. Grandmother, bless her pureblood heart would have been mortified. Well, what they didn't know couldn't hurt them. Some Muggles did indeed have terrific fashion sense. "Perfume mummy. I bought the ingredients in Paris, and brewed a special concoction for you. A little bit of Jasmine, essence of Ylang Ylang. I hope you enjoy it."

"Oh, I love it! Absolutely love it!" Aidan loved seeing his mother happy. Ever since Nadia decided to delve into the darkside, she had been anything but. At least his mum could be happy. Not father, who was currently giving him looks of mortification. "I haven't forgotten you father."

Aidan pulled out a black dressrobe. The latest style to hit the Parisian wizarding streets. If his father wasn't in a good mood after receiving this present nothing at all would make him happy, unless of course he became a professional Quidditch Player, which gave him shudders just thinking about it. Though Aidan had to admit the uniforms were quite nice, but why ruin them by getting hit with a bludger?

"Let me guess……………….you bought it in Paris." His father drawled in that annoying way of his.

Father liked to look good. Of course with an educator's salary one had to make sacrifices. Fashion was one of them. "I handpicked the material myself. Think of it as a thank you present. You were right. I did enjoy Quidditch camp just as you said I would."

Narcissa took the garment from her grandsons hands and handed it over to Draco, "Just look at the craftsmanship Draco. I daresay Aidan's robes will put Madame Malkin out of business."

Perfume, his son made perfume in his spare time. Nothing else would surprise him after this. Actually, the robe that Aidan had sewn was a pleasant surprise. It was rather nice. Remembering the horrid robes that hung in his closet he was suddenly grateful for his son's sewing abilities. Perhaps he could ask Aidan to make him a few more. Draco wondered why his future self didn't take advantage of his son's fashion skills. Draco might be an old man. Didn't mean he had to look like one, especially with a wife who looked as scrumptious as Ginny. So caught up in his thoughts, Draco was a bit late with the thank yous to the young man that had made his gift and who desperately wanted to hear it.

"Why can't you just admit you like the damn robe…you….you…….bloody wanker! I hate you!!" Aidan stormed out of the sitting room swaring under his breath words Draco hadn't heard uttered since Hogwarts. "Ferret………Pathetic git!" Who had taught him such hateful words?

"Language!" both Narcissa and Ginny scolded after him.

Ginny shot Draco daggers as she went after their son. Clearly no one was on his side. Not even his own mother defended him. Really, what had he done? Draco fumed inwardly. Had Draco ever said something that disrespectful to his own father, most likely he would have met the end of Lucius' cane. That temper was definitely another Weasley trait.

"Like father like son." Narcissa sighed shaking her head.