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Juliet without Her Romeo by Liz21

Juliet without Her Romeo


Disclaimer: Anything Harry Potter or Romeo and Juliet related is not mine. If I had it my way, Draco would be my Romeo and I'd be his Juliet, without the whole death thing of course.

Summary: They say she died by suicide, but they're wrong. I know because I led her to her death. She died of a broken heart.

A/N: Takes place in Draco's 7th year and Ginny's 6th year. Any sections that speak in first person is Draco.

Juliet without Her Romeo

Chapter Ten: Death is Only the Beginning


Draco walked around the lake by himself quietly, staring blankly in front of him. He sat by the lake a lot, lost in his thoughts and guilt. It has been a little over a week since Ginny's death, and already he was failing all of his classes. No one took any notice of the sulking Malfoy or of the dead look in his eyes, as Ginny's suicide was still top news at Hogwarts.

Rumors spread fast of how Ginny tragically killed herself, some saying that she hung herself in her room with a goodbye note to her family, and others saying that she shot herself with a muggle weapon. Such rumors were spoken quietly around Ron Weasley, who was still frozen with shock, and his friends who all felt to blame. But no one knew to shush around Draco. Never did one rumor mention of Ginny's secret relationship with him, or how his actions caused her death. After finding Draco clutching Ginny on that deadly night, Dumbledore alerted Draco that it was best for his safety to keep silent. Anyone with any common sense knew that the Weasley men hated the Malfoys enough, but to give one the knowledge that their enemy played a part in their little sister's death proclaimed war. So the most Draco could do was to ignore what people said about Ginny, and then hide in his room when it got to be too much.

The following days after Ginny's death were a blur to him. He walked around like a zombie with all of his tears spent and his heart completely gone. Apart of him refused to believe that Ginny was even gone, and every morning he half expected to see her walk into the Great Hall, give him a quick smile, and then join her friends at the table. One time while eating his cold cereal, he saw a flash of red hair out of the corner of his eyes. He immediately dropped his spoon, causing his food to splatter everywhere, and quickly stood out of his seat to run to his love. His rapid heart immediately dropped and his knees went weak at the sight of the fourth year Hufflepuff with long red hair that he mistaken for Ginny's. Ignoring the startled looks around him, he grabbed his books and nearly ran out of the room to only hide in Slytherin's room the rest of the day, crying over Ginny leaving him and knowing that it was his entire fault.

He knew he could never get the closure to get through this, but he needed something. He needed to see her precious face one more time, so that he could apologize for what he did to her and hopes of lessening his remorse.

Draco paused himself to stare at his reflection from the water. He still looked as handsome and as calm as he always did, but inside all he felt was sadness and emptiness. It weighed down his broken heart and didn't give him one peaceful night of sleep.

He suddenly felt a presence behind him, but instead of turning around he waited for the person to step next to him and stared at her reflection in the lake. "What do you want?" Draco snapped as he stared at the thin girl with blue streaks.

Laura gulped before speaking. "I wanted to tell you that there's a wake for Ginny tonight in the Great Hall, but Dumbledore wants to speak to you about your attendance."

Draco diverted his eyes back to his own reflection, refusing to acknowledge Laura in any way. After it was clear that Draco was not going to speak to her, Laura sighed heavily before she started to walk away.

"This is just as much as your fault as it is mine," Draco said suddenly.

Laura paused in her footsteps and said without turning around, "What do you mean?"

Draco glared at her back. "You're the one who went to my father and told him everything. You had to be aware of what the consequences would be for your actions."

Laura quickly turned around. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Malfoy."

Draco laughed so harshly that it made her cringe. "Don't play games with me! You told me before that you went to my father when you found out about me and Ginny!"

"I went to Pansy!" Laura yelled quickly. "I told you that I went to someone who I thought could handle it, and I knew that you and Pansy were friends so I was hoping that she could make things better than I would be able to." She paused her ranting at the shocked look on Draco's face, and with a deep breath she calmed down. "How is your father involved in Ginny's death?"

Draco stared at her long and hard before slowly shaking his head at her. "Do you realize what you did?" he asked quietly. "You told Pansy, who told my father, who threatened Ginny's life if I didn't end it with her."

It took a minute for what Draco said to register into Laura. "Oh my gosh," she whispered quietly. "Is that why you broke up with her? To protect her?"

"It doesn't really matter now, does it?" Draco snapped back. He roughly pushed past her as he walked quickly back to Hogwarts. He had to pay a little visit to Pansy.

He paused at the door to glance back at the lake, and found that Laura collapsed to the ground in tears. He stared at her before shaking his head once more and walking inside. He could no more comfort her than he could himself.


Draco walked into the Slytherin common room beyond furious. He bumped into Dumbledore on the way down, who told him that his appearance at Ginny's wake would be too suspicious, and he would be given no privacy to give her the proper goodbye she deserved. He also told Draco to meet him at the Great Hall entrance at 10pm that night, and to wear a black robe with his hood up.

Before he could make preparations for tonight, he first had to seek out Pansy. A quick glance around the common room showed she wasn't there, so he quickly stormed up the girl's stairs. Without knocking on her door, he barged into her room and found her alone in the room and reading on her bed.

She smiled brightly at his presence, but that quickly changed at noticing how angry he was. She sighed quietly as she put her bookmark in her Potions book as she stood out of her bed. "So you found out?" she asked as she put her belongings away.

Draco took two long strides over to her before grabbing the books out of her hands and throwing them across the room in anger. "How could you?" he yelled at the top of her lungs, his face nearly turning red. "How could you do that to me?"

Pansy's eyes widened a bit at his temper, but she quickly narrowed them at him. "You're supposed to be with me, Draco. There was no way I was going to let that filthy Weasley replace me. Honestly, Draco, I thought you had better taste."

Out raged, Draco roughly shoved Pansy back onto her bed. "Don't you ever talk about Ginny like that!" he exclaimed. "She's dead because of you!"

Pansy brushed the hair out of her face. "If I remember correctly," she said with glinting eyes, "it's your fault she's dead. You did lead her to her suicide, after all."

Draco's hand paused to slap her hard across the face as she continued to tell him more. "But I didn't need Weasley's little backstabber of a friend to come and spill everything to me. I would have figured it out eventually, especially after you cursed me from behind to save your precious angel."

Draco's eyes widened. "How did you know I called her that?"

Pansy laughed as she stood back up. "That whole promise ring episode was too mushy," she said as she walked over to her mirror to brush her hair. "I nearly barfed when I saw you two kiss."

Draco nodded his head after putting everything together. He knew that his temper wouldn't get him anywhere, and the best way to get to Pansy was to ignore her. "Well I guess you got what you wanted," he said as he slowly walked towards the door. He got when he came for, and it didn't take any pressure off of him.

Pansy stopped grooming her hair as she turned to face him. "That and more," she said as she slowly walked towards him. "Your father's rewarded me greatly for my service."

"What deal did you make with him?" Draco asked, his hand pausing on the door.

Pansy's smile widened. "He promised if all ends well, that you and I will be married the day after graduation."

Draco's eyes refused to widen, as nothing else could surprise him today. "Malfoy's aren't known for their promises, so keep dreaming," he said harshly as he walked out and slammed the door on her disappointed face.

He stalked back to his own room and yelled at his roommates to get out, leaving them to scatter quickly. Once alone, Draco quickly went to his desk and pulled out his writing supplies, two pieces of parchment, and two envelopes. With a deep sigh, Draco began to write.


Later that night, Draco did as Dumbledore requested him to and met the old man in front of the closed doors. Before Draco could question his Headmaster on his intentions, Dumbledore quickly motioned to be quiet and moved Draco to the side of him as the doors suddenly opened.

Draco watched under his hood with wide eyes at eight crying Weasleys walking out, some holding each other for comfort, and others looking like they were just hit with a powerful dueling spell. Draco was too absorbed at staring at Ron who was walking silently with tears running down his cheeks to notice Arthur Weasley approach him and Dumbledore.

"I'm so sorry about your loss, Mr. Weasley," Dumbledore said as he slowly shook his hand.

Draco watched their conversation with suddenly anxious eyes. "I just don't understand, Dumbledore," Arthur quietly. "She didn't leave a note or anything. What was so bad that my baby girl would take her life?"

Draco's eyes moved over to Molly Weasley who started to cry louder at her husband's spoken words, and watched as she nearly collapsed with grief. All of her sons, spare Ron who now stood there like a statue, moved to help her stand still and walked her over to a chair in the entrance hall.

Draco hesitantly looked back at Ron's father, and moved uncomfortably under his disguise. Never has he seen his father shed a tear, and to see Ginny's crying like he was filled Draco's heart with even more culpability and sadness. Half hearing Mr. Weasley and Dumbledore's conversation, and going from staring at Ron and the rest of the family, Draco felt like they could all see under his hood with accusing eyes, blaming him for killing their daughter. He was near ready to just run away to the comfort of his bed when Dumbledore motioned to him.

"This is the man that will take care of the preparation arrangements for your daughter's funeral tomorrow. Her casket will be ready for burial tomorrow morning when your family arrives at the cemetery."

Mr. Weasley eyes drifted to Draco's figure for a second before returning to Dumbledore. "Thank you for everything, Dumbledore," he said as he shook the older man's hand one more time. He started to walk away before back tracking and grabbing Ron's arm and motioning that it was time to leave. Ron glanced at him blankly before finally walking again towards his mother.

Mr. Weasley sadly shook his head after his son. "Ron's been taking it the hardest," he said quietly to Dumbledore. "Him and Ginny always were the closest, never kept a secret from each other. In all truth, Ron feels responsible for what Ginny did, saying that he should have known that something was troubling his sister." Mr. Weasley sighed loudly before nodding at Dumbledore once more before gathering his family to leave for home.

As Draco watched all the Weasleys leave, Dumbledore whispered near his ear, "You have fifteen minutes until the real funeral arranger comes."

Draco turned his head swiftly to Dumbledore in curiosity to find him smiling gently at him. "I know this is the hardest on you, Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore said gently. "Say your goodbyes while you still have time."

Draco looked past Dumbledore and for the first time looked into the Great Hall. Hundreds of chairs replaced the four house tables, and flowers of every color surrounded the outline of the room. The banners were changed to black for grieving, and candles floated in mid-air to give the room light. Draco's breath caught in his throat at the sight of a white casket that lay where the house table once was, and behind it where the Hogwarts banner usually stood was a huge muggle picture of a smiling, happy Ginny.

Draco slowly walked up to the front of the room, his eyes only focused on the white casket. He didn't notice that Dumbledore closed the doors behind him for privacy, or that he was holding his breath. All he was aware of was how it took forever to walk to the front, and that half of him was too afraid and nervous to take another step.

Before he could brace himself, Draco was only a foot away when he lowered his hood to stare into the casket as his beloved. She was wearing a simple, but beautiful white gown that was fit at the top but flowed from her hips and down. Her hands were rested upon her stomach, and in-between them laid her wand. Draco stared into the pale face with a tint of red from the makeup, and felt the tears start to come again. He gently ran his fingers through the red hair that framed her face before carefully touching her cheek. It was ice cold.

Draco sighed quietly as he withdrew his hand to his neck. "See this, Gin?" he asked as he pulled out the promise ring around his neck. The night she killed herself and left it in his hands, he took to wearing it everywhere. "It's still clear and I never take it off. I, I think about you all the time." His voice started to shake as he felt a sob catch in his throat. "You're everywhere I go. You're in my dreams smiling at me, kissing me like you used to. Sometimes I'll go into our secret room and still smell peppermint on the blankets."

He broke off for a second to wipe away a tear that escaped his hard eyes. "There are mornings that I wake up suddenly to your touch, only finding that you aren't there. Those days, especially those days, I pray that you are my angel and are watching me from above. But no matter where you are, you will always be my angel."

Draco carefully grabbed her hand to hold, his heart breaking at how perfectly her hands fit in his. He missed everything about her, from her teasing him across the Great Hall to her butterfly kisses when they would cuddle at night. Everything that was red or smelled of peppermint made him think of her, and the feel of her ring around his neck reminded him of what he has done.

Draco bent over her body and kissed her softly on her still lips. "I'm so sorry," he whispered into them. "All I wanted was for you to be safe so we could have a future together. I wanted to marry you the second you graduated, and have children with you. All I ever wanted was to be with you and to protect you, to only bring you happiness. But I failed, I failed miserably. And I will never forgive myself for what I've done."

He slowly brought his head back up and wiped off the tears he left on her skin. "Before you, Ginny, there was nothing in me. I had no heart, barely had a soul. But you became all of that. You filled all of my empty spaces, Gin. You gave me life only to have me return the favor by death."

Tears freely fell from his eyes, and before he could stop himself he let out a loud sob. His knees buckled on him, and he fell to the side of the casket, still clutching Ginny's hand. "I'm so sorry," he sobbed as he clutched onto the casket with his other hand. "All I wanted to do was save you from death. I'm so sorry, Gin."

He didn't bother to hide his tears as he heard the doors open behind him, even though he was well aware that Dumbledore was watching him. "Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore said hesitantly, "it's time to let go and say goodbye." He once again closed the doors for more privacy.

Draco sniffed loudly, and squeezed his eyelids hard together to stop the tears. After taking a deep breath, he stood up to gaze down at Ginny's face. "I will never let go," he whispered to her as he went to remove the chain around his neck and slid off the ring. He took her left hand, and carefully put the promise ring on her ring finger. "And there's no need for goodbyes, for I will see you soon."

Still grasping onto her hand, Draco put his free one into his robe pocket and pulled out a shiny dagger with a green handle. It was a present from his father when he became a Death Eater for extra protection when they would one day go to war against the Ministry. His father had it especially made so that the tip of the dagger was filled with snake venom to poison the victim incase the dagger itself did not do its job.

Draco kissed Ginny's hand before hesitantly letting go to help grasp the handle of the dagger. No more tears fell from his eyes as he stared hard at Ginny's picture, and he didn't even flinch at feeling the pointy tip resting over his stomach.

"I'd rather be dead with hopes of being with you on the other side, than living a life without you. All I ever wanted was to be with my angel."

Keeping his eyes set on Ginny's smile, Draco plunged the dagger hard into himself. His eyes closed quickly at the force of pain that flowed through him, and rapidly felt the venom already penetrate his body. He slowly fell to his knees first before falling onto the ground next to Ginny's casket. Blood covered his shirt and hands, and soon seeped to the ground below him. All that was on Draco's mind was Ginny, and with one last breath he whispered, "I love you, Ginny. Even after my dying day."

With that, his hands relaxed around his weapon, and the ring on Ginny's hand turned black.


Around the time that Dumbledore found Draco's dead body next to Ginny's casket, did the Weasley family and Lucius Malfoy receive letters from Draco.

The letter to Lucius was very short, and all Draco said was, "You may think that you won, but in reality Ginny and I did. Nothing can win against true love. And there will be no wedding between Pansy and I, as I will not live to my graduation day."

Even though the relationship was supposed to be kept a secret, Draco explained to the whole Weasley family about him and Ginny, and what really led her to her death. He apologized profusely for what came of them being together, but that he loved her more than anything. He never once asked for their forgiveness, only to not look at their deceased daughter with shameful eyes, for she didn't die by suicide. She died of a broken heart.


Days had passed since Draco's death and a wake was held for him just like Ginny's. Exhausted with all the death and guilt, Laura went outside and sat on a fairy bench for a bit of fresh air. She closed her eyes tightly to block out any more tears, and inhaled deeply for air to only smell peppermint.

Laura's eyes opened, immediately recognizing that smell. She held in a startled gasp of surprise as her eyes flew upon a very familiar person.

"Ginny?" she said startled as she stared at her dead friend whose body was silvery white. "Are you a ghost?"

Ginny smiled brightly at her, never answering her question. Laura wanted to know what was making her so happy, when suddenly another figure appeared next to her with an equal smile and color.

Laura watched with a smile and teary eyes as she watched the clear Draco grab Ginny's hand and give her a quick kiss on her cheek. Laura watched them stand in front of her in amazement, and even though she could distinctively see that Ginny was wearing a ring on her wedding finger, she could see through them and at the rose bushes.

Ginny and Draco both looked up at Laura and with a wave from Ginny and a nod from Draco, the two entwined their hands and walked off together until they completely disappeared.

Long after they were gone, Laura still continued to stare at the spot where the presence of Draco and Ginny just stood. She wiped away her tears with a smile as she slowly got up to walk back to Hogwarts. Draco and Ginny's tragic ending was just marking the beginning of a happy eternity together, one they can live in without fear or pain. Not even death could put a halt on love.


"For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."

Act V Scene III


Sob! My story is all done! I want to thank everyone who reviewed. You all made me so happy with your kind words, and encouraged me to finish this story as quickly as I could. There were worries about the ending, and some of you encouraged me to write it however I wanted to. This was the way I pictured in my mind, and just so happens that it worked out well for everyone. So I hope everyone enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Once again thank you to everyone, and special thanks to Mary and Laura who let me use them in my story, and again to Laura and Vanessa, who I tested my story on.

Also quick comment so no one will get confused. After Draco kills himself, the ring turns black because he died. A reviewer on another site wasn't sure if it turned black because he didn't love her anymore. His promise on the ring was "I will love you until my dying day," hence the ring turned back to black because the promise was over-he died.
