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It Happened One Night! by Muirnin

It Happened One Night!



I do not now, nor at any time own any of the Harry Potter characters. Whether this is an Original Plot or in answer to a Portkey Challenge ALL is based on characters brilliantly created by J K Rowling with possible additional characters created by Muirnin Cocan.

In no way is any money being made, nor copyright or trademark infringement intended. I own nothing… not even my car.

J K Rowling owns all rights as well as various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, with additional motion picture rights belonging to Warner Bros., Inc. For a complete list of all the various publishers around the world go to

Some parts may be of an adult nature that may not be suitable for all readers.

Reader discretion is strongly advised.

It Happened One Night

An H/Hr Wedding Challenge!

Chapter Four Making Lemonade

"You do remember what Albus Dumbledore told you when you received those rings correct Harry?" Arthur Weasley asked the young man who sat before him. Harry and Hermione had come to Arthur Weasley, the Minister of Magic, to see if there was anyway to bypass the trick the twins had played on them and be able to dissolve this marriage with no problems.

"Yes sir, I do remember." Harry said quietly.

"Without being able to remove the rings, there is no way to dissolve this marriage… It would seem son, you are now and forever… married to Hermione. Congratulations." Arthur said with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. "I believe the Muggles have a saying - when life hands you lemons… make lemonade. Don't look so glum, you could have done a lot worse then marrying your best friend Harry."

"What could be worse?" Harry said confused.

"You could've been stuck with Millicent Bullstrode or Pansy Parkinson for life." Hermione said, "Although, given the choices out there… I don't know how much better it is being stuck with me…"

"Mione…" Harry started to correct her.

"That's nonsense Hermione." Arthur interrupted, "You are by far the best choice for Harry… If Molly and I had to hand pick a wife for our Harry, we would have had you as the first one on our list… Don't ever tell Ginny I said that…" he grinned, "We do not think there is anyone better suited as a wife for Harry… and vice a versa. Now then, have you informed your parents Hermione? When should I have Molly plan the wedding receiption?"

"No, we haven't told my folks yet… ummm, we wanted to find out about being able to dissolve the marriage… I mean if there was any chance to… I mean…" Hermione said blushing deep red.

"Don't worry Mione… I think he understands." Harry said seeing her discomfort. "As for the receiption… I don't know yet."

"Yes I do understand, this was not something that you had originally planned for the rest of your lives when you went to the Three Broomsticks last night." Arthur looked at Harry and Hermione very seriously then, "I do need to ask you if you plan on pressing charges against Fred and George… what they did last night does break a quite a few of the laws and regulations that are on the books…"

"I never thought about pressing charges… just hexing them beyond all recognition…" Hermione said bluntly.

"Yes I am sure you would too…" Arthur chuckled. "However this is a very serious matter and while it grieves me to bring up the subject against my own sons, it is a matter that does need to be addressed."

"Do we have to decide right now? I think Hermione and I would like to discuss this in private." Harry said.

"The statute of limitations on the regulations they broke have a 30 day length of time… You have until the end of the month to make a decision… The twins have already been notified by owl of the regulations they have been in violation of and the very real possiblity of going before the Wizengamont, being fined or even prison time…"

"You mean they could be sent to Azkaban because of this?" Hermione said in a terrified tone.

"If the judging counsel finds against them, then yes they could very well face some time in Azkaban. I tell you this not in anyway trying to influence the way you and Harry decide… but in letting you know all the facts. I know you are angry, it's also very possible that they may face the penalties of their crimes without your bringing any charges against them. I will not have anyone claiming that I am showing favoritism for any of my children… especially when it comes to breaking the law. I did not show favoritism with Percy and I will not for the twins either… the law is the law and Weasley or not… they have to account for their crimes… Just like Percy did." Arthur said with the sternest tone he had ever shown. "Now, I think the two of you need to go spend some time by yourselves and understand that you are both married and decide how you are going to handle this situation."

"Thank you Sir, I… I mean we really appreciate your taking the time to see us today on such short notice." Harry said quietly standing up from his chair, extending his hand to Hermione he added, "I think the first thing we need to do is head home and then contact Hermione's parents," as she got to her feet, they left the Minister's office and then apparated back to Trinity Towers.

When they arrived home, both Luna and Ron were not there, having left them a note saying that they would be gone for a few days on Quibbler business. However, they were greeted with a humongous array of letters, packages and even a few howlers. The thing with howlers is that until they came in contact with the individual they were addressed to they did not explode….

Deciding to take the time to relax they opened a bottle of wine and the newlyweds set about the arduous task to go thru the stack of post they had received.

After the first couple of "how dare you get married!" howlers exploded, Harry and Hermione decided to ignore the rest for now… they just let them smolder and then burst quickly, causing the newlyweds to giggle uncontrollably after each one… basically each saying the same things… Some of the senders were mad at Harry for going off of Witch Weekly's Most Eligible Wizard list and then furious at Hermione for 'stealing' said bachelor… Many of the others that had written were annoyed that they would get married without telling anyone in the Wizarding and Muggle world… A few had actually accused Harry of stealing Hermione from the Wizarding world… after all the other stuff he had gotten so easily… claiming he could have chosen ANY witch for a wife…

Ironically, neither Harry and Hermione had been seeing anyone personally so many of the "jilted" lovers that had sent howlers were just attention seekers, demanding their own form of attention from the newlyweds… By the time they had gotten thru quite a few of the letters of congratulations, they found that there were at least 2 dozen groups of people who wanted to host wedding receptions for them, many wanting more details about the wedding…

"I just wish I knew of a way that we could find out all the details about last night… not that Rita did not do a wonderful job in detailing our wedding, I would sort of like to have the memories for myself." Hermione said taking a sip of her wine.

"Actually, there may be a way for us to retrieve those memories. By using a pensive…" Harry said taking a draw from his own wine glass.

"Seriously? But I thought that a pensive only worked for physical memories that we can actually bring to the surface…" Hermione said.

"Let's go see Albus, I know he has my old Pensive from right after the war where I recorded every detail about the final fight with Voldemort. Normally you would take out the memories as you wanted to review them… however, I never wanted to have them again, so I had them recorded in a pensive for a permanent account… I think Albus would be the one to know whether or not we can retrieve our wedding memories…" Harry turned, his eyes filled with so much love then looking at Hermione he added, "I personally want to hear and see what my beautiful wife said to me during our exchange of vows." He leaned over and wrapping his arms around her body he began gently kissing Hermione's lips, her body melting into his as the kiss deepened. "That's a memory I do not want to forget…" he said breathlessly, his forehead pressed against hers as she blushed deeply.

"It's moments like this that really make me want to know about last night… I want to know how I felt the first time I kissed you… like that." Hermione said catching her breath. "Harry… you realize that we haven't really talked at all about our feelings."

"I know… but something tells me we did talk about our feelings last night Mione… and in a way it sort of feels like we both know that the love we share is deeper then either of us wanted to admit… or intended to admit." Harry said pulling her closer to him.

"It may be foolish, but I guess I just needed to hear you say that…" she started to say, tears filling her deep cinnamon eyes… but he cut her off mid-sentence.

"I do love you Mione… more then is humanly possible…" Harry said tenderly, "I probably should have told you years ago when I actually had fallen in love with you… I sort of understand now what Albus had said about certain ages being too young for some information… We were 12, you had been petrified and I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you… but I couldn't tell you… I wasn't even sure what love was at that time… just that I needed you in my life forever…"

"Oh Harry…" she choked up, "Do you realize how many years we have hidden our feelings for one and other? I have loved you since before I met you… When I first read about you… I thought to myself, I'm only 10 years old and here is this guy that I could so imagine as a part of my life forever… it was as if I already knew who you were… and then I met you and you were just so… Just Harry… and I knew it was even different from what I had imagined you to be and yet exactly the same feeling… of needing to be with you, to protect you, to do anything I could for you… and then at Hallowe'en you jumped onto the trolls neck to try and save me… that was beyond brave Harry… I…" Unable to help herself anymore, she felt her body propell itself towards him, a familiar sense of desire sweeping over both of them as they found themselves in each others arms, surrendering to passions that had been dormant for so many years.

Consciously aware of their joining this time, Harry and Hermione took time to get to know each other intimately as a husband and wife should…

This time, they remembered everything… and enjoyed every glorious moment…


Well I had gotten a couple of chapters written while I waited patiently to get my dial-tone back… I was going thru PK withdrawls… I have SO MANY chapters of others stories to catch up on… I did already catch up on Neil the Nefarious Court Jester of the Royal Family of Cliffies… (Chapter 21 is VERY EVIL!!!!) I also caught up with Madamne's D/E story… which can be found at (I am a siriuslee demented D/E fan…)

Anyway… I only had a total of 321 e-mails when I logged on last night… I am STILL trying to go thru them all…

To everyone that has reviewed… Thank you so much for all the kind words and for the support you gave thru the court thing for the kids… Within the next two months, I will be packing up this apartment and getting ready to move back to Canada to be with my husband and my kids…

I hope you enjoy… please remember what you have to do so that you are able to receive chapter updates!


As Always,


´¨`o.* Muirnin *.o´¨`


"An imaginative mind is a terrible thing to waste..."
