Unofficial Portkey Archive

It Happened One Night! by Muirnin

It Happened One Night!



I do not now, nor at any time own any of the Harry Potter characters. Whether this is an Original Plot or in answer to a Portkey Challenge ALL is based on characters brilliantly created by J K Rowling with possible additional characters created by Muirnin Cocan.

In no way is any money being made, nor copyright or trademark infringement intended. I own nothing… not even my car.

J K Rowling owns all rights as well as various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, with additional motion picture rights belonging to Warner Bros., Inc. For a complete list of all the various publishers around the world, go to

Some parts may be of an adult nature that may not be suitable for all readers.
Reader discretion is strongly advised.

It Happened One Night

An H/Hr Wedding Challenge!

Chapter Six

Memorable Wedding - Part 1

Raising their wands to each other's minds they began the tedious task of removing memories…

Memories to a night of complete drunkenness…

That led to the joining of a love so powerful…

When the wisps of memory finally were pulled from the other's mind, tucking their wands away, they leaned towards each other and after kissing each other…

They plunged right in…

Taking a great gulp of breath first Harry and then Hermione, leaned their heads towards the stone basin and felt the floor of the living room lurch and they were at once falling through the inky blackness - The sensation was not unlike that experienced when using a portkey… spinning furiously as they went, and then suddenly they stopped their bodies pressed against each other for support.

They recognized their location as the Three Broomsticks and over at the corner table sat a very inebriated Harry and Hermione, still drinking heavily and laughing at something they had been talking about. They were hanging onto one and other to keep from falling off their chairs.

"Merlin, this is like that time with the time turner during 3rd year remember?" Harry asked Hermione who was desperately trying to find a place to hide out of sight.

"Harry… we can't let ourselves be seen…" Hermione hissed fearfully.

"Mione.. it's not LIKE with the time turner… we can't BE seen here… this is our memories of what happened… We can stand right next to ourselves and talk and not even effect anything… this is a memory…" he grinned at her, "for being the smartest witch in all the world, I would have thought you knew all about this…"

"I suppose you are right, it is like when we went back to save Buckbeak and Sirius during third year… I guess I just forgot…" Hermione said looking around. "Hey look over there… it's Fred and George."

Unseen by the drunken Harry and Hermione, Fred and George had come into the pub and after seeing them, whispered to each other and then ordered 4 drinks… Before taking them Fred dropped some powder into the top of two of the drinks, then swishing them around carried the glasses over towards Harry and Hermione. George followed carrying the two other glasses.

Fred set the two spiked drinks down in front of Harry and Hermione and took his seat, George sitting down next to him setting their drinks down as well…

"Mind if we join you?" Fred said after having sat down.

"We even brought our own drinks…" George added.

"Harry… how can we be shure that the twinsh haven't shpiked our drinksh?" Hermione slurred out.

"Good point Mionononoknee…" Harry said eyeing the twins wearily. "However… they have shupplied their own… brought shome more for ush which is very, very, very, very nice of them by the way guys… and it would be very, very, very, very rude of us not to have a little drink with them." He burped after saying this causing them both to fall into fits of giggles again.

"You are right Hermione… we did spike your drinks…" George said with a grin that caused Fred's eyes to bug out, an action that caused Harry and Hermione to giggle some more.

"GEORGE!" Fred hissed, "why are you telling them…"

"No really Fred, it's only right since Harry has been a silent partner that he should reap some of the rewards and benefits from our years of product development." George told his twin then turning to the pair said, "Both of your drinks are spiked with something we call Weasley's Erised Inhibitors and we are giving the two of you the opportunity to try out our newest invention."

"New invention… you don't say." Hermione said looking at the glass that Fred had placed before her. "Doeshn't look any different then what we've been drinking…" eyeing the twins she added, "Are you shure you shpiked thish…"

"Oh I'm sure they shpiked it…" Harry said with a grin "However, I sheeriously doubt they would give us anything that would kill us… Molly would ssshkin them alive." Raising the glass Harry said, "Cheers!" and gulped back the Firewhiskey in one go - causing his eyes to water.

Hermione saw Harry's actions and followed suit, throwing back her drink in one gulp as well… as if it was a challenge she couldn't pass up. She slammed the glass down and then pounded the table with her hand as the whiskey burned the back of her throat. "Damn… I'll never get used to that." She said wiping tears from her eyes. "Ok so what's supposed to happen to us?"

Fred and George looked at each other then got up rather quickly and said, "Well being test subjects, just tell us later on what happened ok?"

"Gotta go… Time is galleons yah know…"

The twins disapparated from the room rather quickly. Harry and Hermione looked at each other puzzled for a moment, then suddenly they were overcome with a clarity they had never experienced before.

"I think for once Fred and George's products may have done something great… then be a prank." Harry said taking hold of Hermione's hand.

"My thoughts exactly… Considering how much we have had to drink this evening… I am clearer headed then I would have been with a sobriatus potion." Hermione said staring at Harry with new found eyes.

"It's as if all the answers we have ever wanted to know are there before us…" Harry said bringing her hand to his lips, "Mione… The day you walked into my life on the Hogwarts Express I found answers to some of my deepest desires… of knowing friendship, loyalty and love… However, my fondest desire in all this world is to have you forever as my wife. I love you with all my heart, mind and soul… Will you, Hermione Jane Granger, do me the supreme honor of becoming my wife?"

"Oh Harry…" she responded with tears glistening in her eyes, "Yes… Oh yes, I will marry you…" He wrapped his arms around her as they shed tears of happiness and joy.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Harry said holding her in his arms securely.

"I should hope so…"

"I actually have dreamed of this moment… planned this moment… and yet…" he reached into his back pocket and pulled out what looked like a muggle wallet. "I sort of borrowed something of yours a few years ago…"

"What do you mean?" She asked as he handed over a folded up sheet of parchment. Unfolding the yellowed sheet she gasped when she saw what had been drawn upon it. "I thought I had lost this… and you had it all the time???"

"Yes… Mione… as I have said… I dreamed of someday asking you to be my wife… I have everything that we will need in my vault at Gringott's…" Harry hesitated for a moment then the moment passed and he seemed so sure of himself… more so then he had in his entire life. "All we will need is someone to do the honors… and we can find that person at the Ministry of Magic…"

"You want to get married now as in this instant? What about our family… You know what… Never mind that question… yes…" Hermione said with a twinkle in her beautiful cinnamon brown eyes. "I have no idea why there is such a desire for urgency about this… but I want to marry you… right this instant."

Harry's eyes lit up as he realized that she wanted to marry him as much as he wanted to marry her… "Let's pop over to Gringott's, get everything I have stored over there… then hurry over to he Ministry of Magic."

"Do you think it is wrong that I would like a Muggle to perform our wedding?" Hermione asked Harry as they apparated to the front doors of Gringott's.

"I wouldn't have it any other way… as much as I love Arthur and Albus… they are family… I think the justice of the peace at the Muggle Coalition is the perfect person to marry us…" he said then added, "Besides… since we aren't telling family right now…" his face broke into a grin. "I'll be right back…" he said as he kissed her on the cheek.

Hermione and Harry were now staring at what appeared to be a split screen image of the shared pensieve memory.

"You know this is really strange." Said Hermione.

"Strange how? We've been through some pretty strange stuff in the past." Harry said as he watched himself going on a wild ride through the underground tunnels that led to the vaults, then looked over at Hermione who was casually sitting on a bench in front of the bank.

"Well first off… you still haven't kissed me…" Hermione said then hearing a snicker from Harry she added "You know… the memory, here we are getting ready to get married and you haven't kissed me once except on the cheek and the hand. Don't you find that a bit odd?"

"Think about it Mione… do you remember a story that you had told Ginny when we were in 6th year?"

Hermione's mind was racing to think of the story that Harry was mentioning. "Do you mean the one about the couple kissing at the marriage alter for the first time?"

Nodding Harry said, "Yup that's the one… When I heard you telling Ginny about that couple… I couldn't believe how romantic a gesture that had been… It would seem that we are reliving that fantasy right now…"

"Hmmm interesting." Hermione said as she watched the memory Hermione reach up and pluck something off of her hair. Holding it away she could see it was a water beetle.

As Hermione regarded the beetle in between her fingers she saw Harry approaching with his old Hogwarts trunk following behind a bit above the ground.

"What do you have there?" Harry asked her as he got closer.

"Guess who has decided to join us for our wedding?" Hermione asked holding out the beetle.

Harry chuckled "Hi Rita…"

Hermione let the beetle go and watched as Rita Skeeter transformed into her blonde self.

"So you really going to do it?" Rita said as her quick quotes quill and parchment appeared ready to go.

"Honestly Rita… why are you still BUGGING us???" Hermione said grinning at her pun.

"Actually… I hadn't meant to get such an exclusive story when I came over to your office to speak with you today. However, when I saw you leave the house to go over to the Three Broomsticks I decided to…"

"Bug us?" Harry said nonchalantly.

"Very funny…" Rita said.

"Why did you want to speak with me today?" Hermione asked her point blank.

"Since you asked me so directly, I will tell you… I found out some information about Mason Tidwell that might be of importance to you… I was going to do an exchange of information… say my information for an exclusive interview with you regarding The Betterment of Magical Brethren, that is if you would be willing to do an interview regarding your organization…"

"Ok first off Rita, you know I would always do an interview regarding The Betterment of Magical Brethren anytime… the fact that you have dug something up on Mason Tidwell intrigues me… however, today is not a good day to do an interview…"

"Yes I understand you and Harry are getting married… right now…" informed Rita. "I understand that you do not want family involved… I am hardly family, but I do believe you owe me the exclusive for your wedding."

"We owe you? How do you figure?" Harry asked incredulously.

"Well it was I who had broke the news about your 'relationship' all those years ago… think of it as a reward for the years I have spent unable to write the way I used to…"

"Excuse us for a moment alright Rita?" Hermione said calmly.

"Oh take your time…" she simpered.

Stepping off to the side Harry and Hermione looked at each other… "You know if we give her an exclusive about our wedding Luna is going to go ballistic." Hermione said.

"Not completely true… I'm sure that Luna will understand… she is undoubtedly the most sympathetic woman we know. Besides… Rita I right… we did say we wanted to do this without Family involved…"

"And I would like some photographs of our wedding…" Hermione added.

"Rita usually works with Colin… he'd piss himself to snap our wedding… you know this don't you." Harry said with a smile.

"I say we do it… after all we have dealt her a serious blow to her ego over the years…" Hermione said with a smirk, "Besides… I think for this kind of exclusive interview and the fact that I will make sure that she also does The Betterment of Magical Brethren interview…"

"Let's go make her day… shall we?"

"Yes, lets…"

Rita stood quietly examining her long red painted talon fingernails, pretending that she wasn't anxious about their decision. As she saw the couple approach she straightened up.

"So… have you made a decision?" Rita asked in a brisk tone.


First off I want to apologize to all my readers... I'm so sorry that this has taken so long to post... I ended up with my entire system crashing and I have since been able to salvage a small portion of the chapter I had been working on... I felt it was important to get at least part of this posted...

I think this has been the most requested chapter I have ever written… I am horrible at writing drunk scenes since I would rather be the one drinking instead of writing about it…

I am hoping that I will have the next chapter written before I move to Canada... next week... *sighs* It doesn't seem possible that I am moving again so soon... but It's worth it to get my family back together again and to be with my Mutant Lord Consort...

I hope you enjoy… please remember what you have to do so that you are able to receive chapter updates!


As Always,

´¨`o.* Muirnin *.o´¨`

"An imaginative mind is a terrible thing to waste..."


Queen Mother - Royal Family of Cliffies

WELCOME TO MY WORLD!!!! You never know what will come next…