Unofficial Portkey Archive

It Happened One Night! by Muirnin

It Happened One Night!



I do not now, nor at any time own any of the Harry Potter characters. Whether this is an Original Plot or in answer to a Portkey Challenge ALL is based on characters brilliantly created by J K Rowling with possible additional characters created by Muirnin Cocan.

In no way is any money being made, nor copyright or trademark infringement intended. I own nothing… not even my car.

J K Rowling owns all rights as well as various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, with additional motion picture rights belonging to Warner Bros., Inc. For a complete list of all the various publishers around the world, go to

Some parts may be of an adult nature that may not be suitable for all readers.

Reader discretion is strongly advised.

It Happened One Night

An H/Hr Wedding Challenge!

Chapter Five The Pensive

"I do love you Mione… more then is humanly possible…" Harry said tenderly, "I probably should have told you years ago when I actually had fallen in love with you… I sort of understand now what Albus had said about certain ages being too young for some information… We were 12, you had been petrified and I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you… but I could not tell you… I wasn't even sure what love was at that time… just that I needed you in my life forever…"

"Oh Harry…" she choked up, "Do you realize how many years we have hidden our feelings for one and other? I have loved you since before I met you… When I first read about you… I thought to myself, I'm only 10 years old and here is this guy that I could so imagine as a part of my life forever… it was as if I already knew who you were… and then I met you and you were just so… Just Harry… and I knew it was even different from what I had imagined you to be and yet exactly the same feeling… of needing to be with you, to protect you, to do anything I could for you… and then at Hallowe'en you jumped onto the trolls neck to try and save me… that was beyond brave Harry… I…" Unable to help herself anymore, she felt her body propel itself towards him, a familiar sense of desire sweeping over both of them as they found themselves in each other's arms, surrendering to passions that had been dormant for so many years.

Consciously aware of their joining this time, Harry and Hermione took time to get to know each other intimately as a husband and wife should…

This time, they remembered everything… and enjoyed every glorious moment…


"Oh Seer of Light be born to two ... If ner' the platonic two be joined... their fear will set dimensions in motion... releasing the evil that he who vanquished had destroyed... Seer of Light needs be conceived... to He who lives and she who knows... before the 5th month passes to they who platonically fear to speak of love they share... elsewhile Dark Lord will reign again for... If ner' the platonic two be joined... the Seer of Light needs be conceived..." the voice repeated then disappeared into the liquid that swirled around in the stone basin.

"And you are sure this is all she said?" Albus looked at the Weasley twins carefully.

"Positive." George said as Fred nodded beside him. "It was about one week ago when Bill and Fleur came over to our flat to have dinner. We were sitting talking to Fleur when Bill had to go into the other room to floo Dad about something to do with Gringott's… All of the sudden Fleur said this…"

"We asked her about it after it was over… Bill had come back into the room while she was speaking of the prophecy… She remembers nothing of what she said." Fred added.

"Albus, Fleur has never shown any signs of being a Seer before." Bill said regarding his wife. "I believe that the child she is carrying may be a seer of some sort… however, I don't think that our unborn child is the one that she spoke of in the prophecy."

"When George and I heard the Prophecy we thought that Fleur was having a 'leetle joke' as she would call it… but there was no hint of her French accent when she spoke and her voice got all strange… kind of deep like." Fred said looking at his former headmaster who sat at the table there at the Burrow. "We both immediately thought of Harry and Hermione… One of the items that we had developed a few years ago for use with the Order was the Inhibitor's… it's why we gave them the Erised Inhibitor's so they could umm… fulfill the prophecy…"

"By having sex they would conceive a child…" George added blushing.

"I think they knew that to fulfill the prophecy would mean they would have to have sex…" Fred said very matter of factly.

"Should we tell Harry and Hermione?" Molly asked Albus Dumbledore.

"They are going to be asking me for Harry's pensive so they can find out what happened last night… I think we should have this memory in place for them to see… I know from past experience that keeping something like this from Harry is foolhardy at best." Albus said thoughtfully. "I can even make sure that the Pensive is there at Trinity Towers before they request it…" he turned and looked at the Twins. "As for you two… I am sure under the circumstances that we may be able to get the Wizengamont to not press charges against you both… Let's just hope that you were successful in your timing for Harry and Hermione."

"Well there is something else we did not tell them about the Inhibitors… for the next 30 days anytime they have any alcohol what so ever even if it's a butterbeer they will have the same desires… so to speak…" George said innocently.

"There should be no doubt what so ever that this child will be conceived… more or less that is…" Fred added with an identical innocent look.

Molly rolled her eyes and Bill just shook his head at his brothers.

"I am confused about something… why is it that they have no memory of those 12 hours?" Molly asked the twins.

"We used some different potions and essence oils in the developing of our ummm products." Fred started…

"It was actually on accident that it happened…" George continued.

"But somehow one of the batches ended up with some of ummm…" Fred stammered.

"Dr Ubbly's Oblivious Unction into the mix…"

"It wasn't until we had given it to them and got back home that we realized…"

"You had given them the altered product…" Bill said unbelievingly.

"Is this why there is that particular side affect to the Inhibitor's?" Molly asked of the twins.

"Just in the batch we gave to Harry and Hermione… We were trying to remedy the situation and we rushed ahead full steam." George said.

"Why didn't you tell one of us what you were planning on doing?" Molly said with a touch of sternness to her voice.

"So that you could tell us that 'No it's not a good idea' or that 'Messing with people's lives is the wrong thing to do' or perhaps my personal favorite… 'What happened to just telling them the truth'. I'm sorry Mum, but we spent nearly a week debating this between the two of us and we realized that there was no way that anyone else should be involved…"

"We knew what we were doing was illegal, but we also knew that Fred and I were the only ones that had the moxie to pull this off…" George said sincerely. "If we had just told them about the prophecy who knows how long it would have been before they conceived a child… they hadn't gotten the nerve to tell…"

"how they feel about one and other… you know the L word…"

"I think they figured that one out as well…" George conversationally. "We both knew that they had the hots for one and other… but we had NO idea that they both had wanted to marry the other…"

"When Ronnie told us this morning it kind of blew us away… I mean it's one thing to wake up in bed next to your best friend…"

"And another to find out that you married your best friend and didn't know it." George added, "Hermione is almost as scary as Mum when she gets mad… You have had some influence on that woman…" looking over at Molly with a smirk.

"Well Boys, I best be getting back to the school… I am sure that Harry and Hermione will be looking for me soon…" Professor Dumbledore said as he picked up the stone basin in his hands. "I am going to send this over to the Potter's right now" he mumbled a few things and the basin disappeared from his hands. "Now then, I will be at Hogwarts if anyone needs me… I am going to see about having Severus take over Harry's classes for the next few days…"

"Are you sure that is wise Albus?" Molly asked. "I remember what happened when Severus took over for Remus when the kids were in their 3rd year… It was not something that Harry or Ronnie ever could forget."

"Perhaps you are right Molly, I will contact Nymphadora to take over his class for a few days…" Albus said with a twinkle to his eyes.


The stone basin materialized on a table in the living room of Trinity Towers, unseen by the couple who were completely immersed in each other.

Several hours later, Harry woke with his arms wrapped around Hermione curled up on the large pillows piled around on the floor in front of the stone fireplace. Feeling her stir he looked down at her and saw a vision of passion and desire that he had never imagined possible.

"Hey there beautiful…" Harry said snuggling in closer to his wife.

"Hey yourself… I am so glad I can remember what we just did…" Hermione said with a mischievous grin. "All four times…"

"Oh so am I… that was absolutely amazing… You are amazing…" Harry commented then added with a wink, "Amazing what you can learn from reading books…"

"I tried to tell you and Ron… but would you listen to me…"

"From now on…"

"Yeah right… I'll believe that when…" she was cut off by his soft lips capturing hers and gently massaging them in a passionate kiss, adding to the flames that had yet to be extinguished.

"You were saying?" Harry smirked.

"Ummm yeah… something about getting you and Ron to listen to me… but I think that argument can wait for oh say a hundred years…" She snuggled in closer to him feeling the warmth of his body against hers. "Is it always going to feel like this?"

"And how does it feel?" He said gently rubbing his fingers along her upper arm… tenderly tracing figure eights upon her skin.

"You know what I mean… I can't even imagine a time when you weren't part of me… and now you are so much more…" Hermione said.

"Took the words right out of my mouth…" he said as he captured her mouth in another deep passionate kiss.

A golden feather popped into the room and drifted down towards them with a note attached.

"Someone's timing is very poor indeed" Hermione said as she reluctantly separated from Harry.

"That someone would be Albus Dumbledore… I would recognize one of Fawkes feathers anywhere…" he commented as he picked up the note and began to read with Hermione hovering over his shoulder.

"My Dear Harry and Hermione,

Congratulations on your recent nuptials. I always knew that you both were meant for each other… the two of you are so very much like Harry's parents - James and Lily.

I hope that you will not think me presumptuous at doing this but I have sent your Pensive back to Trinity Towers and I am taking it upon myself to perhaps answer some questions for you… So you do not need to leave the house…

Yes, you can retrieve the memories you can't remember with the pensive… I am even leaving instructions so that you may relive the memories together… if you so desire.

I have one request… there is another memory that you both need to experience in the pensive… the rest of the memories have been placed in another basin for safe keeping… I request that you retrieve your lost night together before you experience the other memory… This is important…

Another thing Harry, your classes have been taken care of for the next couple of weeks by Nymphadora… She has agreed to follow your lesson plan to the letter…

I wish you all the best and hope you find the answers which I know you yearn for…

Until we speak again…

Albus Dumbledore

After reading the letter, both Harry and Hermione's eyes fell upon the beautiful stone basin that rested on one of the mahogany end tables in the room. As they read thru the instructions for how to combine their memories of the night before and to relive them together, Harry wondered about the other memory that awaited for them…

"Let's just retrieve our memories first… then we can find out what else there is to know." Hermione said calmly. "Besides, this not knowing what happened last night is really driving me bonkers… It's strange, when I was trying to figure out what had happened to us last night, the first thing that popped into my head was when Ginny was questioning you about being possessed… I had this mental image of Ginny being possessed by Tom Riddle again… I think that is what scared me the most about finding myself someplace and not knowing how I got there or what I had done… It was like hearing her words all over again."

"I know the feeling Mione… I thought of that myself. Interesting how we both flashed on the same memory when our own memory was missing…" Harry said and then added with a grin… "You know what they say about Great Minds…"

"Yes well.. how about we open these great minds and check out the memories from last night…" Hermione said with a hint of nervousness.

"It's going to be alright Mione… I know you have never walked around in anyone's memories before, but it will be easy… I mean you are the one who kept doing hours over during third year with no problems" smiled Harry.

"I wouldn't say it was with no problems… if you recall correctly I got so stressed out that I slapped Malfoy and forgot about a class…" her eyes twinkling as she reminded Harry, then stopped speaking in mid sentence as her memory of that particular day hinted at a bit of future sadness for the both of them.

"I recall it was more of a right to the middle of his snot-locker…" he quipped seeing Hermione's change of emotion. "I had never been more proud of you then I was at that point… then you did an amazing thing… you saved Buckbeak and Sirius… I know he was so proud of you…"

Harry wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him.

"I wasn't alone when WE saved Buckbeak and Sirius…"

"No you aren't alone… I was with you then, I am with you now… come on… let's get dressed and get to remembering our wedding…" Harry said giving her a quick kiss on the end of her nose.

Dressed and ready to go they knelt facing each other with the pensive between them on the floor. Reaching across the basin's expanse they reached across and clasped left hands. Raising their wands to each other's minds they began the tedious task of removing memories…

Memories to a night of complete drunkenness…

That led to the joining of a love so powerful…

When the whisps of memory finally were pulled from the other's mind, tucking their wands away, they leaned towards each other and after kissing each other…

They plunged right in…


Well I hope this answers some questions… and leaves you with a few more… grin

Sorry about the cliffhanger…


I wouldn't be the Queen Mum if I didn't treat you guys to a cliffhanger once in awhile… I promise, the next chapter is the one you all are waiting for… The walk thru the wedding…

I hope you enjoy… please remember what you have to do so that you are able to receive chapter updates!


As Always,


´¨`o.* Muirnin *.o´¨`


"An imaginative mind is a terrible thing to waste..."


Queen Mother - Royal Family of Cliffies

WELCOME TO MY WORLD!!!! You never know what will come next…