AN- I HAVE SEVERAL IMPORTANT ANNOUNCMENTS! The first is that I was wrong about the definition of Bella Donna- it is the name of one poisonous plant, but translates to beautiful woman. I swore I'd say that, and now it's been said. Also, I have to pause in my writing of this, but only for a week or so. I have this really amazing plot idea, a really good one! But I want to have the time to write more than one chapter and post many at once. So please look for a fanfic called "Harry." It's about Lily and James. For a small preview, see bottom.
Replies to reviews;
I have them all replied to. All you have to do is click on the blue word 'reviews'. Fairly simple really, so if anyone doesn't like this arrangement, please let me know. But it helps me, and it'll get the replies up faster.
Dumbledore was sitting behind his enormous desk, as he usually was, petting the most beautiful bird I'd ever seen. It's red and golden feathers gave it away as a phoenix, and it seemed to give off and unearthly glow. I drew my eyes away from the bird under the headmaster's knotted and long fingers to the old man's fathomless eyes. The blue saw through me as he motioned for me to take a seat.
"I heard from Mr. Potter about the incident regarding your transformation. Am I to assume you have found Miss Murtha?" I nodded, unable to speak, then suddenly asked what I had initially sworn I would keep hidden.
"You knew I transformed that night, why did you let me go?" the older man looked up at me with a saddened expression.
"Remus, you need friends who know your secret, you need people who will support you, because eventually in the real world, those few werewolf rights will make life for you difficult. People will not show mercy or pity, only hostility or fear, because it is in their nature to fear what they do not understand."
"And you thought this would be the best way for me to tell them, for them to find out?" I asked, trying to keep my calm demeanor. He probably had others, who threw immature fits, and those tissues on the desk were for the losers who let out their confessions and pain because they `needed to talk to someone', and Dumbledore was excellent at listening. But I wouldn't need the tissues or his pity.
"No, I thought this would be the only way they would ever find out. Remus, you are ashamed of something you cannot help. If Miss Murtha cannot understand that a human is your true form, then there is nothing more you can do." All right, you know the losers who needed the tissues. Now I felt like I would become one.
"She wasn't upset about the hairy-once-a-month bit, like I thought, just the whole, `you lied to me for so long about yourself' thing. That got to her."
Dumbledore walked around the desk with the phoenix perched on his shoulder. "Ah, yes. Well, Remus, you must understand, some people will look at this that way. Some people will fear you. Most will hold some form of ill wishes towards you. Your true friends like Mr. Potter, will get you through all of this, and stand by you and before you as you did for them."
"So why did you want me here."
"Just to make sure you understood, and to check that you deal with such…emotional times better than Mr. Potter. Oh, and you may want to tell Mr. Black that Professor Flitwick knows he's up to something, and he may want to restrain from launching any type of water balloon today. Perhaps another class would do better, and another day, as he has called our attention to it at a teacher's meeting." Smiling at the thought that the Marauders were discussed at such meetings, but not at all surprised, (after all, we had known they talked about us since we had hidden in that small coat closet and listened to the Professor's teacher-only meetings,) I left for the dorm, deciding that this was as good a time as any to make up those sleepless nights.
Ignore them. They aren't worth it. Ignore the looks. It's not your fault. Ignore them all, because this isn't something you can control. The voice in my head, I think it's called a conscience, reminded me. It no longer sounded like Padfoot, but all the same it had pretty good advice.
But at the moment, my mind was losing to my anger. The halls actually went into hushed whispers when I walked by. "People are staring." Sirius acknowledged calmly as we went through the hallways and towards our evening classes.
"Don't worry, it's just my good looks." Sirius went silent after that, noticing the wry sarcasm in my comment, and proving that even Padfoot knows when to go quiet.
Snivellus, however, didn't. "Potter, heard your father put on quite a show last night."
"That he did, Snape." I wouldn't call him Snivellus anymore. Lily wouldn't like that, and if I wanted to keep her, I'd have to lie off. While she could see, anyways. And sure enough, she was waiting with a small group of girls gathered around her, smiling, and blushing. She would see if I hexed Snape now, and from the way things looked she was watching me for my reaction.
But I had spent far too long staring at Lily, and Snape had noticed the direction of my gaze, I guess. Anyways, Snape went on to sneer and say,
"So the mudblood finally gave in. Is she another one of your play toys now, or-"
There's a time for silence, and a time for violence. Snape could say what he had about my father, because it was true. He was only saying what everyone else was thinking about my…bloodlines right now. But Lily was another matter entirely. He'd lost his chance at making it through the day without embarrassment.
But I didn't punch him right then and there. Don't make a mistake about my words, because I would have, had I been given the chance. But Lily got there first. SMACK! Snape's mouth was half-open in surprise, his face actually getting some color, and his black eyes wide.
Lily, meanwhile, smirked and whipped her hand on her robes, as though to get rid of the grease on her palm from his face. When she noticed everyone in the hall staring at the Head Girl in shock, she gave a smirk any Slytherin would grudgingly admit was perfect. "Well, I've always wanted to, and he had it coming!" She said as way of explanation. She pulled me aside and whispered into my ear, "Remus?"
Remembering what I was supposed to tell my "Bella Donna," (I couldn't help but wince. Sirius and Remus would never let me live this one down,) I relayed the message. She nodded in understanding, suddenly sad. Professor Jaeger came around the corner just then, and I pulled Lily into a quick kiss before pulling her by the arm to class.
Later that night, I went to talk to Dumbledore about the Order my mum had mentioned. If she had wanted me to join it, I was in. I just wasn't sure what I was in yet. He had been expecting me, of course. I think somehow Dumbledore has a copy of the Marauder's Map, because as long as he's in the school building, he's wherever he's needed. He looked up at me expectantly, and I found myself unable to speak about it yet. Instead I just handed him my mum's letter, feeling the telltale prickle of tears and my throat tighten.
He read through it once, and then handed the letter back to me. Taking off the glasses and whipping them on his robes, Dumbledore asked, "Has anyone given you more information about the Order of the Phoenix?" looking more tired, old and frail than I had seen him ever look.
"No." The tears and sadness of my mother's passing gave way to curiosity.
"It's a large group of everyday wizards and witches in the fight against Voldemort. Several of them didn't train to become Aurors, but they want to take part in the fight, or like yourself are too young, and still have to go through training. But it would mean you'd have to train extra hard for the fight, both physically and magically. It would mean keeping any relationships secret, because the Death Eaters and Voldemort will take advantage of any weakness. And…I may need to call you to help with the wounded or the dead. They could be people you know, more people you love."
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I nodded. "I understand that."
"You could end up dead."
"I know."
"You're putting yourself in danger."
"I know."
"I don't like making students members."
I hesitated. He was clearly doing this for the same reason I was. Just to help. But my mother was gone, and these were her wishes. I was determined, and Dumbles knew better than to fight me about something I have my mind set on. "I know."
So Dumbledore stood and offered me his hand from over his desk, covered in trinkets and treasures. "Welcome, then, to the Order."
Great. Now to tell Lily and the Marauders. Bloody hell. I wasn't sure what would be worse.
Why he chose me first, I'm still unsure. `We', being the Marauders, all four of us, used to have little meetings at one in the morning in the dorms about this kind of thing, but somewhere along the way we had outgrown that. Now I could tell we were growing apart, and after school would be worse.
This just reminded me that `we' were almost out of school.
"Padfoot, are you okay?" It was one of the stupidest questions I had ever heard him ask, and that really was saying something. I nodded, keeping my thoughts on the matter in my own mind. James was doing this because of his mum, revenge, and a duty he felt he had to himself. I should be fully supporting him, but it wasn't easy to hear your best friend explain to you that he was going into the war headfirst, when you couldn't follow. That's right, I wasn't old enough, and I'd sooner get permission from my parents than I would return to that house.
"Siri?" The old nickname brought tears to my eyes, as I remembered James calling me that when we were five. So many years between us in the past were keeping us together, but that was about it. Things were changing so quickly, I wasn't sure what to do.
But like always, I didn't say this. I just said, "I'm fine, Prongs. Just thinking. Anyways, anything else?" My voice, even to me, sounded falsely cheerful.
James looked at me in concern. "Padfoot, I'll be fine. Dumbledore wouldn't ever throw me onto the field. It wont be any different unless he calls me out of class for something. It's not really anything to get upset over."
"NOT ANYTHING TO GET UPSET OVER!" I lowered my voice when James looked around nervously. "James, it's everything! All year's been hell. He's torn everything apart, and we're still in here. What happens when we go out there?" I gestured out the window, but James knew what I meant. What happens when the Marauders leave the school and get thrown into the real world? "James, you fighting out there, it means we're leaving school earlier than we have to. We still have a month or two to stay kids! We wont be able to focus on studying for your NEWT's, we wont have time to pull anything on the Slytherins, and we'll all be torn apart."
James swallowed hard, clearly trying to take in everything I had just said, and saying, "Sirius, I wont have time for NEWT's. I wont have time for Slytherins. And as to the torn apart thing, well, we'll just have to stay together."
"No, James." I calmed down, thinking things through. I had said `we' because `we' always meant the Marauders. It had been that way since school had begun. It would stay that way. "No, one goes we all go."
"Padfoot, your parents wont ever let you go."
"They wont have to…" I had to come up with a plan.
Have you ever had that feeling someone's watching you? When you're a werewolf, it's two times as strong and almost always going. I'd somewhat gotten used to it, except I couldn't figure out why James was staring at me so intently while I was `sleeping'. Indeed I was awake, but the sounds of shaky breath kept me from rising just yet. James seemed deep in thought. That was never good.
Time to take action. Someone needed to comfort him, even if I needed comfort right now myself. "James?"
He looked up at me, eyes wide. "Remus. I didn't know you were awake." He seemed startled, but for two different reasons.
"Obviously. What's wrong?" he swallowed and launched into an explanation.
"I joined the Order. It was in my mother's will that I could, I think she wanted me to fight with him. I just know I have to do this, and I asked Dumbles."
Taking a deep breath, I fought the impulse to scream. "And?"
"He agreed." I closed my eyes in pain. It felt like I had just lost my best friend already. Shifting under the blankets, and struggling to keep control, I motioned for James to sit at the edge of the bed.
"But you're only seventeen."
He snorted. "You're sixteen, Remus, don't make me sound like a little kid. And besides, Death Eaters can be recruited at any age. I don't see why they should limit the age for the Order. I'll still be in school. I can handle it." There was a pause, then, "I just told Padfoot." Uh-oh. That explained why he was so shaken.
"Can I assume he didn't take it well?"
"It was horrible, Moony! He said we'd all split apart, and I couldn't handle it, and he wouldn't let me. Then, when I told him I would be no matter what he thought, but I'd appreciate his support, he sounded like he would be talking to Dumbledore about joining too!" James sounded completely stressed.
"Have you told Peter yet?"
"Have you told Lily?"
"No!" I almost smiled at the unease in his voice. Both of us knew how well she'd take it. I had to be the calm one. I had to take control of the situation.
"Alright. I don't know where Peter is, I think with his girlfriend, but Lily's just going to be getting back from Ancient Runes. You can't tell her here like you told us."
"Why not?" I actually laughed at this. James could be such a dunderhead sometimes! I'd never met anyone with such contrasting emotions.
"Because she's a female that you like that you happen to have kissed last night. She'll be expecting a relationship that will put her in danger, and she's already at risk because of her muggle heritage. Take her out to dinner somewhere, not Hogsmeade, and explain it calmly to her." James relaxed a bit and said,
"Thanks, Moony. I don't know where we'd be without you." `We', meant the Marauders. It always meant the Marauders. What about when that changed. Shaking the thought from my mind, I nodded.
"Anytime, Prongs. Anytime."
Sneaking around so as not to wake Michelle, and feeling guilty about leaving her for James, even if she was sleeping, I pulled my trunk apart, tearing through it. There had to be a decent shirt somewhere in here, I thought, as I held one after another up to me. He'd seen me in all of them, and I wanted something new.
Seeing as Michelle only wore large, baggy shirts, she wouldn't help. Finally finding something I hadn't worn in forever, (it had been at the bottom of my stack of clothing, and I'd sort of forgotten about it,) I went to put on my makeup.
It didn't occur until I was finished that I was a witch and could magic the perfect makeup onto my face, something somewhat ridiculous, as we were in a stone castle. That should say something to you about how nervous I was. But James had asked me to meet him in the common room prepared to go out somewhere, and as he hadn't actually asked me out yet (and as soon as I admit I have feelings towards him, he doesn't ask,) and so in my nerves, I wanted everything that I could have in my control to be perfect.
But there wasn't much that was in my control, besides my looks. James wouldn't tell me where we were going, why we were going there, or what we were going to do when we got there. So after spending another half-hour on my hair, (Yes, for the boys who are wondering, it is possible for one to spend a half an hour on one's hair.) I flounced down the stairs, early. All right, so I'd been a bit nervous about getting there late and gotten ready as soon as I could. Better early than late, right? But unfortunately, Remus, Peter and Sirius were in the common room, and watched me with great amusement as I stumbled over my own feet, rushing to get over to them. Apparently I'd be better to be late. Then James would be teased instead of me. But as it turned out, James was upstairs getting ready, so I had to wait down there with them.
Not that this wasn't fun in it's own right. Because the fact is, I had always wondered why they drew such a crowd in the common room, not only of girls either, so it couldn't have just been looks, and now I knew why. They didn't have to be doing anything in particular to be plain old, flat out funny. They teased, and laughed, and were so easy-going you couldn't be nervous around them. Sirius and Remus were upset about something at first, but it was clear that whatever it was, they were able to shove it from their minds. Damn, I wish I had the ability to do the same.
"Moony, I'm beating you! I'm beating Re-"
"Check and mate." He gave a wolfish smile that gave him away as what he was, and finished off Sirius's cheers and victory dance with one move.
Sirius's face fell so fast I ended up shaking with quiet laughter. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" By now both Remus and I were laughing, though Remus's was a little strained. Sirius knocked over the board, an angry expression on his face. It made us laugh harder.
"Another game, Sirius?" He asked, though the laughter in his voice didn't necessarily meet his eyes. "Better yet, are there any more? I mean, there was Gobblestones," Here, I noted the ink stains on Sirius's school shirt, "and Exploding Snap," And Sirius's singed eyebrows, "And-"
"I get it, I've lost. You've made your point. But I can think of another one, and this one I'll always win! The laughter contest." This, I am sorry to say, made me fall into more fits of laughter as each Marauder mentioned something that made me laugh harder, until my stomach hurt from it all, and my eyes were watering.
"James as a girl-"
"Dumbledore with pink hair-"
"Snape in a tutu." Both went silent, looks of horror on their faces identical. James chose that moment to appear at the foot of the stairs. It must have looked pretty funny, me laughing so hard I was red, (or blue) in the face, Sirius and Remus staring at each other with dazed looks of horror and disgust.
"Sirius, what goes on in that head of yours?" Remus finally chocked out. James was watching us with interest, until I stood and said,
"Believe me, you don't want to know. But they were having a laughing contest."
"Oh." He said, as though that in itself explained it. I took the offered hand to help me out, smoothing my jean skirt subconsciously, and shifting in my flip-flops. The shirt had been a variety of colors, thin and light, and I was suddenly aware that if we were going into the woods, which we had to be, I wasn't dressed appropriately. James was looking appreciative though.
"Jamie, she didn't dress up for you to stare at her." Sirius reminded. Both he and Remus were finally out of their horrified Snape induced stupors, to watch the exchange with amusement. To be honest, I hadn't dressed up for him to stare at me, but if he wanted to stare, who was I to stop him?
He nodded, and pulled gently at my am until I moved my hand down so that he was holding my hand rather than my arm. I guess it shocked him for a moment, but soon he was back to normal.
"Sorry, I guess I wasn't thinking." I said as we left the portrait. "I mean, I wont be dressed for the outdoors."
He gave me a smile, one that said he was up to no good. Instead of making me enraged at him like it used to, it only made my heart jump. "But Bella Donna, we aren't going outside. Not for long, anyways." He pulled out the invisibility cloak.
"James, they've been watching the entrances to the village since the attack."
"I know."
"Then how're we going to-" He put his hand over my mouth before I could finish, sweeping the cloak over us.
"Lily, what I'm going to show you is like the room I showed you to practice with your gift." He said quietly into my ear. God James must like whispering into people's ears, because he does it often.
"What, it gives you anything you want?" I asked, confused. I felt him shake his head, as he quickly guided me over to a statue of an older witch, with a rather stooped back and a large eye.
"No, it's similar in a sense that we're the only ones that know about it. The Marauders. So what I'm doing is telling you our business. It's like making you one of us you know so many of our secrets. Please keep them to yourself." As he said this, he pulled out his wand and muttered a nonsense Latin word under his breath, taping the back of the witch.
Slowly, the hump of the witch became a small slide, revealing a dark and narrow tunnel. James, who still had my hand, helped me quickly up, alert just in case. I slid down the stone slid, albeit uncomfortably, and landed at the bottom, moving out of the way so James could get through. A moment later a soft thud sounded, letting me know that James had landed.
:"Lumos." He whispered, and I did the same, somewhat embarrassed that I hadn't thought of that.
"James, where does this tunnel lead?" I asked. I wasn't frightened, just…nervous. Very nervous. James smiled in the dim light wittily.
" Hogsmeade." Was his cheeky reply. So that was why I hadn't liked him.
"Haha." I said dryly. "I meant, where in Hogsmeade?" James, who was carrying the cloak, and stooped in an attempt to keep from hitting his head, looked at me calmly. It did have an effect, soothing my nerves and at the same time making me more nervous.
"The cellar in Honeydukes." He replied. "We know the owners, we'll be allowed out." He looked over, and noticed my nerves. "Relax, Lils. I'd never lead you into danger."
He was right, I knew, so I tried to calm down. I took note of this other nickname, and mentally laughed. James had more creative nicknames than anyone I knew or had ever met. Bella Donna, Lils, flower, Lily flower, even Evans. But he never stuck to one name, or one habit, and that was something I guess I just hadn't noticed about him before.
He went above me, lifting up the trapdoor carefully, only letting as much as his eyes show and looking around for any sign of movement. From what I could see, everything was dark. Sure enough, until someone held up a lit wand.
"James, nice seeing you again." James gave me a cocky, smart-ass smile and tilted his head as he lifted himself out, then reached down to help me up. I stepped into the wand light to see the owner of Honeydukes holding his wand up and eyeing me curiously. "James, she doesn't look like Sirius." The man said, amused.
"That's because she's not." James replied with the same cheek. It was nice to see him acting fully like himself again.
"Well, that means she knows about `Marauder business.' New girlfriend?" He asked. Blushing, I went to shake my head, while James took my hand and studied my face. Looking nervous, he said,
"We were just going to see about that." And pulled me away up the stairs, he let the owner follow.
"Well, enjoy your night out. I'm afraid I didn't quite catch your name." He said, carelessly.
"Lily Evans." I said, reaching the top and shaking his hand. He smiled.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Lily. You're lucky. James hasn't shown anyone else the passage. We trust him to keep it a secret. If James trusts you, I'm sure we can." All right, I was a little surprised. I had thought he had had this all planned out because he had done this with every girlfriend prior, but unless the owner was a very good actor, I was the first person (aside from the Marauders,) who had heard of or seen the secret passage.
"So are we going to hang around Hogsmeade?" I asked, as James hadn't said anything yet about what we were doing. He smirked and said,
"What and settle for The Three Broomsticks? Not that I dislike Rosmerta, but I had something a little nicer in mind for what I'm about to tell you." What he was telling me that was so important, I couldn't figure out. I just let him tug me towards the Three Broomsticks, after waving goodbye to the Honeydukes owner.
"James." Madam Rosmerta greeted him warmly. She looked at me in surprise. "Lily Evans? Well, I had never expected you and James Potter. But very well, if James brought you here this late when it isn't a trip for the school, you must be important. Now what do you want?" She looked at James carefully.
"Rosy, what would make you think I needed something from you?" He asked giving her the same puppy-eyed look he had given me. Somehow it bothered me that Madam Rosmerta had a nickname too, and that she got eh same look from him.
"That look. I'll be damned, James, you'll make me flat broke with that look, particularly if you're bringing all of your girlfriends up here now."
James feigned hurt. "Not all of my other girlfriends. Just Lily." She nodded, looked me over once, then said,
"Right." James suddenly became very business-like, saying, "We need a portkey to dinner." Rosmerta made a face.
"Oh, come on. Eat here, not in some fancy muggle-"
"Rosmerta, wizards can't hear about this."
"And yet you're telling Lily. And myself, and whoever else had to help you get from the castle to here." James nodded. "Fine. Here's you portkey. Place a finger on I don't have all night. Ready? Three, two, one…"
"Flower?" He asked when we wound up on the floor outside of some restaurant, voicing the childish nickname in concern.
"I'm okay. I just don't get along with portkeys. Anyways…" I looked around, and noticed a large glass chandelier, marble ceiling and floors, and gorgeous, candle-lit tables. It appeared to be an all-muggle area, and I felt very out-of-place, in such high-quality place. "James, I'm not dressed properly for this place. Neither are you." I pointed out. His cloak would work on Diagon Ally, but not in the muggle world. He just smiled, scratching the back of his neck.
"Um…I know. But we aren't eating here. It's just a place of highly concentrated magic, and therefore a really good portkey point. We'll eat here someday, just…someday when I have enough money." Blushing, he covered us in the invisibility cloak once again and led me by the shoulders to the door.
We walked around the city a bit before stopping to eat in a small muggle diner. After we had finally been served their food, James swallowed hard and, unsure, put his hand over mine, which was on the table.
"Lily." He'd said only my name, but it was my real name, and he didn't usually do that, so he had my attention. " You know, I wasn't lying when I said I liked you in fifth year."
Feeling my face heat up, I said, "Yeah, I know."
He seemed to be having trouble saying what needed to be said. Shifting uncomfortably in the booth, he averted his eyes, and then met my eyes again. I couldn't read the look in his hazel eyes. "I really like you, and I wanted to ask you out tonight. But because I really like you, I can't." He wasn't making sense and I told him so, calm as I could. He took in a deep breath and said, "It'll make more sense after this. Please don't interrupt or be mad at me, but I joined the Order of the Phoenix. It's an elite group of people who want to fight against Voldemort. The thing is, anyone in it's in danger. And not just them… I mean anyone they care about becomes a weakness, a target. You're all ready in danger just for being…you know?"
"Muggle born?" I asked, marveling at how calm I sounded. But inside I was a whirlwind of emotions. I knew from the newspaper and Michelle, who had lost an uncle in the Order, how dangerous their work was. Many of them felt that the Ministry wasn't taking the proper course of action, so they joined. Others simply weren't well trained. But it was like committing suicide.
"Yeah. Well, you're already in danger. Being close to anyone in the Order, including me, would be… I mean…"
"James, what are you saying?"
"I'm saying I want to be close to you, but I need to join the Order. It was what my mom wanted, and I can't just ignore it. But I thought you should know what's happening." I knew what he was really saying. He felt like we couldn't go out because of his connections, or nearly-connections, to the Order.
"James, damn the Order. But if you want it that way, you should know… I choose to put myself in danger. Because what you're suggesting is that I don't have anything to do with you. What about Remus and Sirius and Peter?" James looked uncomfortable.
"Well, I'm going to talk to them too, but I don't see the point. Everyone knows how close the Marauders are. It's kind of pointless." I smiled. He'd said exactly what I had wanted him to.
"Then it's pointless to try this with me too. Even if we don't go past friendship, I'm still going to be there for you. I've seen you grieving and in pain before, and I've seen how you handled it. We aren't going through that again." Besides, I thought if you leave, who will I complain to? Who will I bicker with? Who will I blame? Who will I secretly get a crush on?
James looked like he had no idea what to say. I have to admit, it wasn't anything like what I usually said. It was more like something from a soap opera, the shows my mum used to watch on the telly. But every word of it was true, and I wasn't taking it back or reconsidering. I wasn't sure if I was in love with James, but I knew now that I loved him. I didn't want to see him lonely or hurt.
Finally, after moments of trying to regain his voice, he said, "There's potential Death Eaters at school." I hate it when people state the obvious.
"Like Malfoy? Snape? Do you really think I care?" I asked, slightly annoyed and hurt that he seemed to think of me as so helpless after I had slapped him so many times. James just sighed. There was a stained silence, until the now-familiar glint in James's eyes sparked, and he said in excitement,
"Muggle dancing?" We had finished eating by now, but that didn't end the night.
"Why not?"
AN- Ever wonder how Harry got his name? How about what brought James out of his childish games, and drew Lily towards him? And what was it that James did to Pettigrew to make him turn? Something must have drawn the Marauders apart even as it drew Lily and James closer together. What if James had seen Harry before? But that's not possible, right? Because that would mean that Harry would be in two places at once. Yes, this is a time-turner fic, back to the past. I really wanted to post one on Portkey. Please look for The Lost Marauder. At least, that's what I think I'll title it. It may be titled `Harry.' You'll see why at the end.