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Hidden Beneath by Ryoko Blue

Hidden Beneath

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Not mine, Not mine, Definitly not mine. The entire HP world belongs to JK Rowlings.

Hidden Beneath

Chapter 3- In The Thick Of It

Harry sat down to breakfast just as Neville did across from Ginny. Neville looked around The Great Hall, obviously very confused.

Neville tapped Ginny on the hand and she looked up at him with a smile. "Yes?"

"Where's Hermione? She's not one to miss breakfast." Neville asked, with a hidden suspicion.

"Hermione said she was sick, so she is staying in today." Ginny said as she continued with her breakfast.

"Sick, Hermione said she was sick?" Neville's eyes narrowed.

"Yeah Longbottom, my girlfriend is very ill." Ron said, he was standing behind him. Neville's eyes widened in fear to the size of tea saucers.

Neville cleared his throat. "Well I was just asking." Neville helped himself to some waffles and put some whipped cream and strawberries on top.

"Oh how thoughtful of you to worry about my girlfriend," Ron was very sarcastic. "Do I need to repeat the fact that she is mine?" He glared at the back of Neville's head.

"No, I know that she's your girlfriend." Neville said as Ron slapped him in the back of the head, knocking him forward so his nose went into the whipped cream on his waffle.

"Good, you know how I get when I have to repeat myself." Ron said quietly. "Enjoy your breakfast Longbottom." Ron smirked and started towards the Ravenclaw table.

"Asshole." Neville said under his breath as he took the napkin from off the table and wiped his nose clean of the cream.

"I'm sorry about my brother Neville, but you know how he gets." Ginny said knowing that her brother is just a lot of talk.

"Yeah, unfortunately I do."

"All talk and no action," Ginny smiled. "Hey Neville, are we going to Hogsmeade this weekend?"

"Yeah sure." Neville said with a smile. He grabbed the plate next to him and started putting a few slices of ham, some fruit and a pancake with maple syrup on it. He grabbed a blueberry muffin and placed it on the plate. Neville also picked up a glass of orange juice and stood up. He noticed Harry and Ginny staring up at him obviously wondering what he was up to. "I really don't want the waffles anymore." He smiled a little. "I think I'll eat this on the way to class." Neville smiled at Ginny, "I want to get to Transfiguration early and practice with that artichoke a bit."

"But Neville it's at least forty five minutes till classes begin for the day." Ginny said.

"I know, but you know my troubles. I really want to get a handle on them before they develop into big problems." Neville then smirked at her, he looked around for Ron but he was being shielded in by the Ravenclaws. "Ginny, meet me in our spot at the half hour break?

Ginny nodded with an all-knowing smile. "Definitely." She watched as her boyfriend scurried off towards the Great Hall doors.

Harry put his finger to his chin, he was much more observant then most. He decided to follow after Neville, that boy seemed a little suspicious to him. Sure he was probably cheating on Ginny, having an affair with Ron's girlfriend. No wonder he was so scared when Ron came up to him a few moments ago.

He stood and made his way towards the Great Hall doors. Harry saw Neville going up the stairs towards Gryffindor tower instead of the direction of the Transfiguration class. He hated being in the dark; there were just too many secrets around here. He needed to know what was going on. He opened his bag and pulled out, his shiny, silvery invisibility cloak. He remembered when he had gotten this, it was sent to him from an anonymous person. It sure had come in handy. Harry slipped the cloak on and was no longer seen by the ordinary wizard or witch. He quietly followed after Neville.

Neville made his way into Gryffindor tower and up to the Girl's dormitories. He opened the main door to the girl's room and went inside. Neville stopped at the six years dorm and knocked. "Hermione?"

"Yes?" Her voice was muffled.

"It's me Neville, can I come in?" He asked.

"No, I'm sick." She coughed.

"But I have breakfast for you, maybe if you eat something you might feel a little better." He knew she wasn't sick. A few moments passed, and he almost gave up and turned to go.

"Um, bring it in. Leave it on the chair and then go." She said nearer to the door.

Neville heard a rapid thumping along the floor; he opened the door to the room just as the curtains on her bed quickly closed with a loud WOOSH.

"Leave it there on the chair." Hermione replied inside the safe confines of her bed.

He nodded and stepped into the room. Neville walked close to the bed and sat the plate and glass down on the chair. He turned around and moved to the door closing it. Neville heard the curtains part a little, but then WOOSH, the curtains closed again.

"What are you doing? I said to leave it and go." Hermione said from inside the curtains. She was sitting with her legs tucked underneath her with her hands in her lap, the peaceful darkness shielding her from the cruel world. Hermione hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday and her stomach was very upset with her. She so wanted that food, but there was no way she was coming out of the bed with him still in the room.

Neville walked back towards the bed, "Hermione what are you doing in there? Come on out and eat your breakfast. I know you are not sick."

"Yes I am." She coughed, it was a weak cough.

Neville simply rolled his eyes at her failed attempts to sound ill.

"You shouldn't be in here Neville, I am very contagious." Hermione said in a tired voice.

Neville walked closer to her bed and started pulling the curtains apart. "Come out of there." He parted the curtains parted letting in the morning sunlight.

"NEVILLE!!" She shrieked. Hermione had covered her head with her sheet, she looked like a child who was trying to play ghost. "Why did you do that?"

"Hermione I know you're not sick, let me see." He sat down on the side of the bed.

"No." She was blunt.

Under the invisibility cloak, Harry wondered if this was some kind of game they played to get into the mood. He was so close to them, it almost made him laugh that he could stand so near and no one would know he was there.

"I can't help you if you don't let me see." Neville said very seriously.

Hermione sighed deeply, and she slowly pulled the sheet down. Her eyes were closed as Neville stared in horror; Harry had to slam his palm over his mouth to keep from shouting out.

"OH MY GOD!!" Neville yelled, even though her eyes were closed he could see the black and blue underneath her dark lashes. She had a bruise the size of a very large fist on her right cheek and its twin on the other. He noticed there was bruise upon bruise. Her bottom lip had been split down the middle. He noticed there were bruises about her neck which were dark black, he could see a bit of blue outlined them.

She opened her eyes looking at him, "And these are only the ones you can see, I have plenty more. Would you like to see those too?" Hermione was sarcastic as she kept in the tears that were threatening to spill.

"Why did you let him do this to you?" Neville turned away from Hermione looking down at the floor.

"I deserved it," She said plainly. "It was my fault. I know I'm not supposed to let other males touch me and well, they did."

Neville shook his head.

Harry did not want to be in here, he realized that Neville was right. This was way over his head. He did not want to be involved in something like this. He already fought one nearly impossible battle; he did not want to get stuck in the middle of another. He was not some storybook hero bent on saving the day, he just wanted to get through school and basically be left alone. He inched closer to the door without making a sound.

"Neville, can you please go?" Hermione glanced down at her fingers.

"Hermione I don't want-"

"Neville, go now! Leave me alone!" She yelled.

Neville stood, "Fine I'll go now, but I'll be back to check on you." He quickly made his way to the door; Harry had to jump back so that he wasn't run over by a fast moving Neville. Neville left through the door he saw Ron on the landing, simply waiting there. "Shit." He cursed quietly.

Harry knew that couldn't be good when he heard Neville's choice of words. He heard footsteps coming up the stairs and into the girl's dormitories.

Neville ran back into Hermione's room, and she looked like she was ready to scream at him again. But Neville spoke before she had a chance. "Ron is out there. He's coming up here." He saw Hermione's eyes widen with fear, but he took no chances and dove underneath the bed.

Harry was in the clear, the door was open and he could leave without anyone knowing he was even there. Ron came through the open door and closed it, preventing Harry's escape. He was trapped, the only way he would get out of there was if the door opened

Ron stood next to the door, his arms crossed in front of him. "Okay, where is he?"

"Where's who?" Hermione said back.

"Longbottom, I know he came up here to see you." Ron said looking straight into her eyes; he knew she could never lie to him.

"He's not anywhere that I can see." She replied honestly.

"If I even had an inclining that you were cheating on me Hermione, I would be very upset." He stepped towards her and she took a step back.

"I-I" Hermione took in a breath. "I would never cheat on you Ron, you know that." Hermione said looking up at Ron, she never knew what he was thinking and that's what scared her.

"I know that Herm, you know how I know?" Ron stepped closer to her and saw her nod.

"I know." Hermione glanced to the floor.

Ron knew that she knew but he liked rubbing it in, "It's because no one else will have you, you have no one to cheat on me with."

"That's only because they are all afraid of you." She blurted out without thinking. Hermione's widened with fear with the realization at what she had just said. Ron closed the space between them, Hermione tried to move out of his way but he was too quick and he had grabbed her by the upper arms. She winced in pain and her face contorted in the agony of her already badly bruised arms. She let out a strangled cry.

Harry knew this was not going to be a happy conversation, but he was not going to interfere- he just wanted out. They could deal with this situation themselves. That Hermione girl had Neville to look out for her, she didn't need him. Nor did he want her to need him. He just wanted to be left alone; he had his own problems to deal with.

Neville who was under the bed could see Ron and Hermione clearly. He wanted to stop them but he knew if he made his presence known it would just be worse for Hermione later.

Perhaps if Neville knew that Harry was in the room they could have both taken Ron down, but Harry did not want to get in the middle of this, and Neville was afraid even more for Hermione's safety not to mention his own. He wasn't always going to be there to help her, and he knew that there would be a time when it's just going to be Ron and Hermione then she would feel his full wrath. Chances are this conversation wouldn't be so bad; he wasn't outrageously violent all the time. Wait a minute, yes he was.

"When will you get it through your thick skull," He shook her as his temper raged on. "No one will have you because you are nothing, you are worse than nothing. The lowest class of witch there ever could be. Born of Muggles, trash Hermione. That's all that you are." His voice calmed a bit. "No respectable wizard would ever want to even be in the same room as you, that is every wizard except me. I gave you a chance even though you are dirty, soiled and ruined since the day you were born. You should be thanking me everyday of your life." Ron said softly, he saw Hermione's head drop as she glanced down at the floor. "You know that."

Hermione nodded. She hated to admit it but Ron was right. No one would want a Muggle born such as herself.

"And when other wizards touch you, they are only doing that to spite me. Trying to see how far they can get, mostly because they know a Mudblood such as yourself will take what she can get." He heard her sniffle. "They don't care about how you feel or what you're thinking. That idiot Longbottom, I know what he's after and it isn't to be your close friend. I wouldn't trust him at all." Ron sighed pulling her against him wrapping his arms around her. "Now I'm not like those wizards, you know I only do what's in your best interest. I look out for you and I take care of you. Don't I? I mean don't I protect you from Crabbe and Goyle?"

"Yes." Hermione said. "Yes you do."

Ron pushed her back from him looking about her face; Hermione thought she was actually going to get a kind word from him.

"You look horrid you know." Ron said with disgust. "Really repulsive."

Hermione wanted to burst into tears but she kept them in, she felt them swell in her eyes but she pushed them away. They would not fall. Hermione sucked in a breath, "Well it's your fault of how I look, you did this." Another slip of the tongue. She wanted to kick herself.

"You did this to yourself, you forced me do this." His eyes narrowed and his temper flared, "If you weren't such a whore then this wouldn't happen. If you just did what you were told-"

"I am not a whore Ron," Hermione yelled interrupting him. Now that was a mistake, a big mistake. "I don't-" She continued but interrupted herself with a loud yelp as the back of his hand connected with her already bruised cheek. She moved with the force of the blow, but still managed to keep herself tear free even though it really hurt.

Both Harry and Neville had to close their eyes as they saw his hand hit hard against her face, it made such a loud smack that it even caused both boys to jump a bit.

Harry had to keep telling himself over and over again, he wasn't going to get involved. No, no this was their problem not his.

"Now look what you made me do, all of this is your fault." Ron shouted, "You know not to raise your voice at me. Me, who takes care of you. Me, whose family took you in. Me, who you owe everything to. This is how you repay me, with smart ass remarks and disobedience? Running around with every to town wizard, spreading your filth." Ron glared. "I see I am wasting my time with you, there a much better witches than you Hermione Granger. Sure you might be really beautiful, when you don't look like a wretch like you do right now, but that's all that you have. I can find better females worthy of my affection and time, you are obviously not." He turned to go.

"Ron, don't leave, please?" Hermione begged her voice clear with desperation at the thought of him leaving her when she was to blame for all of this. She was wrong, oh so wrong. Hermione saw him spin around on his heels and faced her as she continued to speak. "You are right Ron, you are so very right. I did deserve that. I know that you are only looking out for me. You are the only one that cares for me. I-I should treat you with more respect."

Ron nodded, "Well as long as you know that you were at fault, I suppose I can forgive you. And I will have you back. You have no need to worry I will not leave you." He smiled a little. "Now you stay up here and well do something about that mess on your face, and then we'll talk."

"Th-this will take a few days to heal Ron." She pointed to her face. "My covering spells aren't working."

"Are you saying that I'm also to blame for that?" Ron's eyes narrowed.

"No, no. Not at all." She said quickly. "I am, they are my spells I should be able to handle them." She thought a moment. "You know what, I'm probably going to sneak down into the hospital wing tonight when everyone is asleep and steal some of that Heal Up potion from Madame Pomfrey. I should be as good as new for you tomorrow."

Ron smiled, "That's my girl." He leaned in to kiss her but he cringed at the site of her face and pulled back. "Also, tomorrow wear your hair up for me, I like you like that."

Hermione nodded. "Yes."

He leaned closer to her ear, "You can tell Longbottom to come out from his hiding place, where ever that may be." Ron didn't know where Neville was hiding, but he knew he was in the room.

Hermione's eyes widened.

"I'm letting this one slide Hermione, mostly because he's too much of a wimp to do anything, or even make a move on you." He narrowed his eyes staring right at her, "But if he ever does." Ron paused, "I'll break his neck." He said with a grin.

Ron turned around and started for the door, he didn't even give Hermione one last look before pulling the door open and leaving through it. Harry, still invisible left quickly as well.

Neville came out from underneath the bed as Hermione now had her attention on the plate of food that was sitting there. 'So that's how he knew Neville was here.' She thought to herself. She went over to the chair and picked up the plate and set it on the dresser, she pulled the chair close and sat down. She started picking at the food, starting with the ham.

"Hermione?" Neville started.

"Neville I don't want to talk to you, please just leave."

"Hermione, Ron is wrong. I would never-"

"Just go." She interrupted while staring down into her plate, not even giving Neville a second glance. Ron was right; it was possible that Neville was only being nice to her so he could have his way with her later. She would not take the chance.

Neville sighed and went towards the door and left through it, closing it quietly behind him.

Hermione watched as the door closed and then returned to her breakfast, she wouldn't trust anyone other than Ron, not ever. It had been proven that he was the only one that will ever care about her. She was very lucky to have him in her life. She would try her hardest not to displease him because it might make him leave and then she would have nothing. And he had to at least love her to be taking this effort to show her how wrong she has always been. Hermione nodded in her thoughts.

In History of Magic, Harry just couldn't concentrate. Something was truly bothering him and he knew exactly what it was. He looked at the empty seat next to Ron in the row in front of him. 'No, stop thinking about that. It's none of your business. But she needs help. No, I'm not getting in the middle of this. They can take care of themselves.' He shifted in his seat 'If they can take care of themselves then why are you still thinking about it?' Harry sighed 'Even if I wanted to, how can I help. I am just one person. Why don't you at least talk to her? FINE!! If I talk to her will you stop bothering me? Yes.'

Harry went through the rest of his classes; dinner was finished up fairly quick. It was really late as Harry sat on the couch, he knew that Hermione had already gone to the hospital wing to swipe a potion; she would probably take it right then and there. He would still wait up until she got in and then they would actually have a conversation, whether she liked it or not.

His eyelids felt heavy; he was fighting the will of sleep. Just as his eyes were drifting closed the portrait swung open causing Harry's eyes to snap open, alerting him. He was wide-awake. He saw Hermione come inside a dark cloak was over her and she pulled the hood down, her face was perfectly clear, no sign at all of what happened on the outside, now on the inside that was another matter. It appeared that she didn't see him, so he would make his presence known.

"Good evening. Kind of late for a stroll don't you think?" Harry said with a smile.

"Ah!" Hermione jumped back a bit she had to make him think that she didn't see him. She knew who was sitting there. She was always aware of where Harry Potter was, ever since he stepped through the barrier at Kings Cross station, she had known. She was the first to see him, then that stupid little boy had to go and spread the gossip. She so wanted to talk to him mostly to see if he was as conceded as the books had made him out to sound. But Ron would never allow her to speak to another male let alone a world famous one. She did not raise her head. "What are you doing?" She whispered.

"Nothing much, just sitting here." He got a bit more comfortable on the couch.

"At two in the morning, you should get some sleep." Hermione slowly started towards the stairs.

"What were you doing out this late? Surely someone who is as sick I heard you were this morning shouldn't be up and about." Harry watched her closely.

Hermione stopped and turned a little. "So I got better, it's no big deal."

"Okay," He replied. "Why is it every time you talk to me, you never look me in the eye? Do you not give any respect to anyone you talk to. Do you always think you are above everybody else?"

"Me, above everyone? That's a laugh." She was irritated and laughed in sarcasm. "Ron has my respect." Hermione said quietly.

"Yes I noticed you always look him in the eye." Harry saw her turn around so that her back was to him. "But why is he the only one?"

She avoided his question; "You know I have a suspicion that you were waiting for me just now."

"Oh you flatter yourself too much, why would I be waiting for you?" Harry blurted out, and immediately regretted it. He was trying to talk to her, not cut her down. He had heard enough of that from Ron.

Hermione nodded, she had been wrong. "Sorry I didn't mean to suspect you, I was wrong."

"Wait," He quickly made his way over to her, so that he was standing in front of her. "I was rude, I didn't mean to be." He saw her lift her eyes to his; he had to take in a breath, as he was lost in them once again.

"No you meant it." She slammed her palm over her mouth obviously terrified, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that, I should just keep my mouth shut."

Harry was feeling frustrated, he didn't want to give away what he knew. He quickly lifted his hand to run it through his hair and he saw her flinch and her eyes slam shut, a yelp similar from the one he heard earlier came out of her. "What did you do that for?" He was confused. Harry looked at her and carefully asked. "Did you think I was going hit you, why?"

When Hermione realized she wasn't going to be struck, her eyes opened wide. "I-I have to go." She turned away from him quickly.

He wasn't going to let her leave so he quickly touched her on the arm.

Hermione panicked and immediately drew her arm away, "Don't touch me!" She shrieked in complete fear. She slammed her palm over her mouth again this time because she was too loud, and Ron would be in the room in less then a second. She looked around the stairs nervously.

Harry noticed she was scared, really scared. "There's nothing to worry about from him, I gave him some sleeping potion. He'll be out till morning."

"What do you mean I have nothing to worry about from him, who did you give sleeping potion to?" Hermione's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Who else, your wonderfully kind and loving boyfriend." Harry sarcastically.

"What? I don't understand why you would do that." She was confused.

"Mostly because I've been trying since I got here to talk to you, you just snub me. I've been watching you for a while and well you seem deathly afraid of Weasley. So I thought if I put him out you wouldn't be afraid."

"I am not afraid of Ron," She laughed but it was weak, "Where do you get such a-" Hermione cringed with horror, "You've been watching-"

Harry interrupted, "You thought I was going to hit you, didn't you?"

"I-it doesn't matter what I thought, it never does." She wanted to kick herself. Curse her outbursts.

"Sure it does, why wouldn't your thoughts matter?" Harry said folding his arms across his chest.

Hermione gulped down a breath of air, "They just don't." She answered.

"That's not a good answer."

"What do you want me to say, and I will say it." Hermione replied.

"I want you to say whatever you want." He watched her carefully.

Hermione felt very confused, "What? I don't know what you want from me? You are so confusing." She thought a minute something didn't make sense. Ron was under a sleeping spell so that he could talk to her. 'YEAH RIGHT!!' Her mind shouted. Ron was under a spell to keep him out the way so he couldn't protect her. Hermione looked at him, she was scared. "What do you want from me?" and she started backing away.

Now Harry was confused, "I don't want anything but to talk to you."

"I-I don't believe you." She started backing up towards the stairs, carefully keeping a watchful eye on him.

"What else would I want other than to talk to y-" He paused a moment, he remembered what Ron said. "It's not what you're thinking." Harry said.

"You don't know what I'm thinking." Hermione said still stepped backwards towards the stairs.

"Yes I know exactly what you are thinking." Harry said.

"No you don't." She was on the first step, all she had to do know is turn and run and she would be home free.

"I know what you're thinking, and you're wrong."

"How could you possibly know what I'm thinking?" Hermione eyed him with fear and confusion.

"Because I was there." Harry finally gave her the truth, he needed her to trust him and the truth might be the only way.

Hermione stopped. "You were where?"

"In your room," He admitted.

"You were in my room?" Her eyes narrowed, "When? I would have seen you."

"No you wouldn't have, just believe me when I tell you that I was there this morning."

"No you weren't, you're lying." She accused.

"I'm not lying, I was there." Harry sighed, "I saw how your so called boyfriend treats you."

Hermione's eyes widened, "Oh shit."


Well that's it for chapter 3, stay tuned for chapter 4. And just so you all know all of my fics, Amulet of Torna, One Hot Summer, and All That She Wants, have all been updated for the week. They all have a new chapter, go and check them out if you want. I don't think you will be disappointed. :-)