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Hidden Beneath by Ryoko Blue

Hidden Beneath

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Not mine, Not mine, Definitly not mine. The entire HP world belongs to JK Rowlings.

Hidden Beneath

Chapter 5- Through Her Eyes

Harry followed secretly behind Hermione as she climbed the stairs back to Gryffindor tower. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs as she crept quietly into the boy's dorm. Harry assumed she was putting Ron's broom back. After a few minutes Hermione came out of the boy's dorm broom-less and went right over to the girls' dorm and retired for the night. He pulled off his invisibility cloak.

"So that's how you were hiding in the girl's dorm." A voice said from the couch.

Harry turned to find Neville sitting there, there was a small vial in his hand and he was twirling it around.

Neville saw Harry's gaze directed towards the vial of clear liquid. "This is what helped me to see the truth."

"Don't you have anything better to do then spy on me?" Harry said with a bit of sarcasm.

"I just wanted to make sure Hermione was alright it is Wednesday after all, these evenings are always the hardest on her." Neville glanced to the floor for a moment. "I figured you would be spying on her."

"What makes you say that?" Harry looked at Neville curiously.

"Well for one you weren't in bed." Neville continued to twirl the potion in his hand.

Harry pointed to the vial with a subtle jerk of his chin. "What's with the bottle? Is it some kind of drug?"

Neville shook his head, "no, this is a potion Draco made. Since he quite often is Hermione's partner he is able to take hair samples from her because of how they are used in different potions."

"Alright, what does it do then?" Harry's arms crossed in front of him.

"Well I used to be just like you before Draco gave me this."

"I doubt you were just like me."

"I mean that I thought that Hermione would be fine on her own and that she can handle her problems herself. It wasn't until I took this potion that I began to see things very differently." Neville held out the vial for Harry to take.

"You still didn't answer my question, what does it do?" Harry didn't take the vial he just stared at it.

"I know you consciously say I don't want to get involved, but believe it or not you can't close your mind to what's happening and by you wanting to talk to her last night, your heart wants you to help her, but that blasted head of yours says no don't help her, she can take care of herself." Neville looked at Harry, "this potion will allow you inside her head. You will hear her thoughts, see things through her eyes."

Harry looked at the potion, "I don't know. I have my own problems to worry about. What makes you think I even want to see what's going on in her head?" He took the little bottle from Neville and looked at the clear liquid.

"It's up to you; I'm just giving you the option." Neville turned from Harry.

Harry heard Neville mutter "Selfish prat." His eyes narrowed in anger. 'Selfish am I? Yes you are, no I'm not. I just don't want to be stuck in the middle of problems like this. Yeah well think of her, she's really stuck in the middle.' Harry sighed and climbed the stairs to the boys' dorm; he slipped silently inside and made way to his bed. He saw Ron snoring peacefully; the red head didn't even bother to pull the curtains closed on his bed. Harry sat down on his bed and looked at the liquid, 'Ah, what would it hurt, besides if he didn't get anything useful out of her head, perhaps he could find out the deepest mysteries all guys are just dying to know, what goes on in the heads of ladies.'

He took the cork out of the vial and drank down the contents of the bottle; he thought it would taste nasty; he was surprised when the sweet taste of strawberries glided down his throat. Too bad there wasn't anymore, that wasn't half bad. Harry waited a moment, but nothing was happening. Perhaps the potion expired or something, he heard Neville's snoring so he decided to wait till morning to talk to him. Harry stripped out of his clothing, only his underwear remaining and retired for the night.


The morning alarm went off and Harry sat up slowly, yawning. 'Hmm, the pink underwear or the white?' Harry heard a feminine voice in his head and glanced around the dorm there were no girls in the room. Something was strange. His room looked different, it was like half of what he saw was the girl's dorm room and he was looking at himself or rather herself in the mirror he closed his eyes when Hermione who was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom started stripping her nightgown off. Oh wow the potion worked.

He opened his right eye and all he saw was his room, he then opened his left eye and he saw both his room and Hermione's bathroom, she was in the shower and the water was falling. He immediately closed his eyes again. He did not want to see her washing herself no matter how tempting it was he was certainly no pervert. Harry thought a moment and opened his left eye only and he all he saw was Hermione in the shower and he immediately closed his eye. He opened his left eye and started getting ready for the day; he grabbed his soap and shampoo heading towards the bathroom.

Ron saw him with one eye open and one eye closed he started chuckling, "Something wrong with your eyes Potter?"

"Not at all." Harry said in irritation still keeping his eye closed. 'unless you think me wanting to see your girlfriend naked is a problem' He thought to himself.

"Well I wouldn't want you to miss tryouts tomorrow because of bad eyes, it would be a shame, and we are so looking forward to seeing your talent." Ron was sarcastic.

"Oh I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow," 'Hopefully.' Harry thought to himself. He had forgotten to ask Neville how long this potion lasts for. "Just you worry about yourself." Harry said and went into the bathroom.

After his morning shower, he was relived to find that when he opened his eyes Hermione was done with hers and already dressed as he was walking down to The Great Hall for breakfast he saw Hermione putting the finishing touches on her hair.

Hermione sighed looking at herself in the mirror; she tilted her head to side a few times. She nodded with approval and left the bathroom heading over to her bag sitting on her trunk. Hermione lifted the bag and swung it over her shoulder leaving the girl's dorm. She started down the stairs to the common room waiting for Ron like usual. She waited for about fifteen minutes and Ron finally came down the stairs, she took a deep breath 'Well it's another day, hopefully I won't mess up too much today.' She saw Ron's eyes scrutinizing her but she tried to ignore it. "Did you sleep well?" Hermione asked quietly.

"Yes," Ron tilted his head to the side, "So did you finish my Herbology homework for me?"

Hermione's eyes widened. 'Oh no I forgot.' She thought to herself.

"I can tell by the look on your face that you didn't do it," Ron crossed his arms in front of him. "So what am I suppose to do?"

"Maybe you should have done it yourself." Hermione blurted out, realizing what she said, she immediately closed her mouth. 'Idiot!!' Her head screamed at her.

Ron took a deep breath, anger was swelling inside him. He roughly grabbed her by the arm and a loud yelp in pain came from her. "Keep your noises to yourself you stupid girl." He pulled her bag from her shoulder and opened it. He fished through her Muggle folders and found her Herbology folder and opened it, there nice and neat on a lovely piece of parchment was Hermione's Herbology homework which was completed.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked quietly lightly rubbing her aching arm, which was already starting to show purple marks from Ron grabbing her.

Ron didn't answer as he took her homework paper out, he used his wand removing her name from the top and replacing it with his own, and he changed the handwriting to look like his by using a Masking spell.

"Ron you can't do that, I worked for several days on that." Hermione said in desperation.

"Are you telling me what I can and can not do?" In complete rage he roughly threw her open bag to the floor and all her folders, which opened, flew about decorating the floor of the common room in her work. "The way I see it is you lost all rights to your homework since mine has not been completed. Maybe this will teach you to always complete mine first. I hope you enjoy your incomplete mark you will receive."

Hermione looked up at him, "Give it back it is mine, I did my homework and I want my good mark-" Hermione was interrupted when Ron's hand connected with her cheek so hard that she staggered backwards from the force of the blow.

"Don't order me around bitch," Ron sneered.

"I won't let you take my grade, I'll go to Professor Sprout, I will." Hermione's voice was shaking with fear as she was attempting to stand up to him while rubbing her sore cheek.

They heard playful yelping coming from the direction of the couch, Ron went over to the couch and found Hermione's cute little Pomeranian playing with its fuzzy ball. Ron smirked and picked the dog up off of the couch, he turned facing Hermione holding the dog secure in his arms.

Hermione's eyes widened with fear for her puppy, "What are you doing?" She looked between the dog and Ron. The dog was licking Ron's fingers affectionately. "Give Cinnamon to me," She said quietly.

Ron glanced down at the dog "You won't say anything to any professors about the homework, for one they would go back through all my assignments and find out you did them and I would be expelled. I'm not about to let that happen."

"Ron, please give her to me." Hermione looked up at him with worried eyes.

"Let me make this clear to you Hermione, if you ever say anything to anyone about homework or anything else." Ron closed his hand around the neck of the dog. "I'll snap this pathetic bitch's neck."

"Alright Ron," She took a deep breath, "I won't say anything, I promise. Now please give her to me." She begged while holding her arms out for the dog.

Ron saw how eager she was to hold her dog, he laughed and threw it to the ground and it yelped. He would have kicked it but Hermione had dove for her dog and had the puppy already in her arms.

"I'm going down to breakfast; you pick this crap up off the floor." He saw the bruise forming on her cheek, "Fix that bloody bruise. And then you better come down to breakfast and behave." He folded the homework and tucked it into a pocket under his robe and left the common room.

After taking a few deep breaths Hermione stopped the tears that were swelling in her eyes. She hugged her dog tightly in her arms and spoke quietly into her ear "He can hurt me all he wants, but he's not going to lay one finger on you my little Cinnamon." She affectionately rubbed her dog's ears and kissed her on the head, she set her down on the ground and it went right after its little fuzzy ball. Hermione sighed and kneeled down on the floor and started picking up her papers. 'I should have done his paper first, that's how it's always been. How did I forget Ron's paper?' scratched her head in confusion 'Yeah he's right I am a stupid girl.' With her task complete, Hermione zipped up her bag. She walked by the mirror in the common room and glanced at her cheek and cringed at the site of it. Hermione lifted her wand and muttered her covering spell and the bruise faded from view, she headed towards The Great Hall.

Harry could not eat anymore; he had left his plate and his spot at the table. What he had seen was enough to make anyone's stomach churn. Ron was surely the biggest jerk to ever walk the planet, threatening Hermione through her pet; he couldn't believe someone would sink so low. To Harry through Hermione's eyes it seemed to him that Ron enjoyed torturing her like that. Not that he couldn't control his actions like some people have been known to do, but that he actually liked hurting her.

Harry was leaving The Great Hall when the door opened and Hermione came though, the door almost banged into him but he jumped back out of the way.

"Sorry." Hermione said quietly before walking all the way into The Great Hall, she was relieved to find that Ron wasn't at the table. She really didn't care if he was there, this time she would be able to eat in peace for once.

Harry watched her a moment, he heard a shriek come from the other side of the doors, he opened them and saw Ginny looking furiously at her brother who had quickly pulled out of Lavender's arms. Harry laughed to himself as he approached Ginny, she did not break eye contact with her brother.

"I'm going to tell her," Ginny said bitterly.

"Oh you can't be serious Ginny, I didn't kiss her she kissed me." Ron said.

"You looked pretty into it yourself." Ginny's hands found her hips she was angry.

Harry noticed that Ron had red lipstick smudges on his neck and face; his lips were also a nice rosy shade of red as well.

"I think you should tell Hermione you were kissing another girl."

"Ginny you can't tell her, you are my sister you are loyal to me. Not to her. She's not even part of our family. Mum would be furious about your interfering in mine and Hermione's relationship." Ron said he sighed, "But if it makes you feel any better I'll tell her that Lavender kissed me." He lied.

"Alright then, its for the best Ron. You know how Hermione is, she'll forgive you." Ginny smiled. "And if you don't tell her, I will." Ginny added with the narrowing of her eyes she walked away from her brother and passed by Harry with a smile.

Ron saw Harry looking at him, "You will forget all that you heard."

"Oh I don't know, I can do a lot with this information." Harry said with a smirk.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll forget everything you heard." Ron said closing in on Harry.

"Oh I think your girlfriend would love to know what her boyfriend has been up to." Harry saw Ron's eyes narrow in hatred.

"You stay away from my girl Potter, she doesn't need any outside influence coming in and changing her. Believe it or not I know you are developing a little crush on her. I won't allow that. She belongs to me."

"Is that so?" Harry eyes narrowed, challenging. "I know what you do to her." Harry said with a smirk.

Ron laughed, "You don't know anything, keep your mouth shut and don't go stirring up trouble."

"Or what? I'm not afraid of you like the rest of this bloody school is."

"Watch your back Potter." Ron turned to go.

"Watch yours," Harry spat which caused Ron to turn and face him. "It's seven years in Azkaban for what you're doing; you wouldn't want me spilling the beans now would you?" Harry said looking Ron right in the eye.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Ron glared at Harry.

Harry smirked, "Sure you don't." He was sarcastic.

"Look here, I will tell you only once. You stay away from Hermione. I won't be held responsible for what happens if you go near her." Ron spat

"Unfortunately for you I am her partner for Transfiguration."

"Yes, that maybe true. I will make sure that she knows not to go near you any other time but that class." Ron glared one last time and turned walking away from Harry.

Breakfast was over fairly quickly and the students had made their way to their first classes of the morning. The Gryffindors and Slytherins gathered in the greenhouse for Herbology. Harry sat in the row behind Hermione and Ron; he was staring at the back of her head. He saw Ron turn and glare at him before returning his vision to the front of the class.

The class handed in their homework, Professor Sprout looked at Hermione. "Why haven't you completed the assignment Miss Granger?"

"I uh, well I forgot." Hermione said glancing down at her fingers in shame.

"There is no excuse Miss Granger, when I give assignments I expect them to be complete. I gave you enough time to complete it, five points from Gryffindor Miss Granger." Sprout said with a smirk. She continued to go around and gather the student's homework.

Harry didn't have to look up at Ron and Hermione as he could see what Hermione was doing anyway.

Ron and Hermione were working on potting a rare and night blooming orchidbelles. When Ron's aggravated voice echoed in Hermione's ear.

"Damn-it woman, you're doing it wrong." Ron bellowed.

"No I'm not." She whispered, "I'm following the book, look." Hermione pointed to the page where Sprout had told them to look. "The rocks go in first." She argued.

"I still say you put the potting soil in first, my mother did it that way for years." Ron growled.

"That's not true Ron, your mother doesn't have night blooming orchidbelles, and I should know I work in that damn garden she doesn't."

Ron didn't like it when she argued with him in public, what he says should never be second-guessed. Hermione bent down reaching for the bag of potting soil on the ground. Ron elbowed her flowerpot hard; the plant fell off the table and shattered on the floor. She yelped and jumped back, she heard professor Sprout calling her name in anger.

"Miss Granger, do you know how rare that flower is." Sprout spat.

"But I didn't…." Hermione was interrupted.

"Detention Miss Granger, you have no consideration for living things, perhaps you will learn some." Sprout was angry.

Hermione looked at Ron and he leaned in closer.

"That'll teach you not to argue with me in class Hermione." Ron went back to work on his flowerpot.

Harry wanted to throw something at the back of Ron's head; he grabbed a large clump of dirt and threw it at the red head. Ron's head snapped around as he glared at Harry who was glaring at him. Harry's glare slowly melted away into a smirk when he lifted his flowerpot high in the air and 'accidentally' let it fall to the ground and shatter. "Oops." Harry said as Professor Sprout turned and glared at Harry.

"Mr. Potter, detention." Sprout spat, she was bitterly angry. "Careless Gryffindors." She spat.

Ron was positively ready to scream; he knew that Harry did that on purpose. For he was smiling. He was going to kill that Harry Potter if it's the last thing he'll ever do.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. By the time five o'clock rolled around Hermione had received a fair share of bruises and her arms, from Ron dragging her around, whenever he looked foolish for something he did, he made her believe that it was her fault and she was getting what she deserved. Around eight Hermione reported to the greenhouse for detention.

Harry was already there when she arrived; he was sitting on a table swinging his legs back and forth. He noticed she was still looking to the floor, even though Ron wasn't around. In his head he heard everything that Ron told her and what she was allowed to do and not to do while in her detention. The detention he got her on purpose. Of course she agreed after a few slaps in the face for her backtalk. Harry never wanted to hurt someone more then Ron Weasley.

Professor Sprout came out of her office disrupting Harry's thoughts on Hermione. She ordered the two of them to clean the greenhouse perfectly. And that when they were finished to come and get her. Professor Sprout left the greenhouse and the students started on their detention.

The two of them worked in silence as Hermione cleared away the broken pots and debris. Harry packaged up the potting soil and swept the floor.

Harry didn't like the silence; his own thoughts would start to bother him. He had to make conversation or he would go insane. "This is sure fun isn't it?" He was sarcastic.

Hermione didn't answer; she just shook her head no.

"Quidditch tryouts are tomorrow, are you going to try out?" Harry asked pleasantly.

Hermione simply sighed and continued on her cleaning without uttering a peep.

Harry understood why she wasn't talking; Ron's behavior was inexcusable. He could see why she was afraid of him. "You know you fly really well." Harry said softly.

The bag of soil dropped from her hands and she turned to look at him, her eyes were full of worry. "You-you saw me?"

Harry nodded.

"You can't tell Ron." She said in fear.

"Oh I won't." He saw a glimmer of relief flicker in her eyes. He inwardly smiled he finally got her to say something to him. "You really should try out for the team tomorrow."

Hermione shook her head "no, I couldn't. Ron doesn't want me playing."

"What should it matter what he wants, this is you. What do you want to do?" Harry stepped closer to her.

"Me?" Hermione asked unsure.

Harry nodded, "yes you."

Hermione glanced at the floor a moment and smiled lightly, "I want to play," She looked up at him. Her smile faded and was replaced by her fear, "But I dare not."

"What would it hurt if you played?" Harry asked, in his head her heard her voice saying 'If you only knew' "What if I can guarantee that you won't regret the decision to at least try out?"

"How can you do that?" She eyed him suspiciously.

"I have my ways." Harry said leaning against the table.

Hermione sighed and backed away from him, "I don't know. I'm not even supposed to be talking to you." She wanted to kick herself for her confession.

"Why can't you talk to me?" Harry pushed himself away from the table and took a step towards her. He watched her draw back and jump out of his way.

"It's just not right." Hermione said avoiding his gaze.

"I think you don't do anything that might upset Weasley, because of what happens when he gets mad." He said softly, not accusing but gentle.

"What makes you say that?" Hermione did not lift her head.

"You should be able to do whatever you want without the worry that someone is going to lash out at you." Harry stepped towards her, she didn't seem to notice. He could hear her very confused thoughts swirling around in her mind. He had never seen someone look so lost and helpless before in his entire life. There is no one that cares for her, no one to take care of her when she is hurt, no one to lift her spirits when she is sad, and no one to bring a smile to her face. She is completely alone.

Harry gently put his arms around her; she started to panic and tried to jump away from him. He could hear her very troubled thoughts. No one had ever simply held her. In fact even after spending last night with Ron, it ended with him just leaving her out in the cold, no affection no nothing.

"No please let go of me," Hermione begged desperation ringing through her voice.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Harry said softly. "I promise."

His soft tone made her stop pushing; Ron never used any kindness towards her whatsoever without realizing it she leaned into him. Hermione found herself feeling safe and secure within his embrace, 'I am going to be so dead if Ron sees me.' She thought to herself and felt a cold shudder run her spine.

"You don't have to worry about Weasley, I again put sleeping potion into his drink at dinner." Harry's arms tightened around her. He felt her relax as Hermione rested her head on his shoulder. Harry knew from Neville that Hermione had parents, but they died. He wondered if this was the first time she had just been held in a really long time. The thought of that made him sigh with regret for her. He needed to think about something else. "Are you going to try out tomorrow?"

"I don't know." Hermione answered quietly.

"Remember, do whatever you want to do. If you want to try out then do it. You shouldn't let anything stand in your way."

"But Ron will-" Hermione paused, catching herself. She almost said too much.

"Just try out, you won't regret it. Forget about Weasley. This is about what you want to do, not about him. You do want to try out don't you?"

Hermione thought a moment; she would love to try out. "Yes I do, I really want too." And she pulled away from him. She still didn't look up at him "We should finish our detention and then go back to the tower.

Harry nodded. He swore he could see a little light pink tinge creeping up on her cheeks. He simply smiled.

They continued in silence while the finished up cleaning the greenhouse. After Professor Sprout approved of the well accomplished cleaning she sent Harry and Hermione back up to the tower.

Hermione whispered a quiet good night to Harry and she quickly fled up the stairs to the girl's dorm not even waiting for a reply. She regretted tomorrow, but now was not the time to think about that. She really wanted to try out; hopefully it wouldn't be that bad. Hopefully.

Harry would make sure that Hermione would be able to try out tomorrow, without fear of Ron. He had an idea and he was sure it would work. Tomorrow would be a new day for Hermione. He was sure of it. Harry walked up the stairs to the boy's dorm and retired for the night as well.


Well that's it for chapter 5, stay tuned for chapter 6. Remember read and review. Thanks, Ryoko Have an exciting H/Hr day *smiles*