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Hidden Beneath by Ryoko Blue

Hidden Beneath

Ryoko Blue

A/N: Sorry for the huge delay everyone, well I hope what goes on in this chapter makes up for the length of time it took me to get this out. Happy reading ^_^

Hidden Beneath

Chapter 9-Happy Christmas Hermione

Harry had been pacing back and forth in front of the Gryffindor common room fire place for the last hour. He heard the wind howl against the glass window, the snow had really started coming down hard. Harry moved over to the window and glanced out it, the blizzard had gotten so bad that there was no visibility. He shivered as he leaned against the wall which was frozen to the touch even on the inside of the room.

With a heavy sigh, Harry went over to the couch and sat down resting his face in his hands. Where in heavens name was Hermione? Why did she run off like that, didn't she know how bad the storm had gotten? Harry had an awful vision of a frozen Hermione lying flat on her face in the bitter snow.

"Where is she?" Just as Harry had said that out loud the portrait swung open and in walked Hermione looking much like a drowned rat, her hair was plastered all over her face. Her cheeks were flushed bright red as well as her lips, her hands looked pure white, and she was shivering severely.

"Where have you been?!" Harry couldn't help the rising tones in his voice.

"Sorry." Hermione quietly muttered glancing at the floor. "I…I" She couldn't finish her comment.

Harry was really angry, "Have you any idea how worried I have been!?"

Hermione sniffled, "Sorry." She barely said above a whisper.

"Did you bother to notice the size of that blizzard?!" He shouted as his arm lifted quickly, his hand pointing out the window at the fierce snow storm.

Hermione had squealed loudly, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Her arms had shot up over her head, hugging against her face as to protect herself from any harm.

Harry stopped his ranting at the awful noise she had made, he took a good look at himself and then at her. He wanted to shoot himself in the head. A large sigh and relieving breath escaped him as he gently took a hold of her arms, she flinched under his touch.

"Hermione, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you, I was just so worried about you." His voice was calm and soothing, gentle. He tried to move her arms down from around her face and found it wasn't an easy task. "I can't stand it that you are afraid of me."

After a few seconds of silence Hermione allowed Harry to bring her arms down away from her face.

"I'm sorry, I…I just went for a walk." She said meekly.

"No, no don't be sorry." Harry saw the redness of her eyes, guilt immediately surged through him, and he took a deep breath. "I shouldn't have reacted the way I did."

"No, I should have told you I was going for a walk." Hermione wiped at her eyes, not wanting to cry in front of him. That would make her seem weak. And weak girls weren't treated very nicely.

"Hermione, I don't own you. You can go where you want, when you want." Harry replied. He reached out slowly and took her hand. "I had no right to yell at you like that. I'm sorry." She didn't look up at him. "Really sorry." he said. Hermione nodded slightly and Harry exhaled in relief.

"I…uh should go change." She said quietly turning to go.

"Are you going to come back down?" Harry asked hopeful.

"Did you want me to?" Hermione's voice had barely gone up above a whisper. But Harry heard her perfectly.

"Only if you want to," Harry stared at the back of her head.

"All right, I will." And with that having been said, she continued on towards the stairs that led up to the girl's room.

Harry let out a large sigh and landed back on the couch; he wanted to talk to her about what happened earlier this afternoon, why she had run off like that? Why was she sorry? She didn't do anything. It was all him, it was his fault. But he felt it wasn't the right time to bring such things up, the thought of what happened would probably just drive her away and whether she knew it or not she needed him.

Hermione slowly made her way up to her room, which was quiet and empty. She was glad for the solitude as she grabbed some fresh clothes and headed to the bathroom for a warm bath. As she turned on the water, the whole room filled with a pleasantly warm steam. After stripping the snow soaked garments from her body she sank into the delightfully hot water.

She had been stupid to run off like that during the snow storm, but what else could she have done? She had been a tease a 'Scarlet Woman,' she hated herself for doing that to one of the only people that had ever cared about her. She didn't know how she was going to face Harry now, surely he must think what a whore she was, a tear trickled down her cheek and she quickly lifted her hand wiping it away slowly dunking under the water.

Harry stared at the fire, the red hot embers glowing brightly as the flames danced against the logs. He wondered what was taking Hermione so long, he decided to give her five more minutes and then he would go up. Just as he had thought this he saw the girl's door open and Hermione step out in some old sweat pants and a long sleeve flannel shirt. Her hair had been dried since he had seen her last; she started across the upstairs landing towards the stairs. He turned back towards the fire so she wouldn't catch him staring at her, he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. He heard Hermione approaching the back of the couch and she came around to the front.

Hermione sat down on the edge of sofa, a little bit away from him. She pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and threw it over her, cuddling underneath it; then stared into the fire.

Clearing his throat, Harry decided to break the awkward silence. "So… Are you all right now?"

Her head nodded up and down slowly, "Yes. I had a nice bath."

"Well that's good to hear, bet it warmed you up real good huh?" He smiled a little and saw her head nod again. "Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, are you excited?"

She turned her head and looked at him, "What's there to be excited about? It's just another day just like any other day of the week."

Harry tucked his legs underneath him, sitting in an indian style facing her. "No it's not. Christmas Eve is a magical night, were your dreams and wishes come true."

None of her wishes or dreams had ever come true on that night, but she smiled a little for him. "What a romantic notion you have."

He could tell her smile was forced, "I take it your Christmases haven't been very happy ones."

"It's just…" She paused and took a deep breath, "I make wishes and I dream all the time, not one single one of them had ever come true." She stared down at the red blanket. "Nothing has been very magical in my eyes."

Harry nodded; he hoped he could change her idea about Christmas. He in fact had gotten her a few gifts, knowing that she hadn't gotten him anything. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, it isn't your fault." Hermione said. She wanted to change the subject, "You know we spend all this time talking about me, what about you?"

"We talk about me all the time, but I'll tell you anything you want to know." Harry smiled. There were a few moments of silence before Hermione spoke up with a question that Harry was not expecting at all.

"How did you defeat Voldemort? It doesn't say in the books about you." Her cheeks tinged pink, she still felt embarrassed that she had read every single book about him that was put out.

Harry's eyes jotted about the room as he looked in every direction except for in her direction. He suddenly felt very nervous and he didn't like it. "Why do you want to know about that?" His voice had taken on a very angry tone.

Hermione gulped down a breath of air; she could hear and see that he was angry. She had made a mistake in asking. She had read that Harry Potter had brutally murdered before, she wasn't sure if it was true or not. She was afraid and her hands began to shake underneath the blanket, and she slowly pressed herself into the back of the couch cushion. "I…I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."

She waited for him to say something, but he was completely silent, his face etched in a most horrid anger. Much like the many faces Ron had shown her. Hermione wanted to flee the room and rush off somewhere she knew was safe. Hermione quickly threw off the blanket and stood up in a mad rush. "I…I think…I…should uh…go now." Her voice trembling, tears of fear threatening to spill over.

A hand came down on her arm and she freaked out squealing loudly, "Don't hurt me, please! I'll be good, I promise!" She tried to pull her arm away so that she may run.

"Hermione sit down." Harry said while looking up at her.

"Just let go. Please." She begged, not even noticing her tears.

"I'm not going to hurt you Hermione, just sit down, please. Don't go." Now he was begging.

Hearing him like that made her want to stay. Still on her guard Hermione slowly slipped back down onto the couch, but staying a good distance away from him. Her eyes were wide and still full of fear.

Harry spoke up right away. "I didn't mean to scare you; it wasn't you I was angry at." His tone was firm, yet gentle. "Its just remembering what he did, well…" He took a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair. "Do you really want to know?"

Hermione wasn't sure how she should answer.

"I will tell you, but it might change your view of me." Harry looked about her face and saw her uncertainty. The way he reacted when she asked him was why he understood her fear of him now. He saw her nod.

Harry cleared his throat and went into the long tale, about the poisoned sword, the innocent people Voldemort controlled to attack him and how he had to kill those people too, and finally the beheading of Voldemort. Harry looked up expecting to see the look of absolute hate and horror. But he was surprised when Hermione had flung herself at him embracing him in a tight hug. He then put his arms around her, hugging her against him

"That must have been really hard on you." Hermione said.

Harry nodded, "I didn't like killing anyone, let alone innocents." He hugged her tighter, afraid that she would disappear at any moment now.

"Have you ever talked to anyone about this?"

"No. I don't want to burden others with my problems and feelings. So I just keep it to myself."

"You really shouldn't. You've told me you shouldn't keep things inside you should let them out." Hermione said softly, her cheek resting against his shoulder.

Harry grinned a bit, "It's easier to give advice then take it."

Hermione nodded agreeing, "Well since I tell you my problems, you can go ahead and tell me yours, even if it's your past dealings with Voldemort."

"You really wouldn't mind hearing about my past with Voldemort?"

Hermione pulled back looking at him, "No, you can talk to me about it anytime, even if it's three in the morning. I'll listen." She smiled a little.

Harry felt like crying, she was so great. No one ever wanted to listen to him, not that he ever felt compelled to talk to someone. So far she has been the first and he wanted to be totally honest with her. "Thank you Hermione."

"Anytime," She smiled.

"Why did you run off?" He paused, "Earlier today." Harry couldn't take it, he had to ask.

"I told you, I went for a walk." She avoided his gaze.

"Yes but why?"

"Because I'm bad," She sniffled.

"What, no you aren't."

"Yes I am," She looked away completely, her eyes closed. "I tempted you; I'm a little whore just like Ron said."

Harry took her hands in his, "Now you listen to me, you are not a whore. And yes you did tempt me, but that's only because I like you and I'm attracted to you." Harry wanted to kick himself for blurting out that last part as he saw her cheeks tinge pink

"You're attracted to me?" She kept her eyes down low, her gaze resting on her hands which were still held by his.

"Yes, since the very first time you stepped into that train compartment with Weasley." He confessed.

"I try not to attract people, really I try."

"Trust me that is not your fault. It's not your fault, that I like you and I want to be your friend, you've done nothing. This is all my fault," He smiled. "And I rather like it that it's my fault." He continued. "I find myself wanting to always be around you, I like the way you smell, it gives me a great sense of comfort when I know you are near."

Hermione's face was as red as a cherry tomato, no one had ever said anything like this to her in her entire life. She noticed the room had gone silent and she looked up at him. She noticed there was a question burning in his beautiful green eyes; she took a breath and waited. Harry had leaned forward, his lips inching closer to hers, she was so nervous she was sure she was shaking uncontrollably.

The moment his lips touched hers she felt her heartbeat speed up with a new feeling, something she had never felt before. Yet old feelings still crept up into mind as she lifted her hands from his to press against his chest and push him away.

One of his hands cupped the back of her head he knew she was gonna try to push him away; it was only natural for her. But he would try to convince her that this was a nice thing, not to always been taken as a form of ownership so he continued to kiss her softly.

What was the matter with her, why wasn't she pushing him way? Could it be that she wanted him to do this? Nothing was ever given to her, she was always the one having things taken or rather stolen from her, first her parents, then her virginity then her self respect. Why and when had things gone this bad? All those unpleasant thoughts seemed to fade from her head with this one simple gesture from Harry; she timidly wrapped her arms around him as she welcomed his kiss.


The morning sunlight peeked through the glass window of the Gryffindor Common room. Harry and Hermione had fallen asleep on the couch, she was lying so close to him with her head pressed against his chest. Harry's hand was resting against her hip and an arm around his waist holding her close to him.

Hermione's eyelids fluttered and then opened, she glanced about and remembered she wasn't in her room, but on the sofa with Harry. She lifted herself off of him and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. The past night was interesting, she smiled a bit to herself remembering how nice it was, they would mostly spend the hours talking and would share a few kisses from time to time, nothing was rushed or frantic even when he would kiss her it would soft and sweet. Harry was so gentle with her. Never had she spent a night like that with Ron.

From the lack of warmth, Harry's eyes opened and he saw Hermione sitting up she was staring off into space. "Good morning," He said with a smile.

Hermione turned looking down at him, "Good morning," She said quietly.

"How did you sleep?" Harry asked, stretching his arms up over his head.

"Fine, and you?"

"I actually got more sleep than usual, probably because I actually told you about what happened you know. Maybe that eased my mind a bit."

"Glad I could be of help." She tucked her hair behind her ears.

"Are you hungry, do you want breakfast?" Harry said as he saw her stand up and stretch.

Hermione nodded, "oh yes, I'm really hungry."

Harry stood too, "Well so am I, we did skip dinner last night you know."

"I know. I suppose I should get dressed." Hermione said as she folded up the blanket and put it back where it belonged.

"Yeah me too," He smiled.

Hermione started for the stairs, Harry followed.

"Hermione, are you okay, really?"

She turned facing him, "Yes I am. Sorry for the lack of conversation. But I'm not really a morning person." She smiled a little.

Harry felt relieved, "Oh good, I thought I made you feel weird or something."

Hermione smiled wider, "Oh no, nothing like that. It's just you have made me feel something that I have never really felt before. I kinda like it though." She glanced at the floor, her cheeks tingeing pink from embarrassment.

A large smile graced Harry's face and he nodded, "Well I'll see you in a bit then." And he turned and went up the stairs to the boy's dorm as Hermione went to the girls.

Harry took a quick shower, and hurried into a fresh pair of clothes and left the room in a flash, he came down the stairs to find Hermione waiting patiently. She was petting her dog and feeding it some of its special food.

Cinnamon yelped happily as Harry stood next to Hermione.

"And good morning to you too Cinnamon," Harry beamed.

Cinnamon yelped a few more times and then dug into her bowl and started eating up her food. Hermione gave her dog's ears another good scratch and then got to her feet.

"I hope they have something good for breakfast." Hermione smiled as she started for the portrait.

Harry nodded agreeing and walked along side her. They made their way down to the Great Hall where a lovely breakfast was just waiting for them.

Christmas Eve day went pretty fast for the two of them; they got to play around in Snape's classroom helping him with some really fun potions, ones he would never teach his students. Hermione was laughing when Harry had taken a sip of a potion that turned his hair bright pink.

Snape sat back in his chair watching the two of them, he didn't smile but he was glad of this. He was actually having fun, with two Gryffindors to be exact. And it was nice to actually see Hermione Granger with a smile on her face, it's been a long time since he has seen that. He was glad that Harry Potter had come to this school. He would continue to have fun and enjoy the rest of the day. But once school classes started up again, he would go back to be his strict self. Only few students knew what he was really like.

After dinner Harry and Hermione headed back up to the tower.

"I had so much fun today." Hermione said as she sank into the couch cushions. "Who would have thought that Hagrid also had some sweet innocent pets as well?" She smiled up at the ceiling.

Harry laughed a little, "Yeah, it was a great day." Harry sat next to her. "Who would have thought that certain professors are nice?"

Hermione nodded relaxing a but, listening to the fire crackling, a sudden idea popped into her head. "Hey I have an idea, wait here I'll be right back"

"What, where are you going?" Harry stood as she did.

"Just wait and see." Hermione smiled then hurried out of the common room.

Harry sat down again, wondering what she was up to. He didn't have to wait long as about ten minutes later Hermione came back through the portrait hole carrying a basket.

"What have you got there?" Harry stood from the couch and moved over to where Hermione was, she had taken a seat by the fire kicking off her shoes. She started pulling out three containers and opening the lids. One container had large marshmallows, the other had Graham Crackers and the other had pieces of chocolate. He was very intrigued when she pulled to long sticks out of the basket. "What are these for?"

Hermione patted the seat next to her, "We are going to make smores." She said with a smile.

"Smores? What's that?" He sat down next to her.

"Well I will show you." She picked out a nice plump marshmallow and placed it on the end of her stick and put it in the fire, after a few seconds she pulled out the marshmallow which was lit aflame, she blew out the fire and picked up a piece of Graham cracker, pressing her marshmallow against the cracker, she then picked up a piece of chocolate and another cracker. Mushing the marshmallow together into a sandwich, and pulled the stick out. "Ta-da." She said proudly handing it to him.

Harry took the sandwich and looked at it, "Wow, so this is a smore huh?" He saw her grinning and he took a bite. It was like heaven, what a wonderful combination. No time was spared as he devoured the little sandwich in seconds flat. "That was so good." He watched as she made another, and another.

"I used to make these when I went camping with my parents, it was always lots of fun" She smiled a little, recalling the days of her youth with her parents. She too was a slave to the gooey sweetness of the smore; she had devoured her fair share of them.

They spent most of the evening talking about their childhoods, Hermione's was fairly happy, and Harry's was very depressing. They did end up laughing about some of their experiences with their families and what happened to them before they knew they were magical. Soon they couldn't fight the slumber that was threatening them, and they both drifted into their world of dreams.

Harry's eyes snapped open, he noticed it was still dark out. He looked up at the clock on the mantle, it said far too late to be up. He checked his watch which he had taken off because the gooey marshmallow from the smores was getting everywhere. He looked at his watch and it read one thirty six. Harry sighed, and heard Hermione mumble something in her sleep and turn over on her back. Harry rolled over on his side and propped himself up on his elbow, looking at her.

She was so beautiful in the dim light of the fire, his eyes scanned about her face, her eyelashes that were resting delicately against her cheeks, he probably spent a whole ten minutes gazing at her.

"What are you staring at?" Hermione's soft voice broke the silence, and Harry's face increased in color.

"I didn't realize you were awake," He said, his cheeks were tinged pink.

"Well I am." Her eyes opened. "You still didn't answer my question." She said quietly.

"All right, you caught me, I was staring at you." He smiled.

"Oh," It was Hermione's turn to blush. "Why?"

"Because…um…well." He took a breath, "you're really beautiful."

Hermione felt funny in her stomach, it was jumping around like crazy. It almost felt like there were butterflies in there. She has felt this feeling before, but only a few times and only around him. She smiled a bit, "You think I'm beautiful?"

Harry nodded, "I told you before that I had found you attractive."

A few tears slipped from her eyes, "No one has ever called me beautiful before."

"You are so beautiful; you can command me with just a simple look." He whispered softly, lifting a hand wiping away her tears with his thumb he saw her eyes flutter closed with his soft touch. He leaned in letting his lips brush lightly against hers. Harry kept the kiss gentle, allowing both of them to enjoy the sensations of their mouths pressing against one another.

His hands moved down slowly, tentatively. He let his fingers wind through her thick long locks, twisting the silky strands. Harry pulled his mouth from hers and gently kissed her jaw, moving down to taste her skin on her neck. Harry pulled one hand from her hair and let his fingers trace the places his mouth left behind. His lips moved across the base of her throat as he let his hand travel lower, brushing lightly across the top of the long sleeved shirt she was wearing. He felt her body trembling underneath him and pulled his mouth away to look at her eyes.

"If you start to feel uncomfortable, tell me." Harry said softly. The last thing he wanted to do was make her feel like what they were doing was wrong.

Hermione nodded, taken in by the trust she saw in his eyes. A smile crossed over his lips as they descended back onto hers. This was a different feeling for her, her insides felt warm and on fire, whenever Ron would do anything remotely like this, she felt so cold and frozen. Hermione pushed all thoughts of Ron from her head. This was Harry, Harry was different, he was her friend and... and... she had to admit that she was falling in love with him, very much.

Harry could suddenly sense that some of her hesitancy had flown, and was happy about it. He moved over a bit so he was lying on top of her, trying to not put his whole weight on her. Daring to move his hand further, he cupped it over the top of her breast, keeping his touch light. His hand felt wonderful on her body, thoughtful and considerate. Without even realizing what she was doing, Hermione arched her back, pressing her breast into his palm. Harry felt her response, and decided to try something else. Sweeping the tip of his tongue across her lips, he was most surprised when she opened her mouth to him immediately.

Her mouth was even sweeter than her skin, Harry thought. After a moment of exploring, Hermione began to respond, touching her own tongue to the roof of his mouth while raking her hand through his messy black locks. He moaned at her touch, and that encouraged her, she was doing the right thing.

Harry needed to feel her skin against his; he moved his hand down and under her shirt, stroking her softly. He traced his fingers across her skin, over her clothed breasts. Yet he felt constricted, the material was giving him limited access to her softness; Harry pulled his mouth from hers. His fingers went to the buttons on her shirt; he took a glance into her eyes. "Let me know if you want me to stop."

The thought crossed her mind at least a dozen times, and any other time she would have stopped or attempted to stop. But she didn't want to, this felt so good. Nothing at all like before. She didn't feel sick to her stomach. She loved the way her stomach was feeling, she loved the way everything was feeling when Harry was touching and caressing her.

He kissed her again, a bit more urgently this time as his fingers worked the buttons on her shirt and the material was separated. Harry's fingers lightly traced the skin above her breasts causing Hermione to squirm a bit from the tickling sensation. His mouth moved to her neck again as his hand caressed her breast, his tongue lightly flicking out to taste her skin, one hand moved to the clasp in the center of her brassier and he unhooked it, he could feel her breathing increasing.

"Wait a minute" She gasped out. Sitting up a bit she removed the clothing from her upper body. "I was getting to warm." She blushed.

Harry grinned, "I don't mind." He moved in and kissed her, long and slow pressing her gently back down against the floor. Harry didn't feel right that Hermione was half naked while he was still fully clothed, so he brought her hands to his shirt. He guided her hands underneath, closing her fingers over the hem.

She tugged up, lifting the shirt over his head. Making his hair stick up even more.

"Sorry." she said, dropping his shirt on top of hers.

"It's all right." Harry grinned back. He always loved to see her laugh. Leaning

down, he pressed his lips back to hers, opening his mouth immediately to hers, loving the feel of her breasts pressed against his chest. He moaned in the feel of her up against him.

Finally both of their clothing had been discarded; the kisses were strong and sensual. She had never felt anything like this in her whole entire life. To actually want this. Hermione didn't want to think about it anymore as his hands roamed all over her body, igniting a hot fire within her.

Harry's hand reached down between her thighs, he gasped at her readiness, Great Fates she was already so hot. He was surprised, he knew sex had to be horrible for her yet she was responding in all the right ways, she let out a loud moan when his fingers came in contact with her sex, gently massaging the button there sending amazing sensations through her. It made Harry happy to know she was enjoying this, enjoying him. Bringing his mouth back to hers, he kissed her so hard that they were soon breathless.

Hermione felt like she was drowning, but this time in a good way. He was so careful, so loving with her she could feel small tears spring to her eyes. Wanting to return the feelings and care that he was giving her, she brought her hands up to his chest, running her fingers lightly over his torso, amazed at the way his muscles retracted at her mere touch.

Harry let out a long slow moan as he felt the palm of her hand timidly pass over his throbbing member. His conscious suddenly attacked him, maybe he was pushing her too much, and maybe this wasn't such a good idea?

"Hermione…" He panted, lifting himself off her a bit his eyes scaned her flushed face. He saw her eyes open and she looked up at him. "I feel like I'm pushing you into something." He took a deep breath. "If you want to stop, we can."

"Well…uh do you want to stop?" She searched his eyes for her answer.

"I only want to if you do; I will not be disappointed if you don't want to continue." He waited patiently for her to speak.

Instead she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him down so that he was on top of her again. "I don't want to stop; I like how you are making me feel. So please don't stop this now I'm afraid that if you do, I'll die."

Harry nodded with a slight smile. "I might take you to heaven, but it would not be in death." He lowered his mouth against hers kissing her slowly. He wanted to her to feel really good; he wanted to hear her screaming out his name in wild fits of passion. He would prove that making love is a joyous act not to be taken by force.

As he shifted his weight a bit, her thighs parted letting him lie between them. Hermione gasped out loud at the feel of his erect member merely pressing up against the opening of her flower. While still locked in their kiss Harry slowly pushed himself inside her, her soft petals engulfing him. He heard her sweet noises of approval which pressed him on until he buried completely within her hot warmth that he had to moan out just from the feel of her.

Hermione's arms were tight around him, Gods this feeling was so different. Her nerves were running wild, her heart was pounding madly and not from fear, but from pure passion. If this was passion she never wanted it to end. She felt him start to move in and out of her in slow yet skill full movements. Hermione could tell he was taking his time to make sure each stroke sent a jolt of white hot pleasurable fire through her. She found her body responding to his as she met his thrust, pressing herself up against him.

They gradually sped up their movements; her erotic sounds mixed with his filled the room. Just as Hermione thought she couldn't take it anymore, Harry let out the loudest moan by far and she was warmed from head to toe, every part of her body tingling. She felt the edge approaching at rapid speed. This was astounding, never before had she felt herself responding this way, it was almost scary. Her legs were wrapped around him tight as she pressed harder against him.

Harry was moving harder and faster now, increasing the rhythm, he felt her softness tightening around him as he knew she was close to release. That only pushed him on to go even more. Her cries and gasps delighted him, causing him to plunge harder into her making him pant out her name.

She felt like, like a torrid wave of electricity running through her, her body tingled immensely, her heart jumping almost out of control. She tightened up everywhere; inside she closed around him hard, screaming her release. Harry wasn't too far behind as he too yelled out.

He collapsed against her completely exhausted; Hermione's arms were still around him as she enjoyed the feel of him. They lay there in complete silence, only the sounds of their heart beats and breathing were heard.

Harry moved over a bit so he wasn't totally crushing her, he gently stroked her shoulder creating sweet little tingles.

Hermione began to doze off, but was jolted awake remembering where she was. She started to sit up but Harry caught her before she was completely upright.

"Where are you going?" He asked sleepily.

"I'm going to go to my room now." She replied very quietly,

Harry's arm circled about her waist. "No, just stay with me."

"You really want me too?" Hermione he was very surprised, she was never asked to stay, she was always pushed on to leave.

A delightful yet tired smile graced his face, "Yes I want you to stay. I want to feel my arms around you, and the warmth of you pressed against me."

Hermione smiled shyly. "All right, I'll stay."

Harry returned her smile, got up quickly and returned with the blanket from the couch. He threw it over the both of them and snuggled Hermione close to him. So close that nothing would have separated them, not even air. He rested his chin against the top of her head as she was pressed against him. Soon the pair journeyed to the land of dreams.

In his boxers sitting in Indian style, Harry watched Hermione sleep. The night they spent together was absolutely magical; he smiled remembering how she felt, how she tasted. How he loved her. Wait… Love? His grin turned goofy as he though about it, yes. He was in love with her. Hermione was his goddess, he would treasure everything about her. It was when she started to stir that he was snapped from his thoughts. Her arms stretched up over her head and her eyes softly fluttered open. Harry smiled.

"Happy Christmas Hermione." He whispered softly.

For once he was right, she was happy and it was Christmas. "Happy Christmas Harry." She smiled bashfully as she remembered about last night.

"I have presents for you." He watched and waited for her reaction, her eyes seemed to light up.

"You have presents for me, but I didn't get you anything." Hermione said sitting up a bit. She forgot that she was in the buff, but it didn't really matter anymore.

"Eh, it's all right." Harry replied, his eyes not glued to her face, but elsewhere.

She noticed where he was staring and her whole body seemed to flush bright red. "Oops." Hermione actually giggled and covered herself with her arms.

"Why don't you go get dressed?" He smiled.

"Good idea." Hermione wrapped the blanket around herself and turned quickly bolting up the stairs.

Harry too would get dressed so he hurried up to the boys dorm, getting a fresh pair of clothes. He really wouldn't have minded her being naked twenty four hours a day, but he wanted her to trust him and not to take advantage of her. Also he did not want to appear to her as an overly sexed pervert. She deserved respect and that's just what he would give her. His thoughts of Hermione ran wild as he proceeded to leave the room; he of course was back down in the common room first.

After a few minutes Hermione descended the stairs in a fresh pair of jeans and a red sweatshirt, she wandered over to Harry who was sitting next to the pretty Christmas tree.

"Time to open your gifts Hermione," He grinned holding up a blue wrapped package.

"You really didn't have to you know?" Hermione smiled and sat down next to him. "I feel so awful that I didn't get you anything."

"But you did give me something Hermione, your trust." That's the best gift I ever received." He placed the present in her lap. "This one is for Cinnamon first." Harry grinned

She started opening the blue wrapping and found a tall jar of doggie treats and a box of fuzzy balls. "Awww, she will simply love these." Hermione was smiling as she looked at the gift for her puppy.

Another present was then pressed into her lap. "Now this one is for you." Harry announced proudly.

Hermione smiled and started tearing open the silver wrapped box, inside it she found another box. She lifted the lid and found ten sparkling, crystal roses. Six of the crystal petals were a deep red color so beautiful that it shamed the red, red ruby. And the other six petals was a beautiful emerald green. A scent came off the crystal roses which made them smell real life like.

"Oh my, they are so beautiful." She couldn't stop staring at them.

"Come on, one more now." Harry handed her another box wrapped in gold paper, he watched her as she carefully unwrapped the package. Inside a garment box was a beautiful red velvet cloak with white fur trim. The inside was made of fine silk.

"Gods, this must have cost you a fortune." She was amazed, almost afraid to accept these gifts.

"Cost is no matter, you deserve it. You deserve so much and I want to be the one to give it to you." Harry smiled sweetly, "I want to be the one with you, who protects you from harm, who makes you smile and laugh. I want to be the one who loves you."

Tears sprung to Hermione's eyes. "Are you saying, what I think you're saying?" Her heart raced and she didn't understand why.

"Hermione Granger, I love you, I'm in love with you." Harry paused taking a breath, "I hope you can find it in your heart to love me as well, because everything would be empty without you in it." Harry felt a stinging in his eyes as he too couldn't help the strong show of emotion, everything he felt for her was pouring out and he could not stop.

That was exactly how she felt, an emotion so strong that she couldn't even begin to describe it. Oh she loved him, she really did. Hermione sniffled and cracked a smile, "Oh Gods Harry, I too love you."

Harry didn't wait, he pulled her into a tight embrace, and he felt her clinging to him hard. He pressed his lips urgently to the top of her head, to her cheeks anything he could touch. His mouth then came down on hers in a powerful, earth shattering kiss.

After a few moments of enjoying Harry's mouth on hers, Hermione pulled away and glanced into his eyes. "I am going to leave Ron; as soon as he gets back from vacation I'm telling him it's over."

Harry nodded, "And I'll be there with you, to support you and help you if you need it."

"Thank you." Hermione nestled her head against Harry's chest; she never wanted to leave this spot. Ever.


It was nearing the end of Christmas break, Hermione walking hand in hand with Harry, recalling the past two weeks events. This had been the best Christmas ever; she had so much fun, confessed deep emotional feelings. She felt like she was floating on air. A smile was always seen on her face now, and what a beautiful smile it was.

Hermione was quickly pulled into a corner and caught off completely by surprise when Harry's mouth came down on hers. She didn't push him away, instead she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him tighter up against her kissing him back with all that she could. Nothing could ruin this moment.

"Well, well lookie what we have here." A voice drawled out.


Ah, the end of chapter 9, pretty exciting huh ^_^. Sorry about the big, big, big, big, big, big, delay in this chapter, but it couldn't be helped. Anyway I hope you enjoyed chapter 9, chapter 10 will be out as soon as I can get it out. ^_^ TTFN ta, ta for now
Ryoko Blue ^_^