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Hidden Beneath by Ryoko Blue

Hidden Beneath

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Not mine, Not mine, Definitly not mine. The entire HP world belongs to JK Rowlings.

Hidden Beneath

Chapter 7- Promise

After finishing lunch quickly the Gryffindors that wanted to try out for the team headed down to the field. The Gryffindors were sitting on the grass waiting for the judges to arrive.

Harry was sitting next to a few other Gryffindors when Ron and Hermione arrived, Ron was holding her hand tightly as he sat down, pulling her down the spot on the grass next to him. Ron glared at Harry, how dare that fool make him be nice to someone who was lower then a house elf.

Neville walked onto the pitch with Draco, Ron was immediately in front of them blocking their path.

"Get out of our way Ron." Neville demanded.

"Idiot, what makes you think you can bring a Hufflepuff to watch our tryouts, he could be after secrets or something!" Ron's fists clinched at his sides.

"Oh relax Weasley, what's he gonna steal your oh so secret flight movements." Harry was lying on his back looking up at the sky wearing a pair of Muggle sunglasses and he chuckled. "Oh please I've seen ogres with better balance and reflexes than you."

"You shut your mouth Potter." Ron snapped.

Harry lifted up the rim of his sun glasses glancing at Ron with a raised eye brow as if he were bored, "Yeah, whatever." He repositioned his sunglasses and continued to look up at the sky.

Ron heard other students around sniggering at him; his temper was boiling as his face was increasing in color. Harry was sure it was as red as his hair, which caused him laugh even more. Someone tapped Harry on the shoulder and he turned to them, giving them his attention, through the corner of his eye he saw Ron sit down.

"Hey do you know Viktor Krum? You know the world famous Quidditch player." Dean said.

Harry laughed a bit, "Yeah I know who he is, we were pretty good friends when he was in school."

Ron was picking the blades of grass as he eavesdropped on Harry's conversation with the other Gryffindors.

"Yeah, he even taught me a few moves." Harry said not sounding arrogant, but just the thought of Harry even knowing Krum made Ron angry, he could feel the bitter sour feeling in his stomach, the twisting of his insides into knots. He was jealous.

The judges, along with Madame Hooch came onto the field, the three judges sat down on a bench. They watched the teacher go towards the students.

"All right students before we get started please put away your wands and deposit your school bags over next to the benches there." She waited patiently as each student hurried to take care of their things.

Hermione stood to put her bag where she was suppose to, Ron spoke up getting her attention.

"Hermione, you forgot mine." Ron said bitterly as he threw his red bag at her, she caught it but it was heavy and the weight of it caused her to fall back onto her backside. Ron opened his mouth to comment on her clumsiness and she had better not embarrass him, but he looked over at Harry who had removed his sunglasses completely was looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Ron sighed and looked back at Hermione, "Just hurry up."

Hermione took Ron's bag along with hers over to where the other students had put there's. She headed back over to where Ron was and sat down.

Madame Hooch divided the students up into two groups; they would play against each other. She called each category and the students went and stood in their groups

Ron glared at Hermione as she had been separated from him, playing opposite of his tryout team. That meant Harry was with her, he made sure his eyes bore down on her, just staring at her making her feel really low. Ron noticed she kept her head lowered. He smirked the only thing Hermione was missing to try out was a broomstick; there was no way they would let her play without one.

Out of almost nowhere Draco ran up to Hermione, trying his hardest to ignore Ron, he handed her a broomstick and winked. Hermione accepted it without speaking to him. She looked at the broom in her hand and noticed it was a Gold Streak Three Thousand Series A. The most expensive not to mention the best Chaser's broom on the market. Hermione blinked a couple of times, she had merely dreamed about touching one of these let alone getting to use one. She would remember to thank Draco later, if she could find the courage to leave Ron's side for a moment.

Ron felt himself shake with anger, how dare that girl accept anything from another male. How dare that idiot Draco give her something and in front of him! That boy sure had some kind of death wish. 'Calm down' a voice said in his head, and he did but only for a moment. She would regret that, later tonight, boy would she regret it. Ron glanced over at Harry who appeared not to be paying attention; Ron's eyes shrank to narrow slits 'Damn him' Ron cursed in his mind. He would have to think of another way to get at Hermione.

Gregory the first judge walked around as he signaled for the players to begin, the students rose up in the air and immediately began to play. Harry and Ron were sitting up away from the players, looking for the snitch. Ginny was doing a fair job of keeping the Quaffle out of the hoop, but Hermione being surprisingly a very good player managed to get one past her every time.

Harry noticed Hermione was having a good time playing, she even smiled a few times getting the Quaffle past Ginny who was said to be a darn good Keeper since the days of Oliver Wood.

Ginny had given Hermione a wink of congratulations every time she scored a goal. She sure had the talent to someday go professional, Ginny noted.

Ron getting bored decided to fly around a bit looking for the snitch, he was passing in front of Ginny, who was irritated because she couldn't protect her goal if she couldn't see. "Ron, get out of the way. Move." She demanded.

"Oh please Ginny, your position isn't as good as mine. If I find the snitch we win the game no matter how many points the other one has!" Ron said with a snobby tone as he stopped in mid air. He didn't see the Quaffle heading his way as it hit him right smack in the back of his head. Ron shut his eyes tight as anger swelled through his every pore. He turned to find Hermione hovering there with an 'I'm-so-sorry' look. But she couldn't stay around there and keep apologizing she had to continue playing.

Ron angrier than Hades pulled his wand from up his sleeve and pointed it at her broom; he shouted a curse, which caused Hermione's broomstick to violently throw her off.

Harry took off like a bullet trying to reach her before she hit the ground. From that high up she could surely be killed. He noticed Ron putting his wand back in his sleeve not even paying attention to what was happening to Hermione as the stupid red head continued looking for the Snitch. Harry shook his head and finally reached Hermione, he positioned himself directly below her as she continued falling. He steadied the broom with his legs and caught her in mid air.

Hermione's arms and legs wrapped around Harry so tightly, Harry could hear her very hysterical crying as he tried his best to calm her down. "I've got you, its all right. Shhh, it's all over you're safe now." He spoke very quietly in her ear. It was at that moment Ron glanced over to see if Hermione had hit the grass yet. Much to Ron's annoyance Harry had Hermione completely wrapped around him as he was setting down to the ground. He stood up from the broomstick but she still wasn't letting go.

Harry sat down on the grass near the other observers. He heard Hermione take short hysterical breaths.

"I…I thought I was going to die!" Her voice shook with fear as well as her body shaking with the emotion of it all. She couldn't calm down even if she wanted to.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you." Harry said as he hugged her to him really tight. He was going to kill that Ron Weasley if it's the last thing he'll ever do. He saw exactly what happened.

"I'll take care of her." Padma said noticing that Harry obviously wanted to go beat the stuffing out of Ron.

Harry nodded. "Hermione, you're on the ground, safe and sound." He kissed the side of her head, which for some reason calmed her down a bit and she was able to take a long soothing breath. After a few seconds of just sitting like this it was as if she realized what she was doing and quickly jumped away from him.

"I'm sorry." She looked at the ground. "You probably want to get back to the game." She clearly avoided looking him in the eye

"No, it's perfectly all right. I didn't mind." Harry smiled. A smile that caused butterflies to drift about in her stomach.

Hermione a light blush caressed her cheeks as she lowered her head. She nodded in understanding but didn't look up at him. Instead she lay down on the grass and curled up into a little ball.

Harry looked up at Ron just lightly flying about, his eyes narrowed in extreme hate for the jerk and he hoped back onto his broomstick and lifted back into the air.

The Snitch zoomed past Ron's head and he took off after it, he was going to get it since Harry Potter was practically miles away from it. He laughed a little too quickly. As soon as the final chuckle escaped Ron's throat Harry was right on his tale, speeding up fast. There were flying parallel at top speed, Harry took his weight and pushed himself forward, passing Ron up. He stretched out his hand to grab it; he could feel the small gold ball in his hand as his fingers closed around the little Golden Snitch.

The sound of a whistle being blown from below signaled the end of the game. The students landed and immediately took a seat on the grass. Ron walked over to Hermione and gave her a kick in the leg.

Gregory approached the students who had resumed their seats on the grass. "We will post the results Monday." He smiled and gave a slight nod of appreciation to students before walking back over to the other judges. The students were then excused to head to class now.

"Get up." Ron demanded his tone as cold as ice. Hermione took a breath and sat up.

Harry watched as Ron grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her to her feet, they gathered their stuff and he pulled her almost violently from the grassy field. Harry had a bad feeling. He stood and walked over to the bench and picked up his bag and swung it over his shoulder.

Neville and Draco walked over to Harry mumbling to themselves, as soon as Neville saw Harry he wanted to bash him over the head. "Why did you do that?" Neville was angry.

Draco shook his head, "Neville calm down what Harry did was a good thing."

"Well she's still gonna get it you know." Neville's eyes narrowed.

"Look Neville." Harry said. "I would have done that for anyone who was plummeting to their death, so it's not like I paid her any special attention or anything." He lied. Harry was looking out for her, to make sure Ron didn't take his anger out on her.

"Yeah well you didn't have to hold her so tight." Neville took a breath; he was really worried about Hermione.

"She was in hysterics, what would you have done?" Harry didn't like this gang up on his person, he did the right thing.

"I just worry if Ron sees it as you only saving her life, or of you're trying to put the moves on her." Neville picked up his bag.

"He was the one that made her fall, don't tell me you didn't see him pull out his wand from inside his robes and curse her?" Draco announced, "I saw that from the ground as I was watching you people flying around."

Neville shook his head, "No I missed that, I was trying to make sure those bludgers didn't hit anyone." He was sarcastic.

"Well that's what he did all right," Harry smirked, even he was sarcastic. "I'm sure even the judges saw that as well, that would be another reason if he didn't make the team." Harry shook his head, "How can anyone be so stupid as curse a broom in mid air like that."

"Well you are talking about Ron Weasley," Draco said with a small laugh, "Sure he might be big and intimidating, but he's not the smartest person to walk the planet." With that being said the boys headed up to their classes, as the day continued.

Bright and early Monday morning, the Quidditch results were posted near the Great Hall entrance.

Ginny yelped with pleasure as she ran from the board. "I'm on the team, I'm on the team!" She squealed.

Hermione gave a soft smile, one that was hardly noticeable. "I'm really happy for you Ginny."

"Oh don't be so glum chum, you made it too." Ginny's eyes sparkled with a glorious happiness. "Come see." Ginny grabbed Hermione's hand and pushed her way through the crowd, pushing Hermione towards the roster and pointed to her name. "See, see you made it."

"Even though I feel off my broom with my clumsiness?" The news of Hermione making the team made her heart flutter, she didn't show it on the outside, but on the inside she was jumping for joy, doing flips in her mind. But she looked as calm as usual.

Harry was standing behind her and he spoke very quietly. "You didn't fall off, you and I both know that." His tone was soft and gentle, he saw Hermione nod once in the recognition of what he said. Hermione moved away from him and the crowd. Harry watched her walking away and into the Great Hall. Harry looked up at the roster and saw his name there, he smiled a bit. "Looks like I made it too. Wonderful."

"Yeah good job there Harry." Neville said with a smile.

Ron was last to see the parchment; he didn't like what he saw not at all. It read 'Ronald Weasley banned from all Quidditch tryouts for use of magic wand during tryout to handicap another player.' He ripped the document from the board and started crunching it in his hand. This was all that stupid Hermione's fault, if she hadn't have made him mad he wouldn't have used the wand. It was her fault.

"It is not her fault you jack ass." Harry spoke from directly behind him.

Ron spun around glaring at Harry, how did he know what he was thinking? Oh never mind he was going to pound Harry's face into the ground. "I'm gonna rip your fuckin' head off." Ron lunged for Harry.

Harry wasn't going to use any magic on this idiot; it would be a waste if he did. Instead he swiped his foot out, managing to hit Ron in the ankle with such a force that Ron hit the ground with a hard thud. Harry placed a foot on Ron's chest keeping him on the floor using most of his weight. Harry looked down at him with pure disgust. "Don't start something Weasley that you can't finish. Look at this, you're already on your back I didn't even do all that much to you." Harry took a breath, "You're not going to do anything to me, and you're definitely not going to do anything to Hermione. It was your own fault you were banned, not hers. Yours." Harry pointed at him.

"This is just a mere fraction of what I can do to you; I didn't even use a spell or a curse or anything. So I would watch out if I were you." Harry glared. He could see Ron was shaking with anger; his face again matched his hair.

"Bastard." Ron spat hatefully.

"Say what you will about me, it makes no difference." Harry pressed his foot down harder on his chest making Ron wince in agonizing pain. "But if I hear even one rude comment about Hermione, I'll break you into many little Weasley pieces." He said with a sarcastic smile before his face showed a most serious _expression. Harry removed his foot from on top of Ron's chest and started walking away.

Ron sat up a moment; he wasn't foolish enough to chase after that psycho, not yet anyway. That Harry Potter was strong, he had to brush up a bit on some spells there was no way he was going to be able to beat him physically, he would have to use magic. He continued to watch Harry walk away from him. Oh how he hated him, and he would prove just how much.


Harry looked at his watch; it would only be September eighteenth for one more hour. It was almost time to go down and see Hermione. For the past week and a half at eleven O'clock sharp he would spend almost all night talking with her, Ron would be sleeping under the influence of a sleeping potion. Harry got up from his bed and stood next to his little nightstand, there was a small drawer, which he started to open.

He was really looking forward to this evening's talk with Hermione, at midnight he would give her a birthday present. Something he was sure she wasn't expecting at all since she never told him when her birthday was, he had to find that out on his own. What a surprise this was going to be, he looked in the mirror and saw a really silly grin on his face. He laughed at himself and opened the drawer further and took out a little box wrapped in peach wrapping paper, which he knew to be her favorite color.

Looking over at Ron who was sleeping, snoring noisily Harry clutched the box tight in his hand; the other boys in the dorm were just about getting to sleep as well so he quietly headed down the stairs.

Coming down the stairs Harry saw Hermione, her back was to him and she appeared to be reading a book. He held the box behind his back as he came around the other side of the couch and sat down next to her. He saw her put a bookmark of a kitten on the page and close the book.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disrupt your studying." Harry said with a smile.

"No, it's all right." She sat the book on the table, "I was just reading something for fun."

Harry nodded, "You seemed extra depressed today." He searched her face; he already knew what she was going to say.

"Well it was Wednesday; those days aren't really my happiest." She took in a breath, "But what does it matter right," She gave a soft, sad smile.

"It does matter, it matters a great deal. Why do you let Weasley treat you less than you deserve?"

"That is what I deserve. Ron and his parents make that very clear to me; they took me in when no one had to. They take care of me and love me the best they can."

"It sounds like you're making excuses for them, for the way they treat you." Harry saw Hermione's head snap up and look right at him with you-don't-know-anything look. But he knew that kind of a life all too well. "I do know what I'm talking about, I used to live pretty much under the same conditions as you do now, but as soon as I went to Durmstrang it all changed because I didn't have to live like that anymore, I was finally able to be free."

Hermione sighed and leaned back into the couch cushions, "Can we talk about something else please?"

"Sure, whatever you want. Pick a topic." He smiled also leaning into the cushions.

"All right then, do you have a favorite color?" She smiled.

Harry laughed a little, she picked a question that wouldn't be stressful or painful to talk about, he could understand that kind of thinking. "Well I like blue."

Hermione nodded, "That's a good color." She glanced up at the clock on the mantel, five minutes to twelve it read. She would finally be seventeen, most people didn't know that she was older than most of her own sixth year students. Ron and Ginny seemed to be the only ones who did; he even used her being older than him against her. Saying that no one would want someone older and uglier, that she was very lucky that he stuck around.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asked disrupting her thoughts.

"Oh nothing really," She again looked down at her fingers twisting them around.

Harry pulled the small gift from behind his back; "I sort of have something for you."

Hermione lifted her head seeing Harry's hand outstretched and open; sitting directly on the palm of his hand sat a small gift in peach wrapping paper with a purple bow. "Th-that's for me? Why?" Her eyes were wide with wonder, she clearly couldn't believe it.

"It's your birthday isn't it?" He said with a half grin.

"Well yes it is, but how did you know? I never said anything. Not very many people know about my birth date, not even Neville." She stared at the gift still in Harry's hand.

"Are you gonna accept it or what? It's just going to waste here in my hand." Harry watched Hermione lift her head, there were light tears in her eyes but not of sadness, she was smiling. Harry couldn't help but smile himself, that's something he liked seeing on her face, a bright and beautiful smile. He noticed she still didn't take the gift so he brought his other hand up and grabbed a gentle hold of hers, turning it palm side up. He placed the wrapped box in her hand.

She stared at the box. "It's just no one has given my birthday a thought, ever. Well since my parents died anyway. Ron says its not that important it's just another day of the week." Hermione wiped her eyes. She started opening the gift.

Harry figured something like that would come out of Ron's mouth, how dare her treat this sweet and innocent girl like that. He wanted to break Ron in two for the way he used her and pushed her around. No one deserved that, and he would prove to Hermione that she was important. Harry looked on as Hermione opened the little silver box and found a locket; she opened the little oval shape and found a small Muggle picture of her parents.

"Harry, where did you get this?" Hermione couldn't help the tears now; she lowered her head again so that Harry couldn't see her face.

"Well I bought the locket and I had Ginny get me the picture from your drawer," Harry pointed to the silver locket. "I shrunk the picture and put it in there." He saw her head lower. "Did I do something wrong?" He was worried he over stepped his bounds.

She was a bit confused, why would he do something like that; give her a gift like this? Hermione wondered what she would have to do for him in return. Ron would surely make her pay him back either with body or with money. 'But Harry is not Ron,' her head commented to her. Ever since she had met him he had been nothing but kind, he had never hurt her or made her feel small. 'He gave me this gift not because he wants something; he gave it to me because he is my…friend.'

Hermione lifted her head looking at him. "No, it's perfect." She touched the small picture of her parents smiling back at her. "Thank you so much." She sniffled, without really thinking about it Hermione put her arms around him, hugging him. Harry returned her embrace; he didn't push her away like Ron would have, just the thought of Ron being horrid to her caused him to hold her just a little bit tighter.

"So I take it you like the gift?" He said breaking the silence about the room. Harry felt Hermione's head nod.

"It's probably the most thoughtful gift I have ever received since my parents were alive. My parents were…" She took a breath, "Were killed in a plane crash, they were on their way home from their anniversary, they had gone to an island, Hawaii in America for a week." She closed her eyes; "The worst part of it was my father was on the phone with me while he was on the plane. I heard everything…the noises…the screaming, and then…" She took a quiet pause. "Silence." Hermione was shaking as she remembered every detail of that night.

"I am so sorry Hermione," Harry held her so tight, as if she would disappear at any moment. He blinked a couple of times as he felt a stinging in his eyes, a tear managed to find its way down Harry's cheek, another was soon to follow. It had been a really long time since he'd shed tears; he managed to keep everything bottled up. She was alone, like he was.

"You're the first person I've talked to about my parent's death. The Weasleys never let me say one thing about them." Hermione took a deep breath and rested her head against his chest; she could hear the steady beating of his heart making her really feel at ease

'How could anyone be so cold?' Harry thought bitterly. He ran his fingers through her hair; she was becoming more comfortable with his acts of comfort. Every night they had spoken she would end up in tears, only because she needed to get everything out. He wanted her to release her emotions like that, for her to believe that she just wasn't the walking dead. She had become so afraid and shut off from everyone; he could see sometime in the near future her taking a knife to her wrists or ending her own life with a spell. He was not about to let her life go to waste.

"Hermione," Harry said softly, he waited a few seconds but no answer came. He looked down at her, tilting his face a bit to see that her eyes were closed; her soft breathing told him that she was asleep. Harry smiled a little before gently pressing his lips to her forehead then pulling back, continuing to look at her. Couldn't Ron see that he was killing her slowly? Harry's eyes narrowed in anger, Ron doesn't deserve an angel like this. He would make sure that no harm will ever come to Hermione again; he would protect her until there was not a single breath of air left in his body. That was a promise.

Harry sighed, he really should wake Hermione so she could return to the girl's dorm, but he didn't have the heart to rouse her and disturb her sleep. So instead he shifted a bit so that he was lying on the couch with Hermione slightly on top of him. Harry grabbed the blanket from the floor and placed it over Hermione and himself. He then set his enchanted Muggle watch to six in the morning, that way they would be up before anyone came down the stairs. Within a few moments Harry too was drifting off to sleep.


Well that's it for chapter 7, hope you all liked it. Remember to review, those mean a so very much to me ^_^ Thanks, Ryoko Blue