Unofficial Portkey Archive

Hidden Beneath by Ryoko Blue

Hidden Beneath

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Not mine, Not mine, Definitly not mine. The entire HP world belongs to JK Rowlings.


Hidden Beneath

Chapter 4-What A Day

"What did you say?" Harry asked.

Hermione looked around, "I didn't say anything."

"Yes you did, you said oh shit. Why would you say that?" Harry looked at her.

"It doesn't matter, just forget it."

"What I want to know is…Why you let him do that to you?"

"Do what?" She glanced around nervously.

"Why don't you tell someone that Weasley hits you?" Harry crossed his arms in front of him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Hermione looked away from him. "Why are you making up these ridiculous allegations?"

"I'm not making this up and you know it," Harry answered.

"You don't have any proof." Hermione pointed out. "Why would Ron hurt me? He loves me."

"Yeah he loves to hurt you, I saw it for myself. I know exactly what he said and what he did." Harry watched her carefully; she looked like she was ready to tear his head off.

"I don't believe you. You don't know anything. So listen up here, new guy." Hermione was irritated; she wanted him to leave her alone. "Even if he hits me…which he doesn't. It is none of your business. Don't go poking your nose into situations where you have no idea of what is going on."

"I still think that you need to tell someone so that they can help you-" Harry tried to continue but he was cut off by Hermione again.

"Leave me alone. I don't need help and I don't some stranger such as yourself coming in trying to tell m-everyone what to do. Mind your own business and go bother someone else." And with that she took herself quickly up the stairs and into the girl's dorms closing the door quietly behind her.

Well that was just fine with him, he wasn't going to offer help to someone who didn't want it. He turned to go up the stairs towards the boy's dorm when he saw Neville leaning on the railing looking down at him.

"You couldn't just leave well enough alone could you?" Neville said as he started down the stairs towards Harry.

"What are you doing there?" Harry thought that there was no one awake.

"I heard Hermione shriek so I came out to see if something was wrong. Imagine what I find here, you talking to her about her relationship." Neville answered bitterly

"I thought you were cheating on your girlfriend so I snooped, I got more then I bargained for I admit it." Harry said.

"I would never cheat on Ginny, I told you that already." Neville was angry.

"How was I supposed to know?" Harry's tone was rising, he was upset as well.

"Now another person knows." Neville said while shaking his head.

"If you knew what was going on why haven't you said something to professors so that this asshole doesn't keep doing this?" Harry crossed his arms in front of him glaring at Neville.

"I can't say, I'm under oath." Neville answered slowly.

"Then break it." Harry couldn't believe that Neville knew what was going on and didn't say anything.

"I can't break it, she cast an oath spell. I'm not allowed to say anything to an adult or else I completely lose my voice for three years."

"How did she get you to agree to this? Surely you are not that stupid." Harry insulted.

Neville glared, "she told me she had a secret but I couldn't say a word to anyone, I thought it was just a silly girl secret so she made me swear and cast the oath spell and then told me what the secret was."

"So she tricked you." Harry shook his head.

"And even if I did say something she would deny it. Just like she did now." Neville walked over to the couch and sat down. "The proof disappears."

"Well then you should just let her be, it's what she wants obviously. Which I find highly disturbing. Why she would want that kind of treatment is beyond me."

"The thing is, she doesn't want that at all." Neville leaned forward so his elbows were resting on his knees.

"You heard what she said." Harry moved over and sat down next to Neville. "She wants to be left alone."

"Hermione is in a bad position,"

"You don't have to state the obvious you know, I can see that." Harry stood.

"She can never get away from it."

"There's always a way out, she just doesn't want it." Harry shook his head.

"Not for her there isn't. You see Hermione's parents died in a plane crash…I think that's what it's called. But anyway. She is orphaned so the Weasley's, Ron's family took her in, they take care of her."

"Not very well it seems." Harry said under his breath.

"So she goes home to it and she lives here with it. It's the only thing she knows. Hermione does not know what it's like to be loved. Ron does not love her, no matter how many times he forces the idea into her head." Neville spat.

"Look she told me to stay out of it, fine I will. It's what she wants. I have my own issues to deal with." Harry's eyes narrowed.

"You are already in it, no matter how hard you try to deny what is going on. Keep telling yourself to not worry about it. Let them deal with it, it's their problem not mine." Neville tilted his head to the side. "Do those thoughts sound familiar to you?"

Harry wondered if Neville read minds.

Neville could clearly see the question on his face, he smirked. "No I don't read minds, but I had those same thoughts before." And he finally stood. "You are in so deep that no matter what you do, there is no way out."

"You do what you want Neville, I'm not getting involved in this."

"Then why did you wait to talk to her tonight, if you didn't want to be involved?" Neville looked Harry straight in the eye.

Harry didn't have a comment but he thought of one anyway, "to ease my conscious, it was really getting after me when I first learned of this. But now that I have talked to her and found out its her choice, I don't feel so guilty."

"Did you now here one word I said to you? It is not her choice." Neville was really starting to get annoyed here.

"And just what am I suppose to do about that? I've come here to Hogwarts to finish school and move on. I don't need to meddle in things that I have no idea what they are about, nor do I intend to find out more. I know I sound like an asshole, and to you I might be one. And I really don't care what you or anyone else thinks of me." With one last glare Harry took himself up to the boy's dorm.

Neville shook his head back and forth. He sighed and then decided he should go to bed too. And he did.

Ron leaned over and kissed Hermione on the side of the head, he lightly touched her hair that was pulled up and back in a green banana clip. "You look very pretty today, very nice. It's good to see that you are in the best of health today." He then removed his arm from around her and continued to eat his breakfast.

"Are you saying that to me just because it's Wednesday?" Hermione said looking up at him as innocently as she could.

"Do you not like my compliment Hermione?" Ron raised an eyebrow.

"Of course I do," Hermione answered quickly. "It's quite nice of you to say so. Thank you." She said quietly.

Ron stood from his seat, "alright guys, I'm going to need the dorm to myself tonight. As you all know it's Wednesday." He heard groans and complaining from the guys but they naturally give into what Ron wants anyway. All except one, now.

"Why is that?" Harry asked looking up at him as he stuck a piece of toast in his mouth.

"So that me and my girlfriend can share a private moment this evening," Ron answered.

"Ah I see," Harry knew what he was referring to "So it only takes a moment." He smirked.

Ron's eyes narrowed in irritation and anger, "Just stay out of the dorm tonight." He glared.

"And if I don't?" Harry returned the glare.

Ron's fists clinched he was about to say something when his sister spoke up.

"Oh Ron relax I'm sure Harry here is just joking with you," Ginny smiled and turned to Harry who was next to her. "Aren't you Harry, you are just kidding?"

Harry sighed, "of course I'm only joking."

"Good for you that you were." Ron said. "Well." He turned to Hermione and the rest of the Gryffindors. "I'm going to help the Ravenclaws, so I'll see you all in class." Ron moved on down towards the Ravenclaw table.

"I hate Wednesday." Hermione said quietly as she gathered up her books.

"Where you going?" Ginny asked with a smile.

"Library." Hermione answered and quickly stood, leaving the great hall in rapid speed.

"Typical Hermione." Ginny said and she continued her breakfast.

Hermione hurried into the library and took a seat in the back, where no one could see her. She was dreading the up coming night, true it was many hours away but the day goes too fast. Especially on Wednesdays. The bell wrung disrupting her thoughts and worries of what was to come later. She picked up her bag and headed towards Transfiguration.

Once Hermione got into the Transfiguration classroom, she noticed Neville already sitting by Ron who had just sat down. That meant she would have to go sit by that Harry Potter of all people. She sighed. First Hermione made her way over to Ron and reached up giving him a small kiss on the cheek. Ron nodded with approval and rested his hand on her shoulder in a slight possessive manor. He didn't say a word to her but she understood the meanings of his hold it meant don't let any other male touch you.

Hermione moved over towards her partner and sat down; she didn't even look at him. She kept her eyes focused ahead of her waiting for the professor to arrive. .

Professor McGonagall arrived and class had begun.

Harry really had no trouble changing an artichoke into a duck, he had been way advanced in Transfiguration back at Durmstrang, and being a caring and wonderful partner, he would let her try at it. Maybe even help her.

She could fell him looking at her but she kept her eye focused downward on the project at hand.

It was true Harry was looking at her, "I see you did just what Weasley told you to do about your hair." He noticed she was ignoring him and he shook his head. It really surprised him when she spoke.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She answered still not looking at him.

"Oh sure you do." Harry said with an all knowing tone in his voice. "I can repeat the exact same words your knight in shining armor said to you if you like?"

"I have no wish to continue this conversation with you. Or have any other conversation with you. Let's concentrate on the lesson please." Her tone was void of emotion.

Harry shrugged, "as you wish."

The class worked steadily for an hour and a half, Transfiguration ended and potions was next. Harry was first to leave the class and Hermione quickly gathered up her belongings and headed out the door with Ron.

Ron held onto her hand as he and Hermione walked into the potions class, they were among the last to arrive. Ron noticed Lavender already sitting with Harry, how he loathed that boy. It had only been six days since he had met him and already was he gaining popularity fast. He would have to find a way to upstage him somehow.

Hermione followed after Ron her hand still in his, she saw Lavender look up at Hermione with an evil smirk on her face. Hermione tried to ignore it by focusing on the back of Ron's head, what she didn't see Lavender stick out her foot. Hermione tripped and fell flat on her face. A great uproar of laughter erupted from most of the students, including Lavender. Snape who heard the roar of laughter, turned from the blackboard.

Hermione felt the sting tears swelling in her eyes but she bit them back, she breathed in deeply. And lifted herself up a bit. Ron knee's had made a loud cracking noise had kneeled down to her level.

"Clumsy fool," He said quietly. "You could have pulled my arm out of my socket." He said not caring at all if Hermione had hurt herself.

"Lavender tripped me." She answered.

"Oh what accusations Hermione, do you have any proof?" Lavender said sourly.

Harry watched Lavender with disgust, thinking that was just really low. Humiliating the poor girl like that.

Ron sided with Lavender. "Oh don't blame your own acts of clumsiness on her; you should pay attention to where you were going. Maybe next time this won't happen. Get up and don't embarrass me."

"I'm sorry." Hermione replied as she got up from the floor. She could hear the sniggering students all around her.

"Miss Granger are you alright, do you need to go to the hospital wing?" Snape asked.

"No thank you professor, I'm alright. I should be more careful huh?" She said with a tiny smile.

"Take your seat, I'm about to start class." Snape ordered.

"Yes sir." Hermione went over and sat down next to Draco.

"I saw what she did." Draco leaned over and whispered to her.

"No, Ron's right it was my fault I should watch where I was going." She said with a smile. "I have been known to be clumsy, as you well know."

"Hermione, not everything is your fault you do know that?" Draco watched her eyes shifting back and forth.

"Draco please let's just pay attention." Hermione replied. She heard a half cough half grunt come from none other than Ron. She looked up at him and saw him give her a signal to stop talking to Draco. 'Why can't I ever do anything right?' Hermione asked herself. 'Why is everything I do always wrong? Because you are an idiot, listen to Ron he knows what's right. Are you sure? Of course I'm sure, he loves you. He's the only one who will love you. He told you that himself. You really should listen to him. I don't know. Yes you do, He is always right. Oh okay, if you say so. Ron is always right. You don't want him to hit you today do you? No of course not. You know he only does that because he cares about you. Right.'

The class started working hard on the potions.

After a fulfilling dinner, Harry wandered up to the boy's dorm and sat down on his bed. He thought to study a little bit in peace, for privacy he pulled the curtains around his bed closed and lit the end of his wand for light. He picked up his History of Magic book and started reading on the war of 1818. He felt himself dosing off, once again he would be plagued by nightmares of the past and of what he had done.

* * *

Harry woke to a knock at the door, it opened and Hermione stuck her head in. "Ron?" 'Oh please don't let him be here, oh please don't let him be here.' She begged in her mind. She really hated this, nothing was worse, not the beatings not the degradation, Nothing. This was the only thing she ever shed tears about.

Harry lifted his watch and glanced at it, it read nine o' two. He was about to say something when he heard voices talking.

"Yeah I'm here." Ron said from the bathroom.

Hermione's hopes were squashed as she opened the door more and slipped inside.

Harry heard the door close she and locked it with a locking charm. He did not want to be in here. It was a little late to jump up and shout wait I'm here so he decided to just sit within his bed curtains and wait till they were done.

Hermione saw Ron enter the room from the bathroom. She watched him carefully as he went and sat down on his bed, he looked up at her with a tiny smile and patted the spot next to him.

"You did take care of everything right? My mum would kill me if I got someone like you pregnant."

Hermione nodded and took a breath and moved over towards him and sat down. Hermione felt his lips on her neck, she felt the tears already start, she couldn't let them fall, at least not yet. Not until she was surrounded in the complete darkness with in the bed curtains.

*~*~*~*~ * (A/N: I'm writing it but you don't have to read it)

While he kissed his way up her neck to her ear, he told her what he wanted her to do. He didn't even whisper or speak softly to her; it was just an order, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing special. She shut her eyes and did exactly what was expected of her. She could feel his harsh breathing in her ear. Hermione really hated this, she so hated touching him. If she didn't do what she was told he would force it on her anyway, best to get it over with and dwell on it later.

Hermione got some more orders and commands, once she was freed of her clothing she pressed herself down onto her back. Ron pulled the curtains around them.

Harry heard Ron's bed curtains close and he opened his own. He felt this as his chance to escape this, he really didn't want to be in here when they were getting all hot and heavy. He quietly moved to the edge of his bed

Hermione felt Ron's hands all over her, and finally the tears spilled over. His hand and fingers were between her legs readying her for himself. Hermione took a breath as her thighs were parted. She reached up and grabbed the curtain with her hand tightly, she didn't realize that she opened it just a enough.

Harry stood to go but he saw the curtain pull back a little and her face came into view, Thinking she was going to see him he reached for his invisibility cloak and threw it over him just in time as he saw face, her eyes were shut tightly and she sniffled a little. She certainly didn't look like she was enjoying herself. He could certainly hear Ron having a grand time. Hermione's eyes opened and she lifted her other hand wiping away something wet under her eyes. Harry figured out they were tears. She looked absolutely miserable.

Hermione felt him thrusting in and out of her, she held onto the curtain tightly. Within a few minutes she heard Ron's pleasured yell. At least it was over fairly quickly. He pulled himself out of her and rolled over on his back. He was breathing hard, "Thanks, Herms you can go now." He sat up and ran his hand through his hair, he pulled on his boxer shorts and headed to the bathroom. Hermione reached turned over and curled herself up into a little ball hugging her knees to her chest.


Her eyes wet with massive tears as she silently cried. If Ron heard her losing herself to her emotions like this. Then it would most likely end with a right smack in the face for her weakness. At least it was over for the week. Hermione gathered her clothing from off the floor and dressed herself. Still in tears she pulled the curtains open on both sides of the bed and stood up. She didn't even know that she was face to face with Harry. For some reason he felt his heart break at the sight of her tears.

She looked up at the ceiling a moment, and took a couple of breaths willing herself to stop crying. Hermione ran her fingers through her tangled hair trying to straighten it. "I hate this; I really, really hate this." She whispered to herself. Hermione then bent down and felt underneath Ron's bed for something. "Ah-ha" She whispered and pulled out a nice broomstick, hers was horrible. But she really liked Ron's so she would use his, he would never know and it would be back under his bed before Quidditch tryouts on Friday. She headed for the door and removed the locking charm.

Harry wondered what she was up to with that broomstick, was she going to break it. He followed after her.

Hermione hurried out of the school and mounted the broomstick. She smiled as she was lifted into the air. She zoomed gleefully through the air, the wind whipping her hair back as she felt free, away from Ron away from the teasing students, away from the problems. This was truly a gift and she would enjoy it.

Harry crossed his arms, even from down on the ground he could see that this, flying is something she truly enjoyed. She actually looked happy. He had an idea, he would convince her to try out for the team on Friday. No matter what it took, he wanted to see that happy expression on her face again. He still did not want to get involved in Hermione and Ron's personal problems. He argued with himself that this was in no case related to those problems. Not at all. Then again who knows?


Well that's it for chapter 4 stay tuned for chapter 5 I will never do a really detailed erotica scene between anyone other than H/H. I think this one was bad enough. I felt really icky through it and I hope to never do one again. Well I hope you all continue reading don't forget to read and review. Reviews = Life ….LOL…. and I'm sure you all know that ;-) Thanks Ryoko