Unofficial Portkey Archive

Hidden Beneath by Ryoko Blue

Hidden Beneath

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Not mine, Not mine, Definitly not mine. The entire HP world belongs to JK Rowlings

Hidden Beneath

Chapter 8-Let it Snow

At breakfast, Harry kept letting his eyes drift up to Hermione from across the table, even though she didn't show it he knew she was a lot happier since the first time he had seen her coming into the train compartment with Ron on the Hogwarts Express. He watched her lift a piece of ham into her mouth and chew slowly. He also saw Ron's hand come up and cover hers on the table, staking his claim from the prying eyes for any male within one foot of her.

The owls arrived promptly at seven thirty delivering mail, a note with a red satin bow tied around an envelope fell onto Ron's plate he began to open it and read silently to himself.

Professor McGonagall quickly made her way over to the Gryffindor table; she looked for Harry and found him sitting near the middle of the table and she hurried over. "Excuse me, Mr. Potter may I speak with you for a moment?"

Harry looked up at her and nodded, "Sure thing." He smiled and set down his cup, wiped his hands on the napkin and stood up from the table going in the direction following after the professor.

Hermione looked at Ron, "So, what's in the letter?"

"Hmm?" Ron said, still reading finishing it up. He folded it up putting it inside his pocket within his robe. "Oh, well it's from my mother. She's requesting us to come home a bit earlier for Christmas this year since we're going to visit my older brothers, she already contacted Dumbledore and everything."

"Oh," Hermione looked at the plate. "When do we leave?"

Ron chuckled, "We? You aren't going, just Ginny and I. She only wants family going this year. And you certainly are not family." He continued to laugh. "I can't believe you were stupid enough to believe you were going."

Hermione, who had no emotion visible on her face continued on with her breakfast. She dare not give off a smile but she was actually looking forward to this Christmas. No Ron, if she could giggle she would have.

"And that's enough food; you're already looking like a whale." Ron said. Something hit him in the back of the head, his face went SPLAT! right into his bowl of oatmeal, the lumpy liquid splashing everyone around him, including Lavender Brown who was on her way to pay a visit to Ron and his friends.

Hermione fought hard to keep down her laughter; she lifted her eyes seeing Lavender who was really angry and muttering to herself while wiping oatmeal off the front of her clean robe.

His head snapped up in anger. Who dared to even do that to him; he wiped off his face with the napkin. "Who did that?!" Ron demanded. Turning around he found Harry who had an eyebrow raised, looking at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry did I hit you?" Harry was sarcastic. "It was a slip of the hand, much like you having a particular slip of the tongue just now."

Ron glared up at Harry he didn't make any move yet, now was not the time. He forced an uncomfortable smile. "Of course, it was just a slip of the tongue." He didn't even look at Hermione, but he knew she was watching him, he could feel her eyes on his face. How dare this Harry Potter make him look like a fool in front of his girlfriend, Well he would make him pay, and pay dearly. "Hermione," Ron said still without looking at her. "Let's go." He stood.

Hermione quickly gathered up her belongings from off the floor and stood up, she started walking with Ron who had put his arm around her pulling her close to him as they made their way out of The Great Hall.

Harry went to his classes, hours slipped by. Lunch came and swept away as if it didn't make an impact in time at all. All day he had kept an eye on Hermione and Ron Several times Harry saw Ron rudely poking her and even whispering horrid things to her, but one look from Harry's piercing green eyes would be enough for Ron to force a strained smile on his face and sit back. The day had dragged on, finally it was reaching midnight.

Hermione looked at herself in the mirror, she smiled at her reflection. In just twelve hours Ron would be leaving and she would have two and a half weeks without him. For once she actually felt happy. She couldn't help it her smile reached from ear to ear, even though she was going to be alone, at least she could have some time to herself and not worry about Ron or anything Ron related. She stared a moment, thinking 'Whoa is that me with the pretty smile, yes it is! That is me.' She could hardly believe it. Hermione hurried from her room for her midnight meeting with Harry.

Going down the stairs Hermione saw Harry playing with her Cinnamon, she stopped at the foot of the stairs watching them a bit; she wished Ron would treat Cinnamon like that. Harry tossed the worn out fuzzy ball in the air for Cinnamon to jump up and catch it in her mouth and start chewing it up. She heard Harry laugh a little bit and then pet her dog.

"She likes to play fetch too." Hermione spoke up.

Harry turned around, smiling. "Yes we've been playing that for awhile."

Hermione walked over and sat in the fluffy red chair, "Have you been waiting long?"

"Nah," Harry said playing tug of war with Cinnamon. He noticed she was a bit quiet tonight. "Is everything all right?" Harry said pulling out his wand and charmed the ball to dart about the room so Cinnamon could go and chase it, he wanted to give Hermione his full attention.

"Yes, why wouldn't it be?" Hermione smiled a little.

"I don't know, you just seem really quiet that's all." Harry said leaning back against the couch.

She tucked her legs under her and shifted in the seat getting more comfortable, "I'm always quiet."

Harry nodded, "That's true."

"So what are you doing for Christmas holidays?" Hermione asked.

"Well I'm going home to Paris for the holidays; I want to visit with some friends of mine." Harry smiled.

"It must be nice." Hermione smiled a bit.

"Yeah it is." Harry really enjoyed where he lived, he had a nice sized flat on the top floor of a building overlooking the Seine. He shook his head clearing his mind of the thoughts of his home and glanced at Hermione, "What are you doing for the holidays?"

"Nothing, just staying here." Hermione leaned her head back against the chair back.

"With Ron?" Harry asked slightly worried.

Hermione shook her head, "No. Ron and Ginny are going to visit their brothers, and since I'm not family I'm not permitted to go." She shrugged as if it made no difference to her.

"So you'll be here all by yourself?" Harry scooted closer to the edge of the couch, getting closer to her.

"Oh I don't mind that," She gave a soft smile.

Harry thought a moment; he didn't want her to be here by herself, how lonely that must be. "Hey why don't you come to Paris with me?"

Hermione shook her head, "I couldn't do that. Ron will be owling me everyday so I have to stay here, I don't want him to be angry with me when he gets back." She looked down at her fingers as she started to twist them a little.

"Well then why don't I stay here with you instead." Harry offered.

Her head snapped up, "Oh you shouldn't have to change your plans for me."

"No it's all right, I don't mind." Harry grinned.

"But what about your friends, won't they be disappointed if you don't show up?" Hermione's brows crinkled together in confusion.

"They'll understand, besides I can visit them during the summer. No big deal, really." Harry said leaning forward a bit.

"Well if you sure you want to waste your holidays-" Hermione was interrupted.

"It's not a waste, really it isn't. You'll see we'll have fun." Harry smiled.

Hermione felt the urge to smile as well, so she did also giving a small nod. She couldn't suppress the large yawn that fought its way out of her. "Maybe I should head up to bed." Hermione started to stand.

Harry nodded, "Good idea." Harry remembered back in September when they both had fallen asleep down here in the common room, he had nearly gotten caught, good thing he always his invisibility cloak with him. He had covered her with it as Ron came down the stairs. He had pushed himself close to the end of the couch so that the cloak wasn't touching him at all otherwise it would look really strange why people only saw the upper half of Harry sleeping there. He shook his mind of that memory and also stood from the couch.

"When do Ron and Ginny leave?" Harry asked as he climbed the stairs with her.

"Tomorrow." Hermione looked at each step as they ascended the stairs.

Harry nodded, "So they're leaving early. Awww poor Neville." Harry snickered.

"Yeah, he really likes her he'll miss her a lot." Hermione said as she turned to go down the hall towards the girl's dorms. "Uh… good night."

"Night." Harry waved slightly and disappeared into the boy's dorms, just as Hermione did inside the girls.

Ron was walking in front of Hermione as she was carrying his heavy trunk towards the train; he was giving her the 'what to do and what not to do' list. She was barely listening to him; his trunk was so heavy and she wondered why he made her carry it.

"Now, what are you going to do when I'm gone?" Ron turned around facing her.

"Absolutely nothing that would disgrace you." Hermione said plainly.

"That's right. Oh and one more thing, now that I am gone most likely some certain males" 'Especially that Harry Potter' Ron thought to himself he knew that boy was up to something. "Well they may think they can approach you. Don't even talk to them, if you're thinking oh Ron will never find out. Well you're wrong. I'm having you monitored until the start of vacation when everyone goes home and then you'll just be here alone."

"I understand." Hermione said plainly again.

Ron glanced around looking for that irritating Harry Potter and didn't see him around; he grabbed Hermione by the arm giving it a squeeze. A sharp pain shot through Hermione's arm and she dropped the trunk on his foot.

"Oww shit!" Ron's face crinkled up in agony, while he was hobbling around, "You stupid girl, how clumsy can you get?" He snarled and was clutching his foot now. He felt it throbbing, and what was that feeling- why was it burning? Ron was so mad that Hermione actually took a step back, "Don't back away from me." He was about to reach for her again when the train whistle blew. "You are damn lucky!" He shouted, causing her to flinch.

"I'm sorry it was an accident." Hermione's voice trembled.

Ron grabbed her by the front of the shirt pulling her hard against him, "Behave your self while I'm gone and perhaps I will forget about this trunk incident." He saw Hermione nod and he crushed his mouth against hers in a bruising kiss, it was a kiss signifying that she already belonged to someone and no one better steal what's his or else there will be hell to pay.

He finally released her and Hermione took a step back as Ron picked up his trunk and boarded the train. She saw Ginny waving to her from a window and she gave a little wave back. Ginny lowered the window on the train, "I'll bring you something from Egypt, Hermione." Ginny beamed, waving happily.

Hermione smiled a little and continued to wave as the train started pulling away from the station, after it was completely out of sight Hermione jumped up and down laughing.

"You seem a little too happy there; what ever could be the reason?" A voice said.

Hermione twisted around in all directions hearing a voice but not seeing anyone, "Who's there?"

"It's me Hermione, its Harry." The voice sounded offended.

She glanced around, "Well where are you?"

"I'm right next to you." Harry said.

Hermione felt the air in front of her hitting something solid, "Harry?"

"Yeah." He sighed.

"I can't see you. Why is that?" Hermione said trying to see where his face would be.

"Oh duh, stupid me." Harry removed his cloak and Hermione jumped back in shock.

Hermione stared wide eyed, "How did you do that?"

"It's just an invisibility cloak." Harry said with a smile, "It's very handy."

"Yeah for sneaking into the girls locker rooms or sneaking in to-" Hermione glared at him, "That's how you knew, you were in my room."

Harry looked guilty, "Yeah it's true that's how I knew about what was happening. But I didn't disrespect you in any way. Honestly I didn't." He waited.

Hermione sighed, "It was still wrong."

"I know it was and I am really sorry." Harry pouted, "Don't be angry, please. I'll never do it again. I promise."

"All right, all right, just stop pouting." Hermione said shaking her head back and forth. "In fact you better wear that thing when you're talking to me; Ron said he has me watched until the start of Christmas holidays in three days." Hermione said clutching her tattered red cloak to her body for warmth.

"Here allow me." Harry smiled and put the cloak over the both of them. "This way no can see me talking to you and Ron won't get his lame ass report." Harry grinned.

Hermione nodded, she was surprised that the cloak was actually warming her up.

"You really should get a new cloak, this one is so worn out and it's got holes in it" He patted the material around her.

"It's good enough for me, I don't need much." Hermione turned her head looking at him, he was looking straight ahead and suddenly turned facing her, and he smiled. A small blush crept along her cheeks she realized she was staring and quickly glanced at the floor.

"Something on your mind?" Harry asked still smiling.

"Uh…no." Hermione cleared her throat and that was the last thing that was spoken between them as they headed back to the castle.

It wasn't hard to figure out who was monitoring Hermione, for they were around her every second of the day.

Hermione was reading in the library she knew those two goons were there in the room with her. "How much is Ron paying you to do this?" she said without looking up at them.

"Pay? We could get paid?" Crabbe said to Goyle in astonishment.

"Why haven't we said anything to Weasley?" Goyle said gruffly.

Harry came up behind the two goons and put his arms around their shoulders, "I think I can help you out, if you help me out." Harry looked at both the boys.

"What do you want Potter?" Crabbe said eyeing him suspiciously.

"Let's take a walk." Harry ushered the two big goofs out of the library. "I think we can come to some kind of arrangement here." He said leading them down a passageway.

"What kind of arrangement?" Crabbe wondered.

"This kind of arrangement." Harry grinned and tickled the pear on the portrait, the fruit giggled and the large picture moved aside. "If you don't report my talking with Hermione, I will give you food." Harry replied.

"How much food are we talking about here?" Goyle said.

"How about all you can eat?" Harry answered. "This way gentlemen," He gestured for them to enter through the archway.

Harry walked behind Crabbe and Goyle as the entered the room; they stopped, staring in awe all around them, their jaws open in surprise. He smirked and approached the house elves then turning back to look at Crabbe and Goyle. "Don't report that I'll be spending some time with Hermione and you can have anything you want, anytime you want, night and day."

Crabbe, who was actually the smarter of the two spoke up, "And why should we agree with anything you say?"

Harry shrugged, "Look at it this way- has Weasley ever given you anything to help him? Here I am offering you all the food in the world just to keep certain things quiet." He nudged the large boy a bit with his elbow.

"All right Potter, you've got a deal." Crabbe said while Goyle simply nodded agreeing with his wide friend.

Harry smiling turned to the house elf and said, "Give these boys whatever they want."

"Yes sir." A house elf saluted and Crabbe and Goyle were surrounded by house elves that were serving them whatever the boys desired. While the two large boys stuffed their faces with cakes, pies and anything sweet, Harry took this opportunity to leave. He stepped out of the kitchen and headed back up to the library where he knew Hermione to still be there.

Hermione was standing near a bookshelf thumbing through an old copy of Heroic Harpies and the Hardley Heartless Hermit. She was so engrossed in her reading that she failed to hear Harry come up behind her. A hand touched her shoulder and she freaked reaching behind her she grabbed an arm and used all her might to flip the person over her and land hard on the ground.

She glanced at her hands in awe, "Wow it worked." Hermione said in astonishment, she heard someone moaning a long slow agonizing owww from on the floor; she moved her hands and looked at who her attacker was.

When she saw that it was Harry who was in pain lying on his back on the cold hard floor, a loud gasp echoed through the aisle. "Oh my goodness, are you all right? Did I hurt you?" Hermione felt awful; she was positive whatever friendship they had was now flying out the window, he surely hated her now. She kneeled down to his level feeling completely lost, she glanced at the floor between the two of them. "I am so sorry; I didn't know it was you."

"Who did you think it would be?" Harry groaned.

Hermione nodded feeling the urge to be really quiet, "You know you can still go home, you probably don't want to be around me anymore."

"What? Why would I do that?" Harry looked at her slightly confused.

Hermione still glanced at the floor, "You probably hate me now."

"No Hermione, I don't hate you." He saw her head lift and she looked right at him in astonishment. Harry smiled reassuringly. "You know if it wasn't me writhing in agony on the floor, I would say that is one impressive move." he said jokingly, even though he really was in pain he didn't want her to feel bad; after all it really was just an accident.

"You really think so?" Hermione half smiled.

"Yes I do, after all I taught you that move didn't I?" Harry said proudly trying not to grimace from the pain.

Hermione nodded. "Here let me help you up." She offered him her hand.

Harry looked at it suspiciously, "Oh I don't know what if you flip me again?"

"I won't." Hermione said still feeling really bad.

Harry took her hand and grasped it firmly, getting to his feet. He brought his arms up overhead and stretched, his body screaming out in pain, but he forced a smile onto his face. "Look, I'm just fine." He watched her a bit he had to make her feel better; he worried about her falling dangerously into depression. Harry was determined to make her holidays happy and carefree.

"I honestly think it wouldn't have worked, me flipping someone like that. It just seemed impossible." Hermione said tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

His eyes took in the shiny appearance of her hair; he noticed there wasn't just one shade of brown, but several dark strands and light strands mixed together. Harry's hand lifted a bit and he touched the locks gently. Her hair was really soft as he threaded his fingers through it.

Hermione looked up at him, "Uh…what are you doing?"

"I've just wondered what your hair felt like; it always looks so soft and shiny." He said almost in awe.

"Oh." Was all Hermione could say for the moment she looked up into his eyes, those deep pools of emerald green, she was lost within them.

Harry's gaze scanned her face, 'She really is pretty…' he thought as his gaze continued to move and come to rest on her pink lips that looked really soft, he didn't even notice that he cupped her face, tilting it upwards a bit. The world was becoming fuzzy as his mouth neared her own.

Hermione's eyes closed gently as his mouth was closer to hers, she could feel his gentle breathing on her face. Harry's thumbs lightly tickled her cheeks, their lips were less than a millimeter away when the library door opened and Professor Snape walked inside carrying an old beat up book.

After seeing her writing supplies on the table, he glanced around not finding a trace of her. "Miss Granger?" He called out.

Both Harry and Hermione seemed to blink at the same time bringing them back to reality, reminding them of where they were and what they were about to do. Hermione practically jumped away from him a severe blush creeping all over her face.

"Uh yes? I'm over here." Hermione said her voice shaky and unsure, her hand was shaking as she shoved more lose strands of hair behind her ear. She glanced at the floor as she walked out from the book aisle. "I'm here Professor Snape."

"Oh good, thought I missed you." He didn't smile but he was pleased that he had found her. "Here's that book you've been wanting to borrow." Snape handed her the potions book. "I don't know why you would want an old potions book anyway."

"I'm looking for a bravery potion; all the other ones don't last long."

"Miss Granger, may I ask who this potion is for?" Snape glanced at her, his eyes narrowed suspiciously, he watched her closely.

"It's just an experiment I'm running sir; it's for no one in particular." She lied.

Snape nodded, "Just be careful, messing around with emotions like this can have serious consequences." He warned.

Hermione nodded, "Of course sir."

"Miss Granger, if you ever need an ear to listen my office is always open." Snape said emotionlessly.

"Thank you sir." Hermione turned and started putting her books away into her bag.

Snape felt he was getting the cold shoulder but he knew she was hiding something. Something big. He remembered her from the first day of her education, she was always so eager and a big participant in class, over the years he noticed a decline in her willingness to answer questions. Her grades remained the same, strong and at the top. People thought he didn't pay attention to his students, but he did and to him Hermione seemed like a young woman who was afraid of her own shadow. He just hoped that whatever problems she was having she would come to get help before it was too late. With that thought in mind Professor Snape swept from the library and carried on with the rest of his day.


Hermione was walking Cinnamon through the snowy grounds of Hogwarts; if she wasn't trying to keep from freezing she would have been able to admire her surroundings, the grounds looked absolutely amazing with its thick blanket of pure virgin snow.

Cinnamon was darting happily jumping up and landing in the snow creating cute little paw prints as she went along. Hermione didn't have to hold a leash, her dog never wandered too far. She knelt down at petted her dog on the head who yelped happily, Hermione pulled from her pocket Cinnamon's worn out fuzzy ball and threw it softly forward, her dog chased after it. After catching the foul fuzzy beast Cinnamon brought it back to her person.

Hermione smiled and tried to take the ball from Cinnamon, who had no intention of letting go, they ended up playing a game of tug of war. Hermione laughed as the dog thought she won and pulled its prize from her person's hands. Cinnamon jumped around and yelped with pure glee, then ran and jumped into Hermione's arms giving her sweet little puppy kisses. Hermione actually giggled.

From the stained glass window two stories up, Harry stood watching the scene below. He rested his elbows on the windowsill smiling resting his chin in his hands. Hermione was so sweet, probably the nicest person he had ever known, and it made him angry that there was someone out there who wants to hurt her. Harry squeezed his fist tight; he would never let anyone hurt her ever again. The sound of her laughter melted away his anger.

Harry turned from the window, he was going to down and see her. She hasn't said too much to him since the library incident, he clearly didn't know what had come over him, he was this close from kissing her, and he cursed his hormones for reacting to her like that. Hopefully she had forgiven him. He quickly hurried down the stairs and out the door.

Hermione heard the snow in back of her crunching; she turned and found Harry walking towards her. "Hi." She said giving him a smile.

"Hi." Harry returned the smile, "It's a beautiful day wouldn't you say so?" He stopped, standing next to her.

"Well if I wasn't so cold I would be able to agree with you." Hermione said half joking.

A light sprinkling of snow began dusting the grounds again; Hermione looked up as the small snowflakes drifted down from the fluffy gray clouds. "I've always loved the snow." Hermione said as she twirled gracefully.

"May I have this dance my lady?" Harry bowed like a gentleman.

Hermione smiled and nodded, "But of course good sir." She curtsied daintily.

Harry took her hand and they danced through the snow, they were twirling so fast that they lost their balance and fell onto a soft snow bank both of them laughing.

"Hermione?" Harry said.

"Yes?" She was breathing hard trying to settle down.

"You have a little something on your face." Harry grinned.

"What is it?" Hermione touched her face in several different places

Harry lifted his hand rubbing a bit of snow into her face "Snow." He rolled off his back and jumped up running to get away from her.

"Why- you!" She grinned and scooped up some snow throwing it at him as he tried to outrun her. Soon they were both laughing and having fun. Hermione remembered when she and Ron would come out in the snow, whenever he threw a snowball at her it was always hard and felt more like an ice ball. But with Harry here it was much different, the snow was soft and it didn't even hurt when it hit her. She hadn't remembered when she had so much fun and she wasn't even cold anymore.

Completely out of breath Hermione laid down on the soft snow looking up at the clouds. Harry had come up and laid down next to her, there was a peaceful silence about them.

"That was fun." Hermione said, "It's been awhile since I've had fun like that."

Harry smiled, "Well I'm glad to be of service. If you ever want to have more fun don't hesitate to call, for I am Mr. Fun."

Hermione started laughing really hard. "That is the cheesiest thing I have ever heard of."

"Oh you're making fun of Mr. Fun now are you, well I won't tolerate that. Prepare to be tickled to death." He threatened teasingly.

"What, no!" She tried to get away but it was impossible for Harry's fingers were already tickling her and she was laughing hysterically, she was practically rolling on the ground.

"Had enough?" He teased, still tickling her.

"Yes." She gasped in fits of laughter

"Yes!! I, Harry Potter, am still supreme." He finally stopped tickling her.

Hermione wiped her eyes from her tears of laughter, "I don't think I ever laughed that hard, ever."

Harry smiled. "I'm glad you you're having fun Hermione, you deserve it."

"Harry, I'm glad that you are my friend." Hermione hated sounding mushy like this, but she felt it needed to be said.

"I'm glad too." Harry enjoyed it when she was happy; his hand came up, cupping her cheek. "I'm glad I've gotten to know you. He was staring into her eyes, they were warm and comforting. Ron was a fool to treat her like this. Her warm, chocolate brown eyes caused him to melt, he felt himself lean forward, his eyes fixed on hers it seemed like an eternity as the began to slowly close, her eyelashes fluttering against her cheeks.

Harry couldn't resist it any longer; his lips pressed softly against hers. His body pressed against hers, making her sink a bit into the snow. She didn't seem to mind because her arms had come up around him, holding onto his waist. He was amazed at how soft and warm her lips were despite the cold air.

Hermione couldn't believe it, this feeling was so amazing. She felt herself responding to the sweet, tender touch of his lips.

There was a soft nudging against Hermione's lips, and then a smooth gentle glide of Harry's tongue against the seam of her closed mouth and she immediately opened hers and the tip of Harry's tongue touched against hers, she gave a soft gasp at the tender feeling, it was so amazing the way Harry kissed her, so soft and gentle. Nothing at all like the harsh bruising kisses she received from Ron.

Ron's name screamed loudly in her mind, oh no what was she doing. She was kissing another male, oh she was so dead! Ron would find out and she'd be in for it big time! Hermione pushed against him "This is wrong, so wrong." She said in pure panic.

"What? What's wrong?" Harry was confused and he got off her immediately.

It was all her fault; she enticed another male to her web of deceit and seduction. She felt awful, she felt like trash. Hermione couldn't believe it, she was what everyone in Ron's family said. "I…I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Hermione, you didn't do-" Harry was interrupted.

"I'm sorry!" Hermione took off like a flash running as far away from Harry as possible.


What a horrible cliffie huh, ha ha ha just remember I'm an evil author Bwahahaha!! Well that's it for chapter 8 I hope you enjoyed it, Stay tuned for chapter 9 Remember to leave a review

Thanks, Ryoko Blue