Chapter 3: Surprises in the Shadows
By: The Dark Aeon
Authors' Note: I would like to thank Audrey and Twisted Angel for reading my story. It's been a big help. I finally introduce the new villain in this story, and start to show the title's namesake.
JK Rowling own Harry Potter and company, and Marvel owns X-men and Doctor Strange. I won the demons, and other OC's, along with the plot.
davaca- the X-men will show up later along with Doctor Strange. Just have some patience.
KypDurron- Something like that.
Roland was due to arrive in a few minutes, and Harry wasn't sure about going out. After, all most of his clothes were old hand-me-downs from Dudley and his wizarding clothes. Harry doubted that they were going to the wizarding world. Roland may be a wizard, but his manner was so different then most wizards and witches he met. It was erratic and calm, kind and almost cruel. And there was something about him that made you want to trust him. Odd truly, Dumbledore didn't even have that quality. Harry picked up one of his robes, his Hogwarts one to be precise. If he took off the patch that said Hogwarts he might be able to use it as a coat.
But he threw it back onto his bed. No, it would be too long. And Harry didn't know the spells to transfigure cloths, or even if you could. Professor McGonagall hadn't taught them that. Harry took a look at the mess he made on his bed. Sighing, he picked up all the clothes and was putting them back into his trunk as the doorbell rang. That must be Roland. Harry looked at his clothes and sighed again; it was the best he could do. He walked toward the door and was about to open it, but it was thrown open from the other side. Uncle Vernon stood there, red as he had ever been. Harry was expecting a beating, but nothing came. "Your friend," he said slowly, pronouncing each word. "Is here for you, Harry." The word `Harry' was emphasized and Harry saw his uncle clench his teeth.
"Oh," Harry said solemnly, just looking forward to getting out of the house, "okay." With that he walked down the stairs, just staring ahead. He saw Dudley and his Aunt in the hallway, staring at the door, almost frightened of what they saw. Confused at the way his relatives were acting, Harry shrugged his shoulders and walked out the door. Out there was a long black limo waiting for him. A chauffer opened the door, and out stepped Roland, wearing his long black coat and a cowboy hat. He wore his sunglasses, but at least Harry had an idea about it. And there was a strained smile on his face, which surprised Harry. For the past two days, Roland was happy, and you could almost feel it. But here, the smile was almost forced. And Harry knew a thing or two about forced smiles.
But he just returned the smile as he entered the car. Roland took one final look at the house before snorting and entering the limo. Harry had taken a seat next to one of the windows so he could watch the scenery. He didn't even look back at the Dursleys. He didn't want to go back, but he knew that it would end eventually. At least he could get out of the house, and away from them. "But wait," Harry called as Roland entered the car. "Don't I have to stay with them because of the spell?"
Roland chuckled and he had a genuine smile on his face. "No," he replied, "not really. The spell is renewed everyday you spend there. As long as you are at that house, it is there, and protecting you, building as the day grows." Roland shrugged his shoulders, "so the spell strengthens each day. By the end of the summer, if you were there every day for the entire day, you would have enough power stored in you for a year at Hogwarts. The spell would protect you."
"So should I stay?" Harry asked.
"That's up to you Harry," Roland said, and his smile disappeared. "You are a strong young man, whose powers can only grow. I believe that if you had proper training, you could take care of yourself." He shrugged his shoulders. "But enough of that." The limo stared at the end of the sentence, and sped off. "Let me fix those clothes for you." Roland drew a metallic looking wand and pointed it at Harry. He muttered some intangible words and Harry cloths quickly transfigured themselves. Harry was now wearing a pair of loose fitting jeans and a white muggle golf shirt. His shoes were a pair of gray tennis shoes that actually fit him. "Much better."
"I was going to ask you about that." Harry looked down at his shirt. "I didn't think that I was just going to wear my hand-me-down cloths."
"No, I planned this all out," Roland said, and reached over to the little fridge in the limo and pulled out two Pepsis© for them. "Catch." He tossed it over to Harry who caught it and stared at the can. "It's call pop, Harry." The Boy-who-Lived looked up at Roland. "You drink it." Again a blank stare. "There really did deprive you of the basic things in life." Roland chuckled and Harry managed to smile about his life. Roland quickly showed Harry how to open it, and he found that it was almost as good as Butterbeer. Almost.
For what seemed like an hour or so, they talk. It was almost like talking to Ron or someone else from Hogwarts. When they finally talked about Quidditch, Roland showed Harry the newest edition of the Daily Prophet, which was advertising the latest broom on the market, the Dark Star. It handled better then the Firebolt. "But not even as fast as my Ragnorak." Roland beamed with pride.
"I heard about that broom," Harry replied, "said to reach speeds over 200 miles an hour. The handling isn't so great, kind of hard to turn it. But the balance is supposed to be so good that a person could stand up on it and fly as if he was holding it in his hands." Roland smiled and leaned back.
"God, I miss that," he said.
"Miss what?"
"Quidditch," Roland replied, "I can't play anymore, at least at my old school."
"Me too," Harry looked down at he ground.
"Really, I find that surprising. From what Hermione has told me about you, you were supposed to be the youngest Seeker that your house has had in decades."
"Our DADA teacher banned me from it," Harry frowned. "That old bat was terrible. Because I didn't agree with what she said. I had to have detention with her for about a month." Harry shrugged his shoulders. "So what about you, how come you can't play?"
"Speared a kid going for the Quaffle," Roland smirked, "I will be remembered for that forever."
"What happened?"
"Score was in our favor," Roland told his story, "but their Seeker was better, at least for that match. Our top Seeker was out of the match because of an injury he got from the Chaser I slammed into. He took the Beater's bat and attacked him. So we brought in our second, and the game continued. Our Chasers, including me, were pounding the Hell out their Keeper. I was already pissed at said Chaser for taking out our Seeker, but when attacked he attacked one of my very good friends; I had no choice to retaliate. I rose high in the air and acted as if I was looking for the Snitch. When said Chaser finally got the Quaffle again, I dove at neck breaking speeds and slammed into him with all my weight. Nearly broke the kid's back. Ironically, I did find the snitch. We landed on the Quidditch Pitch pretty hard, and made a nice hole in it. Broke the kid's back in five different places, but I when I got up, I had the snitch in my hands. After that," Roland shrugged his shoulders, "we won, but I was banned from the Quidditch Pitch." He looked up at Harry. "How bout you, how did you get banned?"
"Well," Harry said, "my story isn't as long as yours."
"That's fine," Roland replied. "Any Quidditch story is good."
"Okay," Harry started. "We won the game despite the poor showing of our Keeper. And there was this prat, Draco Malfoy, who continued to verbally harass our Keeper and me after the game. Our Keeper happens to be one of my best friends."
"Ron?" Roland asked. Harry nodded his response. It was probably Hermione who told him, because Harry certainly didn't.
"Anyways, Malfoy finally insulted my parents, and I was having a rough year as it was, so I attacked him." Roland sat in silence and Harry watched as a smile grew on his face.
"Wonderful showing then," he said. "But I think that if you are going to fight, then you should learn how to use a weapon other then your hands or wand." Roland shrugged his shoulders. "That would be another discussion for another time."
"Because we are here, Harry," Roland pointed to the window. And sure enough, they were at one of the largest places Harry had ever seen, even compared to Hogwarts. It was a giant mall. "I figured we'd pick you up some decent Muggle cloths. And anything else you want." Harry turned from the window and stared at Roland. "What, can't I be nice?"
"I can't pay you back," Harry said.
"Don't care," Roland replied, "you are getting new clothes and what ever else you want, via order one Ms. Hermione Granger. And I quickly found out that when she speaks, you listen."
"How true," Harry smiled as the limo slowly stopped. He was still worried about the money and-
"Look Harry," Roland said, "Don't be worried about the money. I'm pretty well off, what with my job and what not. Besides, don't tell me that you wouldn't like a decent pair of cloths besides your wizarding cloths." He paused before adding. "And besides, Hermione would kill me if I didn't do this."
"Found out that I was going shopping a few days ago and told," Roland said, "Mind you, not asked, told me to buy you new clothes since I was spending so much time with you as it is. A bossy one she is."
"Oh," was all that Harry could say. It did seem like Hermione to be worrying about him like that. She always worried about him.
Roland opened the door and stepped out. "And she always will." He stepped out and Harry quickly followed him, almost excited about the day-almost.
* * * * * *
Dumbledore was reading a note that had just come from Charles Xavier, and was worried. It appeared that one of Xavier's students was visiting a student of Dumbledore's, as well as helping another one. But that wasn't what worried him. It was the heritage that the boy owned. From what he learned of the recent Death Eater actives, it was a rather unique one at that. And from what he knew of Severus' reports, this could be bad. Luckily, none of the other order members, save Moody, Lupin, or Tonks, knew that information. That meant that he needed to find a way to help protect the rest. Knowledge is always the first part in protection, but that kind of knowledge could get someone killed.
"There is a way, though," Dumbledore got up and looked at the many books he had in his office. There could be a way that this could be used to their advantage. He needed someone to help train the students if this problem turned into a crisis. But from what Charles had said in his note, the boy wasn't even finished with his schooling yet. He needed two more years before he was fully done. But that didn't mean he knew of certain magical skills. "It is a possibly."
Dumbledore searched his bookshelf for a moment. A long time ago, he read a book about the elemental properties within the world. With this new development, it would probably be best to find someone who could teach those abilities. At least then his students wouldn't be left in the dark when the news of this new terror finally came into play.
He finally found the book that he wanted. The Elemental Properties of the World by Aeonos Al'Takos. Quite an odd name, but given the books old age, it seemed to fit. Dumbledore went back to his chair and began to read it. It had been so long since he had used his element, that he hoped that he was still proficient. Maybe it is like riding a bike.
"Certainly is, Professor," a voice echoed the room. Dumbledore was immediately standing and had his wand drawn. He wasn't expecting anyone, and knew that it was impossible to apparate into Hogwarts. "It is, but who apparated?" Dumbledore looked around the room, trying to find his intruder.
"I demand that you show yourself." His voice boomed through the room. A blue aura glowed around Dumbledore, showing his anger. No one had ever entered his room without his permission.
"I'd rather not, thank you." The voice replied. Dumbledore's aura grew and stood out at least a foot away from him. A chuckle came from the darkness. "But if you insist." A man stepped out of the shadows. His face was beast-like, and fangs showed in his mouth. Skin darker than sin itself covered the creature's face, which was probably why he blended in with the shadows. He had cloak on, which shifted with his surrounds, almost like an invisibility cloak. But the smile, the smile was the worst part of him. It seemed almost excited about something. And for the first time in Dumbledore's life, he didn't have any idea of what he was going to do or how he was going to deal with this creature.
* * * * * *
Harry and Roland were shopping through a Department Store when Harry noticed that Roland was no longer following him. Since they had entered the giant mall, Harry had lead the way, going where he wanted to, with Roland following. But now the man was standing still, almost looking around. "Damn it." Harry heard him whisper. He turned around to face Roland, and who wasn't even staring forward any more. He was facing east, but for the life of Harry, he couldn't figure out why.
"What's wrong?" Harry asked, but apparently nothing, because a smile slipped onto Roland's face.
"Nothing," he said. "Problem solved itself." He quickly caught up to Harry. "Come, I know there has to be shops that you would like to see." But Harry knew that there was something wrong, at least for a moment. But now wasn't the time to ask about. There were other things that had precedent.
* * * * * *
Dumbledore was amazed at the man in white standing in front of him. He had appeared right from the fire in a glorious light, but some odd reason, Dumbledore didn't trust this man anymore then the creature. It was like the aura of this man told the Headmaster this man's life and how horrible he had acted. Still, he couldn't leave this man without a thank you. "I really must thank you, sir," Dumbledore said weary of this man. "It has been a long time since I have faced one of those creatures."
"No thanks needed," the man said. He turned around and faced the Headmaster, and Dumbledore was surprised to see the man bore white globes for eyes. He had white hair that was tied in a ponytail. He wore a long white sleeveless robe that covered most of his body. "I just came where I was told."
"A Hunter sent you this way then," Dumbledore said, his smile coming back. He was right then, in assuming this creature's origin.
"How did you…" the man started to ask, but a smile came to his face. "You're Albus Dumbledore aren't you?" The Headmaster nodded. "By the Gods, it is an honor to meet you, sir. I've heard many things about you upstairs." The man held out his hand and Dumbledore shook it gently.
"And you are …" Dumbledore trailed off, hoping to get a name.
"Oh, yes, um…" The man trailed off, thinking for a moment. "Ah, yes, my name is Eonos, and I am a Peacemaker of the Choir of Angels."
"A Choir of Angels," Dumbledore smiled widely. "This is wonderful." He walked over to his chair and picked up his book. "Then you can help me."
"Wait, you don't want to know more about me or who sent me, or anything like that?" Dumbledore shook his head. "Why?"
"As much as your aura gives away, I've been able to theorize many things about you," Dumbledore said. "Like for example, you are ethereal like most of the time until you are called upon by a Hunter, like now. Also, you aren't an ordinary Angel either. No, you're different. But I doubt, from your appearance, you are a fallen one."
"Wow," Eonos relaxed on one of the side table. "How much do you know?"
"Only what I remember from this book," Dumbledore held up the book that was in his hand a few moments ago. "Quite a good amount of information on Angels and Demons and how they affect the Elements."
"Oh," was all Eonos said. He paused for a moment, trying to understand that a mortal knew of his world. The Angel changed the subject. "Earlier you said you wanted my help."
"Yes, I was wondering if you could advise me on someone, preferably a Hunter, to take the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts," Dumbledore replied. Eonos didn't reply for a while, apparently thinking about something. Dumbledore opened up the book that he held and read it while waiting.
"No direct interference?" The Headmaster looked up at the Angel.
"Of course not," Dumbledore replied, but didn't quite understand. It had to do with an Angel's Creed; he really did have to read that book again. "Just advice, not direct help."
"Okay then," Eonos replied, "I'll send the best man who for the job in a few days." He held out his hand. "And it was an honor to meet you, Professor." Dumbledore took and thanked the man for saving his life. "Well, I'd best get going."
"Before you go," Dumbledore said, "give the Hunter who sent you my thanks."
"Anything for you, sir," Eonos nodded. "Like I said, you are a hero upstairs. Good bye, sir." He disappeared in a bright flash of white light, leaving a smiling Dumbledore. It was quite possible that this year would be all right. There were still a few things that needed to be worked out, but it was just possible. Dumbledore smiled as he sat back down, and began reading the book that he held. Everything may be all right.
* * * * * *
It was around five when Harry and Roland finally stopped shopping. Harry had at least three different bags he was carrying and five others back at the limo. He was surprised at how much he could find that he wanted. And all the time Roland didn't complain about how much he was spending. There had to six hundred pounds worth of clothes in the limo. Roland had bought some items too, but nothing in comparison to Harry. After their first store that they bought some clothes in, Harry immediately changed out of his clothes. He found out that they weren't transfigured only cloaked in an illusion, which turned to another thing that he had to ask Roland about.
They stopped at the food court, and ordered food from the various places. Harry was a bit thrown back by the amount of people and the variety of the food, but he quickly caught on, and just ordered something from a sub sandwich place. He found Roland already eating a rather large salad, with two cheeseburgers next to him and a large drink. "You are actually going to eat all that?" he asked.
"Probably more," Roland replied. "I've been starving since twelve."
"We could've stopped sooner," Harry said. He began to think that it was fault they didn't stop sooner. Harry was perfectly fine and Roland wasn't complaining.
"Naw, you were having too much fun," Roland smirked. "It wasn't like I was dying or something." He added at the last moment. "yet." Roland shrugged his shoulders and picked up the burger, eating it quickly.
"Bloody hell, you eat faster then Ron," Harry said, and Roland just finished off the first burger. "How do you store all that food?"
"I don't," Roland opened up the other burger, "I use the energy." Harry was perplexed by Roland's answer and just watched his finish off the burger in a few bites.
"What do you mean?" Harry understood that magic had to come from somewhere, basic physics. He always thought that it was used when you used magic. But Roland wasn't using magic that Harry could see. "You're using magic now?" he said at a whisper.
"Something like that, Harry," Roland smirked. "You learn things when you spend hours upon hours in the library."
"Good, now you sound like Hermione," Harry replied.
"Well, I have to," Roland said, looking down the mess he had made. "I'm not a natural, like some people. No, it took me a long time to understand half of the things you learn in the first week." Quickly, he shoveled the trash onto a tray and stood up. "Eat something for the Gods' sake; you're nothing but skin and bones." Harry watched as he walked away throw out his garbage and to get more food.
This left Harry with his thoughts. He was still upset about Sirius, but his talks with Roland had been a distraction, as had his anticipation to today. It seemed that Roland was distracting him almost. Since the first day that he had met the man, Harry couldn't help but be happy. He didn't really get a chance to be upset. But now, he had a chance to think for the first time in a while. And think Harry did.
He thought about the short time that he spent with Sirius and how much joy it brought him. He thought of how the look on his godfather's face when Harry finally got to live with him, and how it greatly affected his life. He thought of the gifts that he had gotten from his Sirius for his birthdays each year that he had known him. His sadness and despair slowly came back to him. He felt the tears come to his eyes, but held them back. "Really, I thought that we had worked on this," Roland said, sitting down. When Harry looked up, he noticed a tray filled with food, and Roland was already starting on the drink. "But then again, it could just be…" he trailed off as he ate, leaving Harry to it thoughts.
Harry tried to get happier thoughts, but for some odd reason, all his bad thoughts kept coming back. He thought of Sirius and the veil. He thought of how he didn't listen to Hermione. He thought of how Hermione got hurt because of him, and his bullheadedness. Damn, he was the fault of all the death around him. His parents were just the first, then Cedric and now Sirius. Everyone he loved or knew died because of him. His anger soared as he thought of how he would destroy that man for what he has done to his life and world and-
"Damn it, Harry," Roland said, getting up quickly. Harry snapped out of his trance and noticed the shattered glass near them. His anger had caused his wandless magic to go haywire and destroy something. "Fuck, even my magic isn't the out of control." There was no one around, luckily, but that wasn't what he was worried about.
"Oh, bloody hell," Harry said. He knew he was in trouble this time. The ministry said that if he used magic one more time outside of school, he would get expulsed. That could be possibly the worst thing that could happen.
"What?" Roland asked. He took his seat and unwrapped a taco. "What happened now?" he didn't seem upset about the destroyed table, but the people around them were.
Harry held his head in his palms and shook it. "The ministry is going to expel me." He just knew that was going to happen, but Roland laughed at the idea. "What's so funny?"
"Gods," he said, "I would love to see them do that." He had finished the small stack of tacos and was working on the sub sandwich he had gotten.
"What do you mean?" Harry asked.
"If you get a letter tonight, read it, you'll find out." Roland had quickly eaten the sandwich and was chugging his drink. "Trust me on this, it'll be a laugh." He stood up and picked up his bags. "You can eat in the rest of your sandwich in the limo if you wish."
"We're going?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, sorta promised the Order to have you back before nightfall," Roland shrugged, "and Hermione as well. I don't fear them as I do her." Harry laughed at the comment. Even he knew that Hermione was a force to be reckoned with. Seeing her at the Ministry proved that. Harry just hoped that one day he could be as good at magic as she was. "C'mon." Roland grabbed Harry, and pulled him up. The Boy-Who-Lived quickly packed away his sandwich. Roland allowed him time to pick up the bags that he was carrying, but they just left as two security guards were coming.
Harry looked up as, Roland, who was supposed to be acting as a blind man was leading them around. In one hand were his bags, and the other was on Harry's shoulder. He held a walking cane in it as well, and his dark sunglasses were covering his eyes. It had to be pretty funny to watch, but it also had to attract attention. A smile formed on his face as he thought about the looks on people's faces.
"If you could lead us out, Harry," Roland finally said, as they stopped out in front of JC Penny's. "My sight gets distorted in enclosed areas." Harry was about to open his mouth, but Roland quickly, caught him. "Don't ask, I'll explain later." So, Harry took the lead and with Roland's hand still on his shoulder, led the man of the mall.
"Where's the-" Harry was about to ask, but the black limo came screeching up. "Oh." Was all that he could say. The door opened almost automatically, and Roland got in. Harry quickly followed, placing his bags near him. The limo sped off, and Roland relaxed in his seat. "What was that about?"
"Well, I figured that we needed to get out of there pretty fast." He paused, taking deep breathes, "Don't like security guards too much. Cause too much trouble."
"But what about the table and-" Roland waved a hand and Harry stopped.
"They'll take care of it." The man in black shifted for a moment, and leaned his head back. "Nope, nothing we are going to do, except wait `til we get back and you can get your clothes and other stuff up to your room." Harry thought that Roland was trying to get some sleep, so didn't want to bother him with questions yet.
Instead, he drew back into his thoughts. He wondered how Remus and Tonks and Moody were doing. One of them was supposed to check on him, but with Roland here, that took care of the Order. Hermione hadn't sent him a letter in a long time. And Ron, he thought, was not speaking to him, about something or another. Maybe he could talk to Remus about this. Roland was fine and all, and got Harry to admit the fact that he did have a problem. But he needed to talk to someone who knew him, at least a bit. In the end, Harry wished to find the peace that needed. Roland had helped cope with it for a while, but that sorrow and despair that he was feeling remained. It now seemed to crawl back to him, and Harry needed to get a few things off his chest. Hopefully, Remus would be available for him to talk to tomorrow. Harry slowly drifted off to sleep, too. He was exhausted from his shopping experience. He didn't even see the large black owl come with a letter from the Ministry.
* * * * * *
Night had already fallen when her cousin returned. Hermione was staying up late, hoping to at least get a few words in. She had gone to visit Ron that day, but he was off with the twins doing something. So instead, she worked with Mrs. Weasley and Ginny. Hermione was a bit upset because of that, but quickly got over it after spending a day baking. She never knew that cooking could be so much fun. It made her so relaxed and happy just doing something as simple as baking a cake. And when Ron finally returned (just before Hermione left too), he was so happy that she had made a cake. He thought it was for him, but it was a start. He smiled and told her how beautiful she was. They only had a few minutes together, but they made the best of them. Hermione blushed at that thought, and hope that her parents never found out.
"Hello there, Hermy," Roland said in a sweet voice. Hermione jumped nearly out of her favorite chair. No sound had come from anywhere in the house, Hermione would have heard. And she was sitting in front of the door, watching it for her cousin. Then how did her cousin get in?
Hermione sighed, and held up a hand for Roland to help her up. "A bit late for such a fragile, young girl isn't it, cousin?" his tone was obnoxious and sarcastic, so obviously he must be a good mood.
"Very funny, Roland," she replied, straitening her nightgown. It was silk white and she wore a t-shirt over. "And I told you before not to call me that." Her anger echoed in the back of her throat.
"Right, it's only for your boyfriend to call you by nicknames." Hermione tried to hit in the shoulder, by he moved out of the way.
"No," she said, "I don't even allow him to shorten my name." Hermione turned around and crossed her arms. "I like my name and am proud of it, thank you very much."
"Okay," Hermione heard Roland start walk away, but he stopped and added, "Oh, yeah, Harry says thank you for pushing me to take him shopping." Excitement took over, and for few moments, Hermione forgot to be mad at her cousin.
"He did," she asked, "you did?" A nod followed each question and Hermione wrapped her arms around Roland after the last one. "Thank you so much." Roland smiled at Hermione. "How did he like it; did he enjoy shopping?" She released him, and looked up with expectations.
"Getting out of those dastardly clothes is enough for anyone to enjoy shopping, Hermione." His smile remained on his dark face, but was the extent at which Hermione could see it. "It's bed time, so why don't we head up and get some sleep."
"Are you going to leave as early?" A look of hope appeared on her face. Roland had left from the Granger's house at least by eight, and Hermione had barely anytime to see him anymore. She wanted to talk to him about the books he left. She also wanted to hear more about the American Wizarding schools. They seemed so much different then the ones in Europe. But most of all, she just wanted to spend time with her cousin. She missed him.
"No, I have a few days off," Roland said. A smile came to her face at the idea of being with her cousin. "I plan on spending it. I just have a few things to do tomorrow-" Hermione's face dropped. "But none of it involves me leaving the house." He shrugged his shoulders. "So, I'll be here to talk to you on just about anything you want to talk about."
"Thanks," she gave him another hug, and then hurried upstairs. There was so much that she wanted him to teach her. By even having the books that he did, Roland must at least know something. He might be even willing to tell her about that man and Phoenix person. Yes, he must know something about those people; after all, he talked to one of them. Maybe he was the person she could talk to about them.
* * * * * *
"Well, Thomas," a young man's voice echoed the dark halls where Voldemort held his meetings. "It seems that my son has befriended both of them. Just as we predicted." The man picked up another piece of what looked like raw meat on a thighbone of a large animal and ate it. "A delicious piece here, are you sure you don't want to try some, Thomas?"
"As I have told you before, Balefor," Voldemort's voice was easily recognizable, though he was not seen. "I have asked you to call me by proper name, Lord Voldemort."
"Yes," Balefor replied, "well, you will have to get used to it, Thomas. He will use every thing in his power to stop you."
"Of, course I know that," Voldemort screamed. "I know what your son is capable of."
"It seems that you haven't heard all of the prophecy, yet." Balefor smiled and stood up. "As much as my son is capable of doing, it is the Potter boy you will wish to watch out for. His destiny is far greater then my son's. In the end, the fight will come down to you or him. And I will make sure of this." His elongated fingers were tented in front of him as his feet glided across the floor to in front the Dark Lord. Long white hair was flowing down his back, but his eyes were remained hided by the shadows.
"What about Dumbledore and his precious Order?" Voldemort asked. "Can you be certain-" a hand was raised by Balefor, and Voldemort stopped.
"I know for a fact that my son will make sure that this prophecy will be fulfilled." Balefor smiled. "He is quite a sucker for prophecies."
Voldemort's mind was spinning at that thought, and thought of a plan quickly and smile came to his face. "You can leave if you wish or finish your dinner."
"I must say," Balefor turned back to the table he was just at. "That woman was rather declivous, are you sure there is none of her left?"
"You can check with the kitchens, but I ask that you do not eat anymore of my Death Eaters," Voldemort waved a hand, dismissing the Demon. "I'm afraid that they would complain to me about it. And certainly do not wish to deal with it." Voldemort sat back in his chair, and began to think about the little tidbit that Balefor had just given him. It could be severely useful in the up and coming weeks.
* * * * * *
The same figure who watched over Number Four, Privet Drive for the past two weeks was upset by this new revelation. What was the half-breed doing with the boy? There was no reason for that man to get involved with his master's plans. He was a simple waste of space, no matter how much his master did like the man. He isn't even proud of his heritage. The man had no sense of history.
The figure stared at the house for a moment. But it doesn't really matter. The boy will die in soon in a few days, even with that stupid charm of his. He turned around and walked away, smiling his fanged smile at the thought of eating that much power from the boy. Even a hand would give me more power.